SOP Station House Management by Kerala Police

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person is produced, to

satisfy himself that the

requirements of Sub-

Section (2) and Sub-

Section (3) have been

complied with in respect

of such arrested person.

8.15 Search of

arrested person

(Section: 51 CrPC)

(1) Whenever a person

is arrested by a Police

officer under a warrant

which does not provide

for the taking of

bail, or under a warrant

which provides for the

taking of bail but the

person arrested cannot

furnish bail and whenever

a person is arrested

without warrant, or by

a private person under

a warrant, and cannot

legally be admitted to

bail, or is unable to furnish

bail the officer making

the arrests or when

the arrest is made by

a private person, the

Police officer to whom

he hands over the person

arrested, may search

such person, and place

in safe custody all articles,

other than necessary


found upon him and

where any article is

seized from the arrested

person, a receipt showing

the articles taken in

possession by the Police

officer shall be given to

such person.

(2) Whenever it is necessary

to cause a female to

be searched, the search

shall be made by another

female with strict

regard to decency.

8.16 Search

and custody of

prisoners in Police


(Vol.II, Rule-334, PSO)

334. (1) Every prisoner

shall be searched as

soon as brought to the

Station and admitted to

a lockup, as also on every

occasion when he is

readmitted to a lock up,

after being taken out.

All property found on

his person except necessary

wearing apparel

shall be sent to the Magistrate

with KPF No.

151-A. The removal of a

sacred thread, tali, wedding

ring or the lingam

worn by lingayats from

the person of a prisoner

is prohibited. A list of

the property, omitting

the wearing apparel retained

by the prisoner

shall he entered in the

Search Register (KPF

No. 151) which shall

be signed by the Station

House Officer, the Station

Writer and the prisoner.

(2) Wounds or injuries

found on the prisoner

should also be entered

with an account of how

they had been caused

and action taken for

their treatment.

(3) A prisoner in Police

custody shall not

be permitted to leave

the lock up after nightfall

except in special

and emergent circumstances

and that too

only with adequate escort,

details of which

shall be recorded in the

General Diary. A prisoner

in Police custody

prior to remand is entitled

to see a Pleader and

his relations.

8.17 Power to

seize offensive


(Section: 52 CrPC)

The officer or other

person making any arrest

under this Code

may seize from the person

arrested any offensive

weapons and shall

deliver all weapons so

taken to the Court or

officer before which or

whom the officer or person

making the arrest is

required by this Code to

produce the person arrested.

8.18 Search

of prisoner after


(Vol.II, Rule-333, PSO)

Prisoners shall be

searched immediately

after the arrest to ensure

that they do not

carry with them any offensive

weapons. If any

such weapon is seized, it

should be sent to Court

under Section 52 Criminal

Procedure Code. In

the case of females, the

search should be conducted

by a woman with

due regard to decency as

instructed in Criminal

Procedure Code.

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