Scheduled Delivery_ Give Your Customers the Power to Choose Date and Time of Delivery


Deliver GiftsThis is one of the major benefits you can provide to your customers. Let us start with anexample: What if your customer wants to order a cake from your store and wants it to bedelivered exactly at 12AM as their friend’s birthday? With estimated delivery, there can bechances that the order might arrive before time and ruin the surprise, or it may come afterthe birthday which may be not as valuable as it would be on the birthday.In both cases, your company is going to get bad reviews from customers. Thus, choosing ascheduled delivery date and time is the best option when it comes to delivering gifts. Manyonline retailers do not offer such gifting services, but you can. Be the Santa Claus ofsomeone’s Christmas and gain all the blessings!

You just need a schedule delivery plugin that can let customers select the date and time oftheir delivery from the available slots.Minimizes the Need for Additional AdministrationConstant back-and forth emails or calls can be frustrating for both your staff and customers.Whether it is rescheduling their delivery, canceling it, or even placing it, streamlineeverything through the plugin. The automated solution will save you labor cost and providecomfort to customers. Appreciation and sales will come if you ease the delivery part forcustomers.Industries That Can Benefit From Scheduled Delivery➔ Ecommerce➔ Pharmaceutical➔ Fashion➔ Groceries➔ Customized gifts➔ Manufacturing➔ Food and Beverages➔ Medical➔ LogisticsDelivering Final WordsSchedule delivery is a sure-shot way to gain customer’s trust and enhance their experienceby providing them both convenience and control. You just need to ensure that the pluginyou choose is compatible with your website or

Deliver Gifts

This is one of the major benefits you can provide to your customers. Let us start with an

example: What if your customer wants to order a cake from your store and wants it to be

delivered exactly at 12AM as their friend’s birthday? With estimated delivery, there can be

chances that the order might arrive before time and ruin the surprise, or it may come after

the birthday which may be not as valuable as it would be on the birthday.

In both cases, your company is going to get bad reviews from customers. Thus, choosing a

scheduled delivery date and time is the best option when it comes to delivering gifts. Many

online retailers do not offer such gifting services, but you can. Be the Santa Claus of

someone’s Christmas and gain all the blessings!

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