2022 Woolston Rovers Matchday Programme Hunslet Warriors 18062022

2022 Woolston Rovers Matchday Programme Hunslet Warriors 18062022 2022 Woolston Rovers Matchday Programme Hunslet Warriors 18062022

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RECENT MATCH REPORTSFOR OUR OPEN AGE TEAMSNORMANTON KNIGHTS 48 WOOLSTON ROVERS 26(NCL 07/05/2022)A much-changed Woolston Rovers side travelled to Wakefield and put in a spirited display as theyfell to defeat at Normanton Knights in the NCL Divisions Two.Normanton opened the scoring after seven minutes when centre Liam Sheridan crossed for atry. Winger Joe Crossland converted and then nine minutes later prop forward Luke Molloy foundsecond row Stuart Biscomb who scored. Crossland added the conversion.The home side moved further clear when substitute Adam Biscomb pounced on a Rovers handlingerror to score. Stand off Joe Abson converted but then six minutes before the break Roversloose forward Harry Files sold a ‘dummy’ to the Normanton defence and he stepped through thegap to score under the posts. Stand off Aaron Barber added the conversion to make the half timescore 18-6 to the Knights.Three minutes into the second half Rovers were awarded a penalty and hooker Adam Filestapped the ball and went on his own to score under the posts. Full back Morgan Williams convertedand five minutes later fine work from A Files saw him put winger Kieran Jones over in thecorner to narrow the gap to just two points.Normanton restored their supremacy shortly afterwards when winger Aaron Clark scored in thecorner. Abson converted and five minutes later scrum half Kieran Hinchcliffe added another tryand Abson tagged on the extras.Just before the hour mark Knights full back Connor Wilson made a break before finding Sheridanin support to score. Abson converted but then Rovers replied when substitute Ryan Brown foundWilliams in support to score.As the game entered the final ten minutes Sheridan went over for his hat trick try. Abson goaledbefore both sides were reduced to twelve men as Brown and Sheridan were shown yellow cardsafter a minor flare up and Normanton added an eighth try when second row Alex Barker scored.Abson added the conversion.Rovers scored a consolation try at the death when prop forward Rob Griffiths put A Files over forhis second touchdown of the afternoon. Scrum half Jay-Jay Catterall converted to make the finalscore 48-26 to the Knights.Best for Rovers were loose forward Harry Files, second row Alex Smith and hooker Adam Files.ROVERSMorgan Williams, James Tarpey, Dan Fearnley, Kieran Moore, Kieran Jones, Aaron Barber, Jay-Jay Catterall, Rob Griffiths, Adam Files, Ryan Hickman, Tom Byrne, Alex Smith, Harry Files.Subs:Ryan Brown, Troy Holcroft, Ben Crewe, Wez Lawton.TriesH Files (34 mins), A Files (43, 80), Jones (48), Williams (63).GoalsBarber 1 Williams 1 Catterall 1

RECENT MATCH REPORTSFOR OUR OPEN AGE TEAMSWOOLSTON ROVERS ‘A’ 42 ROCHDALE MAYFIELD ‘A’ 14(NWML 07/05/2022)Woolston Rovers ‘A’ produced a brilliant all-round team performance to claim a very impressivevictory over a high-flying Rochdale Mayfield ‘A’ side in the NWML Division Three at the LimestoneConstruction Field, Monk Sports Club.Rovers opened the scoring in the second minute when they forced Mayfield into touch and fromthe scrum a long ball from scrum half Chris Forster found centre Troy Brophy who carried fourmen with him over the line to score wide out on the left. Forster converted and then five minuteslater hooker Elliott Best found second row Ryan Palin and he forced his way over wide out on theleft from close range.Rovers had loose forward Cameron Davies sin binned for a shoulder charge shortly afterwardsand Mayfield made the extra man count as prop forward Matthew Browne made a thirty metrebreak that split the rovers defence to score on the right but then an error from the restart by Mayfieldgave Rovers the ball and Palin powered over under the posts with four men in attendance.Forster added the conversion.Mayfield hit back when they ran the ball on the last tackle and Browne found full back CristianMcVeigh who stepped round the cover to score wide out on the right. Stand off Jack Green convertedbut then just before the half hour Rovers were back on the offensive and a long ball fromForster found Brophy who chipped over his opposite number and collected before passing back toForster who scored wide out on the left. Forster added the conversion to his own try.An error by Rovers gave Mayfield possession and quick handling the width of the field createdspace for winger Kyle Marvin to score in the left corner but then two minutes before the breakRovers ran the ball on the last tackle and Forster combined once again with Brophy to put Daviesover wide out on the left. Forster added the conversion to make the half time score 28-14 in Roversfavour.Eight minutes into the second half Rovers moved further ahead when an inside ball from Forsterfound Palin at speed and he bounced off a defender to score a try and complete his hat trick.Forster converted and then Forster and Brophy combined to put centre Dec Houghton through agap to score wide out on the right.Rovers completed the scoring six minutes before the end when Houghton was held just short anda quick play the ball saw Brophy go from dummy half and twist in the tackle to score wide out onthe right and round off an excellent 42-14 win for the Green & Gold men.The Man of the Match was awarded to Rovers scrum half Chris Forster. He was very well supportedby second row Ryan Palin and centre Troy Brophy.ROVERS ‘A’Louis Griffiths, Tom Atherton, Dec Houghton, Troy Brophy, Tom Lowe, Craig Lawton, Chris Forster,Max Ainsworth, Elliott Best, Ryan Palin, Tom Fagan, Nathan Maguire, Dom Ball.Subs:Tom Atherton, Tom Harvey, Lewis Dawson, Ben Moore.




(NCL 07/05/2022)

A much-changed Woolston Rovers side travelled to Wakefield and put in a spirited display as they

fell to defeat at Normanton Knights in the NCL Divisions Two.

Normanton opened the scoring after seven minutes when centre Liam Sheridan crossed for a

try. Winger Joe Crossland converted and then nine minutes later prop forward Luke Molloy found

second row Stuart Biscomb who scored. Crossland added the conversion.

The home side moved further clear when substitute Adam Biscomb pounced on a Rovers handling

error to score. Stand off Joe Abson converted but then six minutes before the break Rovers

loose forward Harry Files sold a ‘dummy’ to the Normanton defence and he stepped through the

gap to score under the posts. Stand off Aaron Barber added the conversion to make the half time

score 18-6 to the Knights.

Three minutes into the second half Rovers were awarded a penalty and hooker Adam Files

tapped the ball and went on his own to score under the posts. Full back Morgan Williams converted

and five minutes later fine work from A Files saw him put winger Kieran Jones over in the

corner to narrow the gap to just two points.

Normanton restored their supremacy shortly afterwards when winger Aaron Clark scored in the

corner. Abson converted and five minutes later scrum half Kieran Hinchcliffe added another try

and Abson tagged on the extras.

Just before the hour mark Knights full back Connor Wilson made a break before finding Sheridan

in support to score. Abson converted but then Rovers replied when substitute Ryan Brown found

Williams in support to score.

As the game entered the final ten minutes Sheridan went over for his hat trick try. Abson goaled

before both sides were reduced to twelve men as Brown and Sheridan were shown yellow cards

after a minor flare up and Normanton added an eighth try when second row Alex Barker scored.

Abson added the conversion.

Rovers scored a consolation try at the death when prop forward Rob Griffiths put A Files over for

his second touchdown of the afternoon. Scrum half Jay-Jay Catterall converted to make the final

score 48-26 to the Knights.

Best for Rovers were loose forward Harry Files, second row Alex Smith and hooker Adam Files.


Morgan Williams, James Tarpey, Dan Fearnley, Kieran Moore, Kieran Jones, Aaron Barber, Jay-

Jay Catterall, Rob Griffiths, Adam Files, Ryan Hickman, Tom Byrne, Alex Smith, Harry Files.


Ryan Brown, Troy Holcroft, Ben Crewe, Wez Lawton.


H Files (34 mins), A Files (43, 80), Jones (48), Williams (63).


Barber 1 Williams 1 Catterall 1

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