2022 Woolston Rovers Matchday Programme Hunslet Warriors 18062022

2022 Woolston Rovers Matchday Programme Hunslet Warriors 18062022 2022 Woolston Rovers Matchday Programme Hunslet Warriors 18062022

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RECENT MATCH REPORTSFOR OUR OPEN AGE TEAMSWOOLSTON ROVERS 10 CROSFIELDS 42(NCL 30/04/2022)Woolston Rovers went down to a local ‘derby’ defeat to Crosfields in the National ConferenceLeague Division Two in front of a very large crowd at the Limestone Construction Field, MonksSports Club.Soap got off to the prefect start when they opened the scoring in the second minute; they ran theball on the last tackle and full back Jamie Abram jinked through the defence and passed to centreKane Ditchfield who scored on the left and then seven minutes later a smart pass from scrum halfJoe Barnes found prop forward Tom Millington who crashed over on the left. Stand off Jack Lewisadded the conversion.Crosfields moved further ahead when second row Dean Beddall broke through the rovers defenceto score on the left. Lewis converted and then Rovers had full back Morgan Williams sin binnedfor a professional foul and from the resulting penalty a long ball out wide found winger Jack Foxwho scored in the right corner.Rovers were then temporarily down to eleven men when substitute Josh Sudlow was yellow cardedfor hitting out and another long pass out wide found Fox in space to score in the right cornerbut then when Rovers were back to their full complement they got themselves on the scoreboardwhen a lovely offload from Sudlow found loose forward Ryan Brown who put centre Dan Fearnleythrough a gap to score wide out on the right and make the interval score 24-4 to Crosfields whoended the half with twelve men following the sin binning of substitute Tom Brown for a late hit.Five minutes into the second half rovers went over once again when a nice offload from hookerAdam Files found pro forward Harry Files and he turned Abram inside and out before scoringunder the posts. Williams converted but four minutes later Crosfields regained the momentum asBarnes found a gap to score at the side of the posts. Lewis added the conversion.Just after the hour mark a high kick from Barnes was hacked on and Lewis pounced on the ball toscore. He converted his own try and then five minutes later substitute Brad Stanway went throughthe line to score. Lewis converted and then with four minutes remaining Rovers substitute SamWood and Crosfields Lewis were sent off for punching as the visitors celebrated a deserved 42-10success.Best for Rovers were prop forward Harry Files, stand off Theo Holt and substitute Josh Sudlow.Crosfields were best served by scrum half Joe Barnes, full back Jamie Abram and prop forwardJack Wright.ROVERSMorgan Williams, Karlton Bates, Dan Fearnley, Tom Byrne, Kieran Jones, Theo Holt, KieranMoore, Harry Files, Adam Files, Ryan Hickman, Paul Alcock, Alex Smith, Ryan Brown.Subs:Wez Lawton, Sam Wood, Callum Moore, Josh Sudlow.TriesFearnley (35 mins), H Files (45).GoalsWilliams 1

RECENT MATCH REPORTSFOR OUR OPEN AGE TEAMSWOOLSTON ROVERS ‘A’ 54 LIVERPOOL LIZARDS 6(NCL 30/04/2022)Woolston Rovers ‘A’ produced an excellent display to claim a very big win over Liverpool Lizardsin the NWML Trophy at the Limestone Construction Field, Mon Sports Club to move into the lasteight.Liverpool opened the scoring in the first minute when centre Taylor Clare broke free to scorefollowing a penalty. He converted his own try but shortly afterwards they had loose forward OllieCope sin binned for a professional foul and Rovers took advantage of the extra man as standoff Chris Forster found centre Dan Griffiths who powered through the defence to score. Forsteradded the conversion.Just before the half hour Rovers moved ahead when a ball out from Forster found full back JamesTarpey in support and he raced through a gap to score on the left and then nine minutes beforethe break pressure on the Liverpool line was rewarded when Forster put D Griffiths over in the leftcorner to make the half time score 14-6 to Rovers.Eight minutes into the second half a break by Rovers second row Craig Lawton found substituteAaron Barber in support and he found hooker Tom Gaskell who scored on the left. Forster convertedand then a break by substitute Tom Fagan put Rovers on the front foot and Gaskell foundscrum half Jay-Jay Catterall who put winger Dec Houghton over for a fine try. Forster added theconversion.Rovers were now in total control and their next try came when Gaskell went from dummy half toscore and then on the hour D Griffiths went over in the left corner to complete his hat trick beforehe became provider as he put second row Cameron Davies over. Forster added the conversion tothe latter to bring up the half century.The next Rovers try came soon afterwards as Gaskell scored his hat trick try in the right cornerand then Davies put D Griffiths over for his fourth try. Forster converted and then in the finalminute Gaskell, Davies and Barber combined to put Tarpey over and complete a fine 54-6 win fora delighted Rovers ‘A’ side.The Man of the Match was awarded to Rovers hooker Tom Gaskell. He was very well supportedby centre Dan Griffiths and full back James Tarpey.ROVERS ‘A’James Tarpey, Tom Lowe, Dan Griffiths, Craig Woolvine, Dec Houghton, Chris Forster, Jay-JayCatterall, Rob Griffiths, Tom Gaskell, Ben Crewe, Cameron Davies, Craig Lawton, Dom Ball.Subs:Aaron Barber, Tom Fagan, Ryan Palin, Lewis Dawson.




(NCL 30/04/2022)

Woolston Rovers ‘A’ produced an excellent display to claim a very big win over Liverpool Lizards

in the NWML Trophy at the Limestone Construction Field, Mon Sports Club to move into the last


Liverpool opened the scoring in the first minute when centre Taylor Clare broke free to score

following a penalty. He converted his own try but shortly afterwards they had loose forward Ollie

Cope sin binned for a professional foul and Rovers took advantage of the extra man as stand

off Chris Forster found centre Dan Griffiths who powered through the defence to score. Forster

added the conversion.

Just before the half hour Rovers moved ahead when a ball out from Forster found full back James

Tarpey in support and he raced through a gap to score on the left and then nine minutes before

the break pressure on the Liverpool line was rewarded when Forster put D Griffiths over in the left

corner to make the half time score 14-6 to Rovers.

Eight minutes into the second half a break by Rovers second row Craig Lawton found substitute

Aaron Barber in support and he found hooker Tom Gaskell who scored on the left. Forster converted

and then a break by substitute Tom Fagan put Rovers on the front foot and Gaskell found

scrum half Jay-Jay Catterall who put winger Dec Houghton over for a fine try. Forster added the


Rovers were now in total control and their next try came when Gaskell went from dummy half to

score and then on the hour D Griffiths went over in the left corner to complete his hat trick before

he became provider as he put second row Cameron Davies over. Forster added the conversion to

the latter to bring up the half century.

The next Rovers try came soon afterwards as Gaskell scored his hat trick try in the right corner

and then Davies put D Griffiths over for his fourth try. Forster converted and then in the final

minute Gaskell, Davies and Barber combined to put Tarpey over and complete a fine 54-6 win for

a delighted Rovers ‘A’ side.

The Man of the Match was awarded to Rovers hooker Tom Gaskell. He was very well supported

by centre Dan Griffiths and full back James Tarpey.


James Tarpey, Tom Lowe, Dan Griffiths, Craig Woolvine, Dec Houghton, Chris Forster, Jay-Jay

Catterall, Rob Griffiths, Tom Gaskell, Ben Crewe, Cameron Davies, Craig Lawton, Dom Ball.


Aaron Barber, Tom Fagan, Ryan Palin, Lewis Dawson.

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