Out and About June 2022 -issue198

Welcome to the June 2022 edition Out and About Magazine Costa Blanca the weather is now in the 30's and summer is here! Enjoy reading our articles and finding out more about what is going on in Costa Blanca. You can find the handy A5 printed version of Out and About magazine, at local bars, cafes, shops, and restaurants which you can keep with you when you out for a walk or sitting on the beach.

Welcome to the June 2022 edition Out and About Magazine Costa Blanca the weather is now in the 30's and summer is here! Enjoy reading our articles and finding out more about what is going on in Costa Blanca. You can find the handy A5 printed version of Out and About magazine, at local bars, cafes, shops, and restaurants which you can keep with you when you out for a walk or sitting on the beach.


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JUNE <strong>2022</strong> | 25<br />

hospitalization, but I’d not wish Covid on<br />

anyone. Now, we are all set free, I am still<br />

a little nervous, it’s still lingering there <strong>and</strong><br />

the social scene has exploded. From my<br />

quiet, almost solitary existence to parties<br />

<strong>and</strong> dinners, the whole scene feels over<br />

whelming.<br />

For the first time in my generation, there<br />

is war in Europe. Now, I’m not panicking<br />

about being nuked any time soon, but with<br />

modern media we are all aware of the bombs,<br />

the carnage, the cruelty <strong>and</strong> the horrific<br />

events in Ukraine. To us, it does not seem<br />

fair <strong>and</strong> I have spent endless hours online<br />

trying to underst<strong>and</strong> a different mindset<br />

with different values <strong>and</strong> opposing values.<br />

I have never lived in Russia, though I have<br />

Russian friends. I worked in films which<br />

could be termed propag<strong>and</strong>a – the parts<br />

you don’t show or mention – <strong>and</strong> I have<br />

been determined to examine both sides of<br />

the argument for going to war. I didn’t want<br />

to automatically follow what the western<br />

media was feeding us. But I’ve failed. Am<br />

I too indoctrinated? No, I don’t think so. It<br />

can never be right to invade an independent<br />

country to impose your way of life on their<br />

population. Yes, the west could be accused<br />

of doing the same.<br />

Which brings me to the very sad news<br />

that the women under the new regime in<br />

Afghanistan will now only be able to leave<br />

their houses covered from head to toe <strong>and</strong><br />

only with a male escort. This is no problem<br />

if the women have a choice, but they don’t,<br />

it is now law, along with banning education<br />

for females over the age of ten.<br />

I should stop there, or I will soak the<br />

keyboard as I cry my eyes out <strong>and</strong> then I will<br />

miss my deadline.<br />

To end on a positive note, summer is here<br />

<strong>and</strong> the sun is shining again. I love living in<br />

Spain.<br />

By Dee Tavener-Craig<br />

All proceeds are for the needy animals of Calpe<br />

A difficult year for all of us but we still need to raise money for Calpe’s lost or ab<strong>and</strong>oned<br />

dogs <strong>and</strong> cats.<br />

Our shop is an Aladdin’s cave of clothing, books, DVDs, bric-a-brac <strong>and</strong> household goods<br />

so come along <strong>and</strong> snap up a bargain. The shop is situated in the lower ground floor of<br />

Edificio Perlamar on the Gabriel Miro, Calpe <strong>and</strong> is open from 10am until 1pm<br />

Mondays to Fridays.<br />

The president, Elinor Gonzalez lives in Las Bassetes where she cares for<br />

Calpe’s ab<strong>and</strong>oned <strong>and</strong> sick animals, bringing them back to health <strong>and</strong><br />

finding new caring owners for them. Her telephone number is<br />

620 106 733<br />

<strong>and</strong> she also has a stall on the Wednesday <strong>and</strong><br />

Saturday market in Calpe if you wish to offer help<br />

or Dog walk, or adopt one of the lovely dogs<br />

Elinor would be so pleased to hear from you.

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