The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions

by Paula Gunn Allen

by Paula Gunn Allen


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Brandon, William. <strong>The</strong> Last <strong>American</strong>s: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Indian</strong> <strong>in</strong><br />

<strong>American</strong> Culture. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974. Still <strong>the</strong><br />

most complete and <strong>in</strong>telligent.<br />

Brown, Dee. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An <strong>Indian</strong><br />

History of <strong>the</strong> <strong>American</strong> West. New York: Holt, R<strong>in</strong>ehart and<br />

W<strong>in</strong>ston, 1970. Repr<strong>in</strong>t. New York: Wash<strong>in</strong>gton Square,<br />

1981.<br />

Clark, Ella E., and Margot Edmonds. Sacagawea of <strong>the</strong> Lewis<br />

and Clark Expedition. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University<br />

of California Press, 1979. One of <strong>the</strong> best studies of<br />

Sacagawea’s life and legend.<br />

Deloria, V<strong>in</strong>e, Jr. (Lakota). God Is Red. New York: Grosset and<br />

Dunlap, 1973. Paperback repr<strong>in</strong>t. New York: Dell, Laurel<br />

Books, 1983.<br />

Etienne, Mona, and Eleanor Leacock, eds. Women and<br />

Colonization: Anthropological Perspectives. New York:<br />

Praeger, 1980. An important collection of articles on <strong>the</strong><br />

effects of patriarchal colonization of gynocratic systems.<br />

Foreman, Carolyn Thomas. <strong>Indian</strong> Women Chiefs. Wash<strong>in</strong>gton,<br />

D.C.: Zenger Publish<strong>in</strong>g, 1976. Suggests <strong>the</strong> enormous amount<br />

of study needed on women’s roles <strong>in</strong> tribal cultures.<br />

Foreman, Grant. <strong>Indian</strong> Removal: <strong>The</strong> Emigration of <strong>the</strong> Five<br />

Civilized Tribes of <strong>Indian</strong>s. Norman: University of Oklahoma<br />

Press, 1972.<br />

Grahn, Judy. Ano<strong>the</strong>r Mo<strong>the</strong>r Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds .<br />

Boston: Beacon Press, 1984.<br />

Gunn, John M. Schat-Chen: History, <strong>Traditions</strong>, and<br />

Narratives of <strong>the</strong> Queres <strong>Indian</strong>s of Laguna and Acoma.<br />

Albuquerque: Albright and Anderson, 1917. Repr<strong>in</strong>t. New<br />

York: AMS, 1977.<br />

Marriott, Alice. <strong>The</strong> Ten Grandmo<strong>the</strong>rs. Norman: University of<br />

Oklahoma Press, 1945. Concerned with Kiowa culture and<br />

belief and <strong>the</strong> Ten Grandmo<strong>the</strong>r bundles that are <strong>the</strong> ritual

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