AmpliSens® PCR and Real-Time PCR kits - PCR diagnostics.eu by ...

AmpliSens® PCR and Real-Time PCR kits - PCR diagnostics.eu by ...

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AmpliSens ®<br />

InterLabService (ILS) presents<br />

AmpliSens ® <strong>PCR</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Real</strong>-<strong>Time</strong> <strong>PCR</strong><br />

<strong>kits</strong> developed <strong>and</strong> produced <strong>by</strong> Russian<br />

Central Research Institute for Epidemiology<br />

Key features:<br />

wide range of<br />

pathogen detection<br />

high specificity <strong>and</strong><br />

sensitivity<br />

ready-to-use reagents<br />

pre-dispensed into<br />

<strong>PCR</strong> tubes<br />

cost-effectiveness<br />

<strong>PCR</strong> & <strong>Real</strong>-<strong>Time</strong> <strong>PCR</strong> <strong>kits</strong><br />

Intestinal Infections<br />

Rapid detection of the most common viral <strong>and</strong><br />

bacterial gastrointestinal pathogens<br />

Differential diagnosis of acute infections<br />

High sensitivity ensured for both clinical <strong>and</strong><br />

environmental samples<br />

Improved alternative to serological <strong>and</strong> cultural<br />


Sampling<br />

Specimen types:<br />

• feces;<br />

• water samples concentrates: wastewater, drinking water,<br />

water from reservoir;<br />

• primary enrichment media.<br />

AmpliSens ®<br />

Astrovirus<br />

AmpliSens ®<br />

Rotavirus<br />

AmpliSens ® Norovirus<br />

genotypes 1, 2<br />

AmpliSens ®<br />

Salmonella spp.<br />

AmpliSens ®<br />

Campylobacter spp.<br />

(thermophilic<br />

Campylobacter spp.)<br />

AmpliSens ® EHEC<br />

(enterohemorrhagic<br />

E.coli O157:H7)<br />

AmpliSens ®<br />

Cronobacter sakazakii<br />

AmpliSens ®<br />

Helicobacter pylori<br />

Kit Cat. № Sensitivity (GE/ml)<br />

www.interlabservice.ru/en<br />

Pathogen detection<br />

& internal control (ic)<br />

EPh V19-50-R0,2-CE 1х10 4 • Astrovirus (165 b.p.)<br />

• ic (315 b.p.)<br />

EPh V15-50-R0,2-CE 1х10 4 • Rotavirus (290 b.p.)<br />

• ic (514 b.p.)<br />

EPh V27-50-R0,2-CE 1х10 4 • Norovirus genotype 1 (333 b.p.)<br />

• Norovirus genotype 2 (322 b.p.)<br />

Kit Cat. № Sensitivity (GE/ml)<br />

FRT R-B11(RG,iQ)-CE<br />

FEP B11-FEP-CE<br />

FRT R-B35(RG,iQ)-CE<br />

FEP B35-FEP-CE<br />

FRT R-B59(RG,iQ)-CE<br />

FEP B59-FEP-CE<br />

FRT R-B58(RG,iQ)-CE<br />

FEP B58-FEP-CE<br />

FRT R-B9(RG,iQ)-CE<br />

FEP B9-FEP-CE<br />

DNA/RNA extraction<br />

Recommended extraction <strong>kits</strong> (based on silica sorbtion <strong>and</strong><br />

precipitation methods):<br />

• RIBO-prep (Cat. № K2-9-Et-100-CE / K2-9-Et-50-CE);<br />

• RIBO-sorb (Cat. № K2-1-Et-100-CE / K2-1-Et-50-CE);<br />

• DNA-sorb B (Cat. № K1-2-100-CE / K1-2-50-CE).<br />

Reverse transcription<br />

Recommended RT reagents kit:<br />

• Reverta-L (Cat. № К3-4-100-CE / К3-4-50-CE)<br />

* For more detailed information please refer to corresponding instructions <strong>and</strong> guidelines on our website: www.interlabservice.ru/en/catalog/<br />

AmpliSens ® <strong>PCR</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Real</strong>-<strong>Time</strong> <strong>PCR</strong> <strong>kits</strong><br />

• Viral Pathogens Detection <strong>and</strong> Typing<br />

• Bacterial Pathogens Detection<br />

1х10 3<br />

1х10 3<br />

1х10 3<br />

1х10 3<br />

1х10 3<br />

Pathogen detection<br />

& internal control (ic)<br />

• ic<br />

• Salmonella spp.<br />

• ic<br />

• Campylobacter spp.<br />

• ic<br />

• EHEC<br />

• ic<br />

• C.sakazakii<br />

• ic<br />

• H.pylori<br />

Eph B9-50-R0,2-CE • H.pylori (520 b.p.)

Compatible instruments:<br />

FRT – Fluorescent <strong>Real</strong>-<strong>Time</strong> detection:<br />

Rotor-Gene 3000/6000 (Corbett Research),<br />

Rotor-Gene Q (QIAGEN), iCycler iQ/iQ5 (Bio-Rad),<br />

Mx3000P/3005P (Stratagene)<br />

iCycler iQ/iQ 5<br />

(Bio-Rad)<br />

Reagents arrangement:<br />

FEP – Fluorescent End-Point<br />

detection: requires an appropriate<br />

thermocycler <strong>and</strong> fluorometer<br />

(e.g. ALA-1/4, BioSan)<br />

reaction mix (primers <strong>and</strong> probes) is pre-dispensed into individual <strong>PCR</strong> tubes under wax<br />

all reagents are in separate vials (not pre-dispensed into <strong>PCR</strong> tubes) +<br />

Taq-F polymerase («hot start»)<br />

AmpliSens ®<br />

Rotavirus/Norovirus/Astrovirus<br />

AmpliSens ®<br />

Escherichioses<br />

(diarrheagenic E.coli)<br />

AmpliSens ®<br />

Shigella spp. <strong>and</strong><br />

EIEC<br />

AmpliSens ® Shigella<br />

spp. <strong>and</strong> EIEC/<br />

Salmonella spp./<br />

Campylobacter spp.<br />

AmpliSens ®<br />

AII-screen (Shigella<br />

spp./EIEC;<br />

Salmonella spp.;<br />

thermophilic Campylobacter<br />

spp.;<br />

Adenovirus group F;<br />

Rotavirus group A;<br />

Astrovirus;<br />

Norovirus genotype 2)<br />

Rotor-Gene Q<br />

(QIAGEN)<br />

Mx3000P/3005P<br />

(Stratagene)<br />

AmpliSens ® MultiPrime<br />

• Multiplex Pathogen Detection<br />

Kit Cat. №<br />

FRT R-V40(RG,iQ)-CE<br />

FEP V40-FEP-CE<br />

Sensitivity or linear<br />

measurement range<br />

1x10 4 (Rotavirus A)<br />

5x10 3 (Norovirus genotype 2)<br />

1x10 4 (Astrovirus)<br />

FRT R-B62(RG,iQ)-CE 5х10 3<br />

FEP B62-FEP-CE 1x10 3<br />

FRT R-B44(RG,iQ)-CE<br />

FEP B44-FEP-CE<br />

FRT R-B44(RG,iQ)-CE<br />

FEP B44-FEP-CE<br />

1x10 3<br />

1x10 3<br />

FRT R-B45(RG,iQ)-CE 1x10 3 (Salmonella spp.;<br />

Shigella spp./EIEC; Campylobacter<br />

spp.)<br />

FEP B45-FEP-CE<br />

ALA-1/4<br />

(BioSan)<br />

1х10 4 (Adenovirus gr. F; Rotavirus<br />

gr. A; Astrovirus)<br />

5x10 3 (Norovirus genotype 2)<br />

EPh – Electrophoresis in agarose<br />

gel: requires an appropriate<br />

thermocycler <strong>and</strong> electrophoretic<br />

equipment<br />

Detecting channels:<br />

FAM/Green<br />

ROX/Orange<br />

Pathogen detection<br />

& internal control (ic)<br />

• Rotavirus group A<br />

• Astrovirus<br />

• ic<br />

• Norovirus G2<br />

• ic<br />

• EHEC<br />

• EIEC<br />

• ic<br />

• Shigella spp./EIEC<br />

• Shigella spp./EIEC<br />

• Salmonella spp.<br />

• Campylobacter spp.<br />

• ic<br />

• Shigella spp./EIEC<br />

• Salmonella spp.<br />

• Campylobacter spp.<br />

• Adenovirus gr. F<br />

• Rotavirus gr. A<br />

• Astrovirus<br />

• ic<br />

• Norovirus G2<br />

JOE/Yellow/HEX<br />

• EAgEC<br />

• EPEC<br />


AmpliSens ® <strong>PCR</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Real</strong>-<strong>Time</strong> <strong>PCR</strong> <strong>kits</strong><br />

Entire control of <strong>PCR</strong> workflow<br />

Sampling<br />

Endogenous<br />

Control<br />

• ß-globin gene<br />

DNA/RNA extraction<br />

Positive Control<br />

• material’s loss<br />

Negative Control<br />

• contamination<br />

Convenient packaging<br />

• Two variants of packaging:<br />

kit contains <strong>PCR</strong> tubes with<br />

pre-dispensed reaction mixture<br />

under wax<br />

Amplification<br />

Positive Control<br />

• inhibition<br />

Negative Control<br />

• contamination<br />

DNA/RNA extraction & amplification<br />

Internal Control<br />

• artificial construction containing nucleic acid<br />

kit contains individual vials with all<br />

necessary reagents:<br />

• Taq-F polymerase («hot start»)<br />

• mixes with primers <strong>and</strong> probes<br />

• buffers<br />

• Pretested DNA/RNA extraction <strong>kits</strong>, transport <strong>and</strong> storage media are available<br />

Quantitation<br />

Set of calibrators<br />

• high precision<br />

of concentration<br />

measurements<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ardization<br />

Calibrator Q<br />

• comparison of results for different<br />

series of extraction <strong>kits</strong><br />

Exact number of controls is defined to each AmpliSens <strong>PCR</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Real</strong>-<strong>Time</strong> <strong>PCR</strong> kit according to their relevance <strong>and</strong> importance specified <strong>by</strong> the manufacturer<br />

For each AmpliSens <strong>PCR</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Real</strong>-<strong>Time</strong> <strong>PCR</strong> kit, variants of packaging are mentioned in the Product List <strong>and</strong> corresponding booklet<br />

www.interlabservice.ru/en<br />

Olsuf’evskiy per., 8/1, 119021, Moscow, Russia<br />

Tel.: +7 (495) 664 28 84 | Fax: +7 (495) 664 28 89<br />


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