Family Promise Metrowest 2021 Annual Report

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ANNUAL<br />

REPORT<br />

2 0 21


As we look back over the past year, it was a time of change, a new beginning where we could move<br />

beyond addressing a myriad of challenges and be inspired to envision a new future. Guided by our<br />

strategic plan, we began to implement changes that will impact our families for years to come.<br />

Our first priority was our shelter, as the hotel rooms were a short-term solution and our community<br />

of congregations and families all agreed it was time for change. We decided to convert our Day<br />

Center into an overnight shelter and with renovations nearly complete, we are planning to reopen<br />

in June. It is time to bring our families home and welcome back our volunteers to offer meals and a<br />

sense of community that has been so deeply missed.<br />

We are also grateful for the further expansion of our LIFE program, which prevented 37 families<br />

including 61 children from becoming homeless last year. We are committed to serving more<br />

families in LIFE, knowing that the greatest impact we can have on our families is to ensure that<br />

their children never experience the trauma of homelessness.<br />

On a personal note, I will be leaving <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> <strong>Metrowest</strong> as Executive Director this June and<br />

look forward to welcoming a new leader to this incredible organization. My heart is full, and I am so<br />

proud of all we have accomplished together, yet I also know there is a new chapter about to begin<br />

and I look forward to being inspired by the pages yet to be written. In fact, I have no doubt that the<br />

best is yet to come.<br />

With deep appreciation,<br />

Sue Crossley<br />

Executive Director<br />

Carole Virshbo<br />

Chair, Board of Directors<br />

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<strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> <strong>Metrowest</strong>’s<br />

mission is to transform the<br />

lives of families with children<br />

who are facing homelessness<br />

by mobilizing a diverse<br />

community to provide<br />

shelter, education, and<br />

comprehensive support.<br />

The story of <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> <strong>Metrowest</strong> began in<br />

2003, when members of two local congregations,<br />

Wellesley Village Church and Christ Lutheran Church<br />

in Natick, became concerned about the rapid<br />

increase in family homelessness in our community.<br />

As they looked for ways to get involved, they learned<br />

about <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong>, a New Jersey–based nonprofit<br />

that was providing temporary housing for families in<br />

empty congregational classrooms. They quickly<br />

realized this model of support could work here, and<br />

after years of research and community networking,<br />

their efforts finally blossomed: <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong><br />

<strong>Metrowest</strong> opened its doors in October of 2008.<br />

As a <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> Affiliate, we are one of over 200<br />

<strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> locations across the country,<br />

providing safe shelter, meals, and an array of other<br />

services to families in need from coast to coast. In our<br />

first full year of operation in 2009, we supported 15<br />

families; last year, we served 64, including 101<br />

children. Although we had been gradually expanding<br />

each year since founding, our growth was truly<br />

launched in 2014 with the hiring of our Executive<br />

Director, Sue Crossley.<br />

We could fill this entire report with stories about<br />

Sue’s eight-year tenure at FPM, but suffice it to say,<br />

we are transformed. From crowded basement<br />

quarters to a beautiful home of our own; from one<br />

program serving our families to a spectrum of four;<br />

from a staff of three to a seasoned team of nine;<br />

from a $250K budget to $1.2 million this year. But<br />

most of all, from an organization still cutting our<br />

teeth in this community to a key player in the<br />

region’s spectrum of family services.<br />

“Our story” will never be told without many chapters<br />

about Sue’s impact on <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> <strong>Metrowest</strong>.<br />

As our Board Director Carol Virshbo shared, “FPM<br />

has become one of the most admired affiliates in<br />

the <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> national network, and we would<br />

not be where we are today without Sue's amazing<br />

leadership.” But it was not just skills and experience<br />

she brought to our doorstep—it was her sense of<br />

humor, her kindness, her humility, and her deep<br />

compassion for all of us, families, staff, and board<br />

alike. <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> <strong>Metrowest</strong> is now infused with<br />

these values, and each one of us carries them into<br />

the work we do every day.<br />

Sue began volunteering for us in 2013, not long after<br />

moving from Pennsylvania to Natick. It didn’t take<br />

long before the word got out: Sue was a seasoned<br />

nonprofit leader, consultant, and adjunct faculty<br />

member in the MPA program at Suffolk University.<br />

Missing her time in the trenches, she had just begun<br />

to network for a director position when our inaugural<br />

Executive Director Beth Cooper gave her notice. The<br />

timing was perfect.<br />

We will miss Sue terribly but are so grateful for the<br />

groundwork she laid for our next phase of growth,<br />

with a new director and renewed excitement for all<br />

that lies ahead.<br />

With deep gratitude for her leadership and<br />

friendship, and best wishes on her next journey,<br />

—The FPM Staff, Board, and Families<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | 3

OUR IMPACT: <strong>2021</strong><br />



ADULTS<br />


81 SERVED 101 SERVED<br />

28%<br />


SERVED OVER 2020<br />

10 17 37<br />







81%<br />

8<br />

3<br />






118<br />




40<br />



30<br />

20<br />

17<br />

percent<br />

NATICK<br />

41<br />

percent<br />


10<br />

0<br />





ASIAN<br />

OTHER<br />

23 19<br />

percent percent<br />

OTHER<br />


OTHER<br />

MA TOWN<br />


3<br />



$1,175<br />



42<br />



35<br />


BAGS<br />

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I first stepped into <strong>Family</strong><br />

<strong>Promise</strong> <strong>Metrowest</strong> in<br />

November of last year. It<br />

was a cold day and as I<br />

walked to the building,<br />

the wind biting into my<br />

skin, I thought about<br />

turning back...<br />

So many places we had asked for help had turned<br />

us away or just given me another name, agency, or<br />

number of a person who "may be able to…." There<br />

were waiting lists for everything. Would this be the<br />

same? I was tired of telling our story and didn't<br />

know if I could hold back tears as I explained yet<br />

again how we ended up here. I was the one who<br />

helped people, who was strong for people. Asking<br />

was hard, but after everything we’d been through,<br />

by the time I stood on the steps of <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong>,<br />

asking was all I had left.<br />

But the kindness in the woman's voice who took my<br />

call kept me moving forward. She said she<br />

"believed" they could help and had sent me some<br />

papers to fill out. "Believed" not "thought." That gave<br />

me hope. So I kept moving.<br />

I will always remember how warm and bright it was<br />

inside when a staff member opened the door to<br />

greet me. Not just the temperature—the smiling<br />

faces, the positive energy. When I met Eliz, my<br />

family coach, she was as friendly and kind as I had<br />

imagined her to be. We sat down and I showed her<br />

all the paperwork. My heart pounded, so afraid that<br />

something would disqualify us. As she looked it<br />

over, I told her our story:<br />

I had lived all my life in Massachusetts, but we’d<br />

moved to Texas the previous year to be closer to my<br />

spouse’s family. It was soon impossible to deny that<br />

my spouse, who had been controlling and volatile,<br />

was also abusive. With COVID and being locked in<br />

the house all the time, things only got worse. As<br />

soon as we were able, I left with my two children—a<br />

son with ADHD and emotional challenges and a<br />

daughter with multiple medical and psychological<br />

conditions—and drove back to Massachusetts.<br />

After a few months in a place we thought would be<br />

safe but wasn't, we managed to find a very small<br />

apartment through an acquaintance in<br />

Framingham, a city I had only heard of on the<br />

Weather Channel. I began working as a Visiting<br />

Angel but as my daughter's conditions worsened<br />

with the stress, I had to quit. We waited for her<br />

disability application to go through and for Mass<br />

Health to approve me as her paid personal care<br />

assistant so I could stay home and care for her.<br />

The money I had saved was gone, and I was behind<br />

in rent.<br />

Eliz listened patiently, went over my paperwork, and<br />

then explained how <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> could help. She<br />

even had a Thanksgiving basket ready when we<br />

were finished and helped carry it to my car. Looking<br />

at the handmade cards and pretty decorations that<br />

children had drawn on the outside of the box, and<br />

knowing that on Thanksgiving we could have carrot<br />

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cake and snickerdoodle cookies because someone<br />

had baked these special things, made me cry.<br />

Since we began working with <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> things<br />

have improved for us more than I can express in<br />

words. We were approved for rental assistance and<br />

FPM helped pay for storage so we could clear our<br />

extra belongings out of our tiny apartment, where<br />

boxes had been blocking the windows and creating a<br />

fire hazard. Just having extra space made us all feel<br />

so much better and allowed me to put down an<br />

inflatable bed instead of sleeping on the couch.<br />

When Eliz found out we didn't have snow boots she<br />

gave us gift cards to get some. I cried the day my son<br />

went out to shovel for me wearing his new boots.<br />

I used to be numb, but <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> and Eliz just<br />

make me cry a lot. It's the kindness, the heart, the<br />

thoughtfulness. That first day she told me "Don't<br />

worry, you’re not alone." People have said a lot of<br />

things to me in this life, but Eliz, she keeps showing<br />

me that she means it. We meet regularly and talk<br />

about resources I need and how she can help me<br />

find them. She always has an idea or an answer for<br />

me, always a smile. <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> didn't know us,<br />

had no reason to care. But they do. They provide<br />

classes, bring in speakers and specialists to help<br />

teach skills or answer questions to help people feel<br />

confident and knowledgeable and get back on their<br />

feet. They are always available to point you in the<br />

right direction when you need it.<br />

Having angels has restored my hope and reminded<br />

me of the faith I had that had begun to falter. We<br />

have been given more blessings than we imagined<br />

possible.<br />

My kids and I, we still have a long way to go. We<br />

need an apartment that is a little bigger and quieter<br />

so we can work on healing. We need a car that can<br />

carry my daughter's wheelchair. We need to keep<br />

sticking together and loving each other HARD<br />

through all the ups and downs, no matter what life<br />

throws at us. We need to keep on moving forward.<br />

But because of our angels at <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong>, I<br />

believe we can do that again. It only gets better<br />

from here!<br />

—Ashley, a mother in our LIFE program<br />


<strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> <strong>Metrowest</strong> offers a comprehensive, community response to families who are facing<br />

homelessness through four programs that address a spectrum of housing and stabilization needs:<br />

Our Shelter program offers temporary housing to families with children that have lost their home.<br />

Our SAIL program supports families as they transition from our shelter back into apartments.<br />

Our LIFE program helps families that are facing eviction or shelter entry remain in safe housing.<br />

Our Steps to Success program provides families with access to educational and training<br />

opportunities that will improve their life skills, employment opportunities, and income.<br />

We believe that all families can have stable, successful futures if they are goal-oriented and hardworking.<br />

We provide long-term, intensive coaching that helps families identify the root causes of their<br />

housing crisis, enabling them to create sustainable change. With the skills, kindness, and generosity<br />

of our <strong>Metrowest</strong> community, we are working together to solve the crisis of family homelessness.<br />

For more information about our programs, visit www.familypromisemetrowest.org/programs.<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | 7


<strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> is in the business of transforming lives,<br />

and sometimes that means that we ourselves must<br />

transform our own ways of doing business. From our<br />

founding in 2008, host congregations provided shelter<br />

for our families by converting their classrooms into<br />

temporary bedrooms, while support congregations<br />

and a network of volunteers prepared meals and<br />

offered overnight companionship. It was a model that<br />

brought families in need together with a community<br />

dedicated to their care and success.<br />

With the closure of the congregational shelter due to<br />

COVID in 2020, we took the opportunity to reassess<br />

this model of support and in June 2022 we are reopening our shelter in our Day Center as a permanent site to<br />

house families. With this new structure for providing shelter, the roles of our network congregations will<br />

transform as well. Congregational volunteers will now come to our Day Center to support our sheltered<br />

families, continuing to offer the resources and companionship that has made such a difference over the years.<br />

Our Lead Congregations will continue to fulfill key support roles for our shelter three to four weeks per year,<br />

including meal preparation, food shopping, and dinnertime companionship. They will also participate in our<br />

annual community events—the Walk to End Homelessness and Keeping the <strong>Promise</strong>—host FPM speakers<br />

during their services, and offer informational material at their congregation for those who’d like to learn more.<br />

Support Congregations will continue to be paired with Lead Congregations to provide volunteers during their<br />

assigned shelter weeks and will also participate in events and outreach opportunities.<br />

Our newest category of support, Outreach Partner, encompasses congregations that promote awareness of<br />

our work in the community by sponsoring speakers or offering educational materials in their congregation,<br />

helping broaden our impact by reaching families in need of our services or those who want to offer support.<br />

For a list of the 51 Lead, Support, and Outreach congregations that make up our network of support for our<br />

families, please visit familypromisemetrowest.org/congregations.<br />

Our FPM partnership is one of the<br />

crown jewels of our social action<br />

program. There is no better<br />

example of acting on the mandate<br />

from Torah that when people are<br />

suffering, you must stand and act.<br />

Our work with FPM has also put us<br />

in direct partnership with the<br />

community’s mosque. It is an<br />

intersection of all our values in one<br />

program.<br />

— Cantor Hollis Schachner<br />

Temple Shir Tikva, Wayland<br />

When I interacted with volunteers<br />

from the congregations in <strong>Family</strong><br />

<strong>Promise</strong>, when I realized how<br />

many people from all these<br />

different congregations cared<br />

about me and my children, that<br />

was a big part of my healing<br />

process, knowing there were so<br />

many people who cared.”<br />

— Nicole<br />

Shelter Program Graduate<br />

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Maureen Wooster<br />

Maureen was first introduced to <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> in 2014 after moving to<br />

Natick. She was looking for a way to engage with her new community and<br />

quickly found a place for her skills, experience, and energy in our<br />

organization. Known by many of you for her Scottish accent and perpetual<br />

smile, she has been an outstanding volunteer for many years in multiple<br />

capacities. As Carole Brodrick, our Development Director who has worked<br />

closely with Maureen, shared with us: “With a strong background as a<br />

volunteer in fundraising, she was a perfect fit to join our event committee.<br />

From the beginning, Maureen’s enthusiasm was amazing. She was always<br />

right there by my side coming up with creative ways to engage donors.”<br />

In 2015, Maureen also joined our Board of Directors where she served for five<br />

years, including several as Chair of the development committee. Her<br />

passion for our families inspired others while she also understood the<br />

impact a thoughtful development strategy has on the success of the<br />

organization.<br />

While we are thankful for the incredible amount of time and expertise she shared, we are also grateful for<br />

Maureen’s generosity of spirit and hospitality over the years. Whether it was an event committee meeting or a<br />

Board holiday dinner, Maureen graciously opened her home to us all, providing incredible meals and<br />

embracing us with her warm hospitality. Her home became a place for volunteers to gather, form lasting<br />

friendships, and feel a sense of community.<br />

Maureen is now ready to embark on a new journey as she and her husband Richard return home to Scotland.<br />

We wish her well and share our gratitude for the impact she had on so many during our time together.<br />

Maia Miskin and Amy Lousararian<br />

Engaging our families in discussions on living their best financial life is<br />

something that Maia Miskin and Amy Lousararian have brought to us with<br />

energy, positivity, and life experience. Both volunteers have taught financial skills<br />

and have a personal passion for budgeting and wise financial living. Their<br />

willingness to lead our families through the New Beginnings financial literacy<br />

curriculum, developed by our national office, has been a tremendous gift.<br />

Maia and Amy each taught a pilot class in the spring of <strong>2021</strong> as we introduced<br />

the curriculum to our families. They covered budgeting and smart spending to<br />

build foundational financial skills for our families and added their own touches to<br />

the curriculum by including thought-provoking videos and websites. They<br />

worked diligently to connect with all class participants, developing wonderful<br />

relationships with them, and were flexible and adaptable—always working with<br />

an understanding of our parents' busy schedules.<br />

Maia partnered with us again in the fall of <strong>2021</strong>, sharing her wisdom as well as<br />

welcoming other presenters to the class. Amy has also played other roles as a<br />

volunteer serving as team captain for Christ Lutheran Church for several years in<br />

support of our annual Walk to End Homelessness. We are grateful for both Maia<br />

and Amy as they continue to partner with us, sharing their skills and generous<br />

hearts!<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | 9


Our Cindy Lombardo Volunteer Award, named for a passionate FPM<br />

volunteer and member of Temple Shir Tikva, is given annually to a<br />

volunteer, nominated by our families, who upholds Cindy’s incredible<br />

legacy of warmth and dedication.<br />

The <strong>2021</strong> award winner was Steve Beling. Steve began volunteering as a<br />

tutor in September 2020, working with an FPM parent on math and<br />

English skills to help her pass an entrance exam for a nursing program. He<br />

not only excelled in his instruction, meeting with the parent twice a week<br />

for over a year to build her skills, but he gave tremendous encouragement<br />

to her in the process. As the parent wrote to Steve, “You motivate me and<br />

inspire me to do my best. You have taught me that I am smarter than I<br />

thought, and failure is okay as long as I pick myself up and try again. You are<br />

the greatest teacher I could ask for.”<br />

Steve made a huge impact in the life of this mother, helping change her<br />

life’s trajectory. We are so grateful for his commitment to our families and<br />

organization and look forward to continuing to work with him in the future.<br />

Our <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> <strong>Metrowest</strong> Legacy Award recognizes a person in<br />

our community whose commitment and contribution to our mission<br />

will have a lasting impact on our organization and the families we serve.<br />

Our <strong>2021</strong> recipient was Bob Brack. Bob was a generous philanthropist<br />

who over the years supported not just our programs but also our capital<br />

campaign when we purchased our Day Center in 2017. He was also a<br />

brilliant businessman who shared his expertise in our strategic planning<br />

process, always offering encouragement and guidance as our programs<br />

grew to meet the needs of our families.<br />

Yet of all his qualities, his true legacy at <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> will be his<br />

compassion and caring for our families. Bob genuinely loved being part<br />

of their lives, hearing their stories, and knowing he could be part of<br />

making real change. Bob was chosen for this award in the summer of<br />

<strong>2021</strong>, but sadly passed away last September. The award was granted<br />

posthumously to his family in November. While Bob is truly missed by all<br />

of us, his legacy at <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> will live on for decades.<br />

We are also proud to announce that in November <strong>2021</strong>,<br />

FPM was selected as the recipient of the annual Robert<br />

Lamprey Community Grant, a $20,000 award given by<br />

the MutualOne Charitable Foundation. This grant is<br />

awarded to one nonprofit organization each year that<br />

serves low-income or underserved populations in Natick<br />

or Framingham. We are deeply grateful to the<br />

MutualOne Foundation for recognizing and supporting<br />

our work in the community with this award.<br />

TOP: Steve receives the <strong>2021</strong> Cindy Lombardo Volunteer Award from Barbara Ward, our 2020 recipient, and Steve,<br />

minus mask. MIDDLE: Executive Director Sue Crossley with Bob at the Day Center in 2019, the purchase of which<br />

he generously supported. BOTTOM: Executive Director Sue Crossley and Assistant Director Amanda Elkin receive<br />

the Robert Lamprey Community Grant from Yasmine Ouweijan, Vice President/Branch Manager at MutualOne.<br />

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In the spring of <strong>2021</strong>, as the time for our spring walkathon approached,<br />

large in-person gatherings were still not feasible due to COVID. But after<br />

cancelling our 2020 walk altogether, we were determined to find a way to<br />

get our supporters outdoors to not only raise funds for our families, but to<br />

come together—albeit remotely—as a community.<br />

Our planning committee got right to work, and a new vision for our<br />

walkathon emerged. Families, friends, and coworkers were all encouraged<br />

to register and plan independent walks in their own towns, wearing their<br />

walk t-shirts, posting their progress on social media, and engaging in fun<br />

activities along the way like scavenger hunts. In the end, we had 54<br />

registered teams and 620 walkers fanned out across the region on a sunny<br />

May weekend, raising awareness, funds, and hope for the families we serve.<br />

A school group from Dover walked together and then treated themselves<br />

to popsicles afterward. A group of tennis friends walked at Elm Bank in<br />

Wellesley after a brunch of scones and mimosas to kick off the festivities.<br />

And ICB of Wayland pulled together our biggest team yet, with 75 people<br />

walking to Wayland center and back, followed by a shared meal. We were<br />

so humbled to see the outpouring of support from our community, raising<br />

over $230,000 for the programs that serve our families.<br />

As the fall approached and vaccines rolled out across the community, we<br />

were optimistic we could bring back an in-person event for our Keeping<br />

the <strong>Promise</strong> gala. But with a steady uptick in COVID cases by the end of the<br />

summer, we simply couldn’t take the risk. So we staged our virtual Keeping<br />

the <strong>Promise</strong> concert for another year, recruiting even more musicians and<br />

bringing our production company, MediaBoss, back on board to help.<br />

The show, which aired in early December, included repeat performances by<br />

Alli Haber, Ellis Paul, Chris Trapper, Phil Stacey, Never Say Never, Dave<br />

Keller, and Lady Cap, and songs from new guests including Crimson<br />

Calamity, Rhett Price, Ben Cesare, Dan Miller, Zoe Behrakis, and the Temple<br />

Shir Tikva children's choir. FPM family members also shared touching<br />

stories about their experiences with us, including Sarah Floyd, who entered<br />

our shelter as a teenager in 2013. Her inspirational animated video about<br />

her experience with us won’t be forgotten by any of our attendees.<br />

Once again, our supporters’ response and enthusiasm bowled us over, with<br />

over 1,300 households viewing the show and $192,000 raised. We received<br />

stories and photos from many house parties, where families and friends<br />

had gathered to watch the show while noshing on appetizers and meals<br />

from partnering restaurants. We also had record-breaking participation in<br />

another fabulous auction filled with themed baskets, vacation homes, and<br />

sports tickets. And folks were thrilled with our swag bags, hand-delivered<br />

to our higher donors with goodies donated by local businesses. All in all, it<br />

was another night to remember, celebrated together while apart.<br />

FROM TOP: A youth team from Dover Middle School; the Chandler family on<br />

their walk route; Leigh Einbinder and Buddy from the Wellesley Village Church<br />

walk team; our FPM team and alum Jackie on-site at Walnut Hill School for the<br />

concert broadcast; FPM family member Estey speaks during the show.<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | 11


There are a multitude of ways that donors can contribute to <strong>Family</strong><br />

<strong>Promise</strong>. They can offer not only their financial support, but their time,<br />

their skills, and their compassion. For some, there is no limit to their<br />

contributions.<br />

Carol Virshbo is one of these limitless donors. She was first introduced to<br />

<strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> in 2006 through Christ Lutheran Church, when she<br />

proudly participated in the vote to officially become a host congregation.<br />

Right from the beginning, she supported us with financial donations and<br />

by preparing meals and staying overnight during host weekends. Her<br />

warmth and compassion were evident as she welcomed our families into<br />

her congregation, always making it feel like home.<br />

“It was a great time to make connections with the families and to realize<br />

that it doesn’t take much to become homeless. It can happen to anyone. I<br />

was there when one of our moms needed help giving her newborn his<br />

first bath, and I held a mom in my arms as she cried due to the<br />

overwhelming stress of her situation. These volunteer opportunities are<br />

what allowed me to form lasting connections with the families.”<br />

In 2015, she began volunteering on our event committee where she still plays a major role in planning our<br />

walkathon and Keeping the <strong>Promise</strong> events. “This was a great way to spread the news of what <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong><br />

<strong>Metrowest</strong> does to my friends, family, and the wider community. I knew that when people understood a need,<br />

they would be willing to contribute."<br />

But Carol didn’t stop there. As she learned more about the challenges our families faced when applying for<br />

jobs, she gave even more of her time by offering her expertise in resume writing and interview preparation.<br />

“Being in sales for over 25 years, I had reviewed hundreds of resumes. It was easy to help our parents create a<br />

resume that would get them noticed and prepare them for the tough questions an interviewer might ask.”<br />

As financial donors, Carol and her husband Jay are respected philanthropists and have been major<br />

contributors to our capital campaigns and annual <strong>Promise</strong> Fund. “We both have the philosophy that donating<br />

to causes we care about is a priority while we can see our gifts in action. Giving to <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> <strong>Metrowest</strong> is<br />

an example of putting our money to good use. We know that our gifts really do make a difference.”<br />

Carol joined our Board of Directors in 2016 and<br />

became Chair in 2020, donating time for board<br />

meetings, committees, strategic planning, and<br />

trainings. “Being part of this board has been life<br />

changing. Helping create the committees and<br />

structure that we have today has allowed the<br />

programs and staff to expand to help so many<br />

more families. Watching the organization grow<br />

from a budget of $250K to over $1M in six years is<br />

amazing. When I joined, if you told me that one<br />

day I would be the chair, I would have said you<br />

were nuts. I, too, grew with the organization.”<br />

Carol’s term on the board ends May 2022, yet her<br />

extraordinary donations to <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> on so<br />

many levels will continue to impact our staff,<br />

Board, volunteers, and families, leaving a legacy for<br />

years to come.<br />

12 | <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> <strong>Metrowest</strong>



<strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> <strong>Metrowest</strong> is blessed with a diverse and passionate<br />

network of community supporters. Businesses, congregations, service<br />

organizations, and even schools have rallied to help our families and<br />

organization in countless ways over the years. While much of this support<br />

comes in the form of financial donations to bolster the programs that serve<br />

our families, the professional expertise that some community supporters<br />

have offered over the years has been immeasurably valuable. We’ve had<br />

supporters lending us their advice and skills in finance, graphic design,<br />

legal matters, even childproofing—all of which have helped our<br />

organization grow and deepen its impact.<br />

In <strong>2021</strong>, a new opportunity for community support emerged when we<br />

launched Keys to Good Tenancy, a tenant education class for our families.<br />

We immediately turned to some of our long-time supporters to help: Alan<br />

Marks, the owner of Realty Executives, Li Morrison, the Housing Mediation<br />

Coordinator at <strong>Metrowest</strong> Mediation Services, and Ali Corton and Jody<br />

Troderman of ERA Key Realty Services.<br />

Realty Executives has partnered with FPM for years, providing sponsorships<br />

and holiday gifts—and Alan and his family have even donated a week at<br />

their home on Cape Cod for our auction several times. Alan kicked off our<br />

very first Keys to Good Tenancy class with an outstanding and thoughtprovoking<br />

discussion on setting goals: “Think of the goal planning sheet as<br />

a road map,” he coached, “it helps to avoid drift, which derails goals.” Alan<br />

also taught a class on “Finding a Place to Rent,” which offered valuable tips<br />

to help families secure new homes.<br />

<strong>Metrowest</strong> Mediation Services has been a valuable resource for years when<br />

our families needed assistance and expertise in navigating complex rental<br />

applications, government eligibility, and their tenancy rights. With her<br />

compassionate and candid approach, Li has always gone above and<br />

beyond to provide essential support for specific challenges, while also<br />

empowering our families to help themselves. In this class, Li’s knowledge<br />

and experience regarding tenant and landlord rights—particularly as they<br />

relate to eviction and lease renewal—offered our families the information<br />

they needed to be strong self-advocates.<br />

ERA Key Realty Services has been a generous donor and event sponsor<br />

over the years. When their realtors Ali and Jody were asked to lead our<br />

families through discussions on moving day preparations as well as how to<br />

stay organized and manage maintenance issues, their camaraderie and<br />

warm presence made for relaxing and enjoyable conversations on topics<br />

that many of us would rather avoid! Their tips were incredibly useful, giving<br />

our families practical tools for success.<br />

Thank you Alan, Li, Ali, and Jody, in addition to all the other volunteers and<br />

community supporters that have helped implement this tenancy<br />

curriculum. Your time and expertise are furthering housing stability and<br />

helping to create hopeful futures for our families.<br />

FROM TOP: Alan and his dog Timber<br />

at our 2017 walkathon; Li Morrison; Ali<br />

Corton; and Jody Troderman.<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | 13


STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 12/31/<strong>2021</strong> 12/31/2020<br />

ASSETS<br />



Cash<br />

Other current assets<br />

Property and equipment, net<br />

Total other assets<br />


<br />

Current liabilities<br />


<br />

Net assets without donor restrictions<br />

Net assets with donor restrictions<br />


<br />


$1,444,361<br />

$124,801<br />

$1,410,836<br />

$4,306<br />

$2,984,304<br />

$127,271<br />

$127,271<br />

$2,551,513<br />

$305,520<br />

$2,857,033<br />

$2,984,304<br />

$880,968<br />

$98,314<br />

$1,366,310<br />

$3,306<br />

$2,348,898<br />

$72,801<br />

$72,801<br />

$2,199,043<br />

$77,054<br />

$2,276,097<br />

$2,348,898<br />

STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES 12/31/<strong>2021</strong> 12/31/2020<br />


Gifts, grants, and contributions<br />

Fundraising events<br />

Donated goods and services<br />

Interest income<br />

Miscellaneous income<br />


<br />


Program services<br />

Management and general<br />

Fundraising and community outreach<br />


<br />


Changes in net assets without donor restrictions<br />

Changes in net assets with donor restrictions<br />


$1,200,994<br />

$401,129<br />

$13,503<br />

$282<br />

$3,295<br />

$1,619,203<br />

$655,022<br />

$206,375<br />

$176,870<br />

$1,038,267<br />

$352,470<br />

$228,466<br />

$580,936<br />

$960,849<br />

$445,571<br />

$56,861<br />

$474<br />

$2,800<br />

$1,466,555<br />

$660,004<br />

$166,744<br />

$176,374<br />

$1,003,122<br />

$477,863<br />

$(14,430)<br />

$463,433<br />

14 | <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> <strong>Metrowest</strong>


$50,000+<br />

Heather Garni & Daniel Pozen<br />

MetroWest Health Foundation *<br />

Anonymous (1) *<br />

$20,000-$49,999<br />

Robert & Janet Brack<br />

Cummings Foundation<br />

Katherine Green<br />

Gardner Hendrie & Karen Johansen<br />

Home Market Foods *<br />

Middlesex Savings Charitable Foundation<br />

MutualOne Charitable Foundation<br />

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Wellesley *<br />

The Sudbury Foundation<br />

TJX Foundation<br />

Jay & Carol Virshbo<br />

Anonymous (1)<br />

$10,000-$19,999<br />

A Path Ahead Community Fund<br />

Kelli & Chris Connors<br />

Digital Federal Credit Union<br />

<strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> (National)<br />

Foundation for MetroWest<br />

Clifford Hayden & Kim M. Nicols<br />

Hopkinton Country Club Charitable<br />

Foundation<br />

Janson Communications<br />

Robert & Joan Murray<br />

Parmenter Foundation<br />

Kate & Tom Piemonte<br />

Yvonne Richard *<br />

Roessner <strong>Family</strong> Foundation<br />

Sanofi Genzyme<br />

Edward & Barbara Scolnick<br />

Siegel <strong>Family</strong> Fund<br />

Chapman Taylor<br />

Wellesley Congregational Church<br />

Wellesley Hills Congregational Church<br />

$5,000-$9,999<br />

Howard & Leslie Appleby<br />

Sue & Carl Bell<br />

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center<br />

Wayne & Veronica Bloom<br />

Michael & Adrianne Canning<br />

Maria Chase<br />

Congregational Church of Needham<br />

Douglas & Sue Crossley<br />

Angela DeBarros **<br />

Dunkin Corp. & Northern Management<br />

Group<br />

Bradford W. Gile<br />

Mitchell & Sylvia Haber<br />

Hamilton Hackney<br />

Yolanda Harris **<br />

Herb Connolly Auto Group<br />

Shari & Kevin Johnson<br />

Jack & Alison Langsdorf<br />

Dennis Lombardo<br />

Mark Lorson & Cathryn Marshall<br />

Marilyn Marlette<br />

John & Laraine Marthinsen<br />

<strong>Metrowest</strong> Women's Fund<br />

Needham Bank<br />

R. W. Holmes Realty Company, Inc.<br />

Thomas & Nicole Teich<br />

The Village Bank<br />

Robert Willett & Rebecca Parkhill<br />

$1,000-$4,999<br />

28 Freight/Truck Courier<br />

Reuben & Christine Ackerman<br />

The Altamira Foundation<br />

Karen Anderson<br />

Roger Andrews<br />

Frank & Susan Armo<br />

The Austin Memorial Foundation<br />

Avidia Bank<br />

Avidia Bank Charitable Foundation *<br />

Mariela Baker<br />

Nicholas & Alison Balster<br />

Amy & Keith Barnett<br />

Linda & Seth Bauer<br />

Joan Benzie<br />

Dean Blackey<br />

Irene Bloomstein<br />

Bose Corporation Charitable Fund<br />

Joanna Brach<br />

Pamela Broderick<br />

John & Carole Brodrick **<br />

Charles Brown<br />

Sheldon Buckler<br />

Gary & Carol Bukuras<br />

Fred & Barbara Bunger<br />

Ryan Carroll<br />

Timothy & Diana Carroll<br />

Carter Memorial United Methodist<br />

Jeff & Anne Carter **<br />

The Chandler Group<br />

Chick-fil-A<br />

Christ Lutheran Church<br />

Catherine Chung<br />

Eugene Clark & Catherine Meyer<br />

Michael & Barbara Coco<br />

D. Mitchell & Cynthia D. Coddington<br />

Jessica & Tim Collins<br />

Audrey Colson<br />

Ruth Colson **<br />

Heather & Christopher Connolly<br />

Carol & Kenneth Conway<br />

Chantal & Christophe Coudray<br />

Mary Crabbe<br />

Cynthia Crino **<br />

Gene & Gay Crowley<br />

Janet Curry<br />

Greg Daneault **<br />

Melinda Davies<br />

DCU for Kids<br />

Sharon Deehan<br />

Larry Dick & Lucia Frenkel<br />

Dimensions 3D<br />

Susan & Ed Doherty<br />

Dover-Sherborn High School Student Council<br />

Michelle Drolet<br />

<strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong><br />

<strong>Metrowest</strong> doesn't just<br />

help families find a new<br />

place to live. They help<br />

families set and meet<br />

long-term goals that<br />

change their lives<br />

forever. It's a uniquely<br />

successful solution to<br />

family homelessness.<br />

—The Carroll <strong>Family</strong><br />

Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation<br />

Robert & Marilyn Ellsworth<br />

Stephen & Lauren Fawell **<br />

First Church Natick, UCC<br />

First Congregational Church of Holliston<br />

First Parish Sherborn<br />

First Parish Wayland<br />

Fisk Memorial United Methodist Church<br />

Framingham Rotary Club<br />

Framingham Union Aid Association, Inc.<br />

Gustav Freedman & Jacquelyn Sand<br />

Beth & Glenn Frommer<br />

Margaret Gallerani<br />

David Getchonis<br />

Richard Gooding & Christine Costello **<br />

Greater Boston Real Estate Board<br />

Foundation<br />

Karen & Jeff Greene<br />

Janet Griffin<br />

Robert & Harriett Hallagan<br />

Catherine & Michael Healy<br />

Elizabeth Heiden<br />

Hope Hotchkiss & John Shea<br />

Mildred Hutchinson<br />

Islamic Center of Boston, Wayland<br />

John Everett & Sons Funeral Home<br />

Arline & Nick Kardasis<br />

Kathy Kaufmann<br />

Niall Keating **<br />

Amy & Andrew Keith<br />

Jeffrey Kinney & Rebecca Bourret<br />

John & Susan Kirk<br />

Rod & Dagmar Klinger **<br />

Pamela & Bob Koskovich<br />

George Krupp<br />

Tom & Anna Lally<br />

Beverly & Mark Lenci<br />

Andrea Lewis<br />

Laura Lilly<br />

Edith Lohr<br />

Tiffany Lund<br />

Isabel M. Lyndon<br />

Roderick & Joy MacLeod<br />

Paul Marecek<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | 15

I was overwhelmingly impressed with the structure,<br />

passion, staff, and love for community that resonated in<br />

and around <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> <strong>Metrowest</strong>—helping others at<br />

their point of need. It has and continues to be a huge<br />

blessing to serve as a financial partner and help make an<br />

impact both locally and regionally.<br />

—Janet M. Chihocky, Founder & CEO, JANSON<br />

Joanne Marshall<br />

The MathWorks, Inc.<br />

McCauly/Lorion Charitable Fund<br />

Kelly & Matthew McCormack<br />

Joe & Dee Meaney<br />

David & Andrea Meyers<br />

Middlesex Savings Bank<br />

Elaine Mittell & Douglas Poutasse<br />

Mobilis<br />

Sandee & Marc Molinsky<br />

Seta Nazarian<br />

Network for Good<br />

Newton Highlands Congregational Church<br />

Ildiko & Kevin Nielsen<br />

Pamela Odeen<br />

Carol & Paul Peterson *<br />

Russell & Mary Pollard<br />

Dana Pope<br />

Elaine Reisman<br />

Reliant MSO, LLC<br />

David & Tammy Retalic<br />

Karen & Ron Riggert<br />

Margaret B. Robinson<br />

Lynn Barber Rodolico<br />

Rubicon Builders<br />

Judit Saenz-Badillos<br />

Saint John School Families<br />

Mary Alice Sallah<br />

Savers TVI Inc.<br />

Curtis & Marcella Schubert<br />

Carl Schumann<br />

Mary & Greg Schwietz<br />

Dan & Kerry Seaman<br />

Sandra Selvey & Paula Kane<br />

Donna & Bob Simek<br />

Sandra Smith<br />

Ryan & Tracy Sockalosky<br />

St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church<br />

St. John Lutheran Church<br />

St. Paul's Episcopal Church<br />

Jeffrey & Valerie Stark<br />

Elizabeth & Adam Stavisky **<br />

Stifler <strong>Family</strong> Foundation TR<br />

Sudbury United Methodist Church<br />

David & Jennifer Talmadge<br />

Mark & Geraldine Tarini<br />

Tilly & Salvy's Bacon Street Farm, LLC<br />

Rosalia & Sal Tocco<br />

Town Fair Tire Foundation, Inc.<br />

Tracy Boehme Realty Group<br />

UU Society of Wellesley Hills<br />

J. Wade & Heidi Harper<br />

Wegmans Food Markets<br />

Wellesley Hills Junior Women's Club<br />

Wells Fargo<br />

Mercy Wheeler<br />

Laura Woollett<br />

Richard & Maureen Wooster<br />

Greg Young & Lori Murphy<br />

Angela Zachery **<br />

Danielle Zinck<br />

Anonymous (4)<br />

$500-$999<br />

Jacqueline Allen<br />

Marlene Allen<br />

Asset Strategy Advisors<br />

Cynthia Bakon & John Worrall<br />

Aijaz & Saadia Baloch **<br />

Doug & Terri Beckerman<br />

Edward & Diane Bedrosian<br />

Stephen Beling **<br />

Ruth & Wilfred Breden<br />

Kevin & Kim Canning<br />

Patricia Carr<br />

Michael & Layne Clune<br />

Sarah Coates **<br />

Jennifer Collins<br />

Linda & Stephen Collins<br />

Costco Wholesale Club<br />

Peter & Valerie Daniel<br />

Do the Right Thing Foundation TR<br />

Nancy Donahue<br />

The Dover Church<br />

Julie & John Dowd<br />

Dressing Well Charitable Foundation, Inc.<br />

Pamela Dunham<br />

Embrace Home Loans<br />

EWE Properties, Inc.<br />

Federated Church of Ashland<br />

Vance Fernandez<br />

Elaine Fiske & Philip Ladd<br />

Melanie Francis<br />

Mike & Beth Frary<br />

Andrea & Christopher Gagnon<br />

Jodie & Roberto Garzon<br />

David & Patricia Gentes<br />

Kathleen & Gary Goshgarian<br />

Marjorie Gove<br />

Jen Grinnell & Chris Gardner<br />

Susan Lindberg Haley<br />

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care<br />

Peter Hoffmann<br />

Joanna Horobin<br />

Deryle House<br />

Mary & Ed Hudson<br />

Jill & Paul Jeter<br />

Tricia Dolan Kelliher<br />

Maria Kempner<br />

William Kenney<br />

Hajra & Fahd Khan **<br />

Heather Klare **<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ross Krinsky<br />

Christine Lam & Mark J. Chistolini<br />

Andre Lamontagne<br />

Phil & Dottie Laughlin<br />

Leah Levy<br />

Margaret & Dwight Robinson <strong>Family</strong> Fund<br />

Lynn & Alan Marks<br />

Andrea McDonald<br />

Jed & Pam McGarry<br />

Lindsay & Jimmy McGuinness<br />

Joyce & Roger McNeil<br />

Memorial Congregational Church<br />

Mark & Sara Milone<br />

Mitsubishi Electric Train Cooling & Heating<br />

Judy & James Mongiardo<br />

Patricia Mulhall<br />

Johnny Tsun Nin & Carol Ip<br />

NorthStar Insurance Services, Inc.<br />

Carol Oberle<br />

Laurie & David Otten<br />

Evan & Miho Owens<br />

Supporting FPM is our way<br />

of helping local families<br />

through difficult times.<br />

Through the various<br />

programs, FPM is helping<br />

families prevent<br />

homelessness, sheltering<br />

those that are homeless,<br />

and giving families<br />

continued support once<br />

they are back on their feet.<br />

The respect and caring<br />

that is given to each<br />

individual family will<br />

always have our support.<br />

—Bob & Harriett Hallagan<br />

16 | <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> <strong>Metrowest</strong>

Caren & Randy Parker<br />

Willard & Anne Perry<br />

John & Ina Portnoy<br />

Katherine Potter<br />

Susanne Rheault & Gilbert Williams<br />

Robert F. Hunsicker Foundation<br />

Roche Bros., Inc.<br />

Rodman <strong>Family</strong> Charitable Fund<br />

Philip Ruedi<br />

David & Liza Ruether<br />

Cynthia & Lawrence Scott<br />

Ann Skipper<br />

Smith, Sullivan & Brown, P.C.<br />

Marc Soloway<br />

Margaret & Allen Steere<br />

Candace Steingisser<br />

Judith & Scott Stewart<br />

Barbara & Arthur Stock<br />

Temple Beth Elohim<br />

Thrivent Choice<br />

Foss Tighe & Linda Colby<br />

Catherine Tomey<br />

Carey Valli<br />

Village Churchwomen of Wellesley<br />

Congregational Church<br />

Gary & Kathleen Walker<br />

Robert & Anne Weaver<br />

Joan Weber<br />

The Wick <strong>Family</strong><br />

Ann Houston Wiedie & Keith Hartt<br />

Gordon & Janice Woodbine<br />

James & Barbara Zebrowski<br />

Anonymous (2)<br />

* <strong>2021</strong> contributor to our “A Place to Call<br />

Home” capital campaign<br />

** Donation includes matching<br />

corporate gift<br />

We also extend our gratitude to the 1,631<br />

additional donors who gave under $500<br />

in <strong>2021</strong>. While every effort has been<br />

made to ensure the accuracy of this list,<br />

we apologize for any errors or omissions.<br />

Please contact us with corrections at:<br />

admin@familypromisemetrowest.org.<br />

Pro Bono Donors<br />

Goulston & Storrs<br />

Matching Gift Companies<br />

Abrams Capital Management, LLC<br />

Alexion Pharmaceuticals<br />

American <strong>Family</strong> Insurance<br />

American Tower<br />

Amica Mutual Insurance<br />

Analog Devices Foundation<br />

AON<br />

Arbella Insurance Foundation<br />

BlackRock<br />

Broadcom<br />

Chubb Charitable Foundation<br />

Comcast NBCUniversal<br />

Dell Technologies<br />

Eastern Bank<br />

Faber Daeufer & Itrato PC<br />

Gates Foundation<br />

Google<br />

Great-West Financial<br />

The Guardian<br />

Intel Foundation<br />

John Hancock<br />

Johnson & Johnson<br />

JPMorgan Chase<br />

Liberty Mutual<br />

Mass Mutual<br />

McKesson<br />

Merck<br />

Microsoft<br />

Mitsubishi Electric Train Cooling & Heating<br />

New York Life<br />

Nuance<br />

Oracle<br />

Pfizer<br />

The RMR Group<br />

Sanofi US Services, Inc.<br />

State Street<br />

Takeda<br />

VMware Foundation<br />

Walmart Foundation<br />

Wells Fargo<br />

Donating to <strong>Family</strong><br />

<strong>Promise</strong> allows us to<br />

involve our family in<br />

conversations around<br />

housing insecurity and<br />

provide local families<br />

with the support they<br />

need to thrive in our<br />

wonderful area.<br />

—Melissa &<br />

Jonathan Rutherford<br />

<strong>2021</strong>–2022 Community Partners<br />

28Freight/TruckCourier<br />

Avidia Bank Charitable Foundation<br />

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center<br />

The Chandler Group<br />

DCU for Kids<br />

Digital Federal Credit Union<br />

Dunkin Corp./Northern Management Group<br />

Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation<br />

Herb Connolly Auto Group<br />

Home Market Foods<br />

Janson Communications<br />

The MathWorks, Inc.<br />

Middlesex Savings Bank<br />

Middlesex Savings Charitable Foundation<br />

MutualOne Charitable Foundation<br />

Needham Bank<br />

Rubicon Builders<br />

R. W. Holmes Realty Company, Inc.<br />

Sanofi Genzyme<br />

TJX Foundation<br />

Town Fair Tire Foundation Inc.<br />

Tracy Boehme Realty Group<br />

The Village Bank<br />

So much thought and heart goes into every aspect of<br />

what <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> does. While they strategically think<br />

years ahead, they have proven capable of pivoting to<br />

address immediate needs. <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> is a gift to our<br />

community that I am humbled to support.<br />

<strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> <strong>Metrowest</strong>'s Community<br />

Partners offer sustaining support to our<br />

organization throughout the year. To learn<br />

more about the benefits and commitment<br />

of Community Partnership, please visit our<br />

website at familypromisemetrowest.org/<br />

community-partners.<br />

—Sue DeRoche, Founder & Principal Donor/Advisor<br />

A Path Ahead Community Fund<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | 17


Sue Crossley<br />

Executive Director<br />

Carole Brodrick<br />

Development Director<br />

Amanda Elkin<br />

Assistant Director<br />

Eliz Portal<br />

LIFE Program Coordinator<br />

Stephanie Di Dio<br />

Shelter Program Coordinator<br />

Paula Brown<br />

Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator<br />

Bianca Hudson<br />

<strong>Family</strong> Coach<br />

Kathy Rodman<br />

<strong>Family</strong> Program Assistant<br />

Tamara Nevens<br />

Financial Coordinator<br />

18 | <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Promise</strong> <strong>Metrowest</strong>

OUR<br />

BOARD<br />

Carol Virshbo, Chair<br />

Kelli Connors, Vice Chair<br />

Dan Seaman, Treasurer<br />

Heather A. Connolly, Clerk<br />

Emmanuel Badoo<br />

Harriett Hallagan<br />

Delisa Joseph<br />

Yusuf Kalule<br />

Jeffrey Kinney<br />

Dayanna Moreno, Esq.<br />

Jason Rutherford<br />

Thomas Teich<br />

We would like to thank Maureen<br />

Wooster, who retired from our board in<br />

<strong>2021</strong>. For more information about<br />

Maureen and her incredible<br />

dedication to our organization and the<br />

families we serve, please see page 9.<br />

We also thank Karen Patterson<br />

Greene for her board service.<br />

OUR<br />

FAMILY<br />



The <strong>Family</strong> Advisory Council plays an<br />

essential role in the strategic planning and<br />

implementation of goals at <strong>Family</strong><br />

<strong>Promise</strong> <strong>Metrowest</strong>. At monthly meetings<br />

with the Executive Director, families share<br />

their valuable insights on existing<br />

programs and future initiatives while also<br />

lending their voices to the complex issue of<br />

family homelessness.<br />

Margareth Gillus<br />

Bianca Hudson<br />

Yusuf Kalule<br />

Patricia Kelly<br />

Estey Masten<br />

Jackie Rodriguez<br />

Nicole Charles White<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | 19

Contact Us:<br />

6 Mulligan Street, Natick, MA 01760<br />

508-318-4820<br />

www.familypromisemetrowest.org<br />

info@familypromisemetrowest.org<br />

Connect with Us:<br />

facebook.com/familypromisemetrowest<br />

instagram.com/familypromisemetrowest<br />

twitter.com/fpmetrowest<br />

linkedin.com/company/family-promise-metrowest<br />

Photographs on front cover, back cover, and pages 2, 18, and 19, by Lisa Neighbors Photographs,<br />


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