Healthy Food vs Junk Food.

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Food is something important in our lives, because it keeps us active and

energized, that is why we must take care of everything we eat so that it does

not harm us, but today many health-related problems arise due to the

demands of work or different daily tasks, many people don't have enough

time, most people depend on this kind of prepared meals due to their busy

schedule or don't know how to cook at home. Many people choose to order

prepared food in a restaurant even though they are aware that fast food is

not healthy, on the contrary, it has consequences for the future. Eating well

is essential for daily life, there is a big difference between eating and

nourishing ourselves, we know that eating is the action of swallowing

substances that do not necessarily nourish our body, however, eating food is

eating foods that provide benefits to our body; that is why it is classified as

junk food and health food.

A healthy diet is about eating a variety of foods that provide us with the

nutrients we need to stay healthy, feel good, and have energy. These

nutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, water, vitamins and minerals.

Nutrition is important to everyone. Combined with physical activity and a

normal weight for our body and age, eating well is a great way to help our

bodies stay strong and healthy. What you eat greatly influences our immune

system, your mood and your energy level. On the other hand, we also have

junk food, which is a class of food with high concentrations of calories,

saturated fats, added sugars, cholesterol or salt. In addition, this type of food

contains a large number of food additives. However, choosing products such

as soft drinks and chips instead of healthier foods has "nutritional

consequences". Additives are substances that are not food in themselves

and have no nutritional value; Its function is to modify and "improve" the

taste, appearance, texture, color... of the foods to which it is added, as well

as to improve its conservation (preservatives).

This type of food is harmful to health due to the large number of processed

foods and additives it contains. While it is true that all foods can be harmful if

consumed in excess, junk food is especially so, since it is not necessary to

consume large amounts of it for it to be harmful. Advertising can also fuel the

desire to eat less nutritionally desirable options because they pay more

attention to these types of foods. While you never see ads for carrots, you

often see them for fried foods and soft drinks. Its most negative effect has to

do with the development of diseases. This type of diet mainly increases the

probability of suffering from diseases that can be serious for our health, such

as heart disease, cancer, premature aging, high blood pressure, bone

problems, obesity, diabetes, mental disorders, liver disorders, system

problems digestive, constipation, and diarrhea, heart attack, prostate and

breast cancer, osteoporosis, and many other health conditions.

To achieve a balance in nutrition, it is necessary that parents, as the main

responsible for the nutrition and health of their children, must provide a

balanced diet, but many times due to lack of interest, time or knowledge

they do not provide a good diet.

In conclusion, it can be said that if we want to lead a full life free of all or any

of these diseases, we should spend more time thinking about what we

consume or how often we do it, also to make a little time to prepare our own

food or consume less junk food because only by preparing it ourselves we

are sure that what we consume will not harm our health. Many times even

knowing the effects that these can cause us, the need or the simple fact of

seeing how delicious it looks can lead us to depend on them, which can be

detrimental to our health. But it is never too late to reflect and try to minimize

their consumption. It is difficult but not impossible, even more so knowing that

it is our health that is at stake. At first it might seem that everything is going

well, but this could have consequences in the future and some of them


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