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Many thanks to Jon Webb who painted the

cover picture especially for us. For a wider

selection of his work, visit his website

jonlwebb.co.uk and facebook@ Jon Webb

New Forest Artist or call on 07811 636454

I also wanted to say a big thank you to

Suzanne Ashworth who is the writer of the

interesting local walks featured in this

magazine. She has also started a new series on

New Forest artisans. In the last edition the

feature was on honey, and for this one tea and

coffee. These are really well researched

articles and a great source of information

showcasing our local produce. Many

apologises to Suzanne as in the last edition I

did not accredit her as the author.

Best wishes, Jacqui

You can contact me:

E: Info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

T: 01590 643969/07801 562358

W: www.lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Please note - Your + Health Survey Have

Your Say. The closing date for this survey is

the 31 st May 2022. Any surveys submitted

after the 31 st May unfortunately will not be

counted. Results will be published in the

August/September edition of the Village

Voice, on Facebook, website and in the


• Bringing History Home 4

• Through the Hurst Narrows 9

• Look back in time 13

• NF Artisans: Tea & Coffee 19

• Recipe 19-21

• Clear Skies 22

• Local Walk 25,27

• In the Garden 29

• Laugh Don’t Leak 33

• Recipe 59

• Wildlife Matters 69

. 30,31(answers 60)

• Parish News 35-38

• Some things you didn’t know about

MOS Gardeners’ Club 15, 17

• Culture, Eurovision & the Jubilee 41

• Local Noticeboard 43-53

• Thank you & Looking Forward 57

• Community Centre 55

• MCV 61

• Church Services 63

• Mini TGN 65

• Useful Nos 67

Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim,

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electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise - without prior permission of the publisher.




Milford’s first community hall




In a small, triangular, piece of land in what is

today part of Hillyfield Rest Home in Barnes

Lane, stood Milford Parish Room. Contrary to

the impression given by its name, it was

neither publicly, nor church owned.

In 1860 William Talbot Agar bought the Milford

Lodge estate. Shortly after, he bought several

other parcels of land in the vicinity, including

Rose Cottage, the adjoining carpenter’s

workshop and malthouse (later to become

Hillside House) and a sawpit and wheelwright’s

on the opposite side of Barnes Lane, which was

to become the site of the Parish Room. By 1868,

Agar had sold Milford Lodge and moved to

Milford House, but retained the other parcels of

land. The Parish Room is not shown on the 1870

edition of the Ordnance Survey, but the first

edition of the Parish Magazine, in August 1886,

announced that Bible Classes for men would be

held there on Sunday afternoons.

Despite being a modest building of timber with

a corrugated iron roof, it was the hub of village

activity for many years, playing host to the

Sunday School, C of E Mens’ Society, Milford

Debating Society, Milford and Hordle

Horticultural Society and others. It was the

rehearsal room for Milford Village Band and

whist drives, dances, magic lantern shows,

jumble sales, concerts and plays were held

there, in spite of having no facilities or changing

rooms. Performers changed in the Pikes’ house

on the other side of Barnes Lane and, for a

Parish Room


while, Mrs Pike was given a small honorarium

for being a keyholder. After Agar died in 1906,

his executors sold-off his Milford estate, with

the exception of Milford House which passed to

one of his sons. The local paper carried full

reviews of the auction sales, one of which

reported that the executors had generously met

with representatives of The Club, the Cottage

Hospital and the Parish Room and arranged

advantageous terms for their transfer to

trustees. Whilst some detail is available for The

Club and the Hospital, no record exists of who

represented the Parish Room, or the price.

However, the Parish Magazine of April 1908

reported that electric light had been installed

and, to defray the cost, a hire charge was to be

introduced and that bookings should be made

with the vicar’s wife, whilst also indicating that

rent had to be paid, but did not detail who to.

Inevitably, the construction of the Victoria

Assembly Rooms in 1897 (now the Catholic

Church) with its up to date facilities and greater

capacity, meant that larger events were held

there. The construction of the new Church Hall

in Sea Road in 1915 meant that church activities

transferred there, but the Parish Room

continued to be used in World War 1 for

meetings and drill for the Home Defence Corps.

According to Hylda Bruce, the doctor’s daughter

who lived at Hillyfield, the Parish Room was

pulled down in 1918. An article in the local

paper in 1934 assumed that few residents

would remember it and that it had been

demolished by Miss Magnay of Milford Lodge.

Whether she was involved in the purchase from

William Agar’s executors, or she acquired it for

demolition is unclear, but she died in 1921 and

her estate passed to her sister in law, Dame

Margaret Magnay. Miss Magnay had arranged

for Hillyfield to be built in 1905 and the site of

the Parish Room was in Lady Magnay’s

ownership and incorporated into the grounds of

Hillyfield when she sold the house to Dr Twiss in


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History Home project supported by the

Heritage Lottery Fund and Milford-on-Sea Parish Council. website www.milfordhistory.org.uk

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Lymington, SO41 0QF

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Open: Monday - Saturday

10am - 5pm

Email: info@mossonthegreen.com

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Through the

Hurst Narrows:

SS Varvassi

From its vantage point opposite the Needles,

Hurst Castle is no stranger to shipwrecks,

many of them off the Needles, barely 1.5km

across the Solent. Among them was the SS

Varvassi, which went down in January 1947.

crossing until, on Saturday 4 January,

Captain Coufopandelis stopped the engines

near the Needles in order to pick up a pilot

to guide him through the Solent. In a stroke

of bad luck, the engines failed to restart,

and as the vessel drifted out of control on

the rising tide, it wasn’t long before she hit

the rocks and became wedged fast.

A Trinity House pilot was immediately taken

on board but, hoping that his ship could be

refloated on the next tide, the captain

declined the offer of help from Yarmouth

lifeboat. Instead, a tug from Southampton,

the Calshot, attempted to pull the Varvassi

clear of the rocks. As the weather

deteriorated, with rough seas and

increasingly poor visibility, the ship’s

bottom began to grind on the rocks, yet still

the Calshot tried to refloat her, and the

lifeboat was again turned away.

The 3,875-ton steam-powered freighter, built

by the Northumberland Shipbuilding

Company, was launched at Howdon-on-Tyne

in November 1914. Originally christened

Bronze Wings, she was renamed Noelle, then

Lady Charlotte, before Greek ownership

brought a change of style to Moscha D

Kydoniefs, under which name the ship did

convoy duty between Europe and North

America during World War II. Her final name

change, to Varvassi, came only in 1946.

As they boarded the Varvassi at Annaba in

Algiers, the largely Greek and South

American crew had no indication that this

would be different to any other sea-going

job: a standard haul from the Mediterranean

to the English Channel. Tucked down in the

hold was a heady cargo of tangerines and

wine, bound for Southampton, plus a load of

iron ore en route to Boulogne. Also on board

was a small herd of heifers to provide meat

for the journey, while some of the crew had

brought pets – cats and canaries – to keep

them company on the voyage.

It seems to have been an uneventful

By the following morning it was clear that

the vessel was beyond help, and the order

was given to abandon ship. With the

lifeboat now back on the scene for the third

time, all 35 members of the crew, plus the

captain and the pilot, were rescued and

taken safely to Yarmouth. Some, however,

returned to the ship the following day to

feed the cattle and try to salvage what they

could, but the weather wasn’t on their side.

The animals were slaughtered; almost

everything else went down with the ship.

For sailors in 1947, huge barrels of wine

bobbing around in the sea added an

unusual hazard to Solent navigation, as did

heavy baulks of timber later in the year as

the Varvassi began to break up. Local

beachcombers, though, revelled in the

unexpected bounty – though the tangerines

were said to be past their best.

Today, 75 years later, parts of the ship still

lie in shallow waters about 150m west of

the Needles lighthouse, her boilers

occasionally breaking the surface at low

tide: an ongoing hazard to shipping and a

constant lure for divers.

Tricia Hayne, Membership Secretary, Friends

of Hurst Castle. The group was formed in 1986

to support this historic building, which is

owned by English Heritage. Why not join us?

For details, contact trjhayne@gmail.com

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100 years 9th June

1922 Milford resident Len Knowles was

born. We would like to wish Len a very

happy big birthday!

70 Years In 2022 the

platinum jubilee of Elizabeth II is being


Born Elizabeth Alexandra Mary on 21 st

April 1926 at 17 Bruton Street, London, the

girl nicknamed Lilibet wasn’t destined to

be Queen.

She was the eldest daughter of Prince

Albert and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, Duke

and Duchess of York. The Duke, a shy man

with a pronounced stammer, was the

younger brother of Edward who was heir

to the throne, and the family of four were

anticipating a quiet life without the heavy

responsibilities of rule. However, Edward

VIII's abdication was to propel Elizabeth

into the spotlight and take her on a quite

different path.


60 Years Swedish

engineer Nils Bohlin was granted a US

patent for the three-point safety belt for

vehicles. It is now used in practically all

road vehicles.


50 Years The first leap

second was added to our clocks. The

adjustment accounts for the difference

between precise time measured by atomic

clocks and imprecise solar time. 27 leap

seconds were added to clocks between

1972 and 2016. There are calls for the

adjustment to be abolished because it

disrupts essential technology such as

satellite navigation systems.

place in London.


40 Years American

computer scientist Scott Fahlman designed

the first documented emoticons and

posted them on Carnegie Mellon

University’s bulletin board system. The

emoticons were :-) and :-(


30 Years Black

Wednesday sterling crisis. The UK crashed

out of the European Exchange Rate

Mechanism (ERM), raised interest rates

from 10% to 15%, and spent billions of

pounds buying up sterling that was being

frantically disposed of on international



25 Years The UK returned

Hong Kong to China after more than 150


Microsoft purchased $150 million (£96

million) worth of shares in struggling Apple


Netflix began operating as an online DVD

rental service. It switched to a subscription

-based service in 1999, and later added

unlimited video streaming and original


Death of Diana, Princess of Wales, her

companion Dodi Fayed, and their driver, in

a car crash in the Place de l’Alma

underpass in Paris, France.


15 Years

Smoking was banned in all enclosed

workplaces in England. Similar bans had

already been introduced in Scotland (26

March 2006), Wales (2 April 2007) and

Northern Ireland (30 April 2007).


The first Gay Pride march in Britain took

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Some Things

you didn't know


Milford on Sea

Gardeners’ Club

Sue Crabb

(Chair) Milford

Gardeners’ Club

This year marks 25 years of Milford on Sea

Gardeners’ Club.

The garden club was the brainchild of two keen

gardening friends 25 years ago, Jan England and

Jenny Spencer. They weren’t sure how it would

be received in the village but thought it was a

good idea so plans and discussions took place

through the summer of 1996, a small

committee was formed and the launch was

January 1997 at a Gardeners’ Question time.

The panel consisted of Peter Chappell who

owned “Spinners” at Boldre, Tom Mackinley

who was a show judge and Nick Aldridge from

Braxton Garden Herbs. The venue was the

Church Hall.

Would it be a success? Would people come?

Well, the queue stretched all around the

outside and it took 30 minutes to get everyone

seated in the hall! By February the club had a

membership of 155 and a waiting list was

started. Since then, right up to the present year

the club has had a membership of 120 plus

every year so I think we can say it was a great


2016 Garden Fair

20 years down the line and the keen 50

somethings had become creakier 70


Jenny also designed and planted the

Community Centre Garden in 2010 with plants

provided from Club funds.

In 2020 we donated £500 to the Community

Centre in their lockdown appeal and managed

to get it match funded so they benefitted from


We have always supported charities as a byproduct

of our activities although this is not our

main aim

and through


Gardens and

Plant Fairs

over the

years, have

raised in

excess of


We were the first organisation in the local area

to hold Open Gardens, the first being in 1998

We have been actively involved in various local for club members only. In 1999, 7 gardens

projects over the years. In 1999 to mark the were open for the princely sum of £2.00!

upcoming millennium, the club started a From 2000 onwards this became a biennial

project to plant up the Centenary Copse by the event, alternating with Sway but we were the

bridge, so called because it had been owned by first, something we are rather proud of! After

the Parish Council for 100 years.

much discussion following the 2016 Open

Club members cleared it and it was planted Gardens, when the Committee worked their

with a mix of primroses, snowdrops, foxgloves socks off, we decided to have a break. Lack of

and other plants and shrubs beneficial to volunteers subsequently, meant that we

wildlife such as hellebores and pulmonarias. decided we could no longer hold this event.

We managed it for 20 years and continued to

add to the planting but in 2020 handed it back

We have been on some amazing holidays over

to the Parish Council as we no longer had

enough volunteers Please to maintain mention it. The Plus, Village it was the years, organised and researched by Jenny ...

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...Spencer who has found us some fabulous

private gardens to visit, many of which have

been featured on TV in Gardeners’ World.

meeting before lockdown we had David

Domoney of TV’s“ Love your garden” fame. He

also appears on several other TV programmes.

We went to Paris, to celebrate the 10th

anniversary of the club, going to Monet’s

garden at Giverney, as well as several others

and we had a boat trip down the Seine.

We had a holiday in Scotland by air. We were

supposed to fly from Southampton direct to

Inverness but ended up going via Belfast and

back via Manchester! Coming home we spotted

Joanna Lumley sweeping through the airport

with her entourage!

We visited wonderful gardens and castles in

Scotland including Glamis Castle, belonging to

the Queen Mother, where we could see Orkney

just across the water. You can’t get much

further north on the mainland!

We have had some well known speakers. Tom

Hart-Dyke, who was kidnapped and held

captive for nearly a year on a plant hunting trip

to Central America, spoke at a meeting run

jointly, with New Milton and Lymington

Gardeners’ Clubs. We shared his fee which was

£1500! Whilst he was held captive he planned

his “ World Garden” in Kent, his talk needless to

say was fascinating.

We ran another joint talk with Chris Beardshaw

as the speaker. He was involved in creating a

garden for Chelsea using the people who work

at Furzey Gardens, which was one of our

charities for that year. The talk was held in

Milford Parish Church. It was packed out and he

certainly gave value for money. He was

supposed to talk for a hour to an hour and a

half but was still going at 2 hours! People were

getting uncomfortable on the hard pews and in

the end Jenny had to politely stop him as we

had also overrun our allotted time!

He came back from Chelsea with a gold medal

and the garden was installed on the Furzey

Gardens site.

I still remember his best bit of advice. “If you

are not sure whether to keep a plant or get rid

of it, imagine you have a paradise garden and

the plant will be with you for eternity. If you

don’t want it forever, dig it up.” Sound advice

for decision making!

David was actually thanks to Jenny Spencer

who “ won” him in a draw at Chelsea flower

show! The prize was to have her garden

redesigned by him. Alas! Too late! Jenny, being

a garden designer herself had just completed a

new garden as she had recently moved so she

negotiated him coming to give a talk to the Club

instead. We could never have afforded him


The irony was that Jenny had a holiday on the

other side of the world booked for the only

date he could come so she never got to see

him. It was a hugely informative talk where he

shared loads of tips and amusing anecdotes

about people he had worked with on TV.

Looking back over the past 25 years we have

come a long way since that first Gardeners’

question time and have gone from strength to

strength. So I have a big thank you to say to

Jenny and Jan for their brilliant idea.

What does the future hold for the club? In

August we will be holding a celebratory tea

party for our 25 years, at the Community

Centre. We have asked the Parish Council if we

can plant an oak tree in the Community

Meadow to mark our anniversary and the

Queen’s Jubilee and they have agreed. Jenny is

planning a holiday for 2023 which will include a

visit to “ Bridgewater” the latest RHS garden

near Manchester. We are planning a great

programme of speakers as always. It’s looking

good BUT our success is due entirely to a hard

working committee, all of whom are getting

older! Like many local organisations we need

some new, younger people to step up and take

the baton if we are to continue successfully into

We have had Helen Yemm who writes a column

in the Saturday Telegraph and at almost the last the future.

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A gritty rom/com

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all good




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New Forest Artisans:

By Suzanne Ashworth

Tea & Coffee Whether your favoured drink is tea or coffee, we all tend to have

our favourites and stick to blends we are familiar with.

However, there is also a growing recognition that not all brands offer the most sustainable

choices and that taking time to try some locally produced products can reduce food miles and

support the economic community. Times have been hard and being locked down due to Covid

has had a big impact on our spending and socialising – possibly we are all a little more

thoughtful in our decisions and want the best we can obtain within our own locality.


Tea is the world’s second most consumed

beverage and 84% of the British population

drink tea daily – often several cups! Now grown

in many worldwide locations the original tea

growing took place in Asia – the Camellia

sinensis plant is the derivative of all other tea

varieties. To grow successfully tea needs hot

days and cool nights, preferably at high

altitudes. In the UK we mostly consume black

teas with high caffeine levels, although the

health benefits of green tea is increasing

demand. White tea is more rarely found and

more expensive. Semi-fermented tea is

called oolong and the most exclusive tea of all

is pu erh tea, which is aged for up to 50 years.

Local New Forest supplier Tips &

Leaves (www.tipsnleaves.com) can offer all

these teas and source premium teas from all

around the globe. With

a motto of Is it tea

you’re looking for?, all

of their teas are

ethically sourced and

packed in home


packaging. Owners Ian

and Kelly (accompanied by their dog Gracie)

have also established The New Forest Tea

Company as a result of the changes during

lockdown – previously they ran two tea lounges

in Lyndhurst and had been sourcing teas for

over a decade. However, the Covid lockdown

gave them time to not only develop new

blends, in association with their tea importer,

but also to address their concerns about

sustainable production and supply. They now

package tea in refillable pouches or use

packaging made from Natureflex, which breaks

down after 3-6 months. All their ethically

sourced, premium teas come in plastic free,

compostable tea pyramids – addressing the

growing concern about the plastic present in

in home compostable pouches as well as

offering refill options to keep your tea tin full.

You can buy their tea online (postage free if

your order is over £20) and Ian and Kelly also

supply wholesale to many New Forest

companies – cafes, farm shops, hotels,

restaurants and holiday accommodation. Their

commitment to provide “premium tea that

doesn’t cost the earth” and expansion since

2021 has led to The New Forest Tea Company

being awarded the Best New Business in the

New Forest Brilliance in Business Awards.

Find out more about Ian and Kelly’s adventures

in sustainable tea supply on their facebook

page, twitter , email on

newforestteaco@gmail.com or meet them at

the Highcliffe Food and Arts Festival. Their

website has details of their products and

accessories – www.newforestteacompany.com.


I turn now to where to get really amazing

coffee in the New Forest area – Forest Edge

Roasting is based in Lyndhurt and run by Robyn,

who started a coffee van on returning from

Australia and missing the coffee scene she

found there. She wanted to also tackle the

amount of plastic waste created by the

mainstream coffee outlets and determined to

use sustainable coffee beans and plastic-free

packaging. Robyn was told by everyone she

asked that being sustainable and profitable in

roasting and selling coffee would be impossible,

but she set off in her solar-powered coffee van

anyway! Once Covid put paid to her mobile

work, Robyn concentrated on roasting coffee

sourced from ethical suppliers and keeping

homeworkers supplied with specialist coffee. By

September 2021, Robyn was able to open her

coffee house in Lyndhurst and continue her

online business…...

big brand tea bags. They also pack all their teas

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Continued on next page


Continued from previous page

….Entirely plastic-free, Robyn uses compostable

cups and lids as well as packaging and offers

reuse tubs to her customers. Only sourcing

coffee from growers with a social and ecological

ethos is vital too – examples include Rwandan

coffee grown by female workers with no other

income source and Brazilian farmer who has

reduced water consumption with irrigation

projects. Obviously, selling online does involve

import and postal charges, but Robyn tries to

offset this by using carbon neutral companies

and contributing to Ecologi, which plants trees

every month.

Forest Edge Roasting has a subscription service

and “three bag bundle” – blends are Forest

Edge Roast, Muddy Paws, Hedgerow, Drifters

and North Ridge – if you are at the top of

Lyndhurst High Street pop in and try some out.

Robyn can be reached on 07931 362307 , on

facebook , twitter or email on


Global adventures in good taste –

Coffee Mongers

Sourcing the world’s finest beans and then

roasting them to achieve perfection is the

achieved aim and ethos of Lymington based

Coffee Mongers, which is run by a team of

coffee lovers based at Unit 13, Ampress Park.

This ethical and sustainable coffee company

was set up some years ago by Brooke and

Tarek, who were later joined by Gareth and

Jake, to name two of the other team members.

Providing a warm welcome at the coffee bar

open 10am to 4pm weekdays (and now 10am

to 2pm Saturdays) is Doola the Coffee Mongers

friendly dog. Prior to the Covid lockdown they

concentrated on roasting for the wholesale

market across the New Forest and beyond but

have now developed a busy online sales

business for individual consumers – subscribers

and call in customers – many of whom will

come out of their way for a sublime cup of

ethically sourced and specially roasted coffee.

Talking about coffee is pretty important to the

team too – Jake explained to me so much about

coffee and how they identify the ones they will

roast and blend. The dark-roasted coffee that

gained popularity from the Italian market is

often poor quality and high in caffeine. Coffee

Mongers offer a variety of high-grade

flavoursome coffees with 30% less caffeine and

subtle flavours to suit all palates. They roast

small amounts and can buy a harvest from

growers across the world that they know and

have built a relationship with. Arabica coffee is

the most popular type of bean used for a

sweeter, less harsh taste while Robusta is

cheaper to produce and higher in caffeine, with

a more bitter flavour. Buying direct from

growers means they can purchase a whole

harvest and create their own blends – this are

then introduced to their keen coffee customers

and is offered as single origin coffee. Once

tasted many find that they can never go back to

the mass produced coffees offered by the big


During lockdown they developed the mail order

and subscription services and are now also

welcoming customers into the coffee bar at

Ampress Park. Regularly supplying local eateries

and businesses such as garden centres, Coffee

Mongers start by agreeing a “go to” blend and

enable customers to try some more unusual

coffees and to be very flexible about amounts

and re-ordering. They are in frequent touch

with their regulars and operate an impressive

delivery system , which is able to respond

quickly to demand and new orders while

keeping travel miles to a minimum. They too

use plastic-free packaging and reusable tubs for

business supplies. The Arabica coffee beans

come in as green beans and will have been

defined already by a Coffee Q Grader, but the

team at Coffee Mongers can then taste and

discuss before deciding how to blend and roast

for their business – this sounded like a very

enjoyable part of their job! After some sample

roasting in the probat mini roaster the beans

are roasted for about 15 minutes in their 20kg

Buhler roaster.

Globe-trotting has been the shared background

in this team and their commitment to


issues is clear –

previously the local

HQ for Surfers

Against Sewage,

Coffee Mongers are

really looking

forward to their

next venture – they

have taken on the

adjacent unit and

are dividing the

space to production

and the customer

area. Now that

lockdown is over,

they plan to restart coffee clubs, music events

and to have a great space for people to pop in

for a coffee, pastries and to chill out. Courses

will be on offer to show people just how to get

the best from their coffee and coffee machines.

With Gareth having been an DJ and Jake ...


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... a keen jazz musician, they will be

welcoming local musicians to get involved

too. Brooke and Tarek are back in Miami

and devote their time to sourcing and

developing coffee contacts across the

world, ensuring their suppliers are working

to their environmental and sociological


Too busy drinking and roasting coffee to

spend all day on social media, Coffee

Mongers do have a facebook page and

website – www.coffeemongers.com and

can be contacted on 01590 676736 or

email on hello@coffeemongers.com. I

shall certainly be keeping an eye open for

the fliers to publicise their new ventures –

Jake said he is more likely to be delivering

these on his bike, rather than a huge

promotional launch and this seems typical

of Coffee Mongers whole ethos –

sustainability and coffee take precedence!


Facebook: forest-to-sea.online

Instagram – a local photo every day –

suzieashworth Twitter: @suzashworth






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104 High Street, Milford on Sea

Tel 01590 642101

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Clear Skies

Welcome to clear skies, a quick summary

of night sky items for the month that you

can look for from your garden or a suitable


What can be seen in the night sky in the

middle of summer? With the long bright

evenings, there doesn’t seem to be much

about, so let me introduce you to the

Summer Triangle. As twilight deepens, you

should see a lone star due east about 45

degrees up, that is Vega. From here track

left and down a little to another fainter star

Deneb. Then quite some distance to the

south (below Vega) you should find a third

star Altair. These three stars comprise the

summer triangle and once the sky is

completely dark you may notice the milky

way running through the centre of it.

Turning round to the north around midsummer,

still in the deep twilight, you may

see some thin pearly white clouds, like

cirrus clouds hovering over the northern

horizon. These are noctilucent clouds and

are very high clouds that can only be seen at

the end of twilight when the summer sun is

shining on them from below the horizon.

Remember that they are bluely white, not


The International Space Station is passing

over us in the early morning hours for most

of June and early July. The first pass that will

be visible is on 11 th July around 11.10pm

and also on the 13 th , 15 th and 17 th . On the

12 th July the pass is around 10.25pm and

also on the 14 th , 16 th , 18 th and 20 th .

There is a local astronomical society in the

area, and they operate the observatory on

the top of Toothill. There are no public

evening viewings in June or July, as the

observatory has a summer break until


To find out more information please look at

the facebook page – Solent Amateur

Astronomers. https://www.facebook.com/


Stephen McCann – Solent

Amateur Astronomers,


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evolvebuildingltd2@gmail.com www.evolve-build.com

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24 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Beaulieu Heath & Stockley

A Walk by Suzanne Ashworth

SO42 7QL SU 3421 0216 Stockley car


This is a good place for easy walking, and you can extend a

short stroll onto a much longer circular walk all around

Beaulieu heath if you wish.

Stockley car park is on the B3055 road between Beaulieu

and Brockenhurst. It is on a corner near Stockley Cottage –

the lovely residence of a lucky forest keeper!

Now a tranquil spot, this was very busy during World War

two as the base to support nearby Beaulieu airfield was built

here. Some concrete paths remain, and the surrounding

area has become Roundhill campsite.

Path from Stockley

Leave the car park and walk on the wide gravel paths

through the glades of trees towards the campsite and past

the woodland through which you can glimpse the cottage.

Just before the campsite take the path to the left and from

there many tracks lead alongside farmland and onto the


We like to take a wide circular track right along the side of

the farm past the campsite and then turn onto Beaulieu

heath – this provides a lovely contrast between woodland

and open heath.

Most of the wide tracks will lead you back to the car park

eventually. There are great views in all directions and plenty

of off lead exercise for dogs outside the season of ground

nesting birds – keep your dog on a lead from March to Late


Stockley Woodland

SO42 7QL SU 3421 0216 Beaulieu Heath car park

Excellent for level walking and great long-distance views, Beaulieu Heath has many clear tracks

and an octagonal circular route which can easily be completed in less than an hour and a half.

There are two car parks, one near what is now a model aircraft flying area.

The tracks remain from the days of the second World War airfield, when first RAF bombers and

fighters were based here and then the US Air Force. Opened in 1942, the airfield remained in

use for experimental flights until 1959, when it was handed over to the Crown lands. Since

then, it has been managed by the Forestry Commission. As well as remnants of the 570 acres of

runways, you can see traces of tracks built from brick rubble used from bombed out houses in

Southampton and even the large letters “BL” carved into the ground. There were three

converging runways in the layout of the letter A.

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts

Continued over page






The New Forest’s leading, family run,

garden centre, offering you the quality

and choice from our own 25 acre


Whether you’re looking for bulbs & bedding or

trees & shrubs, we are sure to have something to

suit your needs. Our knowledgeable staff are

always on hand to help and advise.

If it’s a gift you are after, then why not come

along and browse our houseplants or gift area.

There are lots of lovely ideas.

And after all that shopping rest a while in

Camellias with a slice of cake and a cuppa,

or even one of our home cooked lunches.

Everton, nr. Lymington, SO41 0JZ

Tel: 01590 642155


Complete design & plan drawing service

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Paul Fisher BSc (Hons) MCIAT

Chartered Architectural Technologist

26 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Continued from previous page

This heath is very exposed and can be a

bracing place to walk or get extremely wet in

bad weather! The paths are often puddly and

in winter some parts were impassable even in

wellies. Edged with shrub and woodland, the

heath is popular with New Forest ponies and

donkeys and has good patches of gorse and

multiple fungi in autumn and early winter.

However, in sunny weather it is stunning and

the skies are huge. Ground nesting birds and

other wildlife thrive and it is an area renowned

for butterflies. Species found here include the

Silver-studded Blue, Grayling and Dark Green


Donkey at Beaulieu Heath

Suzanne Ashworth: After growing up in Southampton and spending many days in the New Forest

area, I moved away for several decades – mostly to Wales. I have recently returned and now live

in Lymington with my fiance, Robbie and our Pembrokeshire border collie, Cwtch – keeping her

well exercised has given us a chance to explore the wonderful areas of forest and coastline


https://forest-to-sea.online Facebook: forest-to-sea.online

Instagram – a local photo every day – suzieashworth Twitter: @suzashworth

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A W Parker

Groundworks Contractor

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28 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

In the Garden

During June & July

We have now reached Summer, with maximum light levels, day length and, possibly, heat.

Despite all that, weeds continue to grow, and have already started to self-seed. If we get any hot

periods, pots will need watering at least twice a day. Ponds, water features and birdbaths can dry

out amazingly quickly at this time of year. For those of us who still maintain a lawn we can have a

little relaxation by not having to cut the lawn short, and not at all in hot dry weather.

During June the fruit of strawberries can suffer from mould and birds. Protection can be provided

with straw, and mesh and netting or some other contrivance.

Many veg can be sown into July, such as french beans and carrots, so make another sowing before

you have gobbled up all the previous harvest.

Tomatoes destined to grow outdoors should be planted out in June. If you don’t want a shrub

plant (which very successfully hide their fruit), remember to prick out any side shoots.

Marrow and courgettes can be planted out in June, They are very greedy and thirsty, so need to

be kept watered and fed.

Finish cutting Asparagus during June, give it a general feed and enjoy the fronds as they grow.

During June or July the whippy new growth of Wisteria should be cut back to about 6 buds, its a

good opportunity to guide its growing habit before it does its own thing, and goes wild. Tall

growing plants will probably need supporting, and the earlier the better.

All plants that flower early in the season need dead-heading after flowering is over. Often it can

promote a second flush. Alternatively collect seed, or let them seed where they land.

Give a mid-season feed, I like to use liquid seaweed as it is rich in micro-nutrients, but tomato feed

will work very well. Greedy plants in pots need a weekly feed, part of the watering regime.

Keep the plants in the greenhouse shaded on bright sunny days (we may well have some) and

damp down the flooring in hot weather.

Last, but not least, remember to take advantage of hot days – when it’s too hot to work in the

garden – find a shady spot, sit down and wallow in the results of all your hard work.

We welcome any questions that you may have, and we'll do our best to help.

We have been keen gardeners for over 30 years, opening our garden over 18 years for the

National Garden Scheme. Since moving to the New Forest area we have been recreating a largish

garden whilst getting used to the new soil conditions.

Roger & Marian Peacock - contact email: info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


30 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

7 Angel Courtyard

Lymington SO41 9AP

T: 01590 675675



Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


32 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Laugh Don’t Leak!

(title curtesy of Elaine Miller FCSP)

Let’s talk about bladders and the problems we may suffer from. As a physio who has

had a special interest in pelvic floor rehabilitation in women over the past 20 years, I

am passionate to educate others about what you can do to help yourselves.

Urinary stress incontinence (USI) is the term used to describe loss of urine when your

bladder is under pressure. For example: when you cough, sneeze, laugh or run across

the road.

Millions of people suffer from all types of incontinence (including many elite athletes)

and research suggests that between 60-80% of USI problems can be improved with

conservative measures. Up to 97% of women who do their pelvic floor exercises 3

times a day for 3-5 months will have a complete resolution of their symptoms, so that

great news but understandably quite a challenge to keep up. My favourite saying is that

they are as important as cleaning your teeth and for a lifetime!

Now conservative measures means ‘not surgery’ and as well as exercises there are

many products on the market to assist in our bladder leakage management. I am not

paid by any companies to promote their products and I like to give independent advice

to my patients. However, the Contrelle Activgard is one of my favourites to recommend

for the right patients and a bonus that it is now manufactured in the UK and brought to

you by a local based specialist company.

It is an easy to insert vaginally, comfortable to

wear and will help to support the neck of the

bladder to help prevent urinary leakage when you

are active. I have lots of patient using them for

sport (running, golf, tennis, horse riding for

example) with high levels of satisfaction.

Sorry chaps, this one is not for you but you can still practice your pelvic floor exercises.

Any Chartered physiotherapist with specialist training in women’s or men’s health can

assess your pelvic floor and start you on the road to recovery. ‘Laugh don’t leak’ as my

amazing Scottish physio/comedian colleague promotes (see her at the Edinburgh Fringe

festival in the summer, she is hilarious!)

Cheryl Boettger MCSP,Hordle Physiotherapy


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34 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

The Old Clock House - 22 High Street - Milford-on-Sea

Hampshire - SO41 0QD

Parish Clerk: Graham Wells

Assistant Clerk: Niamh Morrison

Chris Walford Pavilion

at Barnes Lane

The Parish Council and Milford Youth

Football Club were advised earlier in the

year that funds were available from

Hampshire Football Association (FA)

enabling grass roots football clubs to

improve both the playing surfaces and

facilities on recreation grounds. The

Football Club have received a grant over

6 years to improve the pitches at Barnes

Lane and a joint grant application has

been submitted for the Pavilion.

Tel: 01590 644410

Email: clerk@milfordonseaparishcouncil.gov.uk

JUNE / JULY 2022

Website: milfordonseaparishcouncil.gov.uk

of the area behind the practice nets

with a new fence being erected for

safety reasons.

This project is subject to a grant being

awarded by the FA.

The majority of changes to the Pavilion

will be internal with the kitchen being

moved to enable better access to the

outside patio. The patio will be relayed

and a cover erected over it and new

double patio doors have just been

fitted. The showers will be replaced with

three separate cubicles and an

additional toilet installed. Some minor

changes will be undertaken to the

changing rooms, with a treatment room

being established. Other work at the

recreation ground include the removal

of the old cricket nets, with new

practice nets and run up being

constructed in the autumn. A tidying up

Parish Annual Public Meeting

25 residents attended the Annual

Parish Meeting on 9th May in All Saints

Church Hall. Due to the Covid Pandemic

this was the first Public meeting since

2019. The Parish Chair, Cllr Matthew

Goode, reported on some of the major

changes affecting the village since the

last Public Meeting, as well as

significant changes due in the …..

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


coming months. He thanked members

of the Parish Council for all their hard

work as well as Parish Staff and those

who volunteer their time to make

Milford-on-Sea a fantastic place to live.

Cllr Banks, Chair of Planning, reported

that the Council had discussed over 150

housing and tree applications during the

last year and highlighted some

significant applications due soon, such

as the development of land north of

Manor Road and the War Memorial

Hospital Site.

Cllr Cullen, Chair of finance, reported

that significant sums of money were

starting to be received due to the

increase in housing and major

developments. She highlighted some of

the major projects undertaken over the

last year and several due to take place

during 2022/23.

Some of the questions asked by the

attending public were:

The condition of the toilet block near to

the Bowls Club.

District Cllr Hawkins reported that an

upgrade to this block was due in 2023.

The fencing at the entrance to the drop

off at the school and flooding at the

bus stop.

The Chair reported that a license from

HCC Highways was being sort before

work could commence and that an

impact assessment was due to be

undertaken near the school.

The timescale for the development

north of Manor Road.

The Chair reported that a consultation

was being rolled out in May and should

last 3-4 weeks and a planning

application was expected in the late

summer. The Chair encouraged

residents to engage in the consultation.

There were several other questions

posed and reports given by County and

District Councillors, all of these can be

viewed within the minutes of the

meeting on the Parish Website.

A Big Flowery Thank you

For the fifth year a big thank you goes

to Mr. Charles Wilson who has

sponsored the hanging baskets and

planters in the village. Once again this

year the planters will be hung on the

back of the benches surrounding the

village green and the planters filled

with seasonal flowers throughout the


A big thank you also

goes to Sue Crabb

who maintains the

planters and with

her team of expert

volunteers tends to

the Community

Meadow behind

the Church.

For the Queens Platinum Jubilee an

additional planter will be placed on the

Village Green donated by the WI, this

should see an appropriate display of

red, white and blue flowers.

36 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Bus Shelter at the B3058/

Downton Junction

The wooden bus shelter has now been

placed at the B3058/Downton Lane

Junction. The area has been made good

by HCC Highways and has become a

more fitting gateway to the village.

funds linked to the development of “The


Also, as part of the funds available, two

bridges in the Lower Pleasure Grounds

near to Mill Meadow Pond will be


The cost of this project was met from

Developers Contributions and a

contribution from Shorefield Holidays


MEG Bridge, Boardwalk and Steps

Over many years the MEG Bridge,

Boardwalk and Steps to Blackbush Road

have deteriorated, this is in spite of

valiant efforts by the MVC to keep it in a

safe condition for use. It is a very

popular route for walkers using the

Upper Pleasure Grounds from Sharvells


Although it is hoped the work can start

in the Autumn/Winter this has yet to be

confirmed. It is uncertain at this moment

in time whether the MEG Bridge,

Boardwalk and Steps to Blackbush Road

need to be closed off due to the risk

associated with using this route. A

decision will be made at the May Parish

Council meeting.

Greening Campaign

The good news is that funds should be

available to undertake major repairs to

the bridge, boardwalk and steps. These

funds will largely be met from mitigation

The Greening Campaign Public meeting

scheduled for the end of March was

deferred to show solidarity and support

for the New Forest for Ukraine meeting

scheduled for the same day and time. We

will be advising of a new date when


In the meantime we have been active. We

have met with Milford on Sea …..

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


...Primary School to understand first

hand their thoughts and ideas for future

Greening activities and how the pupils

can become more involved in our

Community. Last week we attended the

Cleaner on the Green event with

Lymington Transition with a plant and

vegetable swap which was successful.

We are planning on holding a Repair

Cafe event in the early Autumn following

feedback and success of other Repair

Cafe’s in the New Forest area.

The Parish Council would

like to take credit for this,

but alas cannot do so, as

the work was completed

by Hampshire County

Council’s Access Team.

Path work under the

same programme was

also undertaken on a path

off of Lymore Valley.

All Work and All Play

Just a Reminder!

The Parish Office sells good quality,

biodegradable dog bags for the princely

sum of £1 for a pack of 50.

It is a shame to

continually have to

remind those that own

dogs that they should

pick up their dogs mess.

This is something that

blights the Village and is

dangerous, especially to

young children.

Of course the majority of owners are

responsible, but it only takes a few to

give everyone a bad reputation.

Dogs are certainly not allowed on Barnes

Lane Recreation Ground and the

Community Meadow, please walk

around and not through.

Kingfisher Walk, It Wasn’t Us


During a recent meeting between the

Parish Council and volunteers groups that

help with maintaining some of the Parish

Council owned land, the following items

should be addressed during this financial


1. Matting and Grass around the

Chris Monk Bench on the Village


2. Revetment work along the Dane


3. Daffodil planting on the Village


4. Footpath filling and ditch work in

the Pleasure Grounds

5. Improvements to an area of land

at Sturt Pond Close

6. A Jubilee Oak Tree planted in the

Community Meadow

7. Replacement of dead fruit trees in

the Community Orchard

8. Chipping of some cut brush in the

Pleasure Grounds

9. Bee Hives on a parcel of land (yet

to be identified)

Plus a number of other small projects.

Thank you to all those that volunteer

your valuable time.

Work has been completed at Kingfisher

walk (between Keyhaven Road and By the time you read this the play area at

Swallow Drive). A new path has been laid “The Swifts” will belong to the Parish

along the entire length of this well used Council…..Swing Away!!


38 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

01590 643033


57 High Street, Milford on Sea, Lymington, SO41 0QG

Do you have an empty garage?

Local couple looking for a secure garage

to rent or buy for

domestic storage usage

Please contact Jacqui

Tel : 07801 562 358

Email : jqpeacock@gmail.com

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


T: 01590 750063 M: 07501 636064

40 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Culture, Eurovision &

the Jubilee

Dear All, can it be May already? But yes, it is!

And, this morning, I am re-writing my article

after the United Kingdom coming second to

Ukraine in the Eurovision Song Contest after

many years in the wilderness! Like many

others, I stayed up to see the vote, and,

whilst Ukraine was most deserving of its first

place, the UK’s singer, Sam Ryder, made the

UK proud with his Space Man song. I always

think the Eurovision Song Contest is a great

forum to learn about people, culture and

traditions, and the Ukraine entry was no

exception, with a blend of traditional

Ukrainian folk song and modern hip hop.

So, on the subject of celebrating culture, as

my original article intended, I recently

attended Hampshire County Council’s

Chairman’s Platinum Jubilee Concert at the

Anvil in Basingstoke, where the county

Youth Jazz Band, Orchestras, Choir and

other ensembles treated us to a super

programme of music. If you have never

heard Hampshire’s young musicians play

you are missing something special, so

contact Hampshire Music Service to find out

how to get tickets for upcoming

performances. And if your youngsters are

interested, get them involved in

Hampshire’s music making opportunities

through HMS. hants.gov.uk/


country parks or attractions. There are also

Platinum Jubilee community events at all of

Hampshire’s country parks on the Jubilee

weekend. hants.gov.uk/


I will put out a special call here for model

steam train enthusiasts! The little steam

trains that take you around Royal Victoria

Country Park are run by volunteers - but

they are short of drivers. If you have those

skills, please contact the park to help out!

They need you! https://



There are a whole host of other recreational

and cultural Jubilee events in which you can

take part around the New Forest and

Hampshire at our library and museum

venues. Make the most of those!



Finally, there are also exciting local village

and town events happening to celebrate the

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. I shall be going

along to as many as I can visit across my

county council division area. Thank you to

those residents and organisations who are

organising them. Let’s make sure we all get

out and support them. On the Eurovision

Song Contest result, things bode very well

for a terrific summer of Hampshire culture

and fun!

I also recently visited Royal Victoria Country

Park in Netley with my husband. What a

lovely day we had. Visiting the Royal

Victoria Chapel building which is the last

remaining part of the old Memorial

Hospital, founded by Queen Victoria and

caring for the wounded soldiers of World

Cllr Fran Carpenter

Wars I and II. There are also some fabulous

Hampshire County Councillor

recreational facilities for families, including

New Milton North, Milford &


the play park areas, train rides and cafes. As

01425 614665 / 07867 502624

summer arrives, make a plan to visit Royal


Victoria or one of Hampshire’s other

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


Lymington Bowling Club

Come and Join us

Established players and newcomers

all welcome

In the heart of Lymington – behind the football ground

The Pavilion, Avenue Road, Lymington, SO41 9GJ


Come to our Bowls Big Weekend 27th - 29th May

Enquire now about this year’s bowling season and if you’re new to the

sport, take advantage of our 50% discounted

1 st year membership subscription and free coaching.

For full details email - clubsec@lymingtonbc.co.uk

Website www.lymingtonbc.co.uk




42 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk


Keyhaven Songs of Praise, 6pm on

31 st July on the foreshore, Keyhaven, please

bring a chair! The event will be supported by

the Salvation Army Band Boscombe. If wet the

service will be held at All Saints Milford on


Milford on Sea

Whist Club

Venue Address:

Milford on Sea Village Hall,

Park Road, SO41 0QU.

When : Every Thursday,

Time: 2.00 to 4.30pm Doors open at 1.45pm

Costs - £2.00 including scorecard

Contact details:Linda Cooper


Tel: 01590 644571

Grange Choral Society Concert to

celebrate the Queen’s Platinum

Jubilee. Christchurch Priory. Saturday 9 th July

at 7.30. A wonderful programme including -

Handel’s Coronation Anthems and the Vivaldi

Gloria. Tickets from

www.christchurchpriory.org and Tel 07951

311651. Nave reserved £18.00. Side Aisles

Jubilee Joy?

As the Jubilee fast

approaches, we may want

to join in the celebrations

with our community but

are having difficulty with isolation and

loneliness. I wonder if the Queen has ever

experienced this situation along her reigning


Being the only British Monarch to reach a

Platinum Jubilee, and after seventy years of

service, it would be good if we could help our

older population join in the jollity!

Become a Befriending volunteer today and join

us at New Milton recreation ground from 12

noon to early evening on Friday the 3rd of June.

You won't want to miss the Fly-by from a

Spitfire, wouldn’t it be good to bring someone

else along.

Let’s start the fun together!

Volunteer now …….Call Georgina Towler, HOPe

Befriending Coordinator,

on 07936 495 708

Milford Floral Art Club

Open Meeting Demonstration by Pam Lewis,

National Demonstrator

All Saints’ Church Hall Greenbanks Close Milford

-on-Sea SO41 OSQ

Thursday 9th June 2022 -2.00 pm Doors open

1.30 pm. Visitors welcome — Tickets £13

For more info contact Brenda


Refreshments : Floral Sundries for sale : Raffle

The Recorded Music Society meets at

MOS Library twice a month on Fridays 2 - 5pm.

Over 30 members regularly attend to hear a

presentation from a member or gust on a theme

of their choice - usually from a classical field eg

opera, chamber, with occasionally a little jazz

thrown in.

New members will be welcome when we restart

£13.00 with television screens. Students £5. in September. Please contact David on 01590

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts

645 365 or Andy on 1590 643 249


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And Much more

01425 620678 07712 641714


44 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Village Voice

Deliverers Needed


While You Walk

Contact Jacqui

E: info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

T: 01590 643969

Friends of Hurst Castle


Since 1986, the Friends of

Hurst Castle have worked

tirelessly to support the

castle, but while English Heritage continues

work on protecting and

rebuilding the collapsed wall of

the east wing, the Victorian

sections of the castle remain closed to the

public – and us. The magnificent Henry VIII

keep, however, is open to visitors – and FOHC


Our volunteers can’t wait to get back on site,

but in the meantime we are still holding some

of our popular social and fundraising events,

and publishing our regular newsletter; why

not join us? To find out more, please contact

our membership secretary, Tricia Hayne, on


Lymington Petanque Club (LPC)

Parkinson’s U.K. The New Forest Branch

of Parkinson’s UK meets on the third Thursday

of each month at the Boldre War Memorial

Hall, Pilley, SO41 5QG from 2.00 to 4.30 pm.

Friendly support, information and social

activities are available for all people with

Parkinson’s, their Carers, families and friends.

All new members are very welcome. No

membership fees, but voluntary donations

always welcome. Contact 07595 927 299 or


Lymington Area Parkinson’s

Support - Exercise Group

All Parkinson’s people and their Carers are

welcome to join a fun chair based exercise

class with the emphasis on functional fitness,

followed by coffee, biscuits and chat. The

classes are held Tuesday mornings at 10.30am

at the Boldre War Memorial Hall, Pilley, SO41

5QG. £3 per session (Carers free). Contact

07595 927 299, or just turn up.

With the weather improving, nights drawing out

and Covid restrictions eased somewhat, the

spring and early summer are getting quite busy.

As intimated in the last bulletin, we are due to

play an 'away' match in mid-May against

Muscliff Park in Bournemouth for the Malcolm

Maybee Trophy, a trophy fashioned for us by

one of our ex-members.

Additionally, we hope to have a 'pitch' at the

Jubilee celebrations at Woodside in June.

There is also the possibility of a friendly at new

Milton, but planning for that is at a very early

stage (i.e. two of us have had an informal

exchange following a tentative suggestion by

New Milton!)

We are always at the Emsworth Road Terrain

from 2:00 on Tuesdays, for anyone who fancies

coming along to give the game a try. Our

website is www.lymingtonpetanque.co.uk and

we can be contacted at


You can promote your club or society for FREE

Please send details to info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Applies to not for profit groups small adverts . We can not guarantee inclusion but will try our best to fit as many

Please mention The Village entries Voice in as we when can. responding to adverts


46 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk





The New Forest local group of the Royal

Society for the Protection of Birds will hold an

indoor meeting on Wed 8 th June, where they

will welcome local artist, naturalist and author

Aimėe Durnell. Her talk entitled “Between

Two Rivers” covers the area between

Lymington River and Beaulieu River. Meetings

start at 7.30pm and are held in the Lyndhurst

Community Centre, central car park, High

Street, Lyndhurst SO43 7NY (doors open


Outdoor meetings:. From 10am to 3pm on Sat

4 th June the group will visit Martin Down (SU

058 192), meeting at the end of Sillens Lane,

west of Martin village. From 9pm to 10.30pm

on Sat 25 th June they have a late evening trip

to Goatspen Plain (SU 228 015) to look for

nightjars, meeting in Goatspen car park. From

10am to 3pm on Fri 1 st July the group will visit

RSPB Arne reserve, 4 miles south of

Wareham, meeting in the reserve car park.

Then, from 10am to 1pm on Sat 16 th July

there is a New Forest butterfly trip to Denny

Wood (SU 334 059), meeting at the small car

park through the campsite.

All meetings are subject to current covid

restrictions. For any further information,

please email NewForestGroup@RSPB.org.uk

or visit the Group’s website www.rspb.org.uk/

groups/newforest Those taking part in field

trips should wear suitable, dull coloured

clothing and sturdy footwear. Admission at

indoor meetings for non-members is currently

£5.00 per evening.



Arts Group

Annual Event


‘Art on the

Green’, which

will take place in the Marquee at Milford-on-

Sea Village Green

on Saturday, 20th August & Sunday, 21st August,

2022 between 9.30 a.m. and 5.00 p.m.

ADMISSION FREE, Sale of Pictures and

cards, Public voting for best picture, etc.


Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


48 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk


on Sea

For anyone in the area who is retired or no longer

in full time employment. Join us for opportunities

for learning, friendship and fun!

Membership has been growing steadily this year and we now have

over 350 members! We have been delighted that our new members

are all very enthusiastic, with some of them already starting new

groups. We have spaces in many of our groups, so if there is something

you fancy, why not join us?

Membership is £15 for the year and you can now join online.

See our website to find out more www.u3asites.org.uk/milfordonsea

Contact us on milfordonseau3a@gmail.com Membership Secretary 01590 718653

Monthly meetings, on the

first Tuesday of the

month, are open to all


Groups meet throughout

the week. You can join as

many as you like

Current Affairs,

Economics, Family

History, Historical

Topics, Modern History,

Psychology Discussion,

Villages & Explorers

(local history & visits)

Cycling, Golf, Walkers,

Wildflower Watchers,

Bird Watching.

Table Tennis,.

Classic Car Group

Art Appreciation,


Music Appreciation,

Painting and Drawing,


French for Fun,

French Improvers,

French Conversation,

Spanish for Fun,

Spanish Conversation

Lunch Club,

Singing for Fun,

Wine Appreciation,

Theatre Trips,

Social activities

Book Club,

Play Reading,

Creative Writing.

Computer Support for

beginners, Computer








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50 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

A New Community Music Group

As we get older we all forget things like peoples’ names, where we’ve put our

keys, and what we went upstairs for. Research shows that keeping active and

being sociable are excellent ways to keep our brains working well. It’s also well

known that music is a great way to stimulate our memories.

Pre pandemic there were groups in Milford catering specifically for people

affected by dementia. But now the Milford on Sea Charitable Trust and the

Community Centre have come together to offer something a bit different. We are

starting a new, inclusive community group that will be open to anyone who likes

music, and will welcome people affected by dementia or any other conditions.

You can come along and join in with the singing or just sit and listen.

Music for a Healthy Mind

starts on Thursday 26th May at 2pm.

It will then meet on the second and fourth Thursday of every month in the

Community Centre. Why not come along and join us for a cup of tea, and see

what you think? The aim is to have an enjoyable and relaxing afternoon.

We are very aware too, that when a person does experience some memory

issues, they and their families are likely to want to find out what help is available.

So we are providing a Coordinator for the village and surrounding area. She has

worked with people with dementia, and will be able to signpost to relevant local

services and support. Her name is Jan and she is experienced in working with

people with dementia. She will be a sympathetic ear to people at a time when

they may be very anxious.

As well as being at the Music for a Healthy Mind sessions, she will be on hand at a

small informal drop-in at the Community Centre café. It will be open to anyone

who is caring at home for a relative or friend, to come along either with or

without the person they care for. The Carers’ Café will be on the first and third

Thursday afternoon of the month, from 2.00-3.30, starting on June 16th. There

will be also be games and reminiscence activities.

If you are interested in helping please email Jenny Whitley on


Or contact the Community Centre

The Milford on Sea Charitable Trust is a Registered Charity no 1172750

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


Call on 07496 570387 or 01590 615566

52 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk




limited programme of history walks around

Lymington for local residents who want to

know more about the area or for people who

are just visiting on holiday. We will run a

limited programme of walks this year but we


NEW GUIDES for later in this season and for

2023 and beyond. Walks are conducted from

May to October and free training is provided by

experienced guides, some of whom have been

with the volunteer, non-profit group since the

start of the project in 1986!

WHAT DO THEY DO? One or two guides per

group of 5 – 10 attendees set out on a

designated route around the town, stopping at

various points to recount highlights from the

history of Lymington. Our full programme of

walks also includes parts of Pennington and


WHO CAN APPLY? Anyone with a love or

passion for local history who feels able to

communicate that interest to a group of people

in an enthusiastic manner. You do not have to

be an


public speaker

but you do have

to be able to


some facts



them to the

audience in a clear and

concise, non-partisan manner – a good

sense of humour also helps make the walk

memorable for our attendees. You must be

able to donate time to the project – for training

and the walks themselves

WHAT DO YOU GET PAID? Nothing, zero, zilch!

We do it for the love of the town and to

engender some interest in local history for

future generations. There is a voluntary

contribution request made by each guide and a

cloth bag is passed around the group at the end

to collect the donations – we suggest each

adult contributes £5 but children are free! This

money goes purely to cover administration

costs for leaflet printing, picture research and

laminating for presentation, badges for guides,

website maintenance and insurance etc, etc.

INTERESTED? Just DM us or comment below or

email us with any questions info@lymingtontown-tours.co.uk

Please also see our Facebook

page which can be found at: (2) Lymington

Town Tours group | Facebook We also have a

website at Lymington Town Tours - historical

guides and tours of Lymington Hampshire


The Village Voice y is delivered to

households in Milford Parish..

Additional copies are then available

from pick up points in the Village. We

also publish The Lymington Directory

S041,3,5,8&9 and Your Village for


To advertise please contact:


E: Info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

T: 01590 643969/07801 562358

Milford on Sea WI

Our thriving WI with 10

interest groups open to all

members is looking forward to

the summer.

June 8th Meg Dunford ...Hearing dogs for the


July 13th Members afternoon tea at Barton on

Sea golf club

No meeting in August.

Please see the website for further details and

contact information. milfordonseawi.org.uk

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


Windows - Doors - Conservatories - Roofline - Weatherboarding

Stylish A+ Rated Products - Replacement Conservatory Roofs

Over 40 Years Experience - Local Family Business

Professional & Friendly Service


54 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Update from the Milford on Sea Community Centre

The Centre is now much busier with many different events and activities and we are looking to

expand our range. It is an exciting time - so come and join us, have fun, learn something new

and help us continue to shape the future of this great community resource! There are many

different areas where you can volunteer and the rotas are flexible – so even if you can only

spare a couple of hours a month, it will make a big difference!

One particular area that might appeal is the technical side for the events that we run, from

Comedy Club, Band and Tribute Artist Acts, Theatre/Pantomime, Folk, Jazz, to Movies and

Screenings (the “Screen Team”).

Phil trained as a cinema projectionist last year and said: "I could see that another projectionist

was needed to keep Milford Movies running smoothly so I volunteered. I had no previous

experience other than switching on the TV at home, but the training was comprehensive, and it

was not difficult to learn. I was given plenty of opportunities to work in tandem until I was

confident on my own. It is an enjoyable task, you are appreciated by the movie-goers, and I

have seen some good films too!" In addition to movies, Phil is now screening live broadcasts

including theatre, ballet and opera as well as assisting with live events in the hall such as the

monthly Jazz Club.

If working on any of these events sounds interesting, whether you’re into music, comedy, films,

or just helping out with some of the simpler tasks like helping run meetings with just a couple

of microphones, then please email volunteer@moscommunitycentre.org.uk. Full training will

be given.

Our Diary of Events for the next few months can be found as an insert in this magazine and

below are the events for June. Hope you can join us…


Thu 2nd/Fri 3rd 9am-4.30pm Mynt Craft & Gift Market - Jubilee Event

Sat 4th 1-5pm Jubilee Celebration - Derby Lunch

Thu 9th 7.30pm Folk Club: Innominata

Fri 10th 7pm Milford Movies: Dune

Sun 12th 2pm Northern Ballet: Merlin

Thu 16th 7pm Milford Movies: Respect

Sat 18th 8pm Blues Night: Pete Harris Blues Band

Thu 23rd 7pm Milford Movies: The Last Bus

Fri 24th 8pm JAM - Jazz at Milford: New Forest Big Band

Thu 30th 7.30pm Comedy Club: compered by Stephen Grant – Guests:

Mark Simmons and Laurie Lexy + 1-course supper

See more in the Diary of Events or on our website: www.moscommunitycentre.org.uk

Box Office: 10am–4pm, Mon-Fri * Tel: 01590 644861 * 9 Sea Road, Milford on Sea SO41 0PH

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


Tim Penson

• Painter • Decorator

• Gardening Duties

No Job too Big or too Small

Reduced rates for Pensioners

•Fire escape hinges

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T: 01202 316 759

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Technician: Iain Frampton

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M: 0790 965 4025 T: 023 8073 1884

W: www.doubleglazingrepairuk.com


Double Glazing Repair UK are proud members of

Mark Jones: 07900 800050

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56 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Ocean Cars

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New Showroom

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Large new showroom with

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www.newforestfires.co.uk info@newforestfires.co.uk 01425 617610

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


9 99 High Street, Milford-on-Sea, SO41 0QF






Tel: 01590 644933



58 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts



ANSWERS Across: 1 Abracadabra, 8

Flippers, 9 Jeep, 10 Kylie, 11

Asphalt, 13 Sister-in-law, 15 Gallery, 17 Lodge,

20 Fern, 21 Elevator, 22 Horseradish. Down: 2

Balmy, 3 Au pairs, 4 Alec, 5 Assassin, 6 Rajah,

7 Yellow, 12 Peerless, 13 Spades, 14 Leotard,

16 Lingo, 18 Goods, 19 Bear.



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14 Kivernell Road Milford-on-Sea

Nursing Home

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De La Warr Road, Milford-on-Sea, Hampshire, SO41 0PS

60 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk



Nature Walks

MCV have planned a series of 6 nature walks around our parish. They will take place on the last

Wednesday morning of the month and each will be led by a member of the committee or a local

expert. The idea is for a social walk as well as learning a bit more about the specific location and

observing as much wildlife as we can along the way.

Largest of the Downton lakes.

Photo by David Horne

Our first walk was held on 27 th April at Downton Manor Farm Quarry. Sixteen of us spent a lovely

morning finding out more about the site from MCV Chairman David Horne. We spotted 29 species

of birds and an Orange-tip butterfly. Our May walk will start from the Keyhaven Bird Observatory,

more details about this can be found on the website. These walks are for MCV members only. You

can easily join by completing a membership application form which can be found at the Sturt

Pond Bird Hide, the Keyhaven Bird Observatory, or downloaded from our website:


Bats in Milford

Over the next few months, you may spot a few of us at dusk, listening - through our bat meters

and monitoring the area for these small flying mammals. We shall be led by a local expert from

the Hampshire Bat Group and will report back later in the year.

Mink Spotted at the Observatory

A wild Mink was recently observed at our Keyhaven Pans nature reserve. Mink are a highly efficient,

voracious predator able to climb trees like a squirrel and swim in water like an otter. They

can take birds, small mammals and fish. The animal seen was of the North American species, and

not native to Europe.

In August 1998 up to 6000 were released by animal activists

from a fur farm near Ringwood. Most were shot or trapped but

inevitably some have survived in the wild where they continue

to pose a threat to our dwindling water vole population in local

rivers as well as ground nesting birds in the New Forest.


Photo by Chris Barrass

Recent studies have indicated that the presence of Otters (also seen at Keyhaven) may cause a

decrease in the Mink population and also restrict their range. MCV will continue to monitor the

situation, notify the landowner and seek advice with respect to possible control measures.

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts



• Misted & broken units replaced

• Broken hinges & handles

• Patio door rollers

• Locks for windows & doors

• Upgrade to energy efficient glass

• Fire escape hinges

• Perished window & door rubber

gaskets & seals

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• Supply & fit new windows, doors

& conservatories

• Fully insured

Please call Vinny for a free, no obligation quote

T: 023 8084 2288 M: 07802 657 771

E: hampshirewindowservices@gmail.com

62 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk



Milford on Sea

Milford-on-Sea Baptist Church, Barnes Lane, S041 0RN

SUNDAY SERVICES (Children welcome!)


5th 10.30am All-age Jubilee Service : Rev.

David Hellsten

12 th 10.30am Dudley Andrews

19 th 10.30am Rev. David Hellsten

26 th 10.30am Rev. David Hellsten



3 rd 10.30am

Rev. David Hellsten

(with Communion)

10 th 10.30am Rev. David Hellsten

17 th 10.30am Rev. David Hellsten

24 th 10.30am Rev. David Hellsten

31 st 10.30am Rev. David Hellsten

6.00pm Keyhaven Songs of Praise

108 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QE

Minister : Revd Phillip Dixon

www.milfordmethodist.org or contact Revd Phillip Dixon at:


Sun morning worship each week at 10:45 a.m. All are welcome.

Online activities each week in conjunction with Highcliffe Methodist Church:

Tuesday 8:00 am Prayer meeting “At home” Bible study groups Mon 7:00 pm and Thur

10:30 am, Sun 31 July 6:00 pm Songs of Praise at Keyhaven Quay

Please look on our website for updates to any of

our services


All Saints’ Church

St. Mary’s Church

Church Hill, Milford Branwood Close, Everton

01590 644992

5th :9am Morning Worship All Saints’, 10.30am Worship Together All Saints’, 10am

Holy Communion St. Mary’s, 5pm St Mary’s Songs of Praise Outdoor

12th : 9am Holy Communion All Saints’, 10.30am Worship Together All Saints’, 10am

Morning Worship St. Mary’s

19th: 9am Morning Worship All Saints’, 10.30am Worship Together All Saints’, 10am

Holy Communion St. Mary’s,

26th: 9am Holy Communion All Saints’, 10.30am Worship Together with Communion

All Saints’, 10am Café Church St. Mary’s Hall

3rd: Morning Worship All Saints’, Worship Together All Saints’, Holy Communion St.


10th: Holy Communion All Saints’, Worship Together All Saints’, Morning Worship for

Sea Sunday St. Mary’s

17th: Morning Worship All Saints’, Worship Together All Saints’, Holy Communion

St. Mary’s,

24th: Holy Communion All Saints’, Worship Together with Communion All Saints’,

Café Church St. Mary’s Hall

31st: Holy Communion All Saints’, Worship Together Joint service All Saints’ and St

Mary’s All Saints’, Keyhaven Songs of Praise Quayhaven Quay

St Francis OF Assisi, Catholic Church, Park lane, S041 0PT.

Sunday Mass at 9 am. Weekday Mass 10am Wednesday The parish office is

office@lymbrockmil.org.uk 01590 676696

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


64 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

Welcome to our Mini TGN, the small Good Newsletter which aims to focus on good

things which are happening locally; published by the Village Voice and Milford

Community Library.

Library Matters

Library Opening Hours: Mon, Tues 2 -4 pm, Thurs, Fri 10 – 12 noon.

Reading Group: Tuesdays June 21 st and July 19 th . 1 pm in the library.

Knit & Natter: every Monday 2 – 4 pm.

Tea & Quiz: Wed 27 th July, 2 -4 pm £3

Drop In Storytime and coffee: 10.30 on 1 st and 3 rd Thursdays in the


We welcome volunteers to help with running our independent

Community Library. Just drop in or send an email to

mosclibrary @gmail.com Thank you.



To all the organisers,

sponsors, venues

and participants of

Greener Round The


Lovely to have Milford

Festival back in

its greener format!

It’s official. Being in the great green outdoors is good for us!

So have a stroll along some of Milford’s lanes and see the

unexpected treats in many lovely front gardens. Laughing is

also beneficial; so having recently watched some amusing duck

antics I thought readers might enjoy Kenneth Graham’s “Ducks’


The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee at St

Mary’s Everton. Visit our Flower Festival

from Thursday 2 nd June to Sunday 5 th June. Open

from 11am to 5 pm every day with refreshments

in the hall (except Sat pm).

The Festival will conclude with Songs of

Praise at 5 pm, led by our vicar, Tasha.

This will be outside unless the weather is

poor, in which case we have the hall


Book reviews:

‘Earthly Joys’ and ‘Virgin Earth’ chart the

story of John Tradescant , possibly the greatest gardening pioneer

of his day. Philippa Gregory has woven two intricate tales

set during the reign of King Charles 1, so if you are a fan of both

history and gardening, these books are a must!

Highly recommended.

Poetry corner

Ducks’ Ditty

All along the backwater,

Through the rushes tall,

Ducks are a-dabbling,

Up tails all!

Ducks’ tails, drakes’ tails

Yellow feet a-quiver,

Yellow bills all out of sight,

Busy in the river!

Slushy green undergrowth

Where the roach swim-

Here we keep our larder,

Cool and full and dim.

Everyone for what he likes!

We like to be

Heads down, tails up,

Dabbling free!

High in the blue above

Swifts whirl and call-

We are down a-dabbling,

Up tails all!

Kenneth Grahame

GODSLOT …. There was a wonderful turnout for the Messy Easter Activities and the Good

Friday Service on the Green! Many thanks to those who organised and those who came. May

God bless you and those whom you love. Please continue to pray for all displaced people and

refugees, the need is huge. Thank you.

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


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glazed units replaced in UPVC

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• Hinges & handles

• Patio rollers

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• Fire escape hinges

• Draughts & leaks

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and conservatories

• Local family business

• Fully insured

• Established 35 years

07500 110 464

Email: pauldgd1@gmail.com

66 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk


Emergency Services 999

Emergency police, fire, ambulance, coastguard



105 (all suppliers)

Gas escapes 0800 111 999

BT Fault Line 0800 800 151

Southern Water 0800 820 999

Bournemouth Water

Bournemouth Water Leak line

01202 590 059

08005 878 979

Rail Enquiries 03457 48 49 50

Morebus (was Wilts & Dorset) 01202 338 420

National Express 08717 81 81 81

Council & Government

Milford Parish Council 01590 644 410

NFDC 02380 285 000

NFDC Emergency Service 02380 285 250

Hampshire CC 03005 551 375

NF National Park 01590 646 600


Police - Non Emergency, Anti - 101

Social & Neighbourhood issues

Crimestoppers 0800 555 111

MP Desmond Swayne 01425 629 844

Forest Animals

Forestry Commission (24 hrs) 0300 067 4600

Traffic Accidents (emergency) 999 (101 non emergency)

Verderers’ Office (M-F 9-5pm) 023 8028 2052


All Saints’ Church Hall bookings 01590 718 754

All Saints’ Church Office 01590 644 992

Citizens Advice Bureau 0808 278 7860

Community Care Group 01590 641 700

Community Centre 01590 644 861

HOPe 01425 629 009

Milford Library 07950 941 818

Milford Health Centre 01590 643 022

(Out of Hours) 111

New Forest Advice Network 01425 628 750

NHS (non emergency number) 111

NF Disability Info 01425 628 750

Samaritans Southampton & District 116 123 (free)

Tourist Information 01590 676 769

Trading Standards 03454 04 05 06

Community Information Volunteer 01590 645 404

Village Hall 01590 642 779

Youth Club 01590 644 861


Lymington 01590 663 000

Oakhaven Hospice 01590 670 346

Southampton General 02380 777 222

Romsey Hospital 01794 834 700

Royal Bournemouth 01202 303 626

Royal South Hants 02380 634 288

Princess Anne 02380 777 222

DJB Plumbing

All plumbing work undertaken

No job too small

24 hour call out

No call out charge

38 years experience

Dave: 07973 121984

Please mention The Village Voice when responding to adverts


68 To advertise call 01590 643969/07801 562358 or e-mail info@lymingtondirectory.co.uk

WILDLIFE MATTERS ……... to all of us


With the decline in many bird species, it is encouraging to have some good news to write about.

The Bittern, UK’s loudest bird has had another record breaking year in 2021 with 228 booming

males counted. Once prized as a dish for medieval banquets they were considered extinct as a

breeding species in the UK by the 1870s due to a combination of over-hunting for food and the

drainage of their wetland habitats for agriculture. They recolonised the UK in the early 20th

century, with a peak of about 80 booming males in the 1950s.

Numbers were very low when the first annual surveys began in

1990 and by 1997, the species was again facing extinction, with

only 11 males across the entire UK. The Bittern has a brown/buff

plumage with dark streaks and bars so, it is very well camouflaged

and very difficult to see in the reeds. The most reliable way to

monitor the species’ numbers in the breeding season is to listen

for the males booming call which can be heard up to 5 km away.

Bitterns can be seen year-round.

Bittern Botaurus Stelaris




With the numbers so low the RSPB

started a research programme to

investigate the needs of this previously

little studied bird. This research led to

some clear management

recommendations that are still being

implemented at many UK sites

Bittern in flight

Bitterns are found at low densities in habitats that are difficult to work in. This research looked at

several different aspects such as their preferred habitat, feeding requirements, the home range

of the male, nesting requirements of the female, chick diet and their dispersal. Lightweight radiotransmitters

were attached to two Bitterns at two RSPB reserves so that their movement could

be tracked. Later young Bitterns on the nest were also radio-tagged to establish their food


The RSPB along with other organisations have stopped reedbed degradation and created more

high quality reedbeds. Many of the reedbeds are managed by conservation organisations that

have created strong partnerships with the RSPB.

Research, has been undertaken as part of Action for Birds in England, a partnership between

English Nature and the RSPB. Key work was undertaken by partners within two bittern projects

funded by the EU-LIFE programme. These include English Nature, The Broads Authority, the

Wildlife Trust, The Environment Agency, The National Trust and the Lee Valley Regional Park

Authority. The future long-term prospects for the Bittern are good although populations are at

risk from climate change as sea levels rise.

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Coastal Bathrooms 14

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No Lift no stairs 18


Ancient & Modern 67

Evolve 22

Handy two know 16

Mat Watson 44



Churchill 48

St George's 60


Andrew Day 42


John Cooper Carpets 34


Mr Sweep 56


Lymington Bowling Club 42


FI Computers 34


Broadview Shading Solutions 40

Just Shutters 47


Catherine Perham 60

Décor Aid 44

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Index of Advertisers

Dorset Denture Clinic 68

Highcliffe Dental Practice 71

Solent House 68


Double Glazing Specialist 66

Double Glazing Repair 56

Evergreen Home Solutions 54

Forest Edge Home Improvements 10,11

Hampshire Window Service 62


First Choice Plumbing 62

Mouland Plumbing & Drainage 60


NF Drive & Patio Cleaning 44


Browning 42

JP Murphy 18


Collins & Butler 39

Hayward Fox 58

New Forest Cottages 50

Winkworth 16


Art Fair 43


Forecast 54

Circle Marine Services 12


New Forest Fires 57


New Seasons 26


The Garage 12


A W Parker 28

Everton Nurseries 26

Magnolia Landscaping 27

Jeremy Arnold Gates 30

Timber Trade 52


Contrelle 32

Monat 8

Mos League of Friends 6,7

Pollyanna 21

Solent Hearing 34

UK Chiropractic 5

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Moss on the Green 8


New Milton Locksmith 21


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OvenU 67


Paddy's Pool/Grooming 18


Picture Perfect 26


DJB Plumbing 67

First Choice Plumbing 60

KDL Plumbing 3

Mouland Plumbing & Drainage 60

P.A. Blake 66

Stephen Harris 46


Solent Sharpening 28


Dagless & Whitlock 58


The Lighthouse 72


Ocean Cars 57


Street & Parker 28


Watson Welding 28


MD Window & Gutter Cleaning 3

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