Data integrity PIC S

good practices for data management and integrity in regulatory GMP/GDP environments

good practices for data management and integrity in regulatory GMP/GDP environments


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process consistency (e.g. biological production processes or analytical

tests may exhibit a higher degree of variability compared to small

molecule chemistry);

degree of automation / human interaction;

subjectivity of outcome / result (i.e. is the process open-ended vs well


outcomes of a comparison between electronic system data and manually

recorded events (e.g. apparent discrepancies between analytical reports

and raw-data acquisition times); and

inherent data integrity controls incorporated into the system or software.

5.5.5 For computerised systems, manual interfaces with IT systems should be

considered in the risk assessment process. Computerised system validation

in isolation may not result in low data integrity risk, in particular, if the user is

able to influence the reporting of data from the validated system, and system

validation does not address the basic requirements outlined in section 9 of

this document. A fully automated and validated process together with a

configuration that does not allow human intervention, or reduces human

intervention to a minimum, is preferable as this design lowers the data

integrity risk. Appropriate procedural controls should be installed and verified

where integrated controls are not possible for technical reasons.

5.5.6 Critical thinking skills should be used by inspectors to determine whether

control and review procedures effectively achieve their desired outcomes. An

indicator of data governance maturity is an organisational understanding and

acceptance of residual risk, which prioritises actions. An organisation which

believes that there is ‘no risk’ of data integrity failure is unlikely to have made

an adequate assessment of inherent risks in the data lifecycle. The approach

to assessment of data lifecycle, criticality and risk should therefore be

examined in detail. This may indicate potential failure modes which can be

investigated during an inspection.

5.6 Data governance system review

5.6.1 The effectiveness of data integrity control measures should be assessed

periodically as part of self-inspection (internal audit) or other periodic review

processes. This should ensure that controls over the data lifecycle are

operating as intended.

5.6.2 In addition to routine data verification checks (e.g. daily, batch- or activityrelated),

self-inspection activities should be extended to a wider review of

control measures, including:

A check of continued personnel understanding of good data management

practice in the context of protecting of the patient, and ensuring the

maintenance of a working environment which is focussed on quality and

open reporting of issues (e.g. by review of continued training in good data

management principles and expectations).

A review for consistency of reported data/outcomes against raw entries.

This may review data not included during the routine data verification

PI 041-1 9 of 63 1 July 2021

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