
ADT 121's 4th Quarterly Assessment Output (This digital magazine was made by students and for educational purposes only.) ADT 121's 4th Quarterly Assessment Output

(This digital magazine was made by students and for educational purposes only.)


HOW TOPREVENTBULLYINGby Vitto PrimaIllustrated by Xavier AndreiNot only do theparents, and schoolstaffs have thepower to preventand put an end tobullying, but you andeveryone else canalso help toextinguish bullyingor lessen the casesof bullying.Let’s discover ways how to prevent bullying:HELP INDIVIDUALS UNDERSTAND BULLYINGHelp kids or adults, if you may, to understandwhat bullying is. Those individuals who have anunderstanding of what bullying is can easilydistinguish what bullying is, hence, it can then beeasily brought to light among parents or peers.INSTILL HEALTHY BEHAVIORKids tend to learn actions from what adults doand say. By being a good influence on kids, theytoo, will practice traits such as kindness andrespect that soon will easily manifest in howthey talk and act, growing up as a well-manneredadult.ENGAGE PARENTSSadly enough, they may be with you almost allthe time, parents are the ones who are mostlikely to recognize when their child is beingbullied. The reason for this could be becausetheir child is terrified of what could happen andthey might be thinking about how events mayescalate. Like the tip above, posting a story orposting on different social media platforms caneasily attract parents' attention. With that beingsaid, they’ll reach out or ask questions or initiateconversations with their children regarding thetopic.ENCOURAGE OPEN COMMUNICATIONResearch says that children, most of the time, dolook for advice or help from their parents orguardians in regards to tough decisions.Communicate well with your kids or friends andgive them some sort of assurance that you arewith them every step of the way, in doing so,they’ll be more likely to voice out their pains andstuff alike.RAISE AWARENESS OF BULLYINGThough this has got to be one of those pieces ofadvice that have been repeatedly given over andover again. The reason for that is because thesituation is unchanging, bullying becomes worseover time. Though there have been a lot ofimprovements, we still have a lot of work to do.Raising awareness can be just by postingsomething that has to do with raising awarenessagainst bullying in your story, and this can be ahuge help. You can also post on different socialmedia platforms or offer or reach out to thosewho are in need.TeC HNoWLOGY35

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