
ADT 121's 4th Quarterly Assessment Output (This digital magazine was made by students and for educational purposes only.) ADT 121's 4th Quarterly Assessment Output

(This digital magazine was made by students and for educational purposes only.)


Ryl TeaA C H A N N E L T H A T A D V O C A T E S F A C T -C H E C K I N G A N D A N T I - C Y B E R B U L L Y I N GNo bashing, just facts!Hit the like,subscribe, andthe bell buttonfor more!

TYPES OF BULLYINGBy Vitto PrimaIllustrated by Hartzell VelayoThere are numerous types or methods of bullying that a child or adult may experience, some types ofbullying can be easily distinguished or can be easily spotted while some can be more subtle. Here aresome different types of bullying that may occur;PHYSICAL BULLYINGAs the name suggests, this type of bullyingincludes harmful physical actions that can causedamage to a person that may ruin theirexperience of life due to injuries they mightattain from such bullying. Hitting, kicking,pushing, damaging property, etc. are someexamples of physical bullying.SOCIAL BULLYINGAlso known as “covert bullying”, this type ofbullying can be carried out or can be executedin a fashion or a way that the bullied personmay not even be able to recognize. Its specificgoal is to harm someone’s reputation and/orcause shame and embarrassment.VERBAL BULLYINGVerbal bullying is one of the most commonvarieties of bullying that happens. This bullyingincludes homophobic or racist remarks, teasing,name calling, and a lot more. While physicalbullying may leave scars in the body, verbalbullying can cause emotional scars that can takea lot of time to heal, in some cases.CYBERBULLYINGAs digital advancements happen, bullyingcomes with it. Cyberbullying is a type of bullyingthat can be performed through the use ofcomputers, phones, and any electronic devices.While the perpetrator uses computers anddevices alike, the actual bullying happensthrough different software such as social media,texts, and any other social media platforms.TeC HNoWLOGY32

Ryl Tea

A C H A N N E L T H A T A D V O C A T E S F A C T -

C H E C K I N G A N D A N T I - C Y B E R B U L L Y I N G

No bashing, just facts!

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