
ADT 121's 4th Quarterly Assessment Output (This digital magazine was made by students and for educational purposes only.)

ADT 121's 4th Quarterly Assessment Output

(This digital magazine was made by students and for educational purposes only.)


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The new media has undoubtedly improved

and changed the way people carry on with

their everyday routines. From having easy

access to examining articles for your

academic papers, to planning your next getaway,

to making job applications easier,

everything has basically been spoon-fed by

the internet for us. Back then, individuals had

few options other than to get things done in a

less convenient way. Students must double

their effort in visiting libraries to look for

books and gather data needed in school,

unlike nowadays, when everything you need

to know is just a one click away.

The use of different media has become a

centerpiece in young adults’ lives. The

connection between the digital media and the

people became a gateway for them to be

more politically aware. Back then, younger

generations were believed to be less engaged

in traditional politics and less likely to

participate in it but when new media arose,

scholars expressed optimism that this would

mark the beginning of younger people's

democratic involvement, which it did. The

media has successfully developed a platform

that people can utilize and rely on for political

news and information and has provided a

platform for individuals to express their

opinions on governmental issues, which was

something unthinkable back in the days.

According to Urban Institute (2021),

younger workers with a digital score of

280 are more computer literate than

older ones who only got 257.

With the rise of modern technology in media

and information, numerous job prospects

have opened up for young people, particularly

those who are fluent in English and computer

literate, as most tasks like filling and business

transactions can now be completed using


Technology in the modern age has given

people access to a vast source of knowledge

in information. Scholarly article websites,

research firms, and educational YouTube

videos are excellent supplementary modes of

education; one person can learn many

educational lessons on the internet that are

distributed in a smart and engaging way, that

traditional education systems should learn.

However, acquiring skills is better learned in

an interpersonal setup since the internet lacks

the nuanced approach of learning that

humans need.

Modern modes of media and literature

allowed different groups of people,

regardless of social background to come

together, connect, and even form tight-knit

groups. This is why different communities

and relations are formed to this day. For

example—one can connect with other people

around the world and have discussions with

them, or have connected with a distant loved

one from the other side of the world, and call

for help to anyone from afar with the use of

modern technology.




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