
ADT 121's 4th Quarterly Assessment Output (This digital magazine was made by students and for educational purposes only.) ADT 121's 4th Quarterly Assessment Output

(This digital magazine was made by students and for educational purposes only.)


Inventors are granted rights to their inventionsthrough applying for a patent. In legal terms, theinvention can’t be made, sold, or utilized byothers if the inventor chooses not to give thempermission. Other than this, it is also a way ofencouraging the creation of more innovationsthat can greatly contribute to society.Edited by Arianna AtasPhotographRelated to the aforementioned statement, it isalso the uniqueness and usefulness that makesan item patentable. Another way to put it is itmust be “novel” and “non-obvious”. Oncequalified, the items can then be categorized intothe three kinds of patents: utility patents, designpatents, and plant patents. Some patentableitems include but are not limited to: drugs,furniture design, computer software andhardware, and chemical formulas and processes.Patenting is yet another way of giving creditwhere it is due—in this case, for inventors. Whilecomplicated, it is best for inventors to know theirrights and gain the benefits that come with it.After all, if it weren’t for them, society would nothave progressed as much as it has Jenzen BaluyotIllustrated by Arianna AtasPatentTeC HNoWLOGY13

Trademarks can be seen everywhere—on clothes,appliances, foods, beverages, and even in thestreets. Be it goods, or services, it is a way oflabeling a business’ products, which makes it easierto market to customers.Apart from being used as a name, trademarks alsogive companies legal rights to protect their brand.The way it works is that no other businesses can getthe same logo, symbol, design, word or phrase of abrand and use it on their own. However, thisdoesn’t mean that other businesses can’t make asimilar one. That is, if the rule applies to them.On the legal aspect, there is technically a differencebetween owning a trademark and having aregistered trademark. Having a symbol and using itis already established as owning a trademark.Although, this only applies to a limited rangedemographically. To gain nationwide rights, theowner must register their trademark.Trademarks are unique markers of identity. Havingone protects the branding of a company, andmakes their products easier to recognize. This isjust among the several ways of strengthening abusiness.Edited by Carl TuyTrademarkby Jenzen BaluyotHow Popular Brand Names and Logos Came to BeCoca-Cola came up with their name bycombining the names of the two mainingredients: cocoa leaves and cola nuts.The McDonald's golden arches originatedfrom Architect Stanley Clark Meston's olddesign of the drive-in building where eitherside of the restaurant had an arch.The bite on the iconic Apple logo, was made sothat it wouldn't be confused for a cherryaccording to the designer himself, Rob Janoff.Nike came from the Winged Greek Goddess ofVictory, Nike. The 'swoosh' logo was inspiredfrom her wings, symbolizing the sound ofspeed, power, movement, and motivation.Edited by Carl TuyTeC HNoWLOGY14

Trademarks can be seen everywhere—on clothes,

appliances, foods, beverages, and even in the

streets. Be it goods, or services, it is a way of

labeling a business’ products, which makes it easier

to market to customers.

Apart from being used as a name, trademarks also

give companies legal rights to protect their brand.

The way it works is that no other businesses can get

the same logo, symbol, design, word or phrase of a

brand and use it on their own. However, this

doesn’t mean that other businesses can’t make a

similar one. That is, if the rule applies to them.

On the legal aspect, there is technically a difference

between owning a trademark and having a

registered trademark. Having a symbol and using it

is already established as owning a trademark.

Although, this only applies to a limited range

demographically. To gain nationwide rights, the

owner must register their trademark.

Trademarks are unique markers of identity. Having

one protects the branding of a company, and

makes their products easier to recognize. This is

just among the several ways of strengthening a


Edited by Carl Tuy


by Jenzen Baluyot

How Popular Brand Names and Logos Came to Be

Coca-Cola came up with their name by

combining the names of the two main

ingredients: cocoa leaves and cola nuts.

The McDonald's golden arches originated

from Architect Stanley Clark Meston's old

design of the drive-in building where either

side of the restaurant had an arch.

The bite on the iconic Apple logo, was made so

that it wouldn't be confused for a cherry

according to the designer himself, Rob Janoff.

Nike came from the Winged Greek Goddess of

Victory, Nike. The 'swoosh' logo was inspired

from her wings, symbolizing the sound of

speed, power, movement, and motivation.

Edited by Carl Tuy




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