The Fake Queen


Foreword – How They Use Sex and Lies as Weapons of Manipulation

Introduction – some art pieces for a language course

1 – Getting to meet the fake queen – Yared hires an artisan to manufacture his dolls

2 – The first encounter – art pieces delivered at an arts show – she throws charming

subliminal messages

3 – An encounter at the bookshop – the bait is thrown – the fake queen confesses to

Yared her underground aspiration to become a widow

4 – The third fatidic encounter – a stylish and sensual artisan appears – she presents

herself in a tight short black dress

Season I – My Wonderful King! – the idealization phase begins: love-bombing

Season II – The Triangulation – her ex-husband had never actually been discarded

Season III – Time to Breath – trying to figure out what was going on

Season IV – A Baby Princess is Coming – the fake queen is pregnant

Season V – An Impalatable Truth – proof of betrayal

Season VI – Trying to Survive – an emotionally burned-out survivor

Foreword – How They Use Sex and Lies as Weapons of Manipulation

A histrionic narcissist is usually an extremely charming, beautiful, sensual,

intense, provocative and attention-seeking woman.

At first glance, it can be difficult to differentiate between a narcissistic

female and a histrionic one. Both narcissists and those with HPD can be interpersonally

exploitative (narcissists need supply; histrionic crave validation and constant

reassurance), manipulating scenarios to draw the focus back to themselves and their

agendas. Both can be self-absorbed (narcissists are obsessed with maintaining their

superiority and status, histrionics more so with their appearance and sexuality). Both

can appear charismatic and vivacious, naturally persuasive and charming to others. Both

can demonstrate a sense of entitlement; yet while narcissists feel entitled to

belittle, abuse and exploit, histrionic people feel entitled to be the center of

attention at all times.

The histrionic female may present strong values and opinions initially, as well

as great potential as a reliable friend or relationship partner. However, in the long

run, she fails to live up to her so-called morals, standards or beliefs when presented

with the opportunity to uphold them. For example, she may compliment her female friends

in an exaggerated manner, but compete with them for attention. She might call out what

is morally wrong to appear self-important and superior, but her actions suggest an

underlying hypocrisy and failure to see beyond her own nose and take actions to improve

in her own behavior.

Histrionic females often cheat on their significant others (whether emotionally

and/or physically) and flirt with anyone who might give them the attention they so

desperately desire, even in innocuous ways. For example, they may pretend they are

asking for help from a waiter, when really, they are just looking for validation and an

interaction that will fulfill their need to be in the spotlight temporarily.

Female narcissists do not “grow out” of their childhood aggression; eerily

enough, they evolve into even more effective aggressive behaviors in adulthood, using

their manipulative tactics to serve their selfish agendas and to exploit others.

Perhaps one of the most understated qualities of the female malignant narcissist

is the pleasure and joy she takes in bringing down others. She enjoys making covert

jabs and watching gleefully as the formerly confident victim looks crestfallen, shocked

and offended. She displays a lack of empathy when the conversation turns to more

serious emotional matters, engaging in shallow responses or cruel reprimands that

invalidate her victim’s reality.

She is ruthless in her ability to first idealize, then devalue and discard her

victims without a second thought. She cannot engage in healthy, emotionally fulfilling

relationships, so she enjoys sabotaging the relationships and friendships of others for

her own personal entertainment.

The female narcissist may use her affiliation with her target to gain access to

resources or status, but as soon as the idealization phase is over, the devaluation and

discard follows. She then engages in rumor-mongering, smear campaigns and creates

‘triangles’ where she feeds others false or humiliating information about the victim.

She may pit her friends against each other by claiming that they are gossiping about

one another, when in fact, it is her falsehoods that are actually manufacturing

conflict within the group. By subjecting her victims to covert and overt put-downs, she

is able to then confirm her own false sense of superiority. She has an obsession with

her appearance as well as a high level of materialism and superficiality.


Why, when and how everything started

Some art pieces for an English course

September 2017


ared was an English teacher and certified translator by profession. After mourning

almost eight months after his beloved wife´s death to a cancer tumor, which had

consumed one year and a half with hardships with treatment and intense distress,

he was on the verge of a deep depression.

A psychologist friend of his, advised him to start doing something lest he may

get severely sick. As a result of this dialog with the mental health practitioner,

Yared made up his mind to give an English course to a religious community for free as

an occupational therapy for his healing.

His students appreciated his lessons a lot, and he got motivated to expand his

teaching to their students´ children, and planned to develop an English kid course.

Then, Yared had the idea of having a puppet to represent the kid version of his

teaching. He happened to know that one of his students was a handicrafts worker, so he

talked to her if she could make the dolls he intended to use to stimulate and encourage

his future children in the classroom.

This girl was not able to make such dollies, still she knew some other artisan

who was an expert in designing and manufacturing these art pieces.


On a morning of September 2017 through a WhatsApp conversation, Yared met Ani

Lorac for the first time – a pretty, 38-year-old, red hair woman.

After this very first virtual encounter things would never be the same again over

the course of his whole life.

In fact, Lorac was skilled enough to undertake the job of designing and making

Yared´s pet dolls. Accordingly, he hired her service, and price, payment conditions and

delivery date were arranged between customer and provider.


The delivery day was appointed and Yared, in the company of his younger brother,

who took his girlfriend, drove to an art show to receive his brand-new models.

It was a very small and tight room situated at a touristic area of the nearby

city. There were a lot of art pieces spread on tables all over the place.

Straightaway, Yared could grasp the view of his dolls, which were magnificently

painted and dressed while standing in the center of a table surrounded by other Lorac´s

pieces – a real master-piece! She was not at the place at that moment, but within

fifteen minutes or so, she appeared to Yared´s eyes for the first time.

She was even more beautiful than he had seen on a photo on the WhatsApp


She said good-evening in a very polite and smiling way. Yared and Lorac exchanged

cheek kisses and hugged each other.

He thought to himself:

– “It looked as if an energy flow had had its trajectory over our bodies, and

both of us felt this same feeling about which we talked over later on.”

The other couple – his brother and his girlfriend had kept eyes on them, and had

had their own judgement about what was going on within those mere minutes inside that

small art resort.

Yared and his family spent about two hours at the art center. There were food and

drink to buy, music playing around and people were having fun.

Lorac invited them to go upstairs for a dance performance. She guided her guests

to the stairs leading to the show room. She was wearing a short yellow dress, yet she

started climbing while Yared followed immediately behind.

Later on, Yared´s brother told him jokingly:

“I thought to myself. If this woman climbs first, Yared´s gonna fuck her!”

After saying farewell to Lorac, Yared went out to their car, and his sister-inlaw

asked on the spot:

– “Isn´t the solicitous girl coming for dinner with us?”

He replied by saying:

– “How come? She´s still working there, and besides she´s a married woman.”

Both laughed, and my brother added:

– “Be careful so that you yourself don´t make a doll in her!”

For both of them, that energy exchange had become clear, and they spent the whole

rest of the evening teasing Yared about Lorac.

After dinner, they drove him home, and he went to bed. However, he could not

relax at once, and that saying was stuck in his mind:

– “Isn´t she coming for dinner with us?”

He decided to call Lorac up by WhatsApp. He sent her a good-night and thank-youvery-much

message. She replied immediately and said she had just arrived at her motherin-law´s

house. He took the opportunity to check out that question his brother´s girl

had made. So, he sent her this:

– “It was a bit late, and you were still working, but I thought about inviting

you to have dinner with us.”

To his surprise, her answer just confirmed his sister-in-law´s proposal. Lorac

answered him:

– “It would be a great idea, since I need to meet new people and have some

leisure. Next time, who knows?”

His mind dove into a tsunami of thoughts and feelings about the chance to get

closer to that woman.

– “Be careful Yared!” He said to himself.

– “She´s a married woman and has a family. You´re not so crazy to get into their

way, are you?”

In order to pacify his turmoiled elucubrations, he gave a command to his mind:

– “You´re a widower with a stable social and professional status. You´re keeping

up a big family with children and grand-children. And by the way, you´re not a teenager

any more, are you?”

This rational thinking was strong enough to choke his emotional feelings about

that first encounter with Lorac.

Yet, feelings, irrational as they may seem, are strong enough to emerge all the

time, consistently and persistently as our mind relax just a little bit, and stops

exerting its control over us.

Lorac was in his mind. Her memory had never lessened its hold on him, and he had

to face the dilemma – try to get to know that woman better or just forget and run his

life as if he had never met her.

The latter alternative turned out to be an impossible task. Therefore, he

designed a plan of action to conciliate both – approaching Lorac in order to learn more

about her, however disguising it in a possible future professional partnership.

His original and actual intention was to know more about that splendid woman and

check if by any chance he could get closer to her, because at that point in time, he

was completely taken by the idea of having that redhead girl by his side.

The professional partnership proposal was just an excuse to meet her again, and

this idea was able to compensate his moralist mind about his real meaning.

Therefore, while chatting some day on an Internet messenger they happened to

appoint a meeting at a fashionable and well-known bookstore in the downtown area of

their city.

Interesting enough to note, both of them were excited to see each other again.

Each with his and her own interests and intents, yet coinciding with a truth – man and

woman really desired to be together once more.


The couple started getting to know each other

The first appointed encounters

October 2017


he D-day and H-hour for their first encounter had arrived.

Lorac had told him if he could manage to afford her with a taxi fare

back home she´d be available to stay with him for 5 hours. That was more

than he expected to discuss professional ideas and plans.

Nevertheless, they both recognized that was just an excuse. Truthfully, he and

she would take the chance to study each other.

On the afternoon of their first meeting she was wearing a long black dress. Her

red hair was held up, and she carried a couple of heavy bags. She had bought a lot of

materials for her handicraft work.

Portraying himself as a gentleman, Yared took her bags. They sat down at a cafe

table and had a long conversation about businesses, her plans for an International Art

Fair to come in the near future, and her will to foster and upgrade her activities.

Yared kept a supportive attitude, and offered her some help, just in case she

wanted him as a partner. Then, they went downstairs the bookstore and he bought a kid

talking English book for her small daughter. She was very appreciative, and he was

optimistic about their approaching within these first hours in her company.

Just before going home, because it was already 8:00 pm, Lorac went to visit the

toilet. When she returned they had their last conversation that evening.

She revealed something veiled or not in her mind.

– "Sometimes, I feel like being a widow!"

He thought that to be weird for a first encounter with a stranger. A wife telling

him she had secret wish that her husband died!

Afterward, he called out a taxi cab, she got into the car, they said goodbye, and

they both went home.

Later in that evening, Yared contact her again through the messenger. She had

arrived home safely, and her daughter had loved the gift. They thanked each other for

the time they had spent together, while her confession still lingered persistently in

his mind.

– "Sometimes, I feel like being a widow!"

That disclosure added to the one of a possible opportunity of having dinner

together was enough for him to conclude she was telling him – she was sending him a

message of a possible relationship for them.

That could not be a mere coincidence, and after all, they´d just met once, and

she´d been carrying a marital life with that guy for quite a long time. They had a kid

girl for upbringing. How come a woman would say such an intimate thing to a strange man

in their very first encounter?

Despite strange as it might have seemed to his rational mind, Yared´s emotional

side decided to ignore any serious outcome an engagement with that woman would bring.

And, all of a sudden, that evening before falling asleep, he came to a

conclusion: if their second encounter ever took place, there´d be no more return.

He was convinced Lorac had waved a green flag towards him, and he took that

message delightfully and willingly.

It ran no more than ten days or so for them to arrange another meeting. The

second date was appointed and there they went.


The third fatidic encounter – a stylish and sensual artisan appears – she presents

herself in a tight short black dress

Lorac had some workmen repairing her countryside house just before taking her bus

heading for their meeting place – that same bookstore.

The bus was sluggish and made her late for about one hour. During the journey she

called Yared up two or three times to explain her delay, and he could notice she was

anxious and nervous. He reassured her he´d be waiting as long as possible to see her


In order to help time pass by, Yared grasped a book from the shelves and started

reading the cover, as he heard a soft and sensual voice whispering by his side:

– "Hi!"

As he lifted his eyes towards her, he could see an almost top-model instead of

that simply dressed artisan of the last encounter. She was wearing a tight, stylish,

short, sensual black dress, had a sexy makeup on her face, and smiled at him


They talked a little bit in the bookstore, but she invited him to cross the

street and walked towards the bohemian area of the city. And so they went.

Man and woman talked and drank together. Yared had some beers, and Lorac had

three or four caipiroscas – a sweet alcoholic beverage made out of cachaça and lemons.

Two or three hours later, she took her mobile and called a friend of hers.

According to her, a woman member of the same church she attended. They had arranged to

meet late that night.

Yared became a bit disappointed because they could stay longer together,

especially now they had drunk, and their spirits were high.

She said she couldn´t stay any longer, and he offered a hike by taxi as far as

the place she was supposed to meet her friend.

After Lorac had got out of the car, they said goodbye, and he went home.

At about 8 am the other day, she sent him a message via WhatsApp, and posted her

photo. She looked apprehensive and exhausted.

He asked her:

– "Where are you now? Didn´t you go home?"

She replied:

–"No! I´m still at my friend´s house. I don´t feel like going home again. And

after all, I know there´s going to be a big fight!"

Yared counseled her:

– "No! Go home! You have a husband, a small daughter and a house to take care.

Tell your partner you got delayed and couldn´t go back home late in the evening.

Therefore, decided to sleep at a friend´s house. Everything will be fine."

So did Lorac, and later on that day, she sent him another message reporting

everything was calm. As far as Yared was concerned, there were no more doubts left.

Lorac was about to break up with her husband, and she´d be free to start a

relationship with him. That was only a matter of time – a very short time so as to say.


Triangulation takes place

Ani Lorac discards her partner to take over Yared

November 2017


hough without intimacy, yet with a lot of intensity Yared and Lorac met for

four or five times more. They had lunch and dinner together once in a while.

They danced together, and talked a lot about life, relationships and her

hardships and frustrations in that toxic life she was carrying with that guy.

In fact, Yared didn´t know anything about her, neither did he know any of her

family member or friend. All the information he grasped about her existence was coming

from her own mouth.

As Yared perceived a triangulation was taking shape. So, he had a serious

conversation with her during a dinner date. He told her he wouldn´t embark in a

threesome relationship, he respected the man on the other side, and he didn´t want to

disturb her life, much least his own. For that reason, if she really was about to start

something with him she had to solve her unstable marriage first.

First Discard of Ex-partner

It was a Sunday morning, and Yared was at his mother´s house for lunch. His

brother and his girlfriend had been invited, too. A while before lunch was served they

went down and took their way to the beach. His mobile rang, and Lorac was on the other

side of the line.

– "I´ve made my mind! I´m going to go through this experience with you! I want to

stay with you, there´s no more chance for me to keep this toxic and unhealthy marriage.

It´s driving me crazy!”

She was nervous and crying a lot. Yared told her to calm down and be sure about

her decision. She told him that it was definite. She added:

– "Tomorrow I´m going to tell him we are separating. It´s impossible to go on! I

don´t want to stick to this hellish life any longer!"

Next day, she contacted Yared in the afternoon to tell him that was really the

day she´d convey their separation, and she kept sending him messages until she finally


– "It´s done! It´s finished! I´m free to be yours!

Yared said it was fine, since she was already free, he could take her as his

partner to start a relationship with her.

Immediate Investment for a New Supply

On Wednesday, two days after she´d broken up with the guy, they met at a mall,

had a snack, talked a little, Yared kissed her, and they went to a hotel.

That was their first intimate contact. Yared had been sexually abstemious for

quite a long time, and she had a loud orgasm from a tantric massage he gave her.

On the following day, they both went home for their ordinary routines. But their

lives had changed at that time and forever to come.

Love-bombing Intensified

After that first night sleeping together, Yared and Lorac kept meeting only on

weekends, when her daughter was in the company of her ex-partner. So, they met within a

fortnight´s interval, yet keeping long conversations on the messenger. Once they spent

four hours in a single call, and Lorac sent him lots of nudes!

It seemed he had found a great mate. She was young, beautiful, attractive,

hardworking, an excellent mother, had promising future plans – and especially she was

redhead. That was a physical trait he´d longed for since he was a teenager – that was

actually a strong fetish of his. And there she was – Lorac to be his lover. Yared was

overwhelmed with energy, enthusiasm, encouragement to face life again, and completely

sexually refueled.


The Fake Queen´s Agenda is Put Into Practice

Lorac persuades Yared to move a step further in their relationship

December 2017


fter a month or so, while they were having breakfast in their favorite

hotel, Lorac started a conversation concerning Yared´s expenses with their

dates, hotels, and meals among other things. She commented:

– "Yared, you´ve been spending too much money with us. I love it all, but I was

thinking we could stay at my place where we could enjoy more privacy, longer stays and

it can be cheaper for your pockets. What do you think about it?"

He replied:

– "Darling, I´m very happy the manner we are leading our lives. It looks as if we

are on vacation, and besides I don´t plan to start a stable union marital status right

now. We´d better keep things this way. Don´t you agree?"

Without any quarrel, she added:

– “Ok. No problem!” It was only an idea. In fact, I love all this, and I am

delighted with our relationship."

More Love-bombing

Christmas time had just arrived, and the new couple planned to stay together for

their first Santa Claus evening. Therefore, they scheduled to meet on X-mas eve.

Yared had dinner at his mother´s and Lorac went to her ex-husband´s family place

to have dinner with them and leave her daughter, so that they could be together.

After dinner, she called him and said she was heading for his family´s address.

When she arrived, he got another message, went downstairs, got into the car, kissed her

and they went to a hotel he´d booked for that special night.

They stayed together for the 24 th and 25 th of December, after which they both went

back to their own houses.

The enamored couple had another date on New Year´s Eve, and this time she had

dinner with Yared´s family. She met his mother and other family members. They slept in

their favorite hotel located in a coastal area of the city.

The actual Fake Queen´s intention is submitted for a second time

Again, Lorac came with the idea of staying in her place instead of booking hotel

rooms. She used the same arguments – saving money, privacy and longer stays together.

Once more, Yared denied her offer. She didn´t argue, and accepted his decision.

Yared surrendered to Ani Lorac´s Agenda

January of the New Year had started, and Yared went to attend Lorac´s church

facilities. These meetings always happened on Fridays – the day she helped with her


On a certain Friday, after church, she invited Yared to visit her house. This

time he couldn´t resist, and said yes.

She became radiant, and so they went to a big supermarket neighboring the

religious institution. The couple bought a lot of stuff, including wine, shrimps, a new

bed clothes collection, and special candles. Everything was done in preparation for a

very special love night, and so it was.

Lorac cooked the shrimps, Yared opened the wine bottle, lit the candles, and he

had the most sensual dinner ever.

That was the first time Yared got into her place. It was a small and cozy

apartment with minimal furniture and some art pieces hung on the walls.

They made love all night long, and Yared felt as if he was in paradise. At last,

happiness had reached him after two years of suffering and lack of a female company.

In his head, thoughts were that Lorac was right since the beginning. Her house

was the perfect place for their love affair.

Next morning, at the table for breakfast, Lorac asked for financial help. She


“You know, the amount you can save with us here in my house is much more than I

pay for the apartment mortgage and condominium fees. If you could just loan me these

payments for this month, it´d be a great help, darling.”

Yared asked:

“How much do you need?”

She replied:

“It´ll be only six hundred BRL! With this I can pay both bills – the mortgage and

the condominium fees, honey!

He added:

“Ok! Yet, so that you don´t get this money for free, could you please make two

art pieces for me? I´d like to have a Chinese unicorn. It´s name is Ki-lin. And, I´d

also like you to manufacture a toy horse for my grandson. Is it right?”

She said smiling:

“Sure! That´s easy! No problem!

As a result, Yared paid both bills for Lorac in January of 2018, and he was

delighted for having been able to help his new partner.


First Sign of Devaluation

Yared starts being devaluated by Lorac

January-June 2018


ared lived far away from Lorac – about 30 kms, a two-and-a-half-hour

journey. At that time, he didn´t have a car, so he had to take a subway for

17.2 kms, and then complete his voyage to her house by bus and a walking,

around 15 kms more. This trip was hard since both the subway and the bus used to be

overcrowded, and he had to stand from the terminals up to his last bus stop. However,

he did all that sacrifice with joy in his heart, and it wasn´t any nuisance for him

whatsoever. The reward to see his girlfriend again each time was worthwhile.

One January evening, people were waiting the biggest moon of the year to appear.

Lorac had invited Yared to go to her place, take her and her daughter and go the beach,

so that they good have a privileged view of this Nature´s show.

Toward midafternoon the bus was already awfully jam-packed, slow and the trip was

strenuous. Yared was standing amongst dozens of sweated people fretful to get home from

an excruciating work day.

All of a sudden, Yared´s mobile echoed. He answered and Lorac was on the line.

“Aren´t you coming? My king used to be more punctual!”

Yared had had a wearisome labor time, and was exhausted in that bus bursting with

passengers. So he reacted:

“Can´t you understand I´m hung by one arm, crushed on both sides, and trying to

get to you, and you´re diminishing my efforts instead of recognizing them! How come?”

She didn´t say anything else, and hung up.

When he arrived, she cast him a glance of intense dislike, spoke a bit rudely and

gave the stuff she had prepared for the evening picnic for him to carry.

Yared felt a bit disappointed, but the expectation of a good time together was

enough for him to forget that lack of empathy of his new girlfriend. Next, they went to

the beach by tax.

On the beach, Yared saw that Lorac had taken very few eating items, and that

they´d need more food and drink. So, he went to a nearby supermarket and bought a lot

of new stuff, such as soft drinks, cakes, chocolates and mineral water.

He felt another dissatisfaction at Lorac, when he tried to get a small fruit

among the ones she had brought.

She said:

“Hey! These fruits are mine! Eat from your stuff!

He noticed that was not a fair sharing of the things the couple had gathered for

their leisure that beautiful evening.

After they got home, Lorac offered Yared a lot of sex, and that displeasure he´d

felt on the beach just vanished instantaneously.

He had gone through his first rollercoaster ride of that relationship. There was

devaluation, criticism and selfish attitude on the lower part, and a lot of sex on the

higher one.

The First Lie Evidence

By June of 2018, time of the year for Valentine´s day in Yared´s country, he

introduced Lorac to the owner of a gift shop near his house. He intended to help his

girlfriend in selling her art pieces. And, indeed, she got a big job – making small

heart souvenirs for lovers.

On the delivery day, Yared couldn´t go with her, but helped all the way through,

even paying her mobile bill. He had to visit his second grandchild – a girl who had

just been born. That was a Friday, and Yared after saying goodbye to Lorac, said that

he´d call her later when he got home. Yet, that was the replied he received from the


“No need! I´ll get home very tired. I call you up. Count on me!”

Around 8 next morning Yared called Lorac up. She answered the phone, but as the

conversation had just begun, he could listen her doorbell ringing.

Lorac hurriedly said:

“It´s my neighbor and I have to answer, I´ll call you up later, ok?”

He said:

“Ok! No problem! We can talk later.”

On Sunday, Yared head happily for Lorac´s apartment to celebrate Valentine´s

day. As he opened the door, since he had his own keys, he could see a lot of

paraphernalia that had not been there before. There was another fan, bags full of

things, clothes, a small living-room table, and so on. He just imagined what had

happened – Lorac wouldn´t be able to fetch all that stuff and bring them by bus or

taxi. She might have had someone´s help – and the only possibility in Yared´s mind was

her ex-partner!

He took a breath, had a shower, ate dinner and went to their bedroom. Lorac was

in the restroom, and entered shortly after, when he inquired her:

“Where did all these things come from?”

She replied:

“They´ve come from my countryside house. You know I have another real estate,

don´t you?

Yared reverberated:

“Yes, I do! My actual question is – how could you manage bringing all these

things alone?

She said:

“I did it by bus of course. It took me several trips to finish!”

He got a bit annoyed and spoke to her:

“Please, stop lying Lorac! You know I know you asked your ex-partner´s help. Why

lying about that?”

She was getting her panties from the wardrobe as she turned around and confirmed:

“Yes, you´re right. I asked his help to fetch all this. I had to!”

He commented:

“The problem´s not he helping you, a problem here is that you lied to me! Why?”

She said:

“I didn´t want you to get angry with me. I didn´t want to bother you, honey!”

Yared added:

“It´s better to get angry at the truth than sweet at the lie. Please, the next

time tell me the truth. Ok?”

She amiably answered yes and told him that it would never happen again, and asked

him for apologies. She could turn him calm and reassured when she said:

“It´s you I chose, not him! I left him to be with you my love! I just needed his

car to do me this favor.”

He had gone through his second rollercoaster ride of that relationship. There was

falsehood, on the lower part, and a lot of sex on the higher one.

The roller-coast of emotions – Psychological evidence scientifically explained

Narcissists are the archetypal Jekyll and Hyde characters, one way one moment, one way the next. A rollercoaster

ride for anyone involved with them. When we become involved in a new relationship, a need to bond and

connect with others is usually the main reason, leading hopefully to love. However, narcissists have their own reasons

for connecting with others that has nothing to do with love. The simple reason being they are incapable of love and

normal connection with others. The paradox is that narcissists need others more than anyone. Their sole source of

self-esteem and self-worth comes from the admiration of their victims but they walk the constant tightrope between

needing others and needing to be left alone. They have a massive void within them that can only be filled by sucking

their victims dry. They enter into relationships being completely self-absorbed and not caring about the needs of

others. They do need to make sure, however that someone is always available for them (on their terms) for sex,

admiration or whatever they need before they disappear again, emotionally or physically. Anyone who has had the

misfortune to be involved with a narcissist can probably define three clear phases that repeat themselves over and

over, sometimes in the same relationship and sometimes with new victims.

Stage One: Over Evaluation – The Illusion is Created

Narcissists are very choosy. They choose their victims carefully and their choice is usually based on such

things as status, wealth, influence or ability. The victims are usually attractive and popular. The more of this the

victim has, the greater the value of the supply for the narcissist. Narcissists are great observers at this stage. They

place their victims on a pedestal and make sure that they get everything they need in the way of care, loving and

attention. They idolize, worship them and make the victim feel that they have been waiting all their life for this person

to appear. The victim might actually believe that the narcissist is in love with them, but this is infatuation. The

relationship moves quickly based on the promises that the narcissist makes. The victim, being so wrapped up in all

the attention coming their way, happily moves along with it, not believing their luck that this person is in their life.

They have fallen for the illusion created by the narcissist and it leaves them totally unprepared for what is to follow.

Stage Two: Devaluation – True Colors

This is the phase when the narcissist starts to show their true self. Once they are confident that the victim’s

love and devotion has been secured, the narcissist’s false self-portrayed in the first phase starts to disappear and the

true self starts to emerge. Many victims start to wonder at this stage what is going wrong as the narcissist starts to

emotionally and physically withdraw from the victim. The truth is that the narcissist has become bored and the void is

starting to open up again. The narcissist starts to question the victims´ worthiness, blaming them for the moods and

agitation the narcissist displays. The narcissist starts to emotionally abuse their victim, leaving them an emotional

wreck and it often results in the narcissist leaving. The victim usually tries all they can to hold onto the narcissist,

giving them the benefit of the doubt, hoping the illusion will reappear. Unknown to the victim, the narcissist feeds off

the victim’s misery as much as admiration, either emotion keeps the victim hooked. The cruel, uncaring individual

emerges from behind the mask as a true reflection of the narcissist. They will take no responsibility for their actions

and have no compassion for their victim… They simply do not care how their victim is or how they are feeling. Victims

are often at a loss at this stage to understand what happened and even more confusing is when the narcissist

reappears occasionally with the false self in view, hoping to tap into the supply once again. This will continue until it

suits them to stop it. The victim was never anything but an object, to be discarded and thrown away at the

convenience of the narcissist. At this stage, the narcissist is probably already targeting their next victim, ignoring the

previous victim completely or the victim has started to place healthy boundaries around themselves. Either way, the

result is the same.

Stage Three: Discard

Being involved with a narcissist is like having a tornado blow its way through your life. Once it has died down,

you are left with a mess. Emotionally, financially and sometimes physically, the victim has suffered greatly. It is

incredible how quickly a narcissist can leave their victim and pull away, airbrushing the victim out of their lives

completely, separating anything that held them together and completely ignoring the victim. At this stage, victims are

asking “did he or she really love me?” The answer is no. Victims are only a means of narcissistic supply, a resource to

be discarded when spent. Once this happens, the victim is quickly thrown away, abruptly, without warning and with

surgical precision. This is a traumatic phase for the victim who has likely had their self-esteem shot to pieces, been

made to carry all responsibility for the narcissist and usually has to watch the scenario playing itself over again with

the new victim. It is important for victims to realize that they were initially targeted by a con-artist and could not have

done anything differently. The narcissist that breezed in and out of your life will do this with everyone they meet.

They usually have a past full of similar victims and the future will be the same. The one thing that is essential is to

close all doors because the narcissist will always reserve the right to revisit an old source of supply, when it suits




Narcissistic Supply [NS] – attention, in both its public forms (fame, notoriety,

infamy, celebrity) and its private, interpersonal, forms (adoration, adulation,

applause, fear, repulsion). It is important to understand that attention of any kind

- positive or negative - constitutes Primary Narcissistic Supply.

Source of Supply [SS] - is the person that provides the narcissistic supply.

Explanatory Notes

People involved in this true account as far as I know, and to the best of my

knowledge while living with FQ.

SS1 – a boy FQ selected among her friends when she was only 16 years old and decided

to lose her virginity – have her first sexual intercourse experience. After a few

sexual intercourses, this guy happened to fall in love with her, and wanted to commit

himself to the relationship and get to know her family, FQ told him: “No need!, It´s

ok! Don´t worry. Let´s stop here!” And so, she discarded SS1.

SS2 – a boyfriend FQ chose to date who in her own words was not her beauty pattern

for a man. This boy´s mother ordered her to leave out her son´s way. The mother told

FQ: “Leave my son alone because you´re destroying his life!” She wrote him a goodbyeletter,

delivered to this boy, and left him, without looking back.

SS3 – a boyfriend FQ had in her teenager years who seemed to be the most durable

affective relationship she held until then. According to her own accounts about this

man: “I cheated on him a several times!” “He was a stupid guy!” “He suffered from

early ejaculation, and I couldn´t come to climax with him!” After more than 20

years, she told me SS3 had found her phone number and called her to see her.

SS4 – Her ex-partner who became the father of her older daughter. She met him while

working in a graphic company, and he was one of her clients when they started to

date. He was a playboy, rode motorcycles, and was addicted to marijuana and alcoholic

drinking. He got a loan from her to buy a new motorbike, got another girlfriend,

didn´t pay her back and disappeared. She became furious at him.

SS5 – The only legal husband FQ has ever had. She was looking for a new job after

breaking up with SS4. She happened to find a position as a call attendant at a Health

Plan selling company. She got involved with the owner of this company, got married to

him, became also owner and chief of her co-workers, and led a 7-year life with him.

As she said, they traveled a lot. She made a lot of nude photographic albums in

motels, beaches and houses especially rented for this purpose. She never even got

pregnant from this man. In carnival time, she used to go out alone with a female

friend of hers, but he didn´t accompany her. He was an evangelist church leader. He

also paid a lot of professional courses and a model course for FQ. After a year, they

went bankrupt. They lost even their car, which they gave to another church trying to

recover, and went to live at her mother-in-law´s house. Then, this man got a very

amount of money from an inheritance. He bought her a tract of land in another city,

far away from everybody else, and built her a small house. FQ has this house until

now, and lives there. She started a divorce sue against this guy, and finally got

divorced. FQ said she celebrated with a cake she cooked herself for this special


SS6 – Six months later, FQ, through a social media relationship website got to know

a military man with whom she started a love affair. This relationship lasted only 6

months. She broke up with him while he was driving her home when she provoked an

argument. As the traffic light turned red, she got out of the car, and slammed the

door so badly that it was damaged.


As FQ herself told me, by accident she met SS4 in a hospital room, where she was

recovering from a facial surgery to extract a malignant tumor. They started dating

again, and she told me: “This time I´m going to fuck him!” She got pregnant from this

guy, and led a very toxic and abusive relationship with SS4. She almost lost their

first baby girl.


After discarding SS4, FQ attracted and hoovered SS5. She got a job as a Beauty

Products representative, and she needed a car for that position. SS5 left the keys of

his car with her. After a while, she quitted this job, discarded SS5 again, and

hoovered SS4 once more. In 2017, the year I met FQ, she had had an abortion. She said

it was because of the heavy suffering she was going through with him.

Me – I met FQ in September 2017, and our true life story began as it is narrated in

this book.


…his memory has never lessened its hold on her…

…torn between returning to him and staying with their daughter…

…a daring voyage into the dark unknown…

…he thought odd in the circumstances…

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