DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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482 the existence of three main receptor types with an opioid pharmacology

(Waldhoer et al., 2004). In 2000, the Committee on Receptor

Nomenclature and Drug Classification of the International Union of

Pharmacology adopted the terms MOP, DOP, and KOP receptors

(mu opi oid peptide receptor, etc). In concert with identification of

these opioid receptors, Kostelitz and associates (Hughes et al., 1975)

identified an endogenous opiate-like factor that they called

enkephalin (“from the head”). Soon afterward, two more classes of

endogenous opioid peptides were isolated, the endorphins and

dynorphins (Akil et al., 1984).

In the early work by Martin, a sigma (σ) receptor was identified

and was thought to represent a site that accounted for the paradoxical

excitatory effects of opiates; this site is now thought to be

the phencyclidine binding site and is not strictly speaking an opiate

receptor or an opiate site.





An agent found within the brain that acts through an opioid

receptor is an endogenous opioid. Several distinct

families of endogenous opioids peptides have been identified:

principally the enkephalins, endorphins, and dynorphins.

These families have several common properties:

• Each derives from a distinct large precursor protein,

prepro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), preproenkephalin,

and preprodynorphin, respectively, encoded by a corresponding


• Each precursor is subject to complex cleavages by distinct

trypsin-like enzymes, typically at sites designated

by pairs of dibasic amino acids, and to a variety of

post-translational modifications resulting in the synthesis

of multiple peptides, some of which are active.

• Most opioid peptides with activity at a receptor share

the common amino-terminal sequence of Tyr-Gly-

Gly-Phe-(Met or Leu) followed by various C-terminal

extensions yielding peptides ranging from a few

(5) to many residues (Table 18–1; the endomorphins,

with different terminal sequences, are exceptions).

The POMC sequence contains a variety of non-opioid peptides

including adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), melanocytestimulating

hormone (αMSH), and β-lipotropin (β-LPH), all of

which are generated by proteolytic cleavage of POMC. The major

opioid peptide derived from further cleavage of β-lipotropin is the

potent opioid agonist, β-endorphin. Although β-endorphin contains

the sequence for met-enkephalin at its amino terminus, it is not

converted to this peptide. The anatomical distribution of POMCproducing

cells is relatively limited within the CNS, occurring

mainly in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus and the nucleus

tractus solitarius. These neurons project widely to limbic and brainstem

areas and to the spinal cord. POMC expression also occurs in

the anterior and intermediate lobes of the pituitary and also are contained

in pancreatic islet cells. Circulating β-endorphin derives primarily

from the pituitary, from which it and other pituitary hormones are

released (Chapter 38).

Proenkephalin contains multiple copies of met-enkephalin,

as well as a single copy of leu-enkephalin. Proenkephalin peptides

are present in areas of the CNS believed to be related to the processing

of pain information (e.g., laminae I and II of the spinal cord, the

spinal trigeminal nucleus, and the periaqueductal gray), to the modulation

of affective behavior (e.g., amygdala, hippocampus, locus

ceruleus, and the frontal cerebral cortex), to the modulation of motor

control (e.g., caudate nucleus and globus pallidus), to the regulation

of the autonomic nervous system (e.g., medulla oblongata), and to

neuroendocrinological functions (e.g., median eminence). Although

there are a few long enkephalinergic fiber tracts, these peptides are

contained primarily in interneurons with short axons. The peptides

from proenkephalin also are found in chromaffin cells of the adrenal

medulla and in nerve plexuses and exocrine glands of the stomach

and intestine. Circulating proenkephalin products are considered to

be largely derived from these sites.

Prodynorphin contains three peptides of differing lengths that

all begin with the leu-enkephalin sequence: dynorphin A, dynorphin B,

and neoendorphin (Figure 18–1). The peptides derived from prodynorphin

are distributed widely in neurons and to a lesser extent in

astrocytes throughout the brain and spinal cord and are frequently

found co-expressed with other opioid peptide precursors.

Nociceptin peptide is present in neurons widely distributed

throughout brain (cortex, hippocampus, brainstem, and to a lesser

degree, hypothalamus, thalamus, raphe nuclei, and periaqueductal

gray matter) and spinal cord structures. It has been observed in neurons

as well as astrocytes and neutrophils.

More recently, a family of peptides has been identified and

named endomorphins, endomorphin-1 (Tyr–Pro–Trp–Phe–NH 2

) and

endomorphin-2 (Tyr–Pro–Phe–Phe–NH 2

) (Zadina et al., 1997). By

comparison with other opioid peptides, endomorphins have an atypical

structure and display selectivity towards the μ opioid receptor

(Fichna et al., 2007).

Several points should be stressed:

• Not all cells that make a given opioid pro-hormone precursor

store and release the same mixture of opioid peptides; this results

from differential processing secondary to variations in the cellular

complement of peptidases that produce and degrade the active

opioid fragments (Hook et al., 2008).

• Processing of these peptides is altered by physiological demands,

leading to the release of a different mix of post-translationally

derived peptides by a given cell under different conditions.

• Opioid peptides are found in plasma and reflect release from

secretory systems such as the pituitary and the adrenals that do

not reflect neuraxial release. Conversely, levels of these peptides

in brain/spinal cord and in CSF arise from neuraxial systems and

not from peripheral systems.


Principal Receptor Classes; Distribution

The three opioid receptors—δ, μ, and κ—belong to the

rhodopsin family of GPCRs (Chapter 3) and share

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