8 Pro Tips to Engage Customers on Your Shopify Store

Unfold secret tips to engage customers on your Shopify store like a pro! Unfold secret tips to engage customers on your Shopify store like a pro!


8 Pro Tips to Engage Customers on Your Shopify StoreWhen we talk about eCommerce platforms, Shopify is one of the most popular platformsthat retailers trust the most. This is because it provides robust UX design, excellent services& support, ultimate & unlimited bandwidth, great marketing tools, uncompromised security,user-friendly navigation, option of customization, etc.There are 1.75 million merchants selling their products via the Shopify platform. So, to standapart from the crowd, you need some reliable and actionable tips and tricks. In this blog, wewill be talking about some of those tips and how they can improve your Shopify’sEcommerce customer experience.Apps That Can Help You Market Your Products Betterappjetty@gmail.com

8 Pro Tips to Engage Customers on Your Shopify Store

When we talk about eCommerce platforms, Shopify is one of the most popular platforms

that retailers trust the most. This is because it provides robust UX design, excellent services

& support, ultimate & unlimited bandwidth, great marketing tools, uncompromised security,

user-friendly navigation, option of customization, etc.

There are 1.75 million merchants selling their products via the Shopify platform. So, to stand

apart from the crowd, you need some reliable and actionable tips and tricks. In this blog, we

will be talking about some of those tips and how they can improve your Shopify’s

Ecommerce customer experience.

Apps That Can Help You Market Your Products Better


Deep Research Pays Off, Always!

Research is the key to improving customer experience. With research, you will know the

ongoing trends of the market, new technologies, rising demands of customers, competitor’s

strategy, etc. With all these data, you can cater your customers with trendy and tech-infused

solutions that can meet their requirements. Because you cannot keep serving them the

trends that were popular at one time but are no more relevant to attract the customers.

For instance, if you are selling mobile covers, then providing mobile covers with glitters

would not sell as much as a mobile cover with pop-up holder would. The reason is simple –

because the phone covers with pop-up holders are trending more than the glitter ones now.

Researching also helps in coming up with unique marketing ideas. You can use some data for

deep research like:

➔ Targeted audience – their demands, location, and age group

➔ Ongoing trends – for marketing and products

➔ Technology updates – for marketing and products

Research is not a one-off thing, you need to keep up with the research everyday to keep

your store on demand amidst the competition.


Technology is the Core

Technology is the core of any Shopify store. If your site is not updated with the latest

technology, then you might lose many buyers. For instance, the absence of QR codes or

Chatbot can make things confusing and tough for consumers. Whereas, implementing AR in

your Shopify store can attract the maximum traffic due to its uniqueness, convenience, and


Thus, being aware about which technology is trending, updating versions of each

technology, and put this ahead of updating version of each technology

User Friendly Sites Invites More Engagements

Your goal as a Shopify store owner should be making your store customer-centric. And how

can you do it? By making logins, navigation, and purchases easy and safe for customers.

Ensure that all your navigation and features are working great on different screen sizes.

Avoid clutter on your site so that customers don’t get lost or leave in confusion. Keep the

navigation smooth and easy. Also, you should ensure that customers are easily able to access

contact details and chatbot. Don’t leave your customers in the search of a way to contact

you. They should be able to reach you instantly in case of inquiries or orders. Don’t keep too


many pop-ups in between; otherwise, it will annoy your customers and will hinder their

smooth experience.

Make your site attractive by keeping it easy-to-use. Great site designs and relevant themes

with proper navigation can keep customers interested.

Customer Reviews: A Natural Sales Magnet

Words of mouth can do wonders for your business. So, put the reviews given to you by your

customers out there to attract new customers. Because even you and I would trust reviews

more than anything in the store, right?

Content of the site, relevance of information, and great features matters on your store but

the impact of reviews will be more than all these. 93% of customers read online reviews

before buying a product. So, imagine the number of sales you might be missing if you have

not put the reviews to showcase online.

Plus, reviews are the best way to win your buyer’s trust. Providing the buyers what they

need should be your ultimate motto and reviews come under the ‘must-haves’ for your

store. You can put up a testimonial, good words you received from customers, or any

challenge your company resolved, etc.


Keep the review space open for people to add their review and see the reviews. You can

have an app like ‘product review’, which can enable you to edit and delete the reviews when


Know More About ‘Product Review’ of CommerceXpand

Convey the Content Through Videos

In this hustle, people hardly have time to read the whole site’s content or manuals. To

ensure that the content is getting delivered to your audience, you can change your way of

conveying it. Use videos to deliver them the content like user manuals, what they need to

know about the product, how the product is manufactured, why they should choose your

products, etc.

This will help in increasing engagement, and as people will come to know about how your

products perfectly fits their requirements, sales will be on your way then. Ensure to make

the videos fun, engaging, interesting, and informative. Try to keep your videos as short and

informative as possible. Customers should not feel like they wasted their time.

Mobile-Friendly Sites? Pff! Of Course

Mobile-first policy is an obvious must have for your store. To provide comfort and

convenience to your buyers, you need to give them desktop, tablet, and mobile support.


Here, you need to make sure that the website content is not compromised or cut down

through different sizes of screens. Mobile-friendly sites can give your customer the comfort

of ordering products at any time from anywhere.

Social Media is Your Best Friend

Social media has turned the lives of many by 180 degrees. It has the power of a variety of

audiences, and we cannot forget the helpful marketing tools of social media like Instagram

promotional posts. 4.48 billion people use social media worldwide as of 2022, so imagine

the amount of people you are missing out on! Build your social media presence today. Start

from creating business accounts on different social sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,

LinkedIn, etc. Then post updates about your store like:

➔ What does your company make?

➔ How to contact you?

➔ When is the new launch day?

➔ Sneak peek about product making

➔ Customer reviews

Ensure to paste a link of your Shopify store, and always put your contact details in the bio

and captions for quick reach. You can use social media’s marketing tools to market your store

to a larger audience. Use comments and stories to create interactive sessions with your


customers. Stay personal on your social media channels. This will help you to build your

brand identity too.

Attract Buyers With ‘Offers They Cannot Miss Out On’

I have explored half of my go-to eCommerce stores through the offer. Let me explain how

this works. When I see promotional posts of different stores on my social media account

with information about their ongoing offer, there are times when I cannot deny it’s a ‘steal


To get the benefit of that offer, I will have to visit their official eStore. After ordering the

products under the offer section, most of the time, I prefer to explore the site more, because

sites that know what you want are rare, right? At the end, my cart is full with items with

offers and some additional products too. If the quality of purchased products is good, then

those stores will become my go-to stores.

You see how this worked? Just a single offer sign attracted me to purchase more than

needed items. It’s a genius way to attract customers. You just need to know the right way

and time.

As a store owner, it can be tough to put discounts on every product and then remember to

remove it from them. Skip doing this manually and save your time by using apps like Shopify


bulk editor. It allows you to add, edit, and remove information like discounts on bulk


Finishing Off With Some Secrets!

Know More About Shopify Bulk Editor

➔ Use Shopify app’s features in every way you can

➔ Don’t compromise on security

➔ Make providing only quality your ethic

➔ Use bundle marketing apps to accelerate productivity and results

➔ Learn from reviews

➔ Make your store’s UI/UX strong with the help of a dedicated developer

➔ Don’t miss out on being ‘unique and relevant’

These are some of the tips to engage your audience effectively and turn them to buyers.

Plus, no matter how incredible your products are, you will need the right strategies and tools

for marketing them to reach your audience. For that, you can have CommerceXpand’s

bundle apps with over 28 apps that are solely crafted for individual marketing needs. From

engaging customers to the after-sales process, it is packed with amazing apps.

Know More About CommerceXpand

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