Biography of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

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• “Vedantamum Mayavadamum in Cittantam” in Siddhantam: Journal of the Saiva Siddhanta

Association. V, pp. 159-163.

• The Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore. London: Macmillan & Co., 1918.

• “James Ward’s Pluaralistic Theism: I” in The Indian Philosophical Review. II, Number 2 (October

1918), pp. 97-118.

• “James Ward’s Pluaralistic Theism: II” in The Indian Philosophical Review. II, Number 3 (December

1918), pp. 210-232.

• “Bergson and Absolute Idealism – I” in Mind. (New Series) XXVII (January 1919), pp. 41-53.

• “Bergson and Absolute Idealism – II” in Mind. (New Series) XXVII (July 1919), pp. 275-296.

• The Reign of Religion in Contemporary Philosophy. London: Macmillan & Co., 1920.

• “The Future of Religion” in The Mysore University Magazine. IV, (1920), pp. 148-157.

• “Review of Bernard Bosanquet’s ‘Implication and Linear Inference’” in The Indian Philosophical

Review. III, Number 3 (July 1920), p. 301.

• “The Metaphysics of the Upanisads – I” in The Indian Philosophical Review. III, Number 3, (July

1920), pp. 213-236.

• The Metaphysics of the Upanisads – II in The Indian Philosophical Review. III, Number 4, (October

1920), pp. 346-362.

• “Gandhi and Tagore” in The Calcutta Review. (Third Series), I (October 1921), pp. 14-29.

• “Religion and Philosophy” in The Hibbert Journal. XX, Number 1 (October 1921), pp. 35-45.

• “Tilak as Scholar” in The Indian Review. XXII (December 1921), pp. 737-739.

• “Contemporary Philosophy” in The Indian Review. XXIII (July 1922), pp. 440-443.

• “The Heart of Hinduism” in The Hibbert Journal. XXI, Number 1 (October 1922), pp. 5-19.

• “The Hindu Dharma” in The International Journal of Ethics. XXXIII, Number 1 (October 1922), pp. 1-


• Indian Philosophy: Volume 1. London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1923.

• “Islam and Indian Thought” in The Indian Review. XXIV (Novermber 1923), pp. 53-72.

• “Religious Unity” in The Mysore University Magazine. VII, pp. 187-198.

• The Philosophy of the Upanisads. London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1924.

• “Hindu Thought and Christian Doctrine” in The Madras Christian College Magazine. (Quarterly

Series) (January 1924), pp. 18-34.

• “The Hindu Idea of God” in The Quest. (London) XV, Number 3 (April 1924), pp. 289-310.

• “Indian Philosophy: Some Problems” in Mind. (New Series) XXV (April 1926), pp. 154-180.

• The Hindu View of Life. London: George Allen & Unwim, Ltd., 1927.

• “The Role of Philosophy in the History of Civilization” in Edgar Shefield Brightman (ed.)Proceedings

of the Sixth International Congress of Philosophy. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1927. pp.


• “The Doctrine of Maya: Some Problems” in Edgar Shefield Brightman (ed.) Proceedings of the Sixth

International Congress of Philosophy. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1927. pp. 683-689.

• Indian Philosophy: Volume 2. London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1927.

• “Presidential Address” in Proceedings of the III Indian Philosophical Congress. Calcutta: Calcutta

University, 1927. pp. 19-30.

• “Educational Reform” in The Calcutta Review. (May 1927), pp. 143-154.

• The Religion We Need. London: Ernest Benn, Ltd., 1928.

• The Vedanta According to Śaṅkara and Ramanuja. London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1928.

• “Indian Philosophy (To the Editor of Mind)” in Mind. (New Series) XXXVII (January 1928), pp. 130-


• Buddhism in Prabuddha Bharata. XXXIII, Number 8 (August 1928), pp. 349-354.

• “Evolution and Its Implications” in The New Era. I (November 1928), pp. 102-111.


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