Impact of unpuddled transplanting and crop residue mulching on the yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.)

On-farm research was conducted at the Gouripur upazila under Mymensingh district of Bangladesh during boro (mid November- June) season in 2013-14 and 2014-15 to evaluate the performance of unpuddled rice cultivation with crop residue retention. The rice var. BRRI dhan28 was transplanted by two tillage practices viz., puddled conventional tillage (CT) and non-puddled strip tillage (ST), and two levels of crop residues viz., “no” residue (R0) and 50% residue (R50). The experiment was devised in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Results showed no significant yield differences between tillage practices and residue levels in 2013-14. But in the following year, ST yielded higher grains (5.72t ha-1), which was about 9.36% higher compared to CT. The higher grain yield in ST leading to 22.23% higher BCR than CT. Retention of 50% residue increased yield by 3.15% over no-residue, contributing to 10.58% higher BCR. The ST combined 50% residue produced the highest grain yield (5.81 t ha-1), which was credited to obtain the highest BCR (1.06). On-farm research was conducted at the Gouripur upazila under Mymensingh district of Bangladesh during boro (mid November- June) season in 2013-14 and 2014-15 to evaluate the performance of unpuddled rice cultivation with crop residue retention. The rice var. BRRI dhan28 was transplanted by two tillage practices viz., puddled conventional tillage (CT) and non-puddled strip tillage (ST), and two levels of crop residues viz., “no” residue (R0) and 50% residue (R50). The experiment was devised in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Results showed no significant yield differences between tillage practices and residue levels in 2013-14. But in the following year, ST yielded higher grains (5.72t ha-1), which was about 9.36% higher compared to CT. The higher grain yield in ST leading to 22.23% higher BCR than CT. Retention of 50% residue increased yield by 3.15% over no-residue, contributing to 10.58% higher BCR. The ST combined 50% residue produced the highest grain yield (5.81 t ha-1), which was credited to obtain the highest BCR (1.06).


Int. J. Agron. Agri. R.International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR)ISSN: 2223-7054 (Print) 2225-3610 (Online)http://www.innspub.netVol. 18, No. 3, p. 11-19, 2021RESEARCH PAPEROPEN ACCESSImpact of unpuddled transplanting and crop residue mulchingon the yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.)Mohammad Mobarak Hossain *1 , Mahfuza Begum 2 , Md. Moshiur Rahman 2 ,Abul Hashem 3 , Richard W. Bell 41Rice Breeding Platform (Breeding for Favorable Environment), International Rice ResearchInstitute, Dhaka, Bangladesh2Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh3Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Industry and EconomicDevelopment, York Road, Northam WA, Australia4School of Veterinary and Life Sciences, Murdoch University, South St, Murdoch WA, AustraliaArticle published on March 23, 2021Key words: Crop residues, Strip tillage, Unpuddled, YieldAbstractOn-farm research was conducted at the Gouripur upazila under Mymensingh district of Bangladesh during boro(mid November- June) season in 2013-14 and 2014-15 to evaluate the performance of unpuddled rice cultivationwith crop residue retention. The rice var. BRRI dhan28 was transplanted by two tillage practices viz., puddledconventional tillage (CT) and non-puddled strip tillage (ST), and two levels of crop residues viz., “no” residue (R0)and 50% residue (R50). The experiment was devised in a randomized complete block design with fourreplications. Results showed no significant yield differences between tillage practices and residue levels in 2013-14. But in the following year, ST yielded higher grains (5.72t ha -1 ), which was about 9.36% higher compared to CT.The higher grain yield in ST leading to 22.23% higher BCR than CT. Retention of 50% residue increased yield by3.15% over no-residue, contributing to 10.58% higher BCR. The ST combined 50% residue produced the highestgrain yield (5.81 t ha -1 ), which was credited to obtain the highest BCR (1.06).* Corresponding Author: Mohammad Mobarak Hossain mm.hossain@irri.orgHossain et al. Page 11

Int. J. Agron. Agri. R.

International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR)

ISSN: 2223-7054 (Print) 2225-3610 (Online)

Vol. 18, No. 3, p. 11-19, 2021



Impact of unpuddled transplanting and crop residue mulching

on the yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Mohammad Mobarak Hossain *1 , Mahfuza Begum 2 , Md. Moshiur Rahman 2 ,

Abul Hashem 3 , Richard W. Bell 4


Rice Breeding Platform (Breeding for Favorable Environment), International Rice Research

Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh


Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Industry and Economic

Development, York Road, Northam WA, Australia


School of Veterinary and Life Sciences, Murdoch University, South St, Murdoch WA, Australia

Article published on March 23, 2021

Key words: Crop residues, Strip tillage, Unpuddled, Yield


On-farm research was conducted at the Gouripur upazila under Mymensingh district of Bangladesh during boro

(mid November- June) season in 2013-14 and 2014-15 to evaluate the performance of unpuddled rice cultivation

with crop residue retention. The rice var. BRRI dhan28 was transplanted by two tillage practices viz., puddled

conventional tillage (CT) and non-puddled strip tillage (ST), and two levels of crop residues viz., “no” residue (R0)

and 50% residue (R50). The experiment was devised in a randomized complete block design with four

replications. Results showed no significant yield differences between tillage practices and residue levels in 2013-

14. But in the following year, ST yielded higher grains (5.72t ha -1 ), which was about 9.36% higher compared to CT.

The higher grain yield in ST leading to 22.23% higher BCR than CT. Retention of 50% residue increased yield by

3.15% over no-residue, contributing to 10.58% higher BCR. The ST combined 50% residue produced the highest

grain yield (5.81 t ha -1 ), which was credited to obtain the highest BCR (1.06).

* Corresponding Author: Mohammad Mobarak Hossain

Hossain et al. Page 11

Int. J. Agron. Agri. R.


Most of the farmers in the Asian continent cultivate

rice (Oryza sativa L.) by transplanting seedlings in

puddled soil for comfortable crop establishment.

Lands are prepared by single or two passes in dry

conditions followed by exposure to the sun for a

couple of days. After flooding, the final field is

prepared by plowing, cross plowing, and laddering in

standing water. However, this traditional puddling

method is labor, fuel, time, and capital intensive

(Islam et al., 2014). Nowadays, most of the tillage

operations for puddling soil in Bangladesh are done

by power tiller and is detrimental to physical soil

conditions through destroying soil aggregates,

breaking capillary pores, and dispersing the soils

(Miah et al., 2002). Cloddy soil structure with less

soil moisture and inadequate seed-soil contact

resulted from the puddling makes land preparation

difficult for the following crops (Islam et al., 2012).

Not only that, puddled rice transplanting consumes

about 20-40% of the total water required for raising

crops, and it also promotes the formation of the

hardpan (Singh et al., 2014). It also reduces soil

organic carbon at a double rate, thus decreases soil

fertility has losses of irrigation water, and damages

the ecological environment (Sayre and Hoobs, 2004).

To overcome these destructive issues, adopting

minimum tillage unpuddled transplanting may be a

perfect alternative to puddled transplanting as it is

using widely for many crops around the world (Singh

et al., 2014).

This technology has the potentials to allow saving in

labor, energy, water, and time during rice

establishment and improve soil fertility (Islam et al.,

2012). Concerning the soil health, another agronomic

option is the retaining the residues of previously

cultivated crops are a significant factor for crop

production through their effects on soil physical,

chemical, and biological functions and water and soil

quality and increase crop yield (Kumar and Goh,

2000). Residue practice maintains soil microorganisms

and microbial activity, which can also lead

to weed suppression by the biological agents leading

to increase crop yield (Shrivastav et al., 2015).

Considerable research has been done on puddle

transplanting, but there is limited information on

unpuddled rice transplanting with crop residue

retention under the Bangladesh context. Therefore,

the present study was conducted to examine the

performance of rice to unpuddled transplanting

system with the retention of crop residues.

Materials and methods

Experimental site and season

The experiment was conducted on a farmers' field

located at Durbachara village, Gouripur upazila in the

Mymensingh district of Bangladesh during mid

November- June in 2013-14 and 2014-15.

Geographically site was located at latitude 24.75ºN

and longitude 90.50 0 E) at 18 m altitude (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Map of Bangladesh showing the site of on-farm experiment

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Edaphic and climatic conditions

The experiment site is situated on the Old

Brahmaputra Floodplain of predominantly dark grey

non-calcareous alluvium soils under the Sonatala

series (Brammer, 1996). It was a medium-high land of

silty loam texture having pH 6.71. Soil characteristics

have been presented in Table 1. Rainfall and thermal

condition data were collected from the nearest

weather station and are illustrated in Fig. 2. which

described that there was much variation in weather

during 2013-2015. The maximum temperature varies

from 32.3-33.5°C during April-June while January

was the coldest month. About 95% rainfall was

received during April-September. The rest of rainfall

was very unevenly distributed and mostly uncertain.

Sunshine hours differed much in 2013 and 2014 in

December and January.

Table 1. The morphological, physical, and chemical properties of soil (0-15cm) of the experimental field

A. Morphological characteristics

Soil Tract : Old Brahmaputra Alluvium

Soil Series : Sonatola Series

Parent materials : Old Brahmaputra River Borne Deposit

B. Physical characteristics of soil

Sand (2.00-0.50mm) : 25.2%

Silt (0.5-0.002mm) : 72.0%

Clay (< 0.002mm) : 2.8%

Textural class : Silty Loam

C. Chemical characteristics of soil

p H : 6.71

Organic matter (%) : 0.93

Total matter (%) : 0.13

Available sulfur (ppm) : 13.9

Available phosphorus (ppm) : 16.3

Exchangeable potassium (ppm) : 0.28

Fig. 2. Monthly average temperature, total rainfall, relative humidity and sunshine hours of the experimental site

in 2013-2015

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Experimental treatments and design

This study comprised two types of tillage viz.,

puddled condition conventional tillage (CT) and

unpuddled condition strip tillage (ST) and two levels

of crop residue viz., “no” residue (R0), and 50%

residue (R50). The treatments were arranged in a

randomized complete block design with four

replications using unit plots of 9 m×5 m.

Seed sowing and transplanting

In 2013-14, seeds were sown in the nursery on 25

November 2013, and seedlings were transplanted but

in 2014-15, the seeding and transplanting were done

one week earlier than the dates of 2013 to avoid

rainfall before harvest on 18 November 2014 and 23

December 2014, respectively. A Row distance of 25

cm×15 cm was maintained, allocating 2-3 seedlings

hill -1 in both CT and ST.

Tillage operation

CT was done using a two-wheel tractor (2 WT). The

land was prepared by four plowings and cross plowings

followed by sun-drying for two days, finally by

inundation and laddering. Strip tillage (ST) was done

by a Versatile Multi-crop Planter (VMP) in a single

pass operation. Strips had prepared for four rows, each

of 6 cm wide and 5 cm deep made at a time. Three days

before ST operation, glyphosate had applied @ 3.7 L

ha -1 . After ST, the land had flooded with 3-5 cm

standing water one day before transplanting to allow

the strips to soften enough for transplanting seedlings

(Islam et al., 2014).

Nitrogen was applied @ 80kg ha -1 as urea in three

equal splits at 25, 45, and 60 DAT. Rice was irrigated

four times at 20, 35, 50, and 65 DAT due to scare

rainfall throughout the crop growing season.

Adequate plant protection measures were taken as

per the recommendation of the BRRI (2014).

Harvesting and data recording

The crop was harvested at maturity (when 80% of

grain became golden yellow) on 9 May in 2014 and 2

May in 2015, from randomly selected three spots of

each 3 m × 1 m area in each plot. Plant height, No. of

effective and non-effective tillers m -2 , length of

panicle, number of grains, and sterile spikelets

panicle -1 were recorded from randomly selected ten

hills before harvest.

The weight of 1000-grains, grain and straw yields was

recorded. Grain yield was adjusted at 14% moisture

content using the formula (USDA, 1979) as follows.

Adjusted yield =

Economic analysis

100 − harvested moisture (%)

100 − adjusted moisture (%)

× harvested yield

The economics of crop production was estimated

following the partial budgeting system (Perrin et al.,

1988). The variable costs were calculated based on

labor requirement for sowing/transplanting, weeding,

harvesting and threshing, irrigation, fertilization, and

all other input costs like seed, fertilizer, irrigation, etc.

Residue mulching practice

Two levels of residue mulch of mustard were used in

this study. In no-residue practice, rice transplanted

without retaining mulch while in 50% mulch practice,

875 kg ha -1 dried residue of previously harvested

mustard was used. This amount of mulch was spread

over the plots after tillage operation but before


The gross return was calculated based on the market

price of grain and by-products. The gross benefit was

calculated by deducting the variable cost from the

gross recovery. The benefit-cost ratio (BCR) was

calculated by using the formula (Price, 1985) as



Gross return per unit area

The total cost of production per unit area

Cultural operations

The land was fertilized with phosphorus, potassium,

sulfur, and zinc @ 25, 40, 15, and 2.0 kg ha -1 as triple

superphosphate, muriate of potash, gypsum, and

ZnSO4, respectively at final plowing.

Statistical instrument

Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA),

and Duncans' Multiple Range Test compared means

at P<0.05, using the statistical package program

STAR (IRRI, 2014).

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Effect of tillage practice on yield attributes, yield,

and economics of rice

In 2013-14, none of the parameters except BCR varied

significantly due to tillage practices. By contrast, in

2014-15, yield contributing characters were

significantly affected except the plant height, panicle

length, and 1000 grain weight (Table 2).

The highest and lowest numbers of effective and noneffective

tillers m -2 , respectively, and the highest and

lowest numbers of grains and sterile spikelets panicle -


, respectively, were recorded from the ST, which

attributed to higher yield (9.36% higher) in ST than

CT. The higher yield in ST might have credited the

higher BCR (22.23% higher) than CT (Table 2).

Table 2. Effect of tillage practice on yield attributes, yield, and BCR of rice







No. of


tillers m -2

No. of noneffective

tillers m -2




No. of


panicle -1

No. of sterile


panicle -1



weight (g)



(t ha -1 )

CT 110.4 209 44 24 159 47 30 5.20 0.72b

ST 109.9 211 44 25 157 49 31 5.17 0.88a

LSD(0.05) NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.13

CV (%) 2.74 12.6 11.7 2.4 3.47 2.27 1.32 0.34 4.72


CT 107.3 361b 70a 23.9 114b 41 21.9 5.23b 0.81b

ST 105.6 382a 56b 24.4 126a 40 23.0 5.72a 0.99a

LSD(0.05) NS 4.59 3.00 NS 8.29 NS NS 0.09 0.03

CV (%) 4.60 1.20 5.68 3.84 5.14 8.88 6.83 2.10 1.24

In a column, the figures with similar letter do not differ significantly, whereas dissimilar letter differ significantly.

CT= Conventional Tillage, ST= Strip Tillage, LSD= Least Significant Difference, CV= Co-efficient of Variance


Effect of residue levels on yield attributes, yield, and

economics of rice

During the first year of experimentation, there was no

significant effect of residues on the yield and yield

attributes of rice. But in the second year, retention of

50% residue improved the number of the effective

tiller m -2 and grain panicle -1 while declined the

numbers of the non-effective tiller m -2 and sterile

spikelets panicle -1 , compared to no-residue (Table 3).

Retention of 50% residue yielded around 3.15%

higher rice, attributed to earning 10.58% higher BCR

in 2014-15 (Table 3).

Table 3. Effect residue level on yield attributes, yield and BCR of rice

Plant No. of


height effective


(cm) tillers m -2


No. of noneffective



length (cm)

m -2

No. of No. of sterile

grains spikelets

panicle -1 panicle -1



weight (g)


yield BCR

(t ha -1 )

R0 110.6 208 44 24.6 160 53 29.90 5.20 0.76

R 50

109.5 209 43 24.5 159 54 29.88 5.19 0.79


CV (%) 2.74 12.67 11.71 2.40 3.47 2.27 1.32 0.34 4.72


R0 104.9 368b 56b 24.4 115b 41 22.7 5.39b 0.85b

R50 106.3 376a 69a 24.5 130a 40 22.9 5.56a 0.94a

LSD(0.05) NS 2.65 1.73 NS 4.78 NS NS 0.05 0.018

CV (%) 4.60 1.20 5.68 3.84 5.14 8.88 6.83 2.10 1.24

In a column, the figures with similar letters do not differ significantly, whereas dissimilar letter differ

significantly. R0= No residue, R50= 50% residue, LSD= Least Significant Difference, CV= Co-efficient of Variance

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Combination effect of tillage practice and residue

levels on yield attributes, yield, and economics of rice

The combination of tillage practices and residue levels

exerted a significant effect only on BCR, while the rest

of the parameters did not vary significantly during

2013-14. Whereas in 2014-15, the combination of

treatments significantly impacted all the parameters

except plant height, panicle length, the number of

sterile spikelets panicle -1 , and weight of 1000 grain

(Table 4). The ST retained 50% residue produced the

highest BCR, which might have credited from the

highest grain yield. The highest grain yield might

have attributed from the highest number of effective

tillers m -2 and grains panicle -1 , and the lowest

numbers of non-effective tillers m -2 . The retention of

50% residue produced the higher values of these

parameters compared to no-residues. CT without

residue produced the lowest grain yield,

consequently, the lowest BCR. Also, about 5.19%

higher yield was noticed in 2014-15 than 2013-14.

Table 4. Combination effect of tillage practices and residue levels on yield attributes, yield and BCR of rice









No. of


tillers m -2

No. of noneffective

tillers m -2




No. of


panicle -1

No. of



panicle -1





Grain yield

(t ha -1 )


R0 109.3 207 45 24.2 162 53 29.5 5.21 0.73b

R50 111.5 211 43 24.6 158 54 29.2 5.19 0.71b


R0 110.8 209 43 24.6 158 53 29.8 5.20 0.80a

R50 109.1 207 44 24.5 160 55 30.3 5.20 0.88a

LSD(0.05) NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.18

CV (%) 2.74 12.67 11.71 2.40 3.47 2.27 1.32 0.34 4.72



R0 108.3 359c 84a 24.3 100c 41 21.6 5.17d 0.78bc

R50 106.3 363c 70b 24.5 121b 39 22.2 5.29c 0.83c


R0 104.2 376b 53c 24.4 129ab 41 22.9 5.60b 0.92b

R50 106.3 388a 41d 24.2 139a 40 23.0 5.81a 1.06a

LSD(0.05) NS 6.50 4.25 NS 11.72 NS NS 0.13 0.045

CV (%) 4.60 1.20 5.68 3.84 5.14 8.88 6.83 2.10 1.24

In a column, the figures with similar letter do not differ significantly, whereas dissimilar letter differ significantly.

CT= Conventional Tillage, ST= Strip Tillage, R0= No residue, R50= 50% residue, LSD= Least Significant

Difference, CV= Co-efficient of Variance



Effect on the yield of rice

The higher yield in ST might be attributed to the

changes in soil properties viz. the higher porosity and

better soil moisture conservation in ST favored the

more robust root growth, and nutrient uptake

resulted in increasing grain yield. These results agree

with Huang et al. (2012), stating that minimum

tillage (MT) unpuddled conditions provide a more

favorable soil physical environment for better crop

growth than CT. Pittelkow et al. (2015), about Qi et al.

(2011), also reported higher and more stable crop

yields in MT than CT. In CT, heavy grinding of the

surface soil by 2 WT forms hardpan by exerting

massive pressure. Hence, leading to loss of structure

and fusing the cultivated layer resulting in the

disruption of the soil pores. On the other hand, crop

yield increase in MT might have occurred from the

improved soil structure and stability. They were

moreover facilitating better water holding capacity

and drainage that reduces the extremes of

waterlogging and drought (Holland, 2004), ultimately

improving soil fertility by sequestering organic carbon

in soils (Zheng et al., 2014). This finding supports the

research result of Liu et al. (2010), who found a 20%

higher maize yield in MT than CT due to an increase

of soil organic carbon, soil total nitrogen, and total

soil phosphorus by 25, 18, and 7%, respectively. These

results have implications for understanding how

conservation tillage practices increase crop yield by

improving soil quality and sustainability in

unpuddled strip tillage practices and clinched by

Hossain et al. Page 16

Int. J. Agron. Agri. R.

Hossain et al. (2016) and Mvumi et al. (2017). Some

research findings also concluded no yield differences

between ST and CT. Haque et al. (2016) found a

similar grain yield of rice in unpuddled ST

transplanting and CT, which confirms the earlier

findings of Hossain et al. (2015), who also found no

yield penalty of wheat and rice between ST and CT. In

another study, Sharma et al. (2011) also reported

similar rice yield in unpuddled transplanting to the

CT. Wiatrak et al. (2005) found identical cotton yield

in ST and CT, while Al-Kaisi and Licht (2004) found a

similar corn and soybean yield in ST, NT, and CT. The

finding of these studies confirms the result of the

present study where no significant yield loss was

found in the 2013-14 year.

In this study, retention of 50% of crop residues

increased the grain yield of rice by about 3.15% over

no-residue. Research findings of Shrivastav et al.

(2015) confirm this, stating residue converts to

mineralized nutrients, which causes sufficient crop

growth and facilitates higher yield over no-residue.

Kaschuk et al. (2010), in support of Qin et al. (2010),

concluded straw residues can increase the amount of

organic matter and nutrients into the soil, in turn

improving soil nutrient availability for crop growth

and better yield over no-residue. The earlier study of

Thomas et al. (2007) and Govaerts et al. (2007) also

found the benefits of residue retention on crop yield.

Improved soil fertility and water availability might

occur from the supplies of organic matter from straw

residue for heterotrophic N fixing micro-organisms,

which could be utilized by the crops, consequently

results in the higher yield. Straw residues for

controlling weeds in different crops have been

suggested by Devasinghe et al. (2011), and Hossain et

al. (2016) concluded residues prevent weed growth

and thus retards crop weed completions. Hence, the

crop is grown stronger and favored to higher yield.

In this study, a 5.19% higher yield in the 2014-15 year

than 2013-14 might be due to the variation of monthly

average temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, and

sunshine hours of the experimental site during 2013-

2015 (Fig. 2). Such interpretations of all climatic

parameters during various phonological stages of rice

viz., germination to transplanting, tillering, and

anthesis to physiological maturity exerted definite

stresses on the growth and development of rice. Such

stresses might have influenced the yield to be varied

in two consecutive years by controlling the variation

of yield attributes such as the number of effective and

non-effective tillers m -2 and grains and sterile

spikelets panicle -1 (Safdar et al., 2013).

Effect on the benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of rice

Partial economic analysis disclosed that among the

treatments, ST with 50% residue earned the highest

profit. Variation in BCR might be attributed to the

variation in grain yield and the cost required for rice

cultivation. One hector land preparation in CT

required US$ 190.80 while ST required US$ 35.80.

Thus, ST saved around 68% cost for land preparation.

This estimation is in line with Haque et al. (2016)

estimating 70% savings in land preparation in ST over

CT, showing the lowest land preparation cost was

recorded in ST (US$ 32.54 ha -1 ) while the maximum

land preparation cost was incurred in CT (US$110.29

ha -1 ). Islam et al. (2014) estimated 49% savings from

land preparation in ST over CT. Savings in ST might

have happened due to the more significant number of

tillage passes and fuel consumption for land

preparation in CT.

On the other hand, ST reduced fuel and labor

requirements during land preparation. About 10.58%

higher profit in 50% residue might have occurred

solely from 3.15% higher grain yield than no-residue.

Therefore, the study claimed that rice cultivation

through practicing unpuddled strip tillage with the

retention of 50% crop residue could achieve a higher

profit compared to existing conventional tillage of rice

cultivation in Bangladesh.


Based on the results of this study, it might be

concluded that unpuddled rice transplanting with the

retention of crop residues may be an excellent

substitute to the existing conventional tillage

operation, and farmers are likely to benefit by

adopting this practice.

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This study was a part of the Ph.D. research work of the

corresponding author funded by the Australian Center

for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).


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