VL - Issue 43- April 22

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“Lord,” I prayed, “I know my life is in<br />

Your hands. I am giving this situation to<br />

You and letting go” (Psalm 31:14). I felt His<br />

presence distinctly in that moment, and it<br />

comforted me.<br />

With fresh confidence that nothing was<br />

going to touch my life that did not first pass<br />

through His hands, I rested in Him and<br />

His promise that I would be okay (Isaiah<br />

<strong>43</strong>:1–2). I was safe in His arms. My job was<br />

to fix my eyes on Him and keep pressing<br />

forward. And as I did, peace came to my<br />

dark valley.<br />

The day I’d been hoping and praying for<br />

finally came. On November 18, 2020, they<br />

opened the prison gates for me, and I ran<br />

outside and into the arms of my dad and<br />

sister. God had shown up and worked in<br />

Godly friends are what<br />

will keep you standing<br />

when the way gets tough.<br />

my situation in a way that brought Him<br />

glory. No, the road getting to this moment<br />

was not pleasant. Still, the destination was<br />

pure joy as I reunited with my family.<br />

I struggle to describe how surreal and<br />

wonderful it felt to hug and hold them. I<br />

didn’t have to let them go for the first time<br />

in ten years. We stood outside the prison<br />

gates, holding each other, crying together,<br />

and embracing this God-given moment<br />

with our whole hearts. Then I remembered<br />

where I was, and I turned to my family<br />

and said, “C’mon y’all, let’s get in this<br />

car and get out of here before somebody<br />

changes their mind!” My dad and sister<br />

laughed, but I was serious. I could not get<br />

out of that parking lot and away from that<br />

prison fast enough.<br />

Once we were safely on the interstate,<br />

the first thing I did was call my son. “Can<br />

we do a video call?” he asked. “I just have<br />

to see your face, so I know that this is real.”<br />

That moment with my son was among<br />

God’s most precious gifts to me as a mother.<br />

It took time for me to believe that my<br />

freedom was true. It was so surreal.<br />

Unexpected realities of life in the free<br />

world soon set in. After a decade of imprisonment,<br />

I was in for a rude awakening as<br />

new challenges hit me head-on.<br />

It started with the ankle monitor they<br />

attached to me when I got to the halfway<br />

house. I knew it was coming, but wearing it<br />

brought a significant degree of discomfort<br />

and constant shame.<br />

I had just walked out into a world that<br />

was anything but ordinary. Nothing was<br />

familiar. I was starting life completely over,<br />

and I often felt like an alien who had just<br />

arrived on earth.<br />

Everything from my family to technology<br />

had changed. And in case these issues<br />

weren’t enough, the pandemic added extra<br />

layers of anxiety. Social distancing, face<br />

masks, restrictions on gathering<br />

in places that I had looked<br />

so forward to attending—there<br />

were so many changes. The worst<br />

thing was not being able to go to<br />

church because of COVID-19.<br />

Still, God had gone ahead and<br />

prepared the way for me. He<br />

knew I’d need structure and counseling<br />

after years of incarceration. He provided<br />

the right amount of both through the<br />

Dismas Charities halfway house. I called<br />

it home for over a year. They truly set me<br />

up for success.<br />

I have been out for just over a year now,<br />

and adapting to my new normals hasn’t<br />

been easy. Relying on the essential disciplines<br />

I developed during my time in<br />

prison has helped me stay focused and<br />

encouraged. Maintaining my daily devotions<br />

with God has been my top priority.<br />

Spending time in God’s Word and in His<br />

presence keeps me in peace and enables<br />

me to move forward. I cannot overemphasize<br />

the importance of studying and applying<br />

God’s Word to your life. Seeking out and<br />

walking with other Christ-followers is also<br />

essential. Godly friends are what will keep<br />

you standing when the way gets tough.<br />

God has graciously kept me connected<br />

to my church, which has been there for me<br />

every step of the way. When I was a teenager<br />

making mistakes, they loved me. When<br />

I was arrested and attempted to take my<br />

life, my pastor was right there by my side.<br />

During my prison sentence, they loved me<br />

through thick and thin, never once considering<br />

me a lost cause. Their love has<br />

modeled the unconditional, everlasting<br />

love of Jesus, and God used them to draw<br />

me to Himself (Jeremiah 31:3).<br />

Their seeds of faith and teaching, sown<br />

into my life before, during, and after incarceration,<br />

have kept me standing. My<br />

pastor, Bishop Richard Peoples Sr., has<br />

constantly reminded me, “Don’t let what<br />

you’re walking through cause you to get<br />

ABOVE: Melisha celebrating being reunited with her<br />

father outside the prison gates after being released<br />

in November 2020.<br />

LEFT: Melisha’s visits with her son were special days.<br />


<strong>22</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> 02 / 20<strong>22</strong> VICTORIOUSLIVINGMAGAZINE.COM

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