VL - Issue 43- April 22

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Finally, the day I had been waiting for<br />

came, and my caseworker gave me a release<br />

date of October 28, 2020. I was overjoyed,<br />

and my countdown began. I couldn’t<br />

wait to see my precious family again. I<br />

could almost taste my freedom!<br />

And then, with just days left, my faith<br />

was severely tested.<br />

I had experienced many highs and lows<br />

during my ten years in the federal system,<br />

so this rollercoaster wasn’t new. My lowest<br />

point had been when the Holy Spirit<br />

brought me face-to-face with the person I<br />

had become, apart from God. This new development<br />

was just another dip in the ride.<br />

I grew up in the church, but I was a<br />

fraud. I hid behind masks and carried myself<br />

with pride and arrogance. Like<br />

many, I claimed with my mouth to<br />

know God (Titus 1:16), but I wasn’t<br />

a true Christ-follower in my heart.<br />

Most of my mistakes have<br />

stemmed from my insecurities.<br />

Since a child, I’d felt unloved, unworthy,<br />

deceived, and rejected—<br />

despite the great love many family<br />

members, particularly my grandparents,<br />

showed me. It’s a lie Satan<br />

sells to many of us.<br />

Deception ruled my life in many forms,<br />

including manipulation, greed, hypocrisy,<br />

lies, and thievery. I quickly learned that<br />

self-promotion and deception are exhausting<br />

and seldom end well. They landed me<br />

in prison. Of course, the Bible does warn us<br />

that pride goes before destruction (Proverbs<br />

16:18).<br />

It took months of isolation, loneliness,<br />

and despair to bring me to my knees in surrender<br />

to God. During a trip to the special<br />

housing unit, I finally quit playing games<br />

with God and decided to get serious about<br />

Him. There, I recognized my need for the<br />

forgiveness and grace that Jesus Christ had<br />

died to give me, and I embraced it wholeheartedly.<br />

(I shared more details in <strong>Issue</strong><br />

4, 2019 of Victorious Living.)<br />

Blessings were waiting for me on the<br />

other side of that surrender—just as they<br />

await anyone who lays down their life at<br />

Jesus’s feet.<br />

My true and lasting transformation began<br />

right there in prison when I stepped<br />

out into a genuine relationship with the<br />

Lord. In His goodness, God didn’t waste<br />

one experience or mistake, and He opened<br />

doors for me to share my faith and minister<br />

His love and grace to other inmates. It<br />

was a privilege to encourage and mentor<br />

other women with similar struggles and<br />

tell them about the Savior who set me free.<br />

I loved serving God as I did my time, but<br />

I was never so naïve to think that doing<br />

the Lord’s work would exempt me from<br />

trials (John 16:33). I should have expected<br />

Satan to rear his ugly head right as my<br />

release date approached, but I was caught<br />

off guard when I entered that valley.<br />

I grew up in the church, but<br />

I was a fraud. I hid behind<br />

masks and carried myself<br />

with pride and arrogance. I<br />

wasn’t a true Christ-follower<br />

in my heart.<br />

Six days before my scheduled freedom, I<br />

received word from the Bureau of Prisons<br />

(BOP) that they had withdrawn my release<br />

date. They did not provide a new date or<br />

an explanation. The door just slammed<br />

shut in my face. Stunned, I slipped into a<br />

miserable state of uncertainty.<br />

I had been so confident that the Lord<br />

would answer my prayers favorably that<br />

this came as a significant blow to my faith.<br />

Lies from the enemy flooded my mind,<br />

and fear of the unknown came in waves.<br />

I fought to keep my eyes on my source of<br />

strength, reminding myself, “God did not<br />

bring you this far just to leave you, Melisha,”<br />

but I was losing the battle.<br />

I wasn’t the only one on this emotional<br />

and spiritual rollercoaster. I watched my<br />

incarcerated sisters deal with the same<br />

pain as they, too, had lost their release<br />

dates. I tried to encourage them, but I was<br />

weary myself.<br />

When one of my mentees got her release<br />

date back, a spark of excitement came alive<br />

inside of me...but it was short-lived. I allowed<br />

myself a private moment of despair<br />

before accepting that she would be leaving<br />

without me. I was hurting and disappointed<br />

but forced myself to dry my tears, suck<br />

it up, and be there to support my friend.<br />

One by one, all my close spiritual sisters<br />

went home. I stayed behind.<br />

I still held a tiny shred of hope that I<br />

would make it home by October 30, in time<br />

to surprise my mother for her seventieth<br />

birthday. When that day came and went,<br />

frustration and despair overtook me.<br />

For several nights, I cried out to the<br />

Lord, pouring everything out to Him and<br />

begging for understanding. “Why<br />

is this happening, Father God? I<br />

know You have Your reasons, but<br />

I am so confused!”<br />

I remember getting loud about it<br />

with Him as if He were deaf. I just<br />

couldn’t wrap my head around<br />

what was happening and why. I was<br />

tired and felt alone, as if everyone<br />

had forgotten about me.<br />

Interestingly, letting God know<br />

how confused and hurt I felt helped<br />

ease my despair. On the other side of my<br />

meltdown, I discovered His comfort (2<br />

Corinthians 1:4), and my emotions began<br />

to stabilize.<br />

Suddenly, it didn’t matter why it was<br />

happening or who was at fault. I understood<br />

that God was most concerned with<br />

my heart and my response to the situation.<br />

It was time for me to get it together<br />

if I wanted to have any peace. Psalm 37:7<br />

teaches us to “Be still in the presence of<br />

the Lord and wait patiently for Him to act”<br />

(NLT). I decided to do what I should have<br />

been doing all along—rest in God’s presence<br />

and trust His timing.<br />

I collected myself and asked God to forgive<br />

me for letting these circumstances<br />

affect my trust in Him. I began to thank and<br />

praise Him for all He had done in my life<br />

over the years. And as I worshiped Him, His<br />

grace and peace flowed over me, bringing<br />

contentment with them.<br />


<strong>Issue</strong> 01 / 20<strong>22</strong><br />


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