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162 6. Breast Ductal Lavage

carcinoma in situ (ductal or lobular type) were identified in

six cases, and ducts or lobules in tissue sections also containing

carcinoma in situ were found in seven. These findings

demonstrate that DL had sampled a duct involved by carcinoma

in situ or an area of the breast spatially close to carcinoma

in about 80% of cases. Nonetheless, DL has low

sensitivity for the detection of carcinoma, and a benign sample

cannot exclude malignancy. Khan et al. have obtained similar

results and noted that the location of carcinoma in situ in

relation to the nipple may affect the ability to detect atypical

cells in the DL fluid. In both studies, the results of DL in the

cancer-affected breast may have been limited due to possible

distortion of the ducts caused by invasive carcinoma in some


Lobular carcinoma in situ, an alteration of the mammary

epithelium associated with high risk of breast carcinoma,

was the only morphologic alteration in three mastectomy

specimens in one correlative study. Two of the corresponding

DL samples showed mild atypia with morphologic features

compatible with lobular carcinoma in situ. Injected blue

dye identified a duct and a few lobules involved by lobular

carcinoma in situ in one case. This is, to date, the only

documented example of DL sampling lobular carcinoma

in situ.

Because of some limitations in the cytologic interpretation

of DL samples, future evaluation of this type of sample may

combine cytology with other techniques, such as methylationspecific

polymerase chain reaction, analysis of loss of heterozygosity,

chromosome copy number determination, and/or

proteomic analysis.

Studies are in progress to investigate the clinical

significance of the new methodologies summarized in

this chapter. “Intraductal” investigation of mammary carcinoma

and its precursor lesions can provide insight into

the biology of this disease and its clinical management.

Cytology has had a determinant role in the development

of this novel approach and will most certainly continue

to play a critical role in their future development and


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