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122 4. Primary Malignant Tumors

• By World Health Organization definition, apocrine carcinoma

should show cytologic and immunohistochemical

characteristics of apocrine cells in greater than 90% of

tumor cells.

• Apocrine carcinoma occurs in the older age group, more

commonly in the sixth and seventh decades.

• The carcinoma probably arises from preexisting apocrine

metaplasia rather than de novo.

• The prognostic significance of apocrine carcinoma is controversial.

It is not any different from invasive mammary

carcinomas NOS, although some reports suggest a somewhat

better prognosis for this variant.

• Bilateral apocrine carcinomas are rare.

Cytomorphologic Characteristics (Figures 4.42 and 4.43)

• Hypercellularity is present.

• Sheets, cords and tubules, and single cells are loosely cohesive,

often with prominent apocrine morphology.

Figure 4.42. Apocrine carcinoma. A dispersed population of large,

pleomorphic cells with polygonal shapes, large nuclei, and abundant

granular cytoplasm. (Smear, Diff-Quik.)

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