A young girl arrives at an orphanage and meets a new friend whom she grows fond of, but as she gets to know more about this place, she discovers things may not be what they look. A young girl arrives at an orphanage and meets a new friend whom she grows fond of, but as she gets to know more about this place, she discovers things may not be what they look.


-Ahh... Here in the orphanage, we are expected to help in gardening duties,it’s the only thing we are asked in return. We are supposed to raise, take care,and arrange beautiful flowers, however… I’m not very good at it. – she pauseswith slight sadness in her voice for the first time since they met - But at least I’mgood at sewing! – Agnès jumps cheerfully towards Gretchen, showing her sowntogether dolls.-Gretchen smiles at the peppy girl, taking the toy into her hands and caressing itto humor her.-Anyway, you should rest a bit, I’ll be at the kitchen if you need me- Shesays, running out of the room forgetting she never told Gretchen where thekitchen was.Since her clueless guide forgot to show her around, Gretchen thought she mayas well go and actually see the orphanage by herself.The rustic house was really more of a small farm adapted to the needs ofchildren, but curiously, also adapted to let the strange plants thrive around thehouse, with frames and watering systems installed all around. There were quitea few rooms, certainly more than enough for the small number of children thatwelcomed her. Finally she arrived to the backyard of the orphanage, there werethe children who she met before and some she hadn’t, listening to a youngwoman in a maid’s uniform; they were all gathering around an Intricate andexotic looking flower crowning a patch of herbs and smaller but equally strangeflowers that resembled the ones adorning the walls, though this one was muchbigger, about the size of a persons head or perhaps bigger and it’s aroma wasmuch stronger.Gretchen decides to approach the group, bashfully opening the dutch door as thesound of it’s squeaking announced her presence. She stepped into the garden asthe maid was lecturing the children and tending the big flower; the maid noticedthe girl and smiled, gesturing in her direction as to prompting her to join them.She obliged and walked towards the beautiful garden, greeting the group.

-Hello. I’m sorry, I hope I’m not interrupting anything- She said fidgetingslightly.-No, quite the opposite, you are in time for today’s gardening Lesson-Saidthe maid while holding a pot with one of the small flowers- You must be thenew girl I was told about so you may not know it, but this flowers are the prideof this place; their alluring beauty earns it a high price with aristocrats andits medicinal properties help pharmacists alleviate and even cure a variety ofsymptoms and illnesses. Thanks to her Ladyship’s illustrious reputation inthese circles we have a constant flux of patrons that allows us to provide for allour children and our staff; you could say they are the heart of the “Montvoisinchildren’s home”, so it’s important that you too learn to care for them.The maiden said as she handed Gretchen a pot and gardening tools. The restof the children were already peacefully tending to the flowers every need, andshe felt compelled to start doing the same, the smell was tranquilizing, nolonger was she fidgeting or thinking of the unpleasant, at that moment, all thatmattered to her was tending to the flowers. She kept falling into the dream-likestate of tending and caring, caring and tending the beautiful plants along withthe other children until the distinct perfume of a certain someone woke herfrom her trance.-Erryone I brought tea! – a loud voice from the garden’s entrance got theattention of the group. It was Agnès yelling as she clumsily brought therefreshments; with that same toothless and naive smile as always, happily servingtea to everyone. The children and the gardening maiden took seat in a nearbytable under an ornate umbrella while Agnès arranged the table and chairs.Everyone was enjoying the delicious tea that Agnès had brought, everyone butGretchen. The color of the tea made her a bit uneasy. It had a deep blue colorwith a swirling pattern forming on it’s surface- Is the tea not to your liking,dear?- asked the kind maid-Oh. Not at all…I’m just not very thirsty- she smiled to the maid and the maidsmiled back at her. Gretchen discretely moved closer to Agnès, maybe she couldease her apprehension about this weird tea, after all she brought it, but she findsher bubbly friend enjoying the tea, sipping it and playing with the swirls in it,

-Ahh... Here in the orphanage, we are expected to help in gardening duties,

it’s the only thing we are asked in return. We are supposed to raise, take care,

and arrange beautiful flowers, however… I’m not very good at it. – she pauses

with slight sadness in her voice for the first time since they met - But at least I’m

good at sewing! – Agnès jumps cheerfully towards Gretchen, showing her sown

together dolls.

-Gretchen smiles at the peppy girl, taking the toy into her hands and caressing it

to humor her.

-Anyway, you should rest a bit, I’ll be at the kitchen if you need me- She

says, running out of the room forgetting she never told Gretchen where the

kitchen was.

Since her clueless guide forgot to show her around, Gretchen thought she may

as well go and actually see the orphanage by herself.

The rustic house was really more of a small farm adapted to the needs of

children, but curiously, also adapted to let the strange plants thrive around the

house, with frames and watering systems installed all around. There were quite

a few rooms, certainly more than enough for the small number of children that

welcomed her. Finally she arrived to the backyard of the orphanage, there were

the children who she met before and some she hadn’t, listening to a young

woman in a maid’s uniform; they were all gathering around an Intricate and

exotic looking flower crowning a patch of herbs and smaller but equally strange

flowers that resembled the ones adorning the walls, though this one was much

bigger, about the size of a persons head or perhaps bigger and it’s aroma was

much stronger.

Gretchen decides to approach the group, bashfully opening the dutch door as the

sound of it’s squeaking announced her presence. She stepped into the garden as

the maid was lecturing the children and tending the big flower; the maid noticed

the girl and smiled, gesturing in her direction as to prompting her to join them.

She obliged and walked towards the beautiful garden, greeting the group.

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