A young girl arrives at an orphanage and meets a new friend whom she grows fond of, but as she gets to know more about this place, she discovers things may not be what they look.

A young girl arrives at an orphanage and meets a new friend whom she grows fond of, but as she gets to know more about this place, she discovers things may not be what they look.

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In a warm spring day, a rather tranquil mood was in the air. Birds chirped loudly

as the wind blew. Amidst these familiar noises a less familiar clip-clop rhythmically

closed along with the sound of wheels as a dusty old carriage traversed an empty

road in the countryside.

The horses walked lazily, they were old but reliable; This was not their first time

though these roads nor was it the second, or even the tenth, no... these horses had

come and gone though here so many times the soil seemed almost as if It’s surface

was accommodating to the shapes of their hooves.

Sitting inside, were a young girl and a woman. The girl covered her face with her

long auburn hair as she shifted on her seat nervously, occasionally looking at the

woman in front of her. Trying to be polite, she did her best not to stare, but the

woman’s appearance was hard to ignore. In one of her meek peeks she found her

eyes, they were piercing and golden in color such that they contrasted with her

dark brown complexion; her calm, but cold visage was framed by her velvety and

elaborate braided hair, complemented by strange ornaments of precious stones

and metals all over her luxurious dress which made her look like someone of noble

birth. The woman looks back at the young girl sitting across her as she pretends

to be lost in thought, fidgeting over her rags. As the girl peeks back to see if she is

being looked, she hears the sound of her voice asking in a gentle tone.

-how are you feeling?

The young girl kept fidgeting without saying a word.

-I know you have passed through a lot after the unfortunate passing of your parents,

but let me assure you. This is a nice place.

-the lady, realizing the child wasn’t comfortable, tried to engage her in conversation.

-I think you needn’t worry about your future here, you are a pretty young lady. I’m

sure you will be well received...That isn’t to say you will stay here forever, but even

if you do, I’m confident it will be a pleasant experience. After all It is practically a

resort-She says confidently, although her words seemingly had no effect on the girls

willingness to speak or on her mood, as she kept on playing with her hands with a

moody expression on her face.

The Young miss, finally decides to say something, as if to break the uncomfortable

silent she had let grow.

-Is it really fine? Will I be fine?-she asks at her caretaker, looking teary eyed

The lady reassures the girl with a halfhearted smile after which they seem to tacitly

agree to stay in silence for what was left of the trip.

The horses neigh loudly signaling the arrival of the girl at it’s destination. - It’s here,

Milady! Yells the coachman. The dark skinned woman steps out first – please, do

come out-she says politely. The girl, still a bit uneasy about her situation hesitates a

little before finally coming out.

The mid-day sun shines brightly in her face as she sees an ensemble of children

crowding at the entrance of an old, but well preserved cottage. All the kids were

around her age, welcoming her with glee, and laughter, barraging her with all kinds

of questions as they approach her with excitement over the prospect of a new friend.

Children, calm down, please! -Protested the Lady. - at least allow her to introduce

herself first. -The children settled down, still exited, but quiet, waiting for the new

girl to utter her first words to them.

-M-my name is Gretchen; Gretchen Avignon. I’m happy to meet you all. - Gretchen

greets the children almost whispering

All the children greet her back in a warm welcoming tone, interested in this new


-Gretchen, this will be your new home for the time being; as you can see, I take care

of many children here; just like you they lost their families, but we have made a

home for them. In time some will go to new families, but even if they don’t, we will

remain a tightly knit family. Is that not correct, children?

The children all yell agreeing.

Good, I’m glad you are welcoming to our new friend. Now... we’ll need someone

to show you around… Agnès, come here! - she called for a peppy looking girl

with golden locks among the crowd of children. She was somewhat younger

looking and quite smaller than Gretchen, but her cheery and happy personality

seemed like it took the place that her height hadn’t. The girl made her way

among her peers in a way that you wouldn’t be excused for confusing her with a

playful puppy.

-Gretchen, this is Agnès. She will be your room mate-The rest of the children

sighed in slight disappointment- please show Gretchen her room and the rest of

the facilities. I trust you will make her stay pleasant.

-Yes, Lady Marie! - the girl answered with excitement as she grabs tightly the

new girl’s hand and walks pass the rest of the children in a similar fashion as she

made her way through the crowd.

My, name is Agnès buh the way- she said in a high pitched voice-

Gretchen a bit off put by the girl’s redundant introduction just nodded with a

half-smile and let it pass as nothing but the peculiarity of a quirky person as she

admired the small but cozy building, passing by the narrow hallways and empty


Don’t you worry abuh stuff, this place is very nice and we get new friends like

you all the time! but...we also have to say goodbye to a lot of friends at times...

is a bith sad, but this is a happy place so that’s not a big deal, right?- She

continued babbling doing her best to pronounce the words through her missing

teeth as Gretchen zoned out only really paying mind to the distinct aroma of a

weird perfume on the girl when she suddenly realized of the oddity among her


-All the time? - Asked Gretchen in disbelief.

-All the time whut? -Replied Agnès in confusion.

-You said you get new friends all the time, yet, this place doesn’t looks like it

hosts many people.

- yup, is great isn’t it? We get new friends and all the space to play arund!

-But there is not that many children here, how can that be if new ones come all

the time?

-Hhhmmm...Oh! they are taken by kind strangers who want to...uh, give

children...ehh happy families, I think. That’s whut Lady Marie says!- she recites,

making a face that revealed the act of remembering that long sentence to be a

difficult task for her- I have been here for a Long time though, because I was

adopted by her ladyship herself! So I just live here now- Agnès said, proudly

puffing her chest to an unimpressed Gretchen.

-You were adopted by the dark skinn- I mean Lady Marie?

-Nuh- the girl replied promptly- Lady Marie is the govuhrness here, she would

be too busy to only take care of me. She is her ladyship’s right hand, but her

ladyship is the real mistress of this place! - remarked Agnès, again with with her

Chin high starting to sound like she was bragging.

Gretchen payed her no mind as she zoned out again while admiring the flowers

that decorated the house. Flowers of intense colors and strange shapes, they

coiled and seemed to sprout from all corners of every room and hallway, filling

them with pleasant but unrecognizable aromas, a bit similar to Agnès perfume

even, probably she rubbed too much on the walls, she thought. While a little

weird, it was nothing short of mesmerizing.

-And here is where you’ll stay! - Gretchen’s shrilling voice resonated through her

new room, snapping her back from her thoughts – Her room too had flowers

adorning it, but unlike the rest of the house, these seemed fragile and sickish,

barely alive, yet filling the room’s walls and coiling around the furniture and

Agnès numerous raggedy dolls. The dolls seemed to take on the health of the

plants with their faded colors and patchwork looks- We will be roomies! Yaiii -

screams Agnès cheerfully as she runs to the bunk bed and jumps onto the lower

mattress, bouncing slightly along with her stuffed dolls and some dead leaves.

Gretchen couldn’t help but ask herself why the flowers in this room were in such

poor condition. Although she didn’t say a word, the look on her face said it all.

-Ahh... Here in the orphanage, we are expected to help in gardening duties,

it’s the only thing we are asked in return. We are supposed to raise, take care,

and arrange beautiful flowers, however… I’m not very good at it. – she pauses

with slight sadness in her voice for the first time since they met - But at least I’m

good at sewing! – Agnès jumps cheerfully towards Gretchen, showing her sown

together dolls.

-Gretchen smiles at the peppy girl, taking the toy into her hands and caressing it

to humor her.

-Anyway, you should rest a bit, I’ll be at the kitchen if you need me- She

says, running out of the room forgetting she never told Gretchen where the

kitchen was.

Since her clueless guide forgot to show her around, Gretchen thought she may

as well go and actually see the orphanage by herself.

The rustic house was really more of a small farm adapted to the needs of

children, but curiously, also adapted to let the strange plants thrive around the

house, with frames and watering systems installed all around. There were quite

a few rooms, certainly more than enough for the small number of children that

welcomed her. Finally she arrived to the backyard of the orphanage, there were

the children who she met before and some she hadn’t, listening to a young

woman in a maid’s uniform; they were all gathering around an Intricate and

exotic looking flower crowning a patch of herbs and smaller but equally strange

flowers that resembled the ones adorning the walls, though this one was much

bigger, about the size of a persons head or perhaps bigger and it’s aroma was

much stronger.

Gretchen decides to approach the group, bashfully opening the dutch door as the

sound of it’s squeaking announced her presence. She stepped into the garden as

the maid was lecturing the children and tending the big flower; the maid noticed

the girl and smiled, gesturing in her direction as to prompting her to join them.

She obliged and walked towards the beautiful garden, greeting the group.

-Hello. I’m sorry, I hope I’m not interrupting anything- She said fidgeting


-No, quite the opposite, you are in time for today’s gardening Lesson-Said

the maid while holding a pot with one of the small flowers- You must be the

new girl I was told about so you may not know it, but this flowers are the pride

of this place; their alluring beauty earns it a high price with aristocrats and

its medicinal properties help pharmacists alleviate and even cure a variety of

symptoms and illnesses. Thanks to her Ladyship’s illustrious reputation in

these circles we have a constant flux of patrons that allows us to provide for all

our children and our staff; you could say they are the heart of the “Montvoisin

children’s home”, so it’s important that you too learn to care for them.

The maiden said as she handed Gretchen a pot and gardening tools. The rest

of the children were already peacefully tending to the flowers every need, and

she felt compelled to start doing the same, the smell was tranquilizing, no

longer was she fidgeting or thinking of the unpleasant, at that moment, all that

mattered to her was tending to the flowers. She kept falling into the dream-like

state of tending and caring, caring and tending the beautiful plants along with

the other children until the distinct perfume of a certain someone woke her

from her trance.

-Erryone I brought tea! – a loud voice from the garden’s entrance got the

attention of the group. It was Agnès yelling as she clumsily brought the

refreshments; with that same toothless and naive smile as always, happily serving

tea to everyone. The children and the gardening maiden took seat in a nearby

table under an ornate umbrella while Agnès arranged the table and chairs.

Everyone was enjoying the delicious tea that Agnès had brought, everyone but

Gretchen. The color of the tea made her a bit uneasy. It had a deep blue color

with a swirling pattern forming on it’s surface- Is the tea not to your liking,

dear?- asked the kind maid-

Oh. Not at all…I’m just not very thirsty- she smiled to the maid and the maid

smiled back at her. Gretchen discretely moved closer to Agnès, maybe she could

ease her apprehension about this weird tea, after all she brought it, but she finds

her bubbly friend enjoying the tea, sipping it and playing with the swirls in it,

with not a worry in the world; the sight made her lose any intention of trying the


After everyone had finished their tea, the children and the maid were laying

in the grass, relaxing as they watched the sunset. As the sun hided behind the

horizon, the sound of the dutch door was heard once again as a maid in an

apron came to the garden and walked directly towards the group, When she got

close enough, she singled out Agnès, calling for her. She whispers into the girl’s

ear while pointing towards the main gate of the orphanage, Gretchen couldn’t

help but look at the same direction.

A tall gorgeous woman dressed in exquisite clothing was waiting for Agnès. She

had a calm yet stern expression that was half covered by a flower arrangement

falling gracefully from her hair, much like Lady Marie she too was covered in

precious metal and stone ornaments and had a similar air of nobility to her,

but unlike the dark skinned woman of golden eyes, this woman’s eyes were a

deep blue that shimmered like gemstones and her skin was as pale as the finest

of marble, her semblance was beyond simple nobility and was more similar to

the mesmerizing allure of the flowers that adorned the house. Agnès sprinted

towards the woman with an even wider smile than usual, leaving everyone

behind; as she ran towards the gate you could hear her yell “her Ladyship came

back” she greeted her excitedly but as soon as she got close enough to see her

face to face she suddenly calmed down and stayed quiet. It was quite rare to

behold her behave in such a modest way. The two of them had a brief chat,

which Gretchen tried to eavesdrop but couldn’t quite make it out, she figured

it was none of her business anyway, but couldn’t help her curiosity and kept

paying attention in the hopes of hearing what they were talking about but to no

avail. She resigned to simply listen to bits of the conversation and eventually just

forgot about the matter and kept enjoying the sunset with the other children. In

the end she didn’t really learn anything.

Night fell over the “Montvoisin children’s home” and Agnès and Gretchen were

getting ready for bed. It had been a long day for Gretchen, but for a first day, it

was certainly pleasant.

As the maids turned off the gas lamps one by one, the hallways and the rooms

became so dark it was hard to see, with nothing but the moonlight and the stars

to shine dimly through the windows.

–Today was great, wasn’t it? - asked Agnès as she dozed off, Gretchen quietly

agrees with her room mate and as she looks at the coiled vines and leafs in the

walls, she falls asleep.

The next morning, Gretchen is woken up by one of the maids

–Missy Gretchen, it’s morning. All the children had breakfast and are on garden

duty already. You mustn’t oversleep

-Oh…they had breakfast? Why didn’t Agnès woke me up?

-I believe she was taken by her ladyship in the middle of the night to her new

home; she was adopted by a caring couple. It was all so sudden. It didn’t even

gave us time for a proper farewell party for her and her friends…such a shame.

-But, She told me she was already adopted.

-She? Even hearing it from her ladyship herself I’m baffled she was actually

adopted, by a well off family no less - Asked the maid in a perplexed voice, her

insistent incredulity starting to sound rude.

Even though Gretchen barely knew her, she felt a bit frustrated over the maid’s

contempt. Sure she was clumsy and childish, even for her age, but it still felt ever

so unfair to her bright attitude. After pondering on the news she just fell the

emptiness of their short-lived friendship now gone, however it was for the best,

after all that was everyone’s goal here, to be adopted.

The rest of the day passed by as a blur in Gretchen’s psyche. Yesterday’s fun

activities seemed dull today. The house duties, garden duties, tea time and play

time, all meshed together in her head with the only noticeable constant of the

ever present flowers and their pleasant aroma. Even the fruitless attempts of the

other children to cheer her up by showing her again the beautiful flower that

was so relaxing yesterday, felt like foggy memories despite them happening just

some hours ago. An uneventful day coming to an uneventful end without any

warning as she noticed it was already nighttime.

Much like the day before, the gas lamps on the hallways went out one by one

as the maids pass by the rooms checking on the children’s rooms. Once they

were done, the house truly plunged into the dark of the night with only the

stars shining in the sky tonight. The missing moon only served as a reminder to

Gretchen as she stared at her ceiling over the now almost empty bed under her,

only the dolls and the dead leafs remained of her; except, lost in the myriads of

fragrances in this house, the girl could swear she felt the smell of a distinct but

faint perfume. As faint as it was, Gretchen recognized it. Was Agnès back? Maybe

she came to visit or she forgot something, she thought as she hastily climbed

down from her bunk bed to follow the perfume and see her friend.

The orphanage at night was like a maze for someone new like her, but the scent

of Agnès’ perfume was becoming stronger as Gretchen went deeper into the

main hallway. In the middle of the moonless night, even a relatively small house

seemed immense for a young child like her; no one but herself was awake or

made any sounds. The deafening silence in the dark old house surrounded by

nothing but plants, It was a deep lonely feeling. The girl kept treading following

the aroma of her friend when she sees a very faint light in one of the doors far

away, she didn’t remember seeing this side of the house, but then again, Agnès

never showed her around. Nonetheless the smell of her perfume seemed to

come from that room. She felt a strange relief and calmness knowing she would

see her again and at least say good bye this time.

As she arrived at the room, she noticed it was slightly open, and she couldn’t

help but peek through the door to see if the aroma really belonged to Agnès.

She examined what she was looking in absolute astonishment, her mind trying

to comprehend the situation as she let out a mute cry of abject horror, but her

eyes were not deceiving her, even if she wished they were.

A table covered in a deep red clothing was in the middle of the room, the

corners dripping a slimy liquid. At the top of the table was the big flower that

always crowned the garden and around it many smaller flowers of distinct colors

and shapes; their roots and vines coiled and swung frenetically. They moved

almost like a swarm of flies over carrion, and amid this chaotic display was

that which Gretchen tried to understand. It was Agnès severed head, her eyes

half closed as in a trance and her hair adorned with similar flowers as the ones

feasting on her. This couldn’t be reality, rationalized the girl, it had to be some

sort of dream, she continued; but the truth was all too obvious to be In denial.

She felt sick to her stomach, the pleasant aroma she had followed now had

turned sour and pungent. She tried to run away, but her legs had given up. All

she could do was sob quietly behind the door. And as she was surrounded more

and more by the now putrid stench of the flowers she heard someone’s steps

from inside the room. She didn’t want to confront whoever was on the other

side. Despair drowned her, but once again, her legs wouldn’t move. The sound

of jewelry rustling could be heard as the footsteps became closer and closer, The

atmosphere seemed to get colder and the stench was mixing with a fragrant

perfume, just like the one Agnès wore.

Finally the door behind her made a squeaking noise as it opened and Gretchen

looked back, teary eyed. There it was, that woman from the Gate, Her Ladyship

herself standing in the dimly lit room casting a towering shadow over the girl,

her pale face half covered in flowers that emanated the alluring and distinct

aroma which was now drenching the atmosphere as it slowly started to morph

Gretchen’s feeling of panic into a placid drowsiness, her eyes started to feel

heavy and her head light, she saw the ghostly woman get closer to her and

whisper something into her ear that she couldn’t quite make up as she was

dozing off, intoxicated by the aroma of the flowers. Her eyes met with the

woman’s cold stare right as she finally fell asleep

The next morning you could hear the happy noises of the children having

breakfast. One of the kids worried that, once again, Gretchen had missed it,

asked the kitchen maid if she was still sleeping just like she did yesterday. The

kitchen maid didn’t know what was of her and asked one of the other maids what

happened to the new girl. The maid stopped to think for a bit and answered in a

relaxed tone – I believe she was taken to a new home in the middle of the night,

yes, she was adopted by a caring couple, I believe.

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