Besst Business School in USA

This issue focuses on one of the best business schools in the USA that specializes in grooming & developing influential business leaders

This issue focuses on one of the best business schools in the USA that specializes in grooming & developing influential business leaders


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Students at CSU College

of Business routinely

shine at regional and

national level

competitions that place

real-world results with

community impact at the

heart of their scoring



Gateway to the

American Dream

5 Reasons Why

Studying Business

in the USA Can

Boost Your Career

Creating an Inclusive Environment for

the Business Leaders of Tomorrow

E D I T O R ’ S N O T E

hasing the merican

usiness ream

The United States of America, one of

the world’s superpowers, is the

country where businesses thrive and

connect with each part of the American

demographic. It is believed that the country

dominates the terms of trade and business in

most of the leading industries across the


Technological advancements in the US have

grown to incredible heights. The inclusion

of businesses with such advancements has

also enhanced modern trade needs. The

business model and the freedom that the US

gives to their businesses have also attracted

tremendous opportunities for companies


These business opportunities have incepted

the idea of ‘The American Business Dream’

in every aspiring businessman. One of the

American Dream’s core aspects is to make

millions and billions through business.

Whereas it is also the freedom of conducting

business and personal love towards one’s

profession that has kept the American

Dream alive for youngsters worldwide.

The business paradigm is changing, and the

driving factor for that change is compelling

business leaders to bring in new trends and

enhance trade needs. Understanding,

accepting, and adapting to the ever-changing

business aspects have become necessary for

many businesses worldwide.

This has also led to the inception of many

prestigious business schools across the

country. Professionals chasing the American

Business Dream have recognized the need to

learn the modern code of business conduct.

In the current changing scenario of the

business world, chasing perfection and

living the American dream is prioritized by

professionals around the globe. Since

America is believed to dictate the terms of

business for the world, companies have

realized the effectiveness of business

schools in grooming the leaders to bring the

necessary change in the code of conduct of


This edition of The Knowledge Review

magazine focuses on one such Business

School specializing in grooming, training

and developing influential business leaders.

The Colorado State University College of

Business is one of its kind business school

that provides an inclusive environment for

the business leaders of tomorrow.

Find out how this prestigious business

school is helping tomorrow’s leaders chase

and live the ‘American Business Dream’.

Let this edition—Best Business School in

USA, 2021—be the guide for the unique

features and facilities that the school is

providing and how it is helping aspirants

become prominent and effective business

leaders of tomorrow.

Have a thoughtful and happy read! T R


Ashlesh Khadse


Colorado State University

College of Business

is recognized as







by The Knowledge Review for providing the business

leaders of tomorrow an inclusive environment to enhance

and dictate the terms of trade for the future

Sumita Sarkar











ateway to the merican ream

5 Reasons Why Studying Business in the

USA Can Boost Your Career


Creating an Inclusive Environment for

the Business Leaders of Tomorrow

July, 2021


Sumita Sarkar

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David King

Rahul Shinde

Paul Belin

Business Development Manager

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Phill Miller

Mary D'souza

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C o v e r S t o r y

Creating an Inclusive Environment for the

Business Leaders of Tomorrow

The CSU College of Business is proud to develop

partnerships and engage with alumni as well as organizations in

local and national communities

Preparing tomorrow's

business leaders to perform

is no easy business. Enabling

students with the right business

acumen, skills, competencies and

values is a feat that very few

institutes ever manage to

accomplish. But being able to

produce professionals with the

aforementioned qualities year after

year, for more than half a century is

truly a credit to any institution. A

Fort Collins-based institute has

achieved all that and more, setting a

standard of higher business

education for the world to follow.

Welcome to the Colorado State

University College of Business.

Colorado State University (CSU)

College of Business has been

educating business professionals

since 1966. Inspired by its landgrant

mission to expand access to

high-quality education to all

populations, as well as the rigorous

scholarship of a Research I

institution, the college has

continually innovated to impart indemand

skills with the rigor of

research-based insights to the next

generation of business leaders.

"The college has been a leader in

distance and online education for

nearly 50 years, remaining at the

forefront of technological advances

that provide remote learners with

immersive experiences," said the

Dean of the CSU College of

Business, Beth Walker.

The college's undergraduate

programs offer ten concentrations

across five departments –

accounting, computer information

systems, finance and real estate,

management, and marketing – as

well as specialized certificates that

support a wide range of interests

from entrepreneurship and careers

in the music business to marketing

data analytics.

The college’s seven Master’s

programs include its award-winning

Impact MBA, which educates

leaders to connect purpose and

profit, and its flagship Online MBA,

recognized by QS Quacquarelli

Symonds as among the top 25

worldwide and top 10 in the United


College of Business Online MBA

students can select from a variety of

options suited to their learning style

and lifestyle, whether it's watching

livestreamed lectures and recorded

content, or engaging in real-time

with their contemporaries on

campus or participating via the

Mosaic experience which blends

several technologies to enable

remote learners across the globe to

interact with those in the classroom

in real-time.

Beyond traditional undergraduate

and graduate degrees, CSU's

College of Business provides a suite

of lifelong learning opportunities to

support professionals throughout

their careers. From credit and noncredit

graduate certificates to

executive education courses and

corporate training, the college aims

to meet the needs of learners as

they grow beyond their core


Mission and Vision

CSU's College of Business believes

that business can be a driving force

for positive change, and organizations play a key

role in addressing the world's most pressing social,

environmental and economic challenges. The

institute's mission is to transform lives through

business education and its vision centers on

providing access to an exceptional business

education, excellence in the pursuit of research, and

impact to use the power of business to make the

world a better place.

For the CSU College of Business, expanding access

to a high-quality education remains central to its

roots as a land-grant institution, and the college is

always innovating to put degrees within reach of

more students each year. At times, the college has

pioneered innovative technology to bridge

geographic barriers. For instance, it created Mosaic

- an immersive technology experience that enables

students worldwide to participate in real-time with

their peers in the classroom.

The college also has key partnerships with

community colleges, generous scholarship

programs and outreach to connect with students

who traditionally face difficulties accessing

accredited bachelors or graduate business degree.

Core Values

The college's values build on Colorado State

University's principles of community (inclusion,

integrity, respect, service and social justice) and are

furthered with a specific focus on ethics within the

college. Through partnerships with the Daniels

Ethics Fund Initiative, key ethical principles such as

accountability, transparency and fairness are

woven into undergraduate and graduate courses.

This focus on ethical fundamentals prepares its

students to be tomorrow's principled leaders,

adept at making complex decisions with results

driven by the triple bottom line of people, planet

and profit.

A World-Class Education

The CSU College of Business is among only five

per-cent of all business schools worldwide that

achieve AACSB accreditation. The accreditation is

The college

has been a leader in

distance and online

education for nearly 50

years, remaining at the

forefront of

technological advances

that provide remote

learners with immersive


conferred to business institutions with a rigorous,

challenging curriculum and a high standard of

faculty research and teaching. Faculty with a dual

focus on student success and research excellence

teach many of the college's courses. The students

learn directly from leading minds on topics

including data privacy, accounting's impact on

public policy, the physiological impacts of

workplace conditions and sustainability and the

triple bottom line.

As students today consider the variety of options

for their education, AACSB accreditation matters

in delivering the quality, rigor and breadth of what

they'll need to thrive in business in the long-term.

CSU's College of Business is AACSB-accredited

while also teaching students how they can have a

lifelong impact beyond their time with the institute.

Ultimately, for the college, the quality of an AACSB

education is proven with the outcomes of its

graduates. With these academic experiences and

services from the Career Management Center, over

90 per cent of undergraduates receive a job offer

or enter a graduate program within six months of


The Trendsetting Leader

Dean Beth Walker (PhD) became the first female

dean of CSU's College of Business in 2015. Under

her leadership, the college developed its purposedriven

focus on the business for a better world,

committed to using business education to help

address society's most pressing problems.

Dean Walker continually innovates, and this was

most recently demonstrated by the creation of the

College’s first Director of Social and Cultural

Inclusion. This positions leads by creating robust

diversity and equity efforts supporting Latinx,

female, international and first-generation students.

Notably, during her years as Dean, enrollment by

students who identify as Asian and Hispanic or

Latino has also increased by 63 and 58 percent,


The business world and academics

will continue to evolve, but regardless of our

future, how we use technology, partnerships and

funding to extend opportunities to a wider, more

diverse student population will guide our

short- and long-term planning

Business and industry organizations have also

recognized Dean Walker's impact. The American

Marketing Association (AMA) appointed Dean

Walker a 2021 AMA Fellow in recognition of her

decades of academic contributions and leadership

in the discipline, and she was named among the Top

25 Most Powerful Women in Business in Colorado by

the Colorado Women's Chamber of Commerce in


When asked about the struggles the college faces,

Dean Walker responded, “The largest challenge the

CSU College of Business has faced in its 55-year

history is shared by the university since its

inception in 1870. How can they make education

more accessible and affordable to those who

deserve it?”

"The business world and academics will continue to

evolve, but regardless of our future, how we use

technology, partnerships and funding to extend

opportunities to a wider, more diverse student

population will guide our short- and long-term

planning," she added.

Bolstering Futures with Cultivated Business


Students graduate from the College of Business

ready to become tomorrow's business leaders,

armed with the knowledge and practical

experience gained from hands-on learning central

to its curriculum. Students learn at facilities and

programs developed with a real-world focus. From

managing investment portfolios worth hundreds of

thousands of dollars in a lab filled with the same

Bloomberg terminals that professional traders use,

to engaging with companies to develop solutions to

real-world business challenges as part of a unique

consulting practicum course, students in the CSU

College of Business enhance their classroom

experience with countless opportunities to hone

their skills in a real-world environment.

Learning only begins in the classroom at the CSU

College of Business. About 62 percent of its

students participate in an internship before they

graduate, learning directly from professionals at

companies that share the college's vision and

values. Many of the college's centers, such as the

Institute for Entrepreneurship and the Everitt Real

Estate Center connect students with industry

mentors, host developmental programs and

sponsor teams that compete regionally and

nationally in case competitions where students

apply their experience untangling issues drawn

from authentic industry problems.

Engage and Connect

The CSU College of Business is proud to develop

partnerships and engage with alumni as well as

organizations in local and national communities.

Most recently, the college partnered with county

government in the Pivot Larimer County program

to support the long-term stability of local business

in the wake of challenges imposed by Covid-19. The

free program connects business owners with

College of Business faculty in workshops focusing

on innovation and adaptation to the changing

marketplace. To date, more than 115 Northern

Colorado companies have engaged with the


Additionally, the College encourages alumni to

reconnect with the college to strengthen their

programs, whether it's through classroom

presentations and featured speaker visits by its

most accomplished alumni to personalized, one-onone

mentor relationships. These connections not

only generate professional growth for students and

alumni alike, as practical experience and fieldtested

perspectives further complement classwork

while granting invaluable networking opportunities

to students, and the development of corporate

fellowships and internship positions.

Achievements and Accolades

In addition to the AACSB accreditation that places

the CSU College of Business among the top five

percent of business schools in the world, the CSU

College of Business has received many accolades.

Recent highlights include:

• No. 8 Tax Research Worldwide – 2021 BYU

Accounting Research Rating

• Top 10 Online MBA in the U.S. – 2021 QS

Quacquarelli Symonds

• No. 14 Best Online IT Masters – 2021 U.S. News

& World Report

• Top 25 Best Online MBA Programs 2021 – QS

Quacquarelli Symonds

• Top 30 Best Business School for Veterans –

Military Times

• Top 20 Supply Chain Management Program

2020 – Supply Chain Management Journal List

Students at CSU College of Business routinely

shine at regional, national and international level

competitions that place real-world results with

community impact at the heart of their scoring. The

Impact MBA received the Wharton-QS Reimagine

Education silver award for sustainability, selected

from a field of 16 international sustainability

education programs. Teams representing the

college have recently placed third nationally in

Deloitte's Audit Innovation Challenge, second in

the Western States Collegiate Sales Competition,

and first at the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Case

Competition, the Sherman Miller Case Competition

and the University of Maryland's Colvin CaseStudy


Enduring Hardships and Rising Above

In addition to complying with state and local health

guidelines regarding room capacities, social

distancing and disinfection protocols, years of

expertise in online education made the CSU

College of Business uniquely suited to

accommodate social distancing during the

pandemic. Existing instructional technology

smoothed the college’s pivot to socially distanced

learning, with classrooms equipped with cameras

and microphones to capture lectures for livestream

and asynchronous review of classwork.

Using these capabilities, many classes were able to

be held in a hybrid format that allowed rotating

segments of students to attend in-person classes,

while the other segments participated in an online


Institutionally, the

college will continue to

lead the world in


business education, and

its commitment to

impactful research in

accounting, computer

information systems,

finance and real estate,

management, and

marketing will deliver

insights that shape our


Students graduate from

the College of Business

ready to become

tomorrow's business

leaders, armed with the

knowledge and

practical experience

gained from hands-on

learning central to our


Online capabilities were critical to the continuation

of learning in spring 2021, and the college’s

instructional services and IT departments worked

closely with faculty and students to ensure they

had reliable internet access and the technology

necessary to actively participate in online and

hybrid courses.

Aspiring to make a difference!

“The CSU College of Business will continue to build

on our strengths as we grow,” commented Dean

Walker. “As we pursue our land-grant mission to

make education accessible, we continue to lead the

industry in online education, incorporating

additional technologies to overcome geographic

obstacles and offer students the flexibility to learn

around their personal, professional and family

Alumni Testimonials

obligations, while allowing them

to engage with faculty and their

peers however they find most

effective,” she added.

Academically, as programs

evolve to adapt to employers'

needs, the CSU College of

Business plans to continue

developing more opportunities

for signature, hands-on learning

experiences. The college

believes in engagement with the

professional world that offers

students a unique opportunity

to consolidate knowledge and

skills learned in traditional

courses, providing them

invaluable experience before

they begin their first jobs. The

college also hopes to make

signature experiences such as

practicums and fellowships, a

defining piece of every student's

experience in the future.

“Institutionally, the college will

continue to lead the world in

sustainability-focused business

education, and its commitment

to impactful research in

accounting, computer

information systems, finance

and real estate, management,

and marketing will deliver

insights that shape our world,”

concluded the astute leader,

Dean Beth Walker.

The things I'm

learning in the

Business school are

going to come in

handy at some

point in my career,

which makes me

really confident

that I'm going in

the right direction

with that

– Tori Chao


I was really

blown away by

how they care

about individual

differences and how

you can really

maximize your

unique skills sets,

skills that can be

applied in so many


- Aubrey Kruse


It feels

incredible to be

so invested in

tangible issues

and to have the

full backing and

support of the

Impact MBA

faculty and


- Ethan Hahn


What was superior

was the delivery

model, actually

viewing lecturesnot


offered that – being

able to see

professors, see

students, I wanted

it to be as real-life

classroom like as I


- David Wright

Online MBA

20 | July 2021

Gateway to the

American Dream

5 Reasons Why



in the USA Can Boost

Your Career

usiness opportunities are like

Bbuses, and there is always

another one coming.”

- Richard Branson

The economic world has transformed,

and globalization has become the new

normal. Apps can connect you to

hundreds of languages within seconds,

and cryptocurrency is the latest trend

for aspiring investors. The point is to

stay firm and keep yourself updated

with all this, and you must clear your

basis at first, that is Business Studies.

Studying business will help you

understand how to do business or be an

entrepreneur, and it is good to achieve

the level of success that you are

expecting. One of the most significant

human activities is business. It has

played a substantial part in the nation's

economic development and improving

people's lifestyles. Most European

countries, the United States of America

and Japan, have advanced in business


So, studying business in a developed

country like the USA is beneficial. And

below are some reasons why to study

www.theknowledgereview.com | 21

business in the United States and how

it can open the door to numerous

opportunities for you.

Exposure to Practical Education

Internships are available at many of the

top business schools in the USA as a

method for students to put their

knowledge into practice. You will

acquire a better understanding of how a

firm operates from the inside by

experiencing the corporate culture, and

you will be able to apply what you

have learned in the classroom to the

real world. An internship often leads to

a part-time or full-time position.

Another option to gain experience is

volunteering, which allows you to

learn new skills while also giving back

to the community. For example,

universities in the USA provide

volunteer options for students on

campus. This includes welcoming new

students to campus, which is a fantastic

experience as well as an opportunity to

sharpen initiative and communication

skills. Employers look for passionate

leaders who engage in social causes;

which is a great approach to strengthen

your CV.

Becoming an Entrepreneur

When you study business, you develop

a broad understanding of various

topics. The diversity is tremendous,

ranging from finance and marketing to

strategic management and design

thinking, and all these talents will be

required if you want to establish a firm

and be your own boss one day.

Business is the career for you if you

want to work independently by starting

your own company. Studying in the

United States would give you an

unequaled head start in creating your

professional network. You will study

and collaborate with people from all

around the world, including those from

the United States. While pursuing your

studies in the business administration

degree, you can network with business

professionals or intern at big firms.

Strengthen Communication Skills

In the world of business,

communication plays a significant role

in making things smooth and

beneficial. Excellent communication

skills are required to write a persuasive

report, deliver a winning pitch, and

even draft the correct email.

While studying business, you will

work with students from all over the

world on a number of challenging

projects. Your experiences and

viewpoints will differ, and you may

even disagree. You must analyze

circumstances, respond appropriately

to opposing ideas, and master the art of

persuasion to pass.

Learning business in the USA teaches

how to effectively communicate, think

critically, and lead and drive others.

When it comes to finding a job after

college, the business world is

extremely competitive, and leadership

qualities will set you apart from other

job seekers.

Knowledge of Corporate Culture

One of the most appealing aspects of

studying business is that you will be

exposed to many different aspects of

remarkable organizations; you are

unlikely to be limited to just one

department. You will be getting

knowledge of everything from finance

to marketing at work. This diversity

will be reflected in your business


You can make more well-rounded

business decisions if you have a great

broad understanding of how the

business operates. That business

knowledge is essential in financial and

accounting roles, as well as at all levels

of management and when founding

and running your own company. A

person with an information technology

degree who learned essential business

knowledge during their education, for

example, is more likely to make better

decisions since they understand how

their actions affect the firm.

A Degree with Recession-Proof


According to the National Association

for Business Economics, 72% of

economists anticipate a recession has

started at the end of 2021. Increased

unemployment is one of the negative

consequences of a recession. On the

other hand, a business degree might be

able to help you weather another

downturn. According to the Graduate

Management Admission Council

(GMAC), 86 % of business school

graduates found employment

opportunities in 2011 after graduating

during the Great Recession between

2007 and 2009. Financial management,

information technology, management,

and human resource management are

among the most in-demand

professional categories for business

degree holders.


In short, acquiring a business degree

from a well-developed country like the

USA is a top-up for a better

understanding of the business world

and possibilities to make a career

anywhere in the world. This is because

the business degrees from the US

Business Schools are recognized

worldwide, opening the door to a

recession-free future for the aspiring

business leaders of tomorrow. T R

- Rahul Thakar

22 | July 2021

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