SHILL Issue 54

Solana ecosystem zine.

Solana ecosystem zine.


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Art: This is one of the things that attracted me to the project. The art is inspired by avatars infusing futuristic

references with an indigenous art style of their artist João. It is a hybrid of coral reefs, wildness and technology.

All the art pieces are 1/1 with so much detail and top-notch quality. Not just the art but the video that they

posted on their Twitter and their website which they built to claim the tokens of them shows how professional

and hard-working the team is.

This is by far one of the best pfp worthy art in the Solana NFT Marketplace.

Engagement: If you are following Solana NFTs even on the sidelines, you must have heard about Crypto Coral

Tribes. They are the talk of the town for the past few weeks with everyone collaborating with them, tweeting

about them, making a thread about them and just simply appreciating the art of the project.

The team has a strong discord with around 36,000 members with 8,000 online members and they are clocking an

average of 1500+ reactions on their announcements and their sneak peeks.

Apart from Discord, their Twitter looks pretty strong as well around 45,000 followers. They have pretty active on

their Twitter with the videos, art sneak peeks and threads about the project and is getting an average of 700+

likes per post.

One more parameter of how strong the hype is, the tokens of a project with a supply of over 6500 are getting

sold for 2.5+ sol.

To conclude, I would say this is one of the strongest projects that has gone to mint in the past few months.

The team is doxxed with some pretty big names with vast experiences involved and has shown how professional

they are time and again.

The vision of the project is unique and strong as well, and it is something we don’t see on Solana every day.

The volume in the space is giving higher highs every day and in such conditions, a project like Crypto Coral Tribe

should do wonders.

I won’t recommend minting after buying a token because that will increase the risk by multiples. However, it is

upon you how much risk you are willing to take, just make sure you are good at mathematics.

I would rate the project 3.75/5 based on the fact that it has great art and a great team, the team has also

planned some great utilities but I will wait to see the perception the community forms of those utilities.

As always DYOR.

If you like my work follow me on:

Twitter: @perfectenchlag

Medium: medium.com/@GhosT4707

Phantom: xhjwU7E6TcaJxgHTrnryr5DbkqAiPi9KcpKewPcTCNN


SHILL Issue #54

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