([epub\DOWNLOAD> Indians, Missionaries, and Merchants: The Legacy of Colonial Encounters on the California Frontiers

Copy Link : https://site.bookcenterapp.com/YUMPU/0520249984 Book Synopsis : California&#8217s earliest European colonists&#8213Russian merchants and Spanish missionaries&#8213depended heavily on Native Americans for labor to build and maintain their colonies, but they did so in very different ways. This richly detailed book brings together disparate skeins of the past&#8213including little-known oral histories, native texts, ethnohistory, and archaeological excavations&#8213to present a vivid new view of how native cultures fared under these two colonial systems. Kent Lightfoot&#8217s innovative work, which incorporates the holistic methods of historical anthropology, explores the surprising ramifications of these long-ago encounters for the present-day political status of native people in California.Lightfoot weaves the results of his own significant archaeological research at Fort Ross, a major Russian mercantile colony, into a cross-cultural comparison, showing how these two colonial ventures&#8213one primarily mercantile and one primarily religious&#8213contributed to the development of new kinds of native identities, social forms, and tribal relationships. His lively account includes personal anecdotes from the field and a provocative discussion of the role played by early ethnographers, such as Alfred Kroeber, in influencing which tribes would eventually receive federal

Copy Link : https://site.bookcenterapp.com/YUMPU/0520249984

Book Synopsis :
California&#8217s earliest European colonists&#8213Russian merchants and Spanish missionaries&#8213depended heavily on Native Americans for labor to build and maintain their colonies, but they did so in very different ways. This richly detailed book brings together disparate skeins of the past&#8213including little-known oral histories, native texts, ethnohistory, and archaeological excavations&#8213to present a vivid new view of how native cultures fared under these two colonial systems. Kent Lightfoot&#8217s innovative work, which incorporates the holistic methods of historical anthropology, explores the surprising ramifications of these long-ago encounters for the present-day political status of native people in California.Lightfoot weaves the results of his own significant archaeological research at Fort Ross, a major Russian mercantile colony, into a cross-cultural comparison, showing how these two colonial ventures&#8213one primarily mercantile and one primarily religious&#8213contributed to the development of new kinds of native identities, social forms, and tribal relationships. His lively account includes personal anecdotes from the field and a provocative discussion of the role played by early ethnographers, such as Alfred Kroeber, in influencing which tribes would eventually receive federal


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Indians, Missionaries, and Merchants: The

Legacy of Colonial Encounters on the

California Frontiers




Indians, Missionaries, and Merchants: The Legacy of Colonial Encounters on the California Frontiers

California&#8217searliest European colonists&#8213Rusian merchants and Spanish

missionaries&#8213deended heavily on Native Americans for labor to build and maintain their colonies,

but they did so in very different ways. This richly detailed book brings together disparate skeins of the

past&#8213inluding little-known oral histories, native texts, ethnohistory, and archaeological

excavations&#8213topresent a vivid new view of how native cultures fared under these two colonial

systems. Kent Lightfoot&#8217sinnovative work, which incorporates the holistic methods of historical

anthropology, explores the surprising ramifications of these long-ago encounters for the present-day

political status of native people in California.Lightfoot weaves the results of his own significant

archaeological research at Fort Ross, a major Russian mercantile colony, into a cross-cultural

comparison, showing how these two colonial ventures&#8213on primarily mercantile and one primarily

religious&#8213cotributed to the development of new kinds of native identities, social forms, and tribal

relationships. His lively account includes personal anecdotes from the field and a provocative discussion

of the role played by early ethnographers, such as Alfred Kroeber, in influencing which tribes would

eventually receive federal recognition. Indians, Missionaries, and Merchants takes a fascinating, yet

troubling, look at California&#8217spast and its role in shaping the state today.

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