On behalf of Ramakrishna Senior Secondary School, Prapti Kapoor, a student of ClassVIII A, was given an opportunity to share her views on the observance of World Wildlife Dayon March 3, 2022, through a virtual platform.She started with Charles Darwin’s quotation – “The love for all living creatures is themost noble attribute of man.”The speaker through her impressive note made everyone realize the need to celebrate this dayannually to protect the ecological balance and to protect wildlife. In her address, she statedthat World Wildlife Day is a day to remind us of our responsibilities to our world and the lifeforms we share with it. She further added that this day is all about raising awareness of wildflora and fauna across the world. She mentioned that our mission should be to celebrateWildlife in all its forms. We should build a caring and compassionate approach with thewildlife and be thankful for the way it enriches our lives.She highlighted the importance of events stating that humankind must learn to understandthat the life of an animal is in no way less precious than our own.Further, the little tiny tots of Class I presented some of the acts towards the preservationof wildlife. Through their mesmerizing acts, they made everyone realize that it is ourresponsibility to save the rapidly dwindling greenery, wildlife, and environment to saveMother Earth from her current crisis.

“A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man.”It is a known fact that the three essential things for humans to survive on Earthare air, water and food. As the world population increases the resources getoverused and exploitation of all resources occurs.The School provided a virtual platform to celebrate and to know thesignificance of World Water Day.Students of Class IV and V presented a scintillating dance performance toraise awareness about the different ways of water conservation.Yashika Sharma of Class VIII B, was given the opportunity to deliver aspeech on the observance of the “World Water Day” on 22 nd March,2022She raised awareness about the global water crisis and focused on reducing thewastage of water. According to the speaker, the intention behind observing theday is to inspire people around the world to learn about the water relatedissues and to take action to make a difference.In the end, she wrapped her speech saying that it is responsibility of everycitizen around the globe to be a part of this campaign so that we can makeEarth a better place.

On behalf of Ramakrishna Senior Secondary School, Prapti Kapoor, a student of Class

VIII A, was given an opportunity to share her views on the observance of World Wildlife Day

on March 3, 2022, through a virtual platform.

She started with Charles Darwin’s quotation – “The love for all living creatures is the

most noble attribute of man.”

The speaker through her impressive note made everyone realize the need to celebrate this day

annually to protect the ecological balance and to protect wildlife. In her address, she stated

that World Wildlife Day is a day to remind us of our responsibilities to our world and the life

forms we share with it. She further added that this day is all about raising awareness of wild

flora and fauna across the world. She mentioned that our mission should be to celebrate

Wildlife in all its forms. We should build a caring and compassionate approach with the

wildlife and be thankful for the way it enriches our lives.

She highlighted the importance of events stating that humankind must learn to understand

that the life of an animal is in no way less precious than our own.

Further, the little tiny tots of Class I presented some of the acts towards the preservation

of wildlife. Through their mesmerizing acts, they made everyone realize that it is our

responsibility to save the rapidly dwindling greenery, wildlife, and environment to save

Mother Earth from her current crisis.

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