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„Nature is painting for us day after day the pictures of infinite beauty‟.

Earth Day has not only had a positive impact on the environment globally, but it has also played a

significant role at the local level. Since its inception in 1970, Earth Day continues to grow as a

worldwide phenomenon focusing on promoting clean living and a healthy, sustainable habitat for

both people and wildlife. Celebrating Earth Day serves as a conscious reminder of how fragile our

planet is and how important it is to protect it. On April 22, 2021 on the occasion of Earth Day,

the School organized various activities for all the classes to instill in the students, the feeling of

warmth and affection towards our mother Earth.

Priyanshi Vassan of Class IX A delivered a speech on Earth Day in her virtual class. Through her

speech, she sensitized the students about the conservation of natural resources and motivated them

to do their bit towards making their planet even more beautiful.

She further emphasized the importance of afforestation, planting trees, and the need for everyone to

put together their efforts and get into action to protect our environment.

Trijil Sachdeva of Class IV A recited a poem in his virtual class which was a solemn reminder of

the ways we can save our Earth and the contributions we can make by using the 3R’s -reduce, reuse

and recycle in our everyday life to keep our planet clean.

“Earth rejoices our words, breathing, and peaceful steps. Let every breath, every

word, and every step make the mother earth proud of us.” – Amit Ray

In honour of World Environment Day on June 5,

2021, the School observed various activities to spread

awareness about the environment and the need to conserve


Our budding artists, the students of Class II through

their act showcased that we should always remember that

the gifts and blessings which nature endows on us are


The performance ended with a message, that we have to

rehabilitate our environment and restore our ecosystem to

its actual position.

The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit trafficking is used as a

day to stimulate a sense of responsibility among people around the world especially

youngsters and teenagers.

A virtual activity was held on 26 June 2021, on the observance of

International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit trafficking. Sneha

Aggarwal, student of Class XII B was provided an opportunity to deliver a speech on

the above mentioned topic. The speaker enlightened the students by telling that

the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, also known

as “World Drug Day”. Every year 26 th June is observed as International Day

against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Events are organized in school,

colleges, workplace, public spaces around the world to make people aware of the whole

issue and the dangers of drugs and their use. Drug abuse, however, does not include

consumption of drugs, such as cocaine, hallucinogens, cannabis, opiates among others,

but also includes prescription medications such as pain killers and sleeping pills.

The speaker concluded the speech by taking pledge to not to buy drugs without any

prescription and help our fellow people to stop drug abuse.

„Nature is painting for us day after day the pictures of infinite beauty‟

On July 28, 2021, on the occasion of World Nature Conservation Day, the School organized

various activities for all the classes to instill in the students, the feeling of warmth and affection

towards nature. The event’s main objective was to increase awareness about the best practices to

conserve our natural resources and encourage sustainability.

To commence the occasion, students of Class I presented some of the beautiful acts towards the

conservation of the environment. They mesmerised everyone with their acts.

On this day, Lakshita Modi of Class VI A delivered a speech in her virtual classroom,

emphasizing the dire need of conserving nature. Through her speech, she made an appeal to

everyone to contribute towards maintaining the balance in nature. In her address, she also

mentioned some of the initiatives that our country has taken to conserve nature like Swachh

Bharat Abhiyaan, Project Tiger, and Mangroves for the future.

She concluded her speech by laying stress on the need to create a healthy environment to safeguard

the present and future generations. She insisted that community participation in protecting and

conserving nature is essential.

Glifford Pinchot has rightly remarked:

‘Conservation means the wise use of the earth and its

resources for the lasting good of men.‟

“Earth without Ozone is like a house without a roof,

as ozone is not just a layer but a Protector”

On behalf of the School , Manya Agrawal of Class VII C, was given the

opportunity to share her views on the observance of World Ozone Day , on

the 16 th September 2021.

The World Ozone Day highlights the significance of safeguarding the protective ozone

layer and commemorates the date on which the Montreal Protocol for the abatement of

substances that deplete the Ozone layer was signed in 1987. The speaker through her

speech gave an insight into the importance of the Ozone layer, which is actually a

fragile shield of gas, protecting the Earth from the harmful portion of the rays of the

sun, thus helping in preserving the planet.

She insisted that global and united efforts are required to phase out the ozone depleting


She concluded the speech by briefing on the need of taking actions to retrieve the ozone

layer and how we can contribute towards saving the Ozone layer.

Cleanliness Week was organised in the school under the title „Swachhata

Pakhwada‟ from September 13 2021 to September 17 2021, to spread

awareness among students on cleanliness. Under this drive the activities

performed were: Green School Drive Day, Hand Wash Day, Personal Hygiene

Day, Swachhata Participation Day, Swachhata School Exhibition Day and

Swachhata Shapath Day. The students in each of these activities motivated the

people to keep their surroundings clean. They highlighted the importance of

personal hygiene along with keeping cleanliness in and around their homes. The

students also spread awareness on the usage of dustbin and the segregation of

waste. Various activities such as slogan writing, poster making, essay writing, etc.

were arranged in which the students took part wholeheartedly. The teachers of

the school also participated actively and helped the students in spreading

awareness on the importance of cleanliness.

“Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher”

These lines by William Wordsworth reflect on the significance of nature and its habitat.

Manya Agrawal, student of Class VII C delivered a speech on World Habitat Day in her


World Habitat Day is observed every year on the 4 th of October, in many countries

across the world to address the problem of rapid urbanisation and its impact on the

environment and human poverty. This day is intended to remind the World that we all have

the power and the responsibility to shape the future of our cities and towns.

World Habitat day was established in 1985 by the United Nations General Assembly

through a Resolution to promote the idea that everyone deserves to live.

The theme this year is “Accelerating Urban Action for a Carbon-Free World.” Every

year a new theme is initiated to promote sustainable development and environment for

survival of all. The main agenda is to spread awareness about depleting resources and steps to

protect our habitat. Every year Habitat for Humanity joins people around the world to

rededicate ourselves to remove barriers to opportunity, health and success. It aims to remind

people that the future of our planet depends on national, regional and local governments,

communities working together to create sustainable, carbon neutral inclusive cities and


Disaster Risk Reduction is an opportunity to acknowledge the progress being

made towards reducing disaster risk and losses in lives, livelihood and health.

The School organized activity on International Disaster Reduction Day on

13th October 2021.

Harleen Kaur, student of Class XI C delivered a speech on Disaster Reduction

Day in her class. The speaker enlightened the students by telling them that it was

started in 1989 after a call by the United States General Assembly for a day to

promote a global culture of risk awareness and disaster reduction.

It is celebrated on 13th October every year. The day celebrates how our people

and communities around the world are reducing their exposure to disasters and

raising awareness about the importance of reining in the risk that they face.

The speaker concluded her speech with the statement of our Prime Minister

Narendra Modi who said on UNO form on 25 September this year that the world

leaders must take steps to control terrorism and risk of global warming.

To reduce the consumption of energy so that energy sources can be

saved for future use, Energy Conservation Day was celebrated on

December 14, 2021, virtually in the school. Ayush Thakur of Class

IX A delivered a speech. As most of the energy sources we use in our

daily lives are non-renewable, they cannot be reused and renewed.

The speaker strongly suggested that in order to use any form of energy

efficiently, to fulfil our duty towards the ecological system and to save it

for the future generation, it’s imperative that we take efficient steps

towards energy conservation The objective of the speech was to promote

the importance of the day among the students and to sensitize them to

inculcate a habit of conserving energy in them.

To spread awareness on Road Safety, the entire week from January 11 th to

January 17 th was dedicated to it.

On the first day of the Road Safety Week, Ishita Mittal, a student of Class XII B,

delivered a speech and highlighted the importance of Road Safety Rules

On the second day, Lavya Sharma and Pratyaksh Suri of Class II B recited a poem in

their virtual class highlighting the ways to celebrate ‘Road Safety Week.’

The following day, the students of Class I presented a beautiful dance showing rules and

regulations that one should abide by to promote road safety.

The fourth day showcased a Group Discussion on Road Safety in which Tanishi, Ayush

Thakur, Hiya Gupta, Varnika Gupta, and Manmeet Singh of Class IX, expressed the

dire need to make people more aware about road safety precautions as fatal road accidents

result in a trauma not only for the victim but also for his/her dependents and loved ones.

On the fifth day, the students of Class VIII acquainted the students with the Do's and Don’ts

required to keep themselves safe on Road.

The following day, the students of Class IV displayed various signboards on the road through


Sonam Maurya of Class IX B observed on oath on Road Safety to enlighten the people

about the ways to become more cognizant about the safety on the roads.

To commemorate the invention of ‘The Raman Effect’ by the veteran Indian

Physicist, Sir C.V. Raman, National Science Day was observed

by Ramakrishna Senior Secondary School, Vikaspuri through a

virtual platform. It was also celebrated to create awareness among the people

about science and to explain the importance of science to the coming


Lakshita Modi, a student of Class VI A, was given the opportunity to

deliver a speech on the observance of National Science Day on 28th

February 2022. She raised awareness about the importance of scientific

applications in daily life and encouraged them by popularizing Science and

Technology. She highlighted the theme of National Science Day: ‘Women in


As per the CBSE guidelines, various activities were organised for the students

on the occasion of National Science Day. Teachers also made the students

aware of the importance of National Science Day.

On behalf of Ramakrishna Senior Secondary School, Prapti Kapoor, a student of Class

VIII A, was given an opportunity to share her views on the observance of World Wildlife Day

on March 3, 2022, through a virtual platform.

She started with Charles Darwin’s quotation – “The love for all living creatures is the

most noble attribute of man.”

The speaker through her impressive note made everyone realize the need to celebrate this day

annually to protect the ecological balance and to protect wildlife. In her address, she stated

that World Wildlife Day is a day to remind us of our responsibilities to our world and the life

forms we share with it. She further added that this day is all about raising awareness of wild

flora and fauna across the world. She mentioned that our mission should be to celebrate

Wildlife in all its forms. We should build a caring and compassionate approach with the

wildlife and be thankful for the way it enriches our lives.

She highlighted the importance of events stating that humankind must learn to understand

that the life of an animal is in no way less precious than our own.

Further, the little tiny tots of Class I presented some of the acts towards the preservation

of wildlife. Through their mesmerizing acts, they made everyone realize that it is our

responsibility to save the rapidly dwindling greenery, wildlife, and environment to save

Mother Earth from her current crisis.

“A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man.”

It is a known fact that the three essential things for humans to survive on Earth

are air, water and food. As the world population increases the resources get

overused and exploitation of all resources occurs.

The School provided a virtual platform to celebrate and to know the

significance of World Water Day.

Students of Class IV and V presented a scintillating dance performance to

raise awareness about the different ways of water conservation.

Yashika Sharma of Class VIII B, was given the opportunity to deliver a

speech on the observance of the “World Water Day” on 22 nd March,2022

She raised awareness about the global water crisis and focused on reducing the

wastage of water. According to the speaker, the intention behind observing the

day is to inspire people around the world to learn about the water related

issues and to take action to make a difference.

In the end, she wrapped her speech saying that it is responsibility of every

citizen around the globe to be a part of this campaign so that we can make

Earth a better place.

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