Pdf⚡️(read✔️online) Evidence of Hope: A Personal Healing Journey Captured with Art

COPY LINK DOWNLOAD ----------------------------------- https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/9090333606 ----------------------------------- From a very young age I was trapped in satanism, I didn't know any better than this until I was old enough to go to college. I struggled with so many physical and mental problems that I no longer wanted to live. God had other plans for me and lead someone on my path that I met in college. To make a long story short, this person (now my husband) helped me break out of satanism together with Jesus and we went through some crazy and extremely difficult years. In this period a lot of repressed memories came back and I started on a long, hard road of healing and deliverance together with Jesus to repare all the damage that was done during the years I was trapped in satanism. He helped me with every step of my healing process and knew exactly what needed to be done. And now I am a completely different person! During this healing journey I had a lot of conversations and encounters with Jesus. I captured some of them in this book in the form of drawings and little stories. So this book is sort of a journal with art, the stories are not fiction they are real moments I captured. I hope this book will bring encouragement, hope and healing. And I hope that through this book, you will know that Jesus is never far away but very close instead. - Evidence of H




From a very young age I was trapped in satanism, I didn't know any better than this until I was old enough to go to college. I struggled with so many physical and mental problems that I no longer wanted to live. God had other plans for me and lead someone on my path that I met in college. To make a long story short, this person (now my husband) helped me break out of satanism together with Jesus and we went through some crazy and extremely difficult years. In this period a lot of repressed memories came back and I started on a long, hard road of healing and deliverance together with Jesus to repare all the damage that was done during the years I was trapped in satanism. He helped me with every step of my healing process and knew exactly what needed to be done. And now I am a completely different person! During this healing journey I had a lot of conversations and encounters with Jesus. I captured some of them in this book in the form of drawings and little stories. So this book is sort of a journal with art, the stories are not fiction they are real moments I captured. I hope this book will bring encouragement, hope and healing. And I hope that through this book, you will know that Jesus is never far away but very close instead.
- Evidence of H


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Evidence of Hope: A Personal Healing Journey

Captured with Art




Evidence of Hope: A Personal Healing Journey Captured with Art

From a very young age I was trapped in satanism, I didn't know any better than this until I was old

enough to go to college. I struggled with so many physical and mental problems that I no longer wanted

to live. God had other plans for me and lead someone on my path that I met in college. To make a long

story short, this person (now my husband) helped me break out of satanism together with Jesus and we

went through some crazy and extremely difficult years. In this period a lot of repressed memories came

back and I started on a long, hard road of healing and deliverance together with Jesus to repare all the

damage that was done during the years I was trapped in satanism. He helped me with every step of my

healing process and knew exactly what needed to be done. And now I am a completely different person!

During this healing journey I had a lot of conversations and encounters with Jesus. I captured some of

them in this book in the form of drawings and little stories. So this book is sort of a journal with art, the

stories are not fiction they are real moments I captured. I hope this book will bring encouragement, hope

and healing. And I hope that through this book, you will know that Jesus is never far away but very close


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