Honorary Advocacy Lobby Guide

Required reading for Brian Adams' Honorary Advocacy course.

Required reading for Brian Adams' Honorary Advocacy course.


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© 2022 (21Sick) Productions





MARIJUANA MYTHS…………………………………………………………4


IMPORTANT ORGANIZATIONS…..………..…………………………….7

FROM SEED TO EXCEL………………………………………………………8


PHOTO GALLERY…………………………………………………………….12





Welcome to the future of cannabis law reform!

The goal of this literature is to inspire participants to engage in effective cannabis

lobbying on a general level. As the required reading for the Honorary Advocacy course;

this information can also be applied as standard talking points during conversations

with your representatives. This information, paired with lectures, will help guide

participants through basic interactions with political representatives both locally and

federally. Hyperlinks for source material have been embedded throughout this

document for your convenience. These findings are based on the author’s cannabis

research and real-life interactions with elected officials. Please be sure to check your

state’s specific guidelines for lobbying, petitioning and the right to assemble.

Cannabis history is seemingly made every week, so it is of absolute importance to

stay up to date with the news. Some newsletters you can subscribe to include: NORML,

Marijuana Moment, Leafly, Marijuana Business Daily, and others. There is also an

abundance of course offerings available through The Harrington Institute for Cannabis

Education, Cannabis Hub, and Cleveland School of Cannabis. Thanks for choosing this

course, because by doing so, you chose to invest in yourself for the betterment of human

rights. The impact of cannabis is so vast it affects issues that range from racial, civil,

familial, to medical, environmental, and even economical.

Brian "B-No" Adams is an emcee, producer, activist, and instructor. He is the

former Executive Director of Cleveland NORML (2013-2017), and founder of Sensible

Cleveland; a not-for-profit ballot initiative PAC that led to the historic decriminalization

of marijuana possession in the city of Cleveland, Ohio. Brian is also one of the founding

instructors at the Cleveland School of Cannabis and currently the Director of Education

at the Harrington Institute for Cannabis Education. Brian is college educated and

married with two children. You can listen to him as a regular host on the weekly

business and politics podcast Marijuana Today.




Know the facts! Learn how to parry the propaganda!

This section serves as a basic debunking of some of the most common marijuana myths

with source material hyperlinks included.


“Smoking cannabis has not been proved to be a risk

factor in the development of lung cancer, but the data

are limited by small studies, misclassification due to

self-reporting of use, small numbers of heavy cannabis

smokers, and confounding of the risk associated with

known causative agents for lung cancer (such as

parallel chronic tobacco use).”

Cannabis Use, Lung Cancer, and Related Issues

(Pub Med)


“Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant

properties…The cannabinoids are found to have

particular application as neuroprotectants, for

example in limiting neurological damage following

ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the

treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as

Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and HIV


US Patent 6630507 (Health and Human Services)





“Alcohol is the most commonly used substance, and the

majority of polysubstance using respondents consumed

alcohol prior to tobacco or marijuana initiation.

Respondents initiating alcohol use in sixth grade

reported significantly greater lifetime illicit substance


Prioritizing Alcohol Prevention: Establishing Alcohol as

the Gateway Drug and Linking Age of First Drink With

Illicit Drug Use (Pub Med)


“Consistent with the results of previous researchers,

there was no evidence that the legalization of medical

marijuana encourages marijuana use among youth.

Moreover, the estimates reported showed that marijuana

use among youth may actually decline after legalization

for recreational purposes.”

Association of Marijuana Laws With Teen Marijuana (JAMA



“While a fatal overdose caused solely by marijuana is

unlikely, marijuana is not harmless. The signs of using

too much marijuana are similar to the typical effects of

using marijuana but more severe.”

Marijuana FAQs (Centers for Disease Control and





Spark the conversation with your representatives using the

following sample talking point.

So, you busted some common marijuana myths. Great. Now it’s time create a dialogue

with your representatives. This interaction may be useful in determining the worthiness

of your continued support. The following template can be customized to fit the profile of

your lawmaker.

Dear <elected official>,

As your constituent, I feel that is important to express

my views on cannabis legalization. Roughly 7 out of 10

Americans support legal adult-use cannabis. What this

says to me is: despite our disagreements on a variety

of issues, no matter our race, age, sexual orientation,

or political affiliation; we believe that cannabis

prohibition has done more harm than good.

Are you currently taking action to end the federal

prohibition of cannabis?

I enthusiastically anticipate your reply.

Thank you,





View this list of advocacy groups and support them if feasible.

You can volunteer your time to help end the drug war using the following outlets. You

may also choose to financially support the following organizations, as most of them are

non-profit. There may also be opportunities for you to start your own local chapter or

affiliate using a nationally recognized name. These groups also have valuable resources

online that can be used as tools to fight cannabis prohibition on all fronts.




By Brian Adams

My political activism goes back as far as 2008 when I got involved in voter

registration. It was leading up to Barack Obama’s inaugural term when I felt a strong

sense of responsibility to create awareness around our right to vote as citizens, but more

importantly, the power of the Black vote. In addition to helping register hundreds of

local voters, me and my father, Brian Adams Sr. produced a song called “The

Barack-O-Anthem (Yes We Can!).” We circulated our music around town for free and

eventually gained the attention of a voter awareness group, in which I was invited to

perform the anthem live, outside of the polls, for citizens who were voting during the

2008 presidential campaign. Eventually, our song made its way to the White House,

scoring a signed letter of receipt from Barack Obama himself. I graduated with my then

girlfriend, now wife in 2009, and both of us acquired a Bachelor of Arts in

Communication. I continued to write and perform original hip hop music live from then

to present day, COVID pandemic notwithstanding. From 2009 until 2017 I became a

radio personality and hosted a show called 2-1-Sick Radio; an underground, local,

independent and classic hip hop program on WCSB Cleveland 89.3 FM.

In 2013, I found myself leading a local NORML chapter until 2017. During my

time at Cleveland NORML, one of eight operational Ohio NORML chapters, I continued

my voter registration work, volunteered my time answering phone calls, lobbied both

locally and nationally, collected signatures for almost every Ohio cannabis initiative of

that time period, served as Executive Director, Membership Chair and Entertainment

Chair. I used to host and produce monthly information meetings that were open to the

public, in addition to the world-renowned Cleveland Global Marijuana March. In 2015,

under the guidance of fellow activist Chad Thompson, I founded Sensible Cleveland, a

not-for-profit ballot initiative Political Action Committee which eventually led to a

successful local lobby effort to decriminalize marijuana possession (under 200 grams) in

the city of Cleveland; No Fine, No Jail Time.

In 2017, I became the Lead Instructor and curriculum developer at the Cleveland

School of Cannabis; having taught courses from History of Cannabis and Cannabis

Advocacy, to basic Cannabis Extracts and Dispensary Operations. I would later become

the first Director of Faculty of Cleveland School of Cannabis, helping lead the school to

state approval by way of the Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and Schools. This

sparked a great business relationship with the founder of Cleveland School of Cannabis:

Austin Briggs. In fact, I remember his name from our Cleveland NORML Membership

Drives, as Austin himself was a member. Venturing into cannabis education has been

uniquely special. The Cleveland School of Cannabis is now on pace to become the first

cannabis school accredited by the Middle States Association.

In 2018, I joined The Botanist, umbrella corporation: Acreage Holdings, as one of the

first Key Employee Managers and helped open one of Ohio’s first medical cannabis

dispensaries in Canton, Ohio. The Botanist would go on to open up five different



FROM SEED TO EXCEL (continued)

dispensaries, three of which I worked (Canton, Wickliffe and Cleveland, Ohio). I later

became an actual medical cannabis patient myself, due to my “qualifying condition” of

Sickle Cell Anemia, a lifelong blood disorder. I was the Lead Dispensing Agent at the

Botanist and even trained staff. I continued to instruct History and Dispensary courses

at Cleveland School of Cannabis part time, while working full time at the Botanist.

In 2021, I resigned from budtender duties altogether and rejoined the Cleveland

School of Cannabis full time as a Director of Education. Officially, my role is Director of

Education at the Harrington Institute for Cannabis Education! Cannabis brand Viola,

started by former NBA All Star Al Harrington, announced the launch of Harrington

Institute, an online series of courses created in partnership with Cleveland School of

Cannabis. At The Harrington Institute, we focus on providing Black and Brown people

with cannabis knowledge needed to understand this complex and ever-changing

industry. As Director of Education for Harrington Institute, I have been granted the

opportunity to help build and maintain an elite faculty to lead this very important

initiative. Courses are in a single offering format, available to take individually in

sessions. Education has and always will be at the center of our comprehension of how to

navigate life’s expectations, and our progression as human beings. Our group is humbly

creating the standard for cannabis education across the country due to the quality of our

content, commitment to accreditation, and the establishment of professional industry





By B-No Good


Sniffin’ it

Taggin’ it

Clippin’ it

Baggin’ it

Infinite textures

Intricate measures

Were taken

Not even Liam Neeson could relate with

Don’t worry about what I’m blazin’

It’s sacred, it’s *the ganja*

The reefer

The pain reliever

The Sour D buds

But Pink Panther tastes sweeter

Light up the incense

The smell is intense

Remember when a dime was ten cents?

Ask ya mama

I keep a thick stick of *the ganja*

Rastafari – the Black Messiah

Who pack the pipe up

And pop up out of nowhere at any random cipher

When I say roll, I’m not talking ‘bout dice bruh

This strain taste like apple cider

Gimme back my lighter

*The ganja* is what I brought to the party

You think I’m boozin’ on alcohol, not hardly

Show you a safer alternative

When I burn a spliff

Time to use Mother Nature’s gift

To live long and prosper…it’s *The ganja*

CHORUS (4x):

I get blazed at 4:17

That gives me three minutes to roll some more green


I’m just being real people

Prescription pills kill people

No taboo ‘cause it’s legal

But at the same time lethal

Cigarettes too

Even our food

Beware of what the FDA approves

*The ganja* has committed zero deaths

So with all due respect

Don’t worry about what the f*** I do



“4:17” (continued)

Go ahead and drink your brew

And I don’t think I’m better than you

I’m just not stopping until it’s legal as lettuce, ya fool

*The ganja* is a very sacred herb

That grows wild on this earth

And by now, it’s common knowledge that alcohol is worse

While they’re claiming there’s not enough official research

They hold the only patent on its medicinal worth

*The ganja*, the green and all of its prestige

What does a law mean?

If the feds can still raid your dispensary

Better not let you third eye wander

Don’t let the coppers

Know you unlocked

Your chakras

All because of *the ganja*



Why is it that I’m four times more likely

To get arrested for producing joints like Spike Lee

And I ain’t know s*** about dabs

‘Til I kicked it with Chad

Now I’m convicted for possessing big bags of *the ganja*

When used proper

It can stop the

Spreading of cancer

Teaching our youth is the answer

Expand the young minds of the future

Watch a decline in teen usage

The only thing I wanna harm is lasagna

When I smoke *the ganja*

Not to brag

But I gotsta have

That high potency

But not the schwag

In my zone

DTD don’t need your dirt weed, we got our fucking own

This is a another song about *the ganja*

Follow the bouncing bong

And sing-a-long

As I take it from seed to clone

Your own grown

In the comfort of your own home

Straight to the dome

Got my head in the montañas

From one hit of *the ganja*





Journey through the history of Brian’s cannabis activism.








Credits and source material for claims made throughout this


Photos provided on behalf of (21Sick) Productions, Richard Metzger, NORML,

MJToday Media, and National Cannabis Industry Association.

Adam E Barry, Jessica King, Cynthia Sears, Cedric Harville, Irina Bondoc, Kessy

Joseph. “Prioritizing Alcohol Prevention: Establishing Alcohol as the Gateway

Drug and Linking Age of First Drink With Illicit Drug Use.” Pub Med, January

2016, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26645418/

D. Mark Anderson, PhD; Benjamin Hansen, PhD; Daniel I. Rees, PhD; et al.

“Association of Marijuana Laws With Teen Marijuana Use.” Journal of the

American Medical Association Pediatrics, July 2019,



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Frequently Asked Questions.” CDC,

January 2017, https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/faqs.htm

James Jett, Emily Stone, Graham Warren, K Michael Cummings. “Cannabis Use,

Lung Cancer, and Related Issues.” Pub Med, January 2018,


Aidan J. Hampson, Julius Axelrod, Maurizio Grimaldi. “Cannabinoids as

antioxidants and neuroprotectants.” United States Department of Health and

Human Services, Patent US6630507B1, October 2003,


Interviews are conducted with respondents on landline telephones and cellular

phones. Gallup obtained sample for this study from Dynata. “Support for Legal

Marijuana Holds at Record High of 68%.” Gallup, November 2021,


Important Organizations (URLs). http://norml.org,

https://minorities4medicalmarijuana.org, https://minoritycannabis.org/,

https://thecannabisindustry.org, https://www.aclu.org,

https://www.safeaccessnow.org, https://www.mpp.org, https://ssdp.org,

https://drugpolicy.org, https://lawenforcementactionpartnership.org,


Ezekiel Edwards, Will Bunting, Lynda Garcia. “REPORT: THE WAR ON

MARIJUANA IN BLACK AND WHITE.” American Civil Liberties Union, 2001-

2010, https://www.aclu.org/report/report-war-marijuana-black-and-white



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