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DISCLOSURES AND LEgAL COMPLIANCE � NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 45 fISherIeS reSeArch ANd develoPmeNt corPorAtIoN AccouNt 2010 2011 $’000 $’000 645 opening balance - 1 July 1,010 1,497 receipts Contributions from Fisheries Research and Development Corporation 1,297 33 Interest 33 296 Other 270 1,600 2,471 2,610 Payments 1,461 Expenditure on Fisheries WA research-related activities 1,204 1,461 1,010 Balance 30 June held by treasury 1,406 The purpose of this Account is to hold funds in accordance with section 242 of the FRMA 1994 which may be applied by the Minister for all or any of the purposes prescribed by section 242(4) of the FRMA 1994. Approval has been granted by the Treasurer to overdraw this Account to a limit of $300K. 46 fISherIeS AdJuStmeNt SchemeS truSt AccouNt 2010 2011 $’000 $’000 $’000 1,692 opening balance - 1 July 426 receipts 1,013 Specific State contributions to fisheries adjustment 34,921 2,705 35,347 Payments 3 Administration 2,276 Unit buy back State Scheme 35,116 2,279 35,116 426 Balance 30 June held by treasury 231 The purpose of this account is to hold funds in accordance with section 5 of the Fisheries Adjustment Scheme Act 1987 which shall be applied by the Minister for the purposes prescribed by section 6 of that Act. 47 fISherIeS PrIvAte moNeyS truSt AccouNt 2010 2011 $’000 $’000 $’000 60 opening balance - 1 July 66 receipts 8 Proceeds from the sale of seized fish – 68 66 Payments – Monies transferred 7 2 Monies repaid – 7 66 Balance 30 June held by treasury 59 The purpose of this account is to hold moneys seized and proceeds from the sale of seized fish pursuant to the Fisheries Act 1905 pending prosecution action. The Fisheries Act 1905 has been repealed and replaced by the FRMA 1994. 48 fISh fArm BoNd dePoSItS truSt AccouNt 2010 2011 $’000 $’000 105 opening balance - 1 July 109 receipts 4 Interests 5 109 Balance 30 June held by treasury 114 The purpose of this account is to hold fish farm bond deposits lodged by licensees, as security and guarantee for the due and punctual performance of the licensees Fish Farm licence conditions. 135

DISCLOSURES AND LEgAL COMPLIANCE � NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS dePArtmeNt of fISherIeS dIScloSure of fINANcIAl trANSActIoNS INdIAN oceAN terrItorIeS for the PerIod 1 July 2010 to 30 JuNe 2011 49 chrIStmAS ISlANd ANd cocoS (KeelINg) ISlANdS 2010 2011 $’000 $’000 $’000 91 opening Balance 1 July (147) Income Application fees and Recreational Boat Licences 2 478 Commonwealth Funding 989 991 569 844 expenditure 272 Salaries 326 65 Travel and accommodation 98 80 Administration 37 299 Oncosts 358 819 716 819 (147) Balance 30 June 25 In October 2001, the Department of Fisheries entered into a Service Delivery Agreement (SDA) with the Commonwealth. The SDA provides for the delivery of a range of services by the Department of Fisheries in the Indian Ocean Territories including the management of commercial fishing, recreational fishing, aquaculture, fish health and community education and awareness programs. The Department provides these services on behalf of the Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department, formerly on behalf of Department of Transport and Regional Services under the Fish Resources Management Act (1994) (WA) (CI) (CKI). 136


dePArtmeNt of fISherIeS dIScloSure of fINANcIAl trANSActIoNS<br />

INdIAN oceAN terrItorIeS for the PerIod 1 July 2010 to 30 JuNe 2011<br />

49 chrIStmAS ISlANd ANd cocoS (KeelINg) ISlANdS<br />

2010 2011<br />

$’000 $’000 $’000<br />

91 opening Balance 1 July (147)<br />

Income<br />

Application fees and Recreational Boat Licences 2<br />

478 Commonwealth Funding 989 991<br />

569 844<br />

expenditure<br />

272 Salaries 326<br />

65 Travel and accommodation 98<br />

80 Administration 37<br />

299 Oncosts 358 819<br />

716 819<br />

(147) Balance 30 June 25<br />

In October 2001, the Department of Fisheries entered into a Service Delivery Agreement<br />

(SDA) with the Commonwealth. The SDA provides for the delivery of a range of services by<br />

the Department of Fisheries in the Indian Ocean Territories including the management of<br />

commercial fishing, recreational fishing, aquaculture, fish health and community education<br />

and awareness programs. The Department provides these services on behalf of the<br />

Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department, formerly on behalf of Department of Transport<br />

and Regional Services under the Fish Resources Management Act (1994) (WA) (CI) (CKI).<br />


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