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DISCLOSURES AND LEgAL COMPLIANCE � NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CAPITAL WORKS IN PROGRESS Buildings (ii) (iii) 1,720 4 Maritime (ii) 508 4,338 Computer software (ii) 715 30 2,943 4,372 Total Property, Plant and Equipment 59,452 59,384 (i) Land and buildings were revalued as at 1 July 2010 by the Western Australian Land Information Authority (Valuation Services). The valuations were performed during the year ended 30 June 2011 and recognised at 30 June 2011. In undertaking the revaluation, fair value was detemined by reference to market values for land: $6,094,900 and buildings: $910,000. For the remaining balance, fair value of land and buildings was determined by reference to current use of land and depreciated replacement value of improvements. See note 2(g) ‘ Property, Plant and Equipment and Infrastructure’. (ii) Marine vessels were revalued by the Maritime Engineers Pty Ltd during the year ended 30 June 2008 and recognised at 30 June 2008 at market value based on Asset Protection Criteria. 125

Reconciliation Reconciliations of the carrying amounts of property, plant, equipment and vehicles at the beginning and end of the current financial year are set out below: 2011 carrying amount at revaluation deprecn. carrying amount at start of year Additions disposal transfers from wIP for the year for the year end of year $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 Land 9,335 – – – 89 – 9,424 Buildings 34,900 – – – (616) (970) 33,314 Marine vessels 5,860 4,614 (5) – – (1,398) 9,071 Communication equipment 51 18 – – – (35) 34 Computer hardware 177 93 – – – (106) 164 Computer software 514 – – – – (176) 338 Furniture, fixtures and fittings 135 – – – – (47) 88 Office equipment 104 61 (1) – – (54) 110 Plant and machinery 651 278 – – (138) 791 Vehicles 853 810 (122) – – (264) 1,277 Works of art 97 – – – – – 97 Other equipment 300 67 – – – (79) 288 Infrastructure – maritime 1,302 – – – – (82) 1,220 Leased patrol vessel 733 – – – – (440) 293 Work in progress – – – – – – – Computer software 30 715 – (30) – – 715 Buildings 4 1,716 – – – – 1,720 Maritime 4,338 657 – (4,487) – – 508 59,384 9,029 (128) (4,517) (527) (3,789) 59,452 2010 DISCLOSURES AND LEgAL COMPLIANCE � NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS carrying amount at revaluation deprecn. carrying amount at start of year Additions disposal transfers from wIP for the year for the year end of year $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 Land 9,105 974 – – (744) – 9,335 Buildings 27,130 10,826 – – (2,049) (1,007) 34,900 Marine vessels 7,139 252 (639) – – (892) 5,860 Communication equipment 144 – (16) – – (77) 51 Computer hardware 249 31 (2) – – (101) 177 Computer software 690 – – – – (176) 514 Furniture, fixtures and fittings 198 – – – – (63) 135 Office equipment 139 21 – – – (56) 104 Plant and machinery 951 53 (199) – – (154) 651 Vehicles 788 409 (205) – – (139) 853 Works of art 97 – – – – – 97 Other equipment 354 21 – – – (75) 300 Infrastructure – maritime 1,389 – (5) – – (82) 1,302 Leased patrol vessel 1,173 – – – – (440) 733 Work in progress Computer software 30 – – – – 30 Buildings 8,726 2,104 – (10,826) – – 4 Maritime 672 3,666 – – – – 4,338 58,974 18,357 (1,066) (10,826) (2,793) (3,262) 59,384 126

Reconciliation<br />

Reconciliations of the carrying amounts of property, plant, equipment and vehicles at the beginning and end of the current financial year are set out below:<br />

2011<br />

carrying amount at<br />

revaluation<br />

deprecn. carrying amount at<br />

start of year Additions disposal transfers from wIP<br />

for the year<br />

for the year<br />

end of year<br />

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000<br />

Land 9,335 – – – 89 – 9,424<br />

Buildings 34,900 – – – (616) (970) 33,314<br />

Marine vessels 5,860 4,614 (5) – – (1,398) 9,071<br />

Communication equipment 51 18 – – – (35) 34<br />

Computer hardware 177 93 – – – (106) 164<br />

Computer software 514 – – – – (176) 338<br />

Furniture, fixtures and fittings 135 – – – – (47) 88<br />

Office equipment 104 61 (1) – – (54) 110<br />

Plant and machinery 651 278 – – (138) 791<br />

Vehicles 853 810 (122) – – (264) 1,277<br />

Works of art 97 – – – – – 97<br />

Other equipment 300 67 – – – (79) 288<br />

Infrastructure – maritime 1,302 – – – – (82) 1,220<br />

Leased patrol vessel 733 – – – – (440) 293<br />

Work in progress – – – – – – –<br />

Computer software 30 715 – (30) – – 715<br />

Buildings 4 1,716 – – – – 1,720<br />

Maritime 4,338 657 – (4,487) – – 508<br />

59,384 9,029 (128) (4,517) (527) (3,789) 59,452<br />

2010<br />


carrying amount at<br />

revaluation<br />

deprecn. carrying amount at<br />

start of year Additions disposal transfers from wIP<br />

for the year<br />

for the year<br />

end of year<br />

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000<br />

Land 9,105 974 – – (744) – 9,335<br />

Buildings 27,130 10,826 – – (2,049) (1,007) 34,900<br />

Marine vessels 7,139 252 (639) – – (892) 5,860<br />

Communication equipment 144 – (16) – – (77) 51<br />

Computer hardware 249 31 (2) – – (101) 177<br />

Computer software 690 – – – – (176) 514<br />

Furniture, fixtures and fittings 198 – – – – (63) 135<br />

Office equipment 139 21 – – – (56) 104<br />

Plant and machinery 951 53 (199) – – (154) 651<br />

Vehicles 788 409 (205) – – (139) 853<br />

Works of art 97 – – – – – 97<br />

Other equipment 354 21 – – – (75) 300<br />

Infrastructure – maritime 1,389 – (5) – – (82) 1,302<br />

Leased patrol vessel 1,173 – – – – (440) 733<br />

Work in progress<br />

Computer software 30 – – – – 30<br />

Buildings 8,726 2,104 – (10,826) – – 4<br />

Maritime 672 3,666 – – – – 4,338<br />

58,974 18,357 (1,066) (10,826) (2,793) (3,262) 59,384<br />


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