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dePArtmeNt of fISherIeS Schedule of INcome ANd eXPeNSeS By ServIce for the yeAr eNded 30 JuNe 2011 coSt of ServIceS DISCLOSURES AND LEgAL COMPLIANCE � FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AQuAtIc mANAgemeNt comPlIANce ANd educAtIoN reSeArch ANd moNItorINg mArINe SAfety totAl 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 expenses Employee benefits expense 12,569 8,618 14,849 16,528 12,781 12,106 317 775 40,516 38,027 Supplies and services 4,637 2,135 8,412 9,296 8,198 6,037 105 282 21,352 17,750 Depreciation and amortisation 38 33 2,729 1,468 1,023 1,761 – – 3,790 3,262 Finance costs 253 140 – – – – – – 253 140 Accommodation expenses 1,056 241 705 1,096 300 691 10 64 2,071 2,092 Grants and subsidies 1,969 3,016 – 8 1,507 2,075 – – 3,476 5,099 FAS buybacks 170 2,566 – – – – – – 170 2,566 Other expenses 23 183 9 207 231 239 – 10 263 639 total cost of services 20,715 16,932 26,704 28,603 24,040 22,909 432 1,131 71,891 69,575 Income User charges and fees 6,830 4,979 11,139 11,261 11,537 8,315 52 118 29,558 24,673 Grants and contributions 44 232 – 9 2,943 6,392 – – 2,987 6,633 Interest revenue 104 18 168 36 218 48 1 – 491 102 Gain on disposal of non-current assets – – 24 109 – – – – 24 109 total income other than income from State government 6,978 5,229 11,331 11,415 14,698 14,755 53 118 33,060 31,517 Net coSt of ServIceS 13,737 11,703 15,373 17,188 9,342 8,154 379 1,013 38,831 38,058 INcome from StAte goverNmeNt Service appropriation 11,989 11,209 13,031 16,353 7,313 7,486 343 980 32,676 36,029 Resources received free of charge 144 – 185 – 167 – 3 – 499 – Royalties for Regions Fund 2 310 90 523 2 419 – 21 94 1,272 total income from State government 12,135 11,519 13,306 16,876 7,482 7,905 346 1,001 33,269 37,301 deficit for the period (1,602) (184) (2,067) (312) (1,860) (249) (33) (12) (5,562) (757) the Schedule of Income and expenses by Service should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. 111

DISCLOSURES AND LEgAL COMPLIANCE � FINANCIAL STATEMENTS dePArtmeNt of fISherIeS Schedule of ASSetS ANd lIABIlItIeS By ServIce for the yeAr eNded 30 JuNe 2011 AQuAtIc mANAgemeNt comPlIANce ANd educAtIoN reSeArch ANd moNItorINg mArINe SAfety totAl 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 800 796 1,401 1,379 1,186 1,191 129 120 3,516 3,486 Restricted cash and cash equivalents 373 329 652 568 552 491 60 49 1,637 1,437 Receivables 3,310 601 938 491 794 424 86 43 5,128 1,559 Amounts receivable for services 506 508 887 881 751 760 82 77 2,226 2,226 Other current assets 29 25 80 43 49 37 4 4 162 109 total current Assets Non-current assets 5,018 2,259 3,958 3,362 3,332 2,903 361 293 12,669 8,817 Restricted cash and cash equivalents 152 128 268 220 227 190 25 19 672 557 Receivables 34,862 3,336 – – – – – – 34,862 3,336 Amounts receivable for services 1,444 1,185 2,530 2,050 2,142 1,770 233 178 6,349 5,183 Property, plant and equipment 921 213 34,323 35,383 24,059 23,756 149 32 59,452 59,384 total Non-current Assets 37,379 4,862 37,121 37,653 26,428 25,716 407 229 101,335 68,460 total Assets 42,397 7,121 41,079 41,015 29,760 28,619 768 522 114,004 77,277 liabilities Current liabilities Payables 645 434 937 754 963 653 62 66 2,607 1,907 Borrowings 2,774 317 129 245 – – – – 2,903 562 Provisions 2,357 1,568 3,588 2,715 3,122 2,344 84 236 9,151 6,863 Other current liabilities 289 168 511 290 359 251 14 25 1,173 734 total current liabilities 6,065 2,487 5,165 4,004 4,444 3,248 160 327 15,834 10,066 Non-current liabilities Borrowings 34,862 3,336 – 129 – – – – 34,862 3,465 Provisions 479 453 894 784 734 677 16 68 2,123 1,982 total Non-current liabilities 35,341 3,789 894 913 734 677 16 68 36,985 5,447 total liabilities 41,406 6,276 6,059 4,917 5,178 3,925 176 395 52,819 15,513 Net ASSetS 991 845 35,020 36,098 24,582 24,694 592 127 61,185 61,764 the Schedule of Assets and liabilities by Service should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. 112

dePArtmeNt of fISherIeS Schedule of INcome ANd eXPeNSeS By ServIce for the yeAr eNded 30 JuNe 2011<br />

coSt of ServIceS<br />


AQuAtIc mANAgemeNt<br />

comPlIANce ANd<br />

educAtIoN<br />

reSeArch ANd<br />

moNItorINg<br />

mArINe SAfety totAl<br />

2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010<br />

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000<br />

expenses<br />

Employee benefits expense 12,569 8,618 14,849 16,528 12,781 12,106 317 775 40,516 38,027<br />

Supplies and services 4,637 2,135 8,412 9,296 8,198 6,037 105 282 21,352 17,750<br />

Depreciation and amortisation 38 33 2,729 1,468 1,023 1,761 – – 3,790 3,262<br />

Finance costs 253 140 – – – – – – 253 140<br />

Accommodation expenses 1,056 241 705 1,096 300 691 10 64 2,071 2,092<br />

Grants and subsidies 1,969 3,016 – 8 1,507 2,075 – – 3,476 5,099<br />

FAS buybacks 170 2,566 – – – – – – 170 2,566<br />

Other expenses 23 183 9 207 231 239 – 10 263 639<br />

total cost of services 20,715 16,932 26,704 28,603 24,040 22,909 432 1,131 71,891 69,575<br />

Income<br />

User charges and fees 6,830 4,979 11,139 11,261 11,537 8,315 52 118 29,558 24,673<br />

Grants and contributions 44 232 – 9 2,943 6,392 – – 2,987 6,633<br />

Interest revenue 104 18 168 36 218 48 1 – 491 102<br />

Gain on disposal of non-current assets – – 24 109 – – – – 24 109<br />

total income other than income from State government 6,978 5,229 11,331 11,415 14,698 14,755 53 118 33,060 31,517<br />

Net coSt of ServIceS 13,737 11,703 15,373 17,188 9,342 8,154 379 1,013 38,831 38,058<br />

INcome from StAte goverNmeNt<br />

Service appropriation 11,989 11,209 13,031 16,353 7,313 7,486 343 980 32,676 36,029<br />

Resources received free of charge 144 – 185 – 167 – 3 – 499 –<br />

Royalties for Regions Fund 2 310 90 523 2 419 – 21 94 1,272<br />

total income from State government 12,135 11,519 13,306 16,876 7,482 7,905 346 1,001 33,269 37,301<br />

deficit for the period (1,602) (184) (2,067) (312) (1,860) (249) (33) (12) (5,562) (757)<br />

the Schedule of Income and expenses by Service should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.<br />


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