Download⚡️(PDF)❤️ Product Management's Sacred Seven: The Skills Required to Crush

Link : https://tahundepantumbasjazz.blogspot.com/?book=578740583 ----------------------------------- bAuthored by 3 Product Managers at Facebook, Google, and Microsoft, bemProduct Management&#8217s Sacred Sevenem is a comprehensive resource that will teach you the must-know knowledge and applied skills necessary to become a world-class PM that can get hired anywhere.bIn writing this book, we interviewed 67 product leads and hiring managers from 52 top companies around the world. bThey ranged f

Link : https://tahundepantumbasjazz.blogspot.com/?book=578740583


bAuthored by 3 Product Managers at Facebook, Google, and Microsoft, bemProduct Management&#8217s Sacred Sevenem is a comprehensive resource that will teach you the must-know knowledge and applied skills necessary to become a world-class PM that can get hired anywhere.bIn writing this book, we interviewed 67 product leads and hiring managers from 52 top companies around the world. bThey ranged f


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Product Management's Sacred Seven: The Skills Required to

Crush Product Manager Interviews and be a World-Class PM

(Fast Forward Your Product Career: The Two Books Required to

Land Any PM Job)


bAuthored by 3 Product Managers at Facebook, Google, and

Microsoft, bemProduct Management&#8217sSacred Sevenem

is a comprehensive resource that will teach you the must-know

knowledge and applied skills necessary to become a worldclass

PM that can get hired anywhere.bIn writing this book, we

interviewed 67 product leads and hiring managers from 52 top

companies around the world. bThey ranged from all the usual

FAANG suspects to darling unicorns such as Coinbase,

TikTok, and Grab. bWe asked everyone two simple

questions:bbWhat knowledge separates interview candidates

you hire from those you don't?bbWhat hard skills help PMs

advance their careers the fastest?bGiven that we talked to

product leaders across the world who worked in various

different countries and industries, we expected to see no clear

pattern in our responses. We were shocked to find a common

theme across all of our interviews. bThe knowledge and skills

which separated exceptional PMs from the rest all boiled down

to seven subjects: product design, economics, psychology,

user experience, data science, law &amppolicy, and marketing

&ampgrowth.bThe average PM excels at 2 or 3 of these

disciplines. A truly world-class product manager, however,

thrives in all 7.b Authored by the #1 bestselling authors of

Swipe to Unlock, this book blends case studies, theory, and

mental models to help you master these seven subjects and

fast forward your product career!bInside emProduct

Management&#8217sSacred Sevenem, you&#8217llfind realworld

examples from over four dozen companies, battle-tested

interview tips, and free access to a library of bonus video

content online.bTopics Covered: bProduct Development,

Hypothesis Testing, Market Selection, Prototyping, Product

Strategy, Business Models, Market Entry Strategies, Unit

Economics, Customer Economics, Product Segmentation,

Pricing Psychology, User Motivation, Creating Product

Stickiness &ampHabit, Gamification, Cognition &ampMental

Models, UX Principles, Product Usability, Light &ampDark

Patterns, Data Analysis, Experimentation Frameworks,

Product Metrics, Storytelling with Data, Antitrust Policy,

Intellectual Property, Platform Liability, Privacy, Employment

Law, Accessibility, Brand Building, Advertising, Growth

Hacking and much more!bFeatured Companies: bGoogle,

Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, TikTok, Snapchat, Apple,

Spotify, Uber, WeChat, Yelp, Tinder, Twitter, Tesla,

ByteDance, OnePlus, PayPal, LinkedIn, Airbnb, Pinterest,

Zillow, Visa, Salesforce, Asana, Robinhood, Adobe, Alibaba,

Netflix, Bloomberg, Shopify, Trello, Workday, Notion,

Nintendo, Glossier, Lyft, Telegram, Disney, and many

more!bRead Sacred Seven today to ace your PM interviews

and become a better product leader!b

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