Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition, Instructor’s Manual

Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition, Instructor’s Manual

Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition, Instructor’s Manual


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Van Horne and Wachowicz, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13 th edition, Instructor’s Manual


1. The principal advantage of the corporate form of business organization is that the

corporation has limited liability. The owner of a small family restaurant might be required

to personally guarantee corporate borrowings or purchases anyway, so much of this

advantage might be eliminated. The wealthy individual has more at stake and unlimited

liability might cause, one failing business to bring down the other healthy businesses.

2. The liability is limited to the amount of the investment in both the limited partnership and in

the corporation. However, the limited partner generally does not have a role in selecting the

management or in influencing the direction of the enterprise. On a pro rata basis,

stockholders are able to select management and affect the direction of the enterprise. Also,

partnership income is taxable to the limited partners as personal income whereas corporate

income is not taxed unless distributed to the stockholders as dividends.

3. With both a sole proprietorship and partnership, a major drawback is the legal liability of

the owners. It extends beyond the financial resources of the business to the owners

personally. Fringe benefits are not deductible as an expense. Also, both forms of

organization lack the corporate feature of “unlimited life”. With the partnership there are

problems of control and management. The ownership is not liquid when it comes to

planning for individual estates. Decision making can be cumbersome. An LLC generally

lacks the feature of “unlimited life”, and complete transfer of an ownership interest is

usually subject to the approval of at least a majority of the other LLC members.

4. The chief beneficiaries are smaller companies where the first $75,000 in taxable income is a

large portion, if not all, of their total taxable income.

5. Accelerated depreciation is used up to the point it is advantageous to switch to straight line

depreciation. A one-half year convention is followed in the first year, which reduces the

cost recovery in that year from what would otherwise be the case. Additionally, a one-half

year convention is followed in the year following the asset class. This pushes out the

depreciation schedule, which is disadvantageous from a present value standpoint. The

double declining balance method is used for the first four asset classes, 3, 5, 7 and 10 years.

The asset category determines the project’s depreciable life.

6. The immunity from each other’s taxing power dates back to the early part of the 19th

century. It used to apply to salaries of government employees as well. The exemption is

historical, and it is hard to rationalize from the standpoint of economic/taxing efficiency.


7. Personal tax rates are progressive up to a point, then become regressive.

8. With the differential taxation of ordinary income and capital gains, securities with a higher

likelihood of capital gains are tax advantaged. These include low dividend common stocks,

common stocks in general, discount bonds, real estate, and other investments of this sort.

9. Depreciation changes the timing of tax payments. The longer these payments can be

delayed, the better off the business is.

10. One advantage to S becoming a corporation occurs when investors have outside income

against which to use losses by the company. Even with no outside income, stockholders still

may find S to be advantageous. If dividends are paid, the stockholder under a S corporation


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