full ‹download› [pdf] Cemeteries of Northeast Ohio: Stones, Symbols and Stories

Copy link download bellow https://voidofcentury.blogspot.com/?sama=1598510258 Meet hundreds of Northeast Ohio&#8217 s most interesting permanent residents in this entertaining guide to more than 150 cemeteries and memorials.Our cemeteries are home to celebrities, villains, heroes, inventors, tycoons, and just plain folks. Their stories range from strange disasters to noble achievements&#8212 and just about everything in between. Come stroll among the markers and meet . . .&#8226 strong Royalty /strong , including &#8220 Polka King&#8221 Frankie Yankovic (p. 28), &#8220 True Queen of the Gypsies&#8221 Lizzie Ely (p. 175), and &#8220 Prince of Pickpockets&#8221 Louie Finkelstein (p. 32)&#8226 &#8220 strong World&#8217 s Strongest Man /strong &#8221 Stanley Radwan, who once bit in half a 5/8-inch-thick piece of steel (p. 27)&#8226 &#8220 strong International word sleuth /strong &#8221 David Guralnik, the editor who added &#8220 ain&#8217 t&#8221 to the dictionary (p. 15)&#8226 John Malvin, who arrived as a strong freed slave /strong and became the first American ship owner to bring his vessel through the port of Cleveland (p. 47)&#8226 Akron strong aviatrix /strong Mildred Natalie Stinaff, who set a record with 42 inside loops in 1930 and later died in her biplane (p. 272)&#8226 The strong giant /strong Captain Martin Van Buren Bates, discharged from the army because they couldn&#8217 t find a uniform large enough to fit him (p. 243)&#8226 strong Mob bos Copy link download bellow


Meet hundreds of Northeast Ohio&#8217 s most interesting permanent residents in this entertaining guide to more than 150 cemeteries and memorials.Our cemeteries are home to celebrities, villains, heroes, inventors, tycoons, and just plain folks. Their stories range from strange disasters to noble achievements&#8212 and just about everything in between. Come stroll among the markers and meet . . .&#8226 strong Royalty /strong , including &#8220 Polka King&#8221 Frankie Yankovic (p. 28), &#8220 True Queen of the Gypsies&#8221 Lizzie Ely (p. 175), and &#8220 Prince of Pickpockets&#8221 Louie Finkelstein (p. 32)&#8226 &#8220 strong World&#8217 s Strongest Man /strong &#8221 Stanley Radwan, who once bit in half a 5/8-inch-thick piece of steel (p. 27)&#8226 &#8220 strong International word sleuth /strong &#8221 David Guralnik, the editor who added &#8220 ain&#8217 t&#8221 to the dictionary (p. 15)&#8226 John Malvin, who arrived as a strong freed slave /strong and became the first American ship owner to bring his vessel through the port of Cleveland (p. 47)&#8226 Akron strong aviatrix /strong Mildred Natalie Stinaff, who set a record with 42 inside loops in 1930 and later died in her biplane (p. 272)&#8226 The strong giant /strong Captain Martin Van Buren Bates, discharged from the army because they couldn&#8217 t find a uniform large enough to fit him (p. 243)&#8226 strong Mob bos

Description :

Meet hundreds of Northeast Ohio&#8217s most interesting

permanent residents in this entertaining guide to more than

150 cemeteries and memorials.Our cemeteries are home to

celebrities, villains, heroes, inventors, tycoons, and just plain

folks. Their stories range from strange disasters to noble

achievements&#8212and just about everything in between.

Come stroll among the markers and meet . . .&#8226 strong

Royalty /strong , including &#8220Polka King&#8221 Frankie

Yankovic (p. 28), &#8220True Queen of the Gypsies&#8221

Lizzie Ely (p. 175), and &#8220Prince of Pickpockets&#8221

Louie Finkelstein (p. 32)&#8226 &#8220strong World&#8217s

Strongest Man /strong &#8221Stanley Radwan, who once bit

in half a 5/8-inch-thick piece of steel (p. 27)&#8226

&#8220strong International word sleuth /strong &#8221David

Guralnik, the editor who added &#8220ain&#8217t&#8221 to

the dictionary (p. 15)&#8226 John Malvin, who arrived as a

strong freed slave /strong and became the first American ship

owner to bring his vessel through the port of Cleveland (p.

47)&#8226 Akron strong aviatrix /strong Mildred Natalie

Stinaff, who set a record with 42 inside loops in 1930 and later

died in her biplane (p. 272)&#8226 The strong giant /strong

Captain Martin Van Buren Bates, discharged from the army

because they couldn&#8217t find a uniform large enough to fit

him (p. 243)&#8226 strong Mob boss /strong Angelo

&#8220Big Angie&#8221 Lonardo, who became the highestranking

crime figure to testify on behalf of the federal

government (p. 26)&#8226 Dr. Robert Holbrook Smith, strong

founder of Alcoholics Anonymous /strong &#8212twelve steps

lead up to the entrance of his house (p. 306)&#8226 Gertrude

Anna Harrison, the country&#8217s strong first

women&#8217s golf pro /strong and inventor of the golf-ball-

return machine (p. 104)&#8226 &#8220strong World&#8217s

richest man /strong &#8221John D. Rockefeller, on whose

400,000-pound(!) monument visitors still place shiny new

dimes (p. 102)&#8226 Ray Chapman, the only major league

baseball strong player killed by a pitch /strong (p. 105)&#8226

The &#8220Father of the American Christmas Tree&#8221 . . .

the inventor of the traffic light . . . Buffalo Bill&#8217s

grandfather . . . the relic bones of St. Christina . . . &#8226And

hundreds more!







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