Deepthi 2022

ദീപ്തി 2022 ഓർമ്മകളുടെ എഴുത്ത്പുസ്തകം നിങ്ങൾക്കായ് സമർപ്പിക്കുന്നു. സെമിനാരി ജീവിതത്തിന്റെ നിറങ്ങളും സ്പന്ദനങ്ങളും താളുകളിൽ നിറയുകയാണ്.വൈദിക ജീവിതത്തിന്റെ അക്ഷര ദൗത്യത്തെ വായിക്കുക അറിയുക....

ദീപ്തി 2022
ഓർമ്മകളുടെ എഴുത്ത്പുസ്തകം നിങ്ങൾക്കായ് സമർപ്പിക്കുന്നു. സെമിനാരി ജീവിതത്തിന്റെ നിറങ്ങളും സ്പന്ദനങ്ങളും താളുകളിൽ നിറയുകയാണ്.വൈദിക ജീവിതത്തിന്റെ അക്ഷര ദൗത്യത്തെ വായിക്കുക അറിയുക....


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innocent life? As children of God, we believe that

this pandemic occurred out of the knowledge of

God. His mercy shall transform this bitter into a

sweeter situation and it is for edification. In this

situation, it is appropriate for us to accept whatever

happens without thinking about its outcome.

In the situation, it is appropriate for us to accept

whatever happens without thinking about its outcome.

In the Epistle to Philippians, Paul wrote,

“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I will say Rejoice!”

This famous statement from Paul emerged

amid trials and tribulations.

This prompts us not to be too concerned with

these events in a negative way that causes anxiety,

in individuals, families, church or society as a

whole. Rather, we should hold on to God by praying

for the sick, confident that all things lead to

the benefit of humanity. We truly mourn with

those who suffer and we share their feelings without

falling into anxiety or despair, but rather asking

God’s support. The Holy Bible assures hope

amid a pandemic like this. For example, when

Jesus healed the blind man Jesus pointed the finger

at “the works of God should be made manifest

in him.” The cultural inclination of His disciples

was very obvious in their question - “who

did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born

blind?” N. T. Wright calls our attention to see

“what is God now going to do?”

God always tells people to work together to

strengthen the world; not to ask what has gone

wrong, but to seek ways to make sure that doesn’t

happen again. It simply means to learn a lesson

from a life-threatening issue to construct a theology

for edifying the coming generation. The

present generation has already been confronted

with the suffering of the pandemic. How can it be

a theological hermeneutical tool for a generation

that is to come? When we look back through

church history, there have been many epidemics,

pandemics, plagues etc. The church leaders attempt

to strengthen the church members in faith,

those things were chosen as hermeneutical tools

to demonstrate how the church was vibrant in

front of those sufferings. An effort to see God as a

“loving God” instead of the “malevolent angry old

gods,” has been remaining as a challenging call to

the public. The core element of the mystery of

the Incarnation of God the Son is none other than

divine word became a human word that human

word has become capax Dei, that is, capable of

speaking about the unbounded love of God.

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Experiencing Divine Economy with the Sufferings

of the People of God: A New Hermeneutics

The Bible and history give us examples, whether

of holy or wicked people who fell into many hardships

and sufferings. Some walked as befitting of

them as the people of God and God was glorified

in them, and they won the crowns of victory, while

others have gone astray and because of temptations,

returned to the living faith and gained salvation.

We cannot also forget those who even amid

their sufferings, complained about God and considered

Him to be cruel instead of repenting and

returning to God. These people could not benefit

from the tribulations, despite God’s long patience

for them.

Here the words of N. T. Wright deserve special

attention. When something bad happens, people

started saying “it’s because God has got it in for

us, or God wants us to repent or something like

that.” This is not justifiable to the Bible and the

response of the early church as well during a pandemic.

Amid Covid-19 Pandemic we all need to be

more practical. N. T. Wright finds out the inspiration

of the early church to intend in that way.

Since Gospel is all about “new creation” they see

this approach as not an adjunct to the Gospel, but

as part of the Gospel itself. According to him “new

creation” is not just something you sit back and

let happen to you. Then what it is? He elaborates,

“It’s something that by the Holy Spirit because

we are caught up in the movement of the love of

God you get on and do what you can.”

Today’s Participation in Divine Economy by

Serving a Wounded World

Here the term “Wounded World” typifies

“Wounded Christ” on the cross. In Him, we see

the entire humanity. He was completely isolated

from society even His relatives and disciples keep

themselves afar.

One of the most recent responses was a document

published by the World Council of Churches

(WCC) and the Pontifical Council for Interreligious

Dialogue (PCID). Serving a Wounded World

in Interreligious Solidarity describes itself as a response

to the question “What does it mean for

Christians to love and serve our fellow human

beings in a world in which the Covid-19 pandemic

has inflicted widespread suffering?”

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