Deepthi 2022

ദീപ്തി 2022 ഓർമ്മകളുടെ എഴുത്ത്പുസ്തകം നിങ്ങൾക്കായ് സമർപ്പിക്കുന്നു. സെമിനാരി ജീവിതത്തിന്റെ നിറങ്ങളും സ്പന്ദനങ്ങളും താളുകളിൽ നിറയുകയാണ്.വൈദിക ജീവിതത്തിന്റെ അക്ഷര ദൗത്യത്തെ വായിക്കുക അറിയുക....

ദീപ്തി 2022
ഓർമ്മകളുടെ എഴുത്ത്പുസ്തകം നിങ്ങൾക്കായ് സമർപ്പിക്കുന്നു. സെമിനാരി ജീവിതത്തിന്റെ നിറങ്ങളും സ്പന്ദനങ്ങളും താളുകളിൽ നിറയുകയാണ്.വൈദിക ജീവിതത്തിന്റെ അക്ഷര ദൗത്യത്തെ വായിക്കുക അറിയുക....


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fold mission of Christ and the Church. Since the

Church herself is the prolongation of Christ, it is

true to say that Christ’s triple mission as prophet,

priest and king is the constitutive element of her

mission. The same triple function of Christ and

the Church is also to be found in the domestic


The threefold missionary role of the Christian

family through its self-giving love and faith. As a

sharer in the life and mission of the Church, which

listens to the word of God with reverence and proclaims

it confidently, the Christian family fulfils

its prophetic role by welcoming and announcing

the word of God: it thus becomes more and more

each day a believing and evangelizing community.

Karl Rahner relates the mission of the Christian

family with the Church’s own mission. He

says that as baptized persons the members of the

family act in a manner which is precisely proper

to the Church and manifests the sign of love which

witnesses to God. Therefore they become capable

missionaries of the Church through participation

in the Trinity-centred threefold mission. Briefly we

shall look at the participation of the Christian family

in the threefold mission of the Church. Through

its mission the family makes the Church present

in this world.

1. The Priestly Mission of the Family

St. Peter wrote, “You are a royal priesthood” (I

Pet. 2:5, 9). This refers to the common priesthood

of all believers so as to “declare the wonderful

deeds of Him who called us out of darkness into

His marvellous light” (I Pet. 2:9). In the church of

the home, all family members are priests by virtue

of baptism, and all offer spiritual sacrifices to

God through the daily fabric of family exchange.

In the domestic sanctuary, each believer is a priest

for each other.

However, the priesthood of the parents involves

the responsibility to present God to their children

and their children to God. The preisthood of the

parents is based on their love toward God which

they exercise in their daily life. In order to establish

a relationship between God and their children,

parents should seek this through their family

prayer. Praying parents give an authentic example

for their children of their love toward God. The

children are capable of sensing the inner spirit of

faith and love of their parents.

“Lay people share in Christ’s priesthood: ever

more united with him, they exhibit the grace of

Zo]vXn 2022

Baptism and Confirmation in all dimensions of

their personal, family, social and ecclesial lives, and

so fulfil the call to holiness addressed to all the


As a Church in miniature, the family is really a

priestly community based on a sacrament. In the

family through their conjugal union husband and

wife manifest God’s love for his Church and they

form together a Trinitarian icon. In marriage they

exercise the baptismal priesthood or common

priesthood of Christians in a privileged way. The

family carries out the priesthood of the faithful

through daily liturgical and sacrificial life.

“It is here that the father of the family, the

mother, children, and all members of the family

exercise the priesthood of th baptized in a privileged

way by the reception of the sacraments,

prayer and thanksgiving, the witness of a holy life,

and self-denial and active charity.”

Every prayer of this Christian community is

truly a sacrificial and priestly prayer, whether it

be grace at meals, the breaking of bread, the family

prayer, or Mass together, where they join with

all the other churches in miniature to intensify even

more the presence of Christ.

Through the priestly mission of the parents,

they themselves and the children begin to accept

God as their king and try to bring his kingdom

into their family through the Christian life.

2. The Prophetic Mission of the Christian Family

By virtue of their prophetic mission, lay people

are called to be witnesses to Christ in all circumstances

and at the very heart of the community of

mankin. The Christian family fulfils its prophetic

role by welcoming and announcing the word of

God: it thus becomes more and more each day a

believing and evangelizing community.

Through the sacrament of marriage God makes

them a sign of his loving covenant between Jesus

Christ and his bride, the Church. They bear a special

vocation to be witnesses to the Gospel in the

contemporary world. In and through the events,

problems, difficulties, and circumstances of everyday

life, God comes to them, revealing and

presenting the concrete demands of their sharing

in the love of Christ for his Church in the particular

family, social, and ecclesial situation in which

they find themselves. As part of their prophetic

role married couples are also called to allow the

newness and the power of the Gospel to shine out

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