SHILL Issue 50

Solana ecosystem zine

Solana ecosystem zine


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#<strong>SHILL</strong><br />


NFThrilling<br />

interview with<br />

JamesJohnson<br />


Justjulia explains<br />

why, what & when<br />

degods & deadgods<br />

should you? this is the q!<br />

growth trends<br />

venticapital spills the beans<br />

dexterlab tools<br />

dexterlab tools<br />

are these tools what you<br />

have been looking for?<br />

ISSUE #<strong>50</strong><br />

0.2 ◎

In<br />

THIS<br />

ISSUE<br />

<strong>50</strong><br />


4<br />

FROM<br />

6<br />

26<br />

30<br />

31<br />

38<br />

40<br />

46<br />

74<br />


So much to write. So little<br />

space.<br />

NFThrilling Interview<br />

He’s back with another quality<br />

interview, definite #alpha<br />


JustJulia talks about her<br />

genesis project #alpha<br />

Probably Nothing<br />

CredibleCrypto sounds the<br />

alarm. Are you listening? #alpha<br />

SolsWatch<br />

Is there anything this tool can’t<br />

do? #alpha<br />

Barndog & Metaverse<br />

At it again with the latest news<br />

and insights #alpha<br />

DeGods and DeadGods<br />

Got DeGod? Should you<br />

DeaadGod? #alpha<br />

Growth Trends<br />

VentiCapital with some ever so<br />

subtle #alpha<br />

Dexterlab Tools<br />

Yet another tool offering- is<br />

this different? #alpha<br />


the<br />

from<br />

EDITOR<br />

A milestone.<br />

<strong>50</strong> issues.<br />

Something old. Something new. Something borrowed. Something blue.<br />

That’s what issue <strong>50</strong> is all about. Looking back, looking forward, and reflecting on ‘now’. If you<br />

have been along on this roadtrip with #Shill then you have been privy to the NFT works of at<br />

least 25 people per issue. That’s over 12<strong>50</strong> NFT artists since we first started back in Oct 2021.<br />

6 months ago almost to the day!<br />

I would like to thank those that have been tried and true readers of the zine over the months. I<br />

really appreciate your support, readership and retweets. I am hoping that the zines are worth<br />

your time and that artists that have been featured have managed to garner new supporters and<br />

followers as a result.<br />

<strong>Issue</strong> <strong>50</strong> breaks the boundaries yet again. 98 pages! Show me another blockchain zine that gives<br />

you this much value, weekly. Get out there and share it with your friends! #Shill is aiming for 10,<br />

000 views weekly by the end of 2022- 8<strong>50</strong>0 views at the moment. Let’s apply the 6 degrees of<br />

separation and retweet it to your network of friends.<br />

This is the week that DeGods launched DeadGods- a huge success and a worthy upgrade worth<br />

the 1000 Dust conversion. I’m looking forward to DeadGods reaching a 400 floor. You heard it<br />

here first.<br />

Newcomer JustJulia shares her project Cyber Geisha’s and her foray into NFT. Send her your<br />

support and welcome her to the Solana ecosystem as you do every other newcomer!<br />

NFThrilling is back. This man is a workhorse. Holding down an IRL demanding job, family life<br />

and children while finding the time to chase down NFT artists and run an interview qith them.<br />

To top it off, he translates the English article into Italian for our Italian Solana family. The man is<br />

a legend! Follow him TWICE!<br />

News on the MonkeDAO token in this issue. Something to look forward to?<br />

The PFP I’m sporting? StonedMutantz as featured in the last issue. I liked it so much, put an<br />

offer in and there it is. Unique!<br />

Almost every article in this issue is true ALPHA. If you can’t be bothered to read an article or two<br />

during your daily commute then you truly NGMI. Come on #frens show the love. Hit the artists<br />

up on Twitter. Tell the writer’s you read their articles. Give back a little!<br />

As always, show your love on the Twittersphere with a simple retweet.<br />

Enough said. You know the drill. Let’s f go!<br />

Pixeltoy<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong>

Keep your eye on...<br />

chonkee_monkee<br />


<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong><br />


Ciao James (James Johnson Official - @Official_JamesJ) .. quando ho visto<br />

questo tuo lavoro ho avuto un'emozione .. quello che chiamo<br />

@NFThrilling vibe,<br />

potresti descrivermi<br />

questo bellissimo lavoro,<br />

prima di iniziare<br />

A causa della crescente<br />

ansia nella discordia<br />

pubblica causata dalle<br />

continue segnalazioni di<br />

paura e perdita riportate 24<br />

ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7 da<br />

parte dei media e dei<br />

governi durante il covid, ho<br />

voluto creare una serie per<br />

spazzare via la narrativa di<br />

cotrollo di ciò che ci stava<br />

controllando. La paura della<br />

morte. E se la morte<br />

decidesse di non essere più<br />

morte? Come sarebbe<br />

vedere la morte solo come<br />

un altro essere umano, che si<br />

fa strada attraverso la vita?<br />

E se potessi dare una svolta<br />

umoristica alla serie per<br />

togliere ancora più ansia<br />

dall'argomento, più forte<br />

sarebbe il contrappeso nel messaggio per non temere ciò che è intorno a noi.<br />

Cominciamo davvero.. Se dovessi descriverti, in poche ma essenziali<br />

parole, cosa diresti?<br />

Artista, inventore, umorista, curioso, romantico, consapevole del tempo che mi<br />

resta, pensatore che vede il bicchiere mezzo pieno.<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong>

Cominciamo.. nell'universo crypto e NFT (come nell'arte tradizionale,<br />

Banksy docet) l'anonimato è diffuso, cosa ne pensi e come ti avvicini al<br />

pubblico (raccontaci del tuo nome o nome d'arte)?<br />

Capisco perché possa esserci bisogno che la maggior parte delle persone non<br />

rivelino se stessi. Potrebbe essere per una miriade di motivi, alcuni buoni, altri<br />

meno. Essendo stato sotto gli occhi del pubblico ormai da alcuni decenni, non<br />

credo che potrei diventare anonimo ora, lol.<br />

Io stesso, scherzo sul fatto che ho il nome più comune al mondo, quindi in realtà<br />

usare il mio vero nome invece di un soprannome ha più o meno lo stesso effetto.<br />

Nell'arte NFT, quali sono le tecniche che ami, quelle che ti caratterizzano<br />

e quelle in cui vorresti cimentarti?<br />

Apprezzo qualsiasi arte realizzata tradizionalmente (nessun pulsante “annulla”<br />

lol). Per quanto riguarda la tecnica, attualmente sto creando il mio stile artistico<br />

inconfondibile con una penna a immersione molto vecchia e un pennino con<br />

inchiostro. Tratteggio incrociato per<br />

dare un bellissimo tocco vintage a<br />

ogni pezzo. Mi piace il digitale.<br />

Dipingo, scolpisco, animazioni sia<br />

tradizionali che digitali. Non c’è<br />

davvero niente che non abbia provato,<br />

e anzi ho persino inventato tecniche e<br />

processi artistici, per esempio… sto<br />

preparandomi a depositare il brevetto<br />

per un'invenzione che permette ai non<br />

vedenti di “vedere” un'immagine su<br />

una superficie piana non ruvida.<br />

Quanto tempo dedichi all'arte. Quando hai iniziato a percepirti come<br />

Artista?<br />

La famiglia ha avuto l'idea che sarei diventato un artista a 2 anni. A 4 anni in età<br />

prescolare, un insegnante ha accidentalmente messo la mia arte con la classe dei<br />

6 anni per il concorso artistico della scuola elementare. Ho vinto. Questo ha<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong><br />


praticamente detto a tutti in che direzione stavo andando, lol. La prima vendita<br />

professionale è stata a 13 anni e lo faccio per quasi 45 anni.<br />

Cerco di usare più tempo<br />

possibile per creare arte,<br />

starò sveglio fino alle 7 del<br />

mattino ultimamente per<br />

portare a termine il lavoro.<br />

Fortunatamente non è mai<br />

stato un lavoro per me,<br />

vado in questo tipo di<br />

trance quando lavoro,<br />

quindi è quasi come<br />

guardare qualcun altro<br />

creare cose davanti a me.<br />

Strano, ma per me è sempre<br />

stato così.<br />

Vorresti raccontare brevemente da dove viene il tuo lavoro artistico.<br />

Com'è il tuo ambiente di lavoro. Se lo cambieresti e come?<br />

Di solito lavoro nella mia stanza sul retro trasformata in studio. Ho un grande<br />

tavolo da disegno, un computer con una Wacom cintiq da 24 pollici e 2 grandi<br />

iMac e il mio mobile<br />

preferito... un vero banco di<br />

animazione Disney su cui<br />

non vedo l'ora di tornare<br />

per creare alcuni progetti<br />

che ho pianificato. Oh, e più<br />

libri di quanti ne abbia<br />

praticamente una<br />

biblioteca (oltre 17.000<br />

libri, riviste, fumetti e<br />

graphic novel, e in<br />

continua crescita!). Ecco la<br />

foto della scrivania<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong>

dell'animazione Disney. Non posso fotografare i libri perché al momento sono in<br />

un'enorme quantità di scatole nel mio seminterrato finché non posso costruire<br />

nuove scaffalature.<br />

Come crei le tue opere. Qual è l'ispirazione per te. Cosa provi mentre crei.<br />

Qual è (se presente) il messaggio implicito nelle tue opere/collezioni.<br />

Vorresti descrivere, in poche parole, una delle tue opere a tua scelta?<br />

La domanda più difficile e tuttavia più facile a cui rispondere per me. Tutto mi<br />

ispira. Per quanto riguarda i messaggi, sono ovunque, ma non è che voglio che<br />

qualcuno conosca il mio messaggio o le mie emozioni nel mio lavoro, sono le<br />

emozioni degli spettatori che voglio che il mio lavoro tragga da loro. A causa del<br />

mio amore per tutto ciò che è vintage,<br />

qualche tempo fa stavo guardando un libro<br />

di storia della fotografia e ho visto questo<br />

bellissimo ritratto in tonalità seppia di una<br />

donna elegante. Volendo non copiarlo<br />

direttamente, ho provato a disegnarla in<br />

Procreate usando una tavolozza di colori<br />

molto limitata e una punta di pennello<br />

digitale che non viene utilizzata per i<br />

dettagli, sia per sfidarmi che per<br />

costringermi a pensare fuori dagli schemi<br />

durante la creazione di questo disegno.<br />

Come vedi gli NFT in 3/5/10 anni. E tu?<br />

Totalmente in evoluzione e diversi da<br />

quello che attualmente sono là fuori. Sto<br />

lavorando a un progetto pfp che è<br />

radicalmente diverso da qualsiasi altra<br />

cosa là fuori, sia nello stile artistico che<br />

nella funzionalità. Dubito che nessun altro abbia creato prima un 1 1/2 pfp, lol.<br />

Spero che tra 10 anni le persone apprezzeranno il lavoro che ho creato, le<br />

innovazioni che voglio introdurre nello spazio e, cosa più importante per me, di<br />

apprezzare le amicizie che costruisco con gli altri.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong><br />


C'è qualcosa che desideri davvero e che speri di poter realizzare nei<br />

prossimi anni anche grazie alla tua arte? Qual è il tuo sogno o aspirazione<br />

più grande. E nel presente, cosa ti eccita. C'è qualcosa che vorresti e che<br />

ancora non hai (a parte una lambo ovviamente)?<br />

Finché posso guadagnarmi da vivere facendo la mia arte, tutto è d'oro! In futuro,<br />

spero che gli artisti NFT in giro ispirino le future generazioni a prendere lo spazio<br />

NFT e renderlo molto di più di ciò che è ora.<br />

Cosa ne pensi delle varie blockchain e dei relativi NFT. Cosa determina la<br />

tua preferenza tra una chain o l'altra? Cosa consiglieresti a un artista che<br />

desidera coniare il suo primo NFT?<br />

Questa domanda è interessante per me e posso rispondere personalmente. Ho<br />

iniziato su Solana l'ultimo giorno di settembre 2021 e negli ultimi mesi ho avuto<br />

questo grande richiamo da artisti e sostenitori su Ethereum per farmi andare lì.<br />

Seguendo l'osservazione personale, ho visto molti tratti simili e alcuni tratti<br />

completamente opposti tra Sol ed Eth. Entrambi hanno comunità solide e unite,<br />

artisti straordinari e incredibili, ed entrambi hanno così tanto da offrire e<br />

contenuti saggi per rendere ogni ecosistema di successo.<br />

Qui è dove vedo alcuni problemi però. C'è un modo di pensare della squadra<br />

sportiva che dice "la mia squadra è migliore della tua squadra"... che può<br />

diventare qualcosa di molto tossico se le cose non iniziano a cambiare.<br />

Io stesso, sono sia su Sol che su Eth e consiglierei di andare multichain a qualsiasi<br />

artista, vecchio o nuovo nello spazio. Non aspettare che i tuoi collezionisti<br />

vengano da te, vai tu da loro..<br />

Quali artisti NFT (se ci sono) hanno influenzato il tuo stile. Chi è il più<br />

talentuoso. Il più intelligente. Il più creativo... Mi consiglieresti il<br />

prossimo artista 1:1 da intervistare. Hai una domanda che vorresti fargli?<br />

Il mio stile è stato impostato molto tempo fa, molto prima che nascessero gli NFT,<br />

quindi la domanda non è applicabili a me, sono vecchio, lol. E per quanto riguarda<br />

chi è più talentuoso, intelligente o creativo nello spazio in questo momento, lo è<br />

chiunque abbia mosso i passi necessari per creare i suoi primi NFT. Questo è un<br />

nuovo orizzonte nel mondo dell'arte che solo chi ha fiducia nella propria visione<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong>

artistica ha colto. Quelli che cambieranno idea e saliranno a bordo più tardi sono<br />

quelli che diranno sempre a se stessi "Vorrei averlo fatto prima". Mi piacerebbe<br />

intervistare mia figlia Kailey (@kaileyajohnson), che è una fotografa<br />

professionista e fotografa emergente nello spazio NFT. La domanda che vorrei<br />

porre è "quale fotografia hai scattato che pensi rappresenti al meglio il tuo stile<br />

distintivo?". Lo farò senz’altro <br />

Che consiglio daresti a qualcuno che vuole andare per la tua strada. E ai<br />

collezionisti che vogliono avvicinarsi al mondo NFT?<br />

Abbiate fiducia in voi stessi e in quello che fate, con tutto, compreso l'arte.<br />

Per i collezionisti, ho insegnato alla gente che c'è una differenza tra essere un<br />

collezionista d'arte e un sostenitore d'arte. Il collezionismo va benissimo, ma<br />

posso dare a tutti un esempio del perché essere un sostenitore dell'arte è molto<br />

più prezioso per lo spazio NFT per farlo sopravvivere. Quando un artista mette<br />

all'asta un pezzo, il collezionista entrerà all'ultimo minuto per fare l'offerta<br />

vincente SE ricorda che l'asta è ancora in corso. Non posso iniziare a dire a tutti<br />

quante volte ho sentito "mi sono dimenticato che l'asta stava finendo o avrei fatto<br />

un'offerta" o "un malfunzionamento del computer o del sistema di rete non ha<br />

consentito un'offerta dell'ultimo minuto". In tutti questi casi, l'artista ha perso<br />

una potenziale vendita e reddito.<br />

Un sostenitore d'arte è la persona che inizia l'offerta all'inizio di un'asta, sapendo<br />

che potrebbe essere superata alla fine se non risponde all'offerta, ma fa la sua<br />

offerta per assicurarsi che l'artista abbia una sorta di sostegno finanziario e<br />

incoraggiamento a continuare a creare la sua arte. La maggior parte non lo sa,<br />

ma ci sono state alcune dozzine di artisti che hanno già abbandonato la creazione<br />

di NFT a causa della percepita mancanza di interesse per il loro lavoro. E se solo<br />

un'offerta fosse fatta all'inizio di un'asta per mostrare interesse per il loro lavoro<br />

invece di perdere l'occasione di fare un'offerta alla fine con l'artista che non<br />

guadagna nulla, alcuni artisti MOLTO talentuosi sarebbero ancora qui cercando<br />

di guadagnarsi da vivere con la loro opera d'arte. Una vera perdita per tutti noi.<br />

Ok, un ultimo giro! Il tuo miglior valore. Il tuo peggior difetto Il miglior libro<br />

o quello che ti ha cambiato la vita. Il miglior film di tutti i tempi. La "pittura"<br />

IRL che ti piace di più. L'ultima volta che ti sei ubriacato. Se potessi<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong><br />


trascorrere una giornata con un artista (anche del passato), chi<br />

sceglieresti. E dove lo porteresti?<br />

Miglior valore: la mia libertà di esprimere amore verso gli altri. Peggiore difetto:<br />

sempre preoccupato per gli altri, anche a mio danno. I migliori libri: Bibbia e<br />

Canto di Natale. Miglior film - Giù le mani Charlie Chaplins City Lights... Sfido<br />

CHIUNQUE a non piangere alla fine di quel film... è impossibile! Miglior dipinto<br />

IRL: The Nut Gatherers, o qualcosa di Bougereau, o Norman Rockwell, o JC<br />

Leyendecker, o Rembrandt, o Richard Estes, o Chuck Close, o... L'ultima volta che<br />

sono stato ubriaco: non bevo, non fumo, non mi drogo... Sono l'eterno guidatore<br />

designato per gli altri. Trascorri una giornata con un artista: Da Vinci, mi<br />

piacerebbe fare una sessione artistica all'italiana con lui. E visitare la Cappella<br />

Sistina per sentirlo lamentarsi di Michelangelo, lol.<br />

L'intervista è finita Mi hai<br />

emozionato tantissimo James<br />

Johnson (@Official_JamesJ)<br />

grazie ! Un'ultima cosa. Lo<br />

faresti un NFT ispirato da<br />

questa intervista? Se sì, farà<br />

parte della prima collezione<br />

intitolata "#openheARTist -<br />

self portrait" o chissà.. siete<br />

voi gli artisti .. perché l'arte è<br />

nel cuore dell'artista, e a noi<br />

piace che sia aperta.<br />

To Be Continued<br />

<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong>

Hi James (James Johnson Official - @Official_JamesJ) .. when I saw this piece<br />

of work of yours I got an emotion .. what I call @NFThrilling vibe .. could you<br />

describe this<br />

beautiful work to<br />

me, before starting ,<br />

please…<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

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<br />

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<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

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<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Let's begin .. in the crypto and NFT universe (as in traditional art, Banksy<br />

docet) anonymity is widespread, what do you think abt it and how do you<br />

approach the public (your stage name is very cool indeed)?<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong><br />


on’t think I could be undoxxed, <br />

<br />

<br />

Let's truly begin .. If you had to describe yourself, in a few but essential<br />

words, what would you say?<br />

<br />

<br />

In NFT art, what are the<br />

techniques you love, the ones that<br />

characterize you, and the ones<br />

you would like to try your hand<br />

at?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

haven’t tried, and have actually invented art techniq <br />

example… <br />

“see” a image on a non textured <br />

How much time do you dedicate to art. When did you begin to perceive<br />

yourself as an Artist?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong>

Luckily it’s never been work for me, I go into this kind<br />

of trance when I work so it’s<br />

me. Weird, but it’s<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Would you like to briefly<br />

tell where your artistic<br />

work comes from. What is<br />

your work environment<br />

like. Would u change it and<br />

how?<br />

<br />

<br />

a 24” Wacommy favorite piece of furniture… a<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

can’t take photos <br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

How you create your<br />

works. What is<br />

inspiration for you. What<br />

do you feel while you<br />

create. What is (if any)<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong><br />


the implicit message in your works / collections. Would you like to describe,<br />

in a few words, one of your works of your choice?<br />

<br />

As for messages, it’s all over the place, but it’s no<br />

message or emotions in my work, it’s the viewers <br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

and a digital brush tip that’s not used for<br />

<br />

<br />

.<br />

How you see the NFTs in 3/5/10 years.<br />

And yourself? <br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

I’ve created <br />

<br />

<br />

Is there something that you really want and that you hope to be able to<br />

achieve in the next years also thanks to your art? What is your biggest<br />

dream or aspiration. And in the present, what excites you. Is there<br />

something you would like and still don't have (apart from lambo of course)?<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong>

What do you think of the various blockchains and related NFTs. What<br />

determines your preference between one chain or the other? What would<br />

you recommend to an artist wishing to mint their first NFT?<br />

<br />

<br />

I’ve had this huge pull from artists and supporters on Ethereum to have me<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

problems though. There is a sports team way of thinking going on of “my team<br />

is better than your team”… that can become something very toxic if things don’t<br />

<br />

o that to any artist, old or new to the space. Don’t wait for your<br />

<br />

Which NFT artists (if any) have influenced your style. Who is the most<br />

talented. The most intelligent. The most creative.. Would you recommend<br />

the next 1: 1 artist to interview. Do you have a question you would like to<br />

ask him/her?<br />

My style has been set sooooo long ago, way before NFT’s came to be, so that<br />

parts not applicable to me, I’m old, lol. And as for who’s <br />

<br />

steps necessary to create their first NFT’s. This is a new horizon in the art world<br />

<br />

<br />

to themselves “I wish I would of done this sooner”.<br />

<br />

<br />

“what photograph have you taken that you think represents your signature<br />

style the best?”I would love too <br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong><br />


What advice would you give to someone who wants to go your own way. And<br />

to collectors who want to approach the NFT world?<br />

<br />

For the collectors, I’ve been teaching people there is a <br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

auction is still going. I can’t begin to tell everyone how many times I’ve heard “I<br />

was going or I would have bid” or “a computer<br />

system didn’t allow for a last minute bid”. In all those<br />

<br />

<br />

the end if they don’t counter bid back,<br />

<br />

their art. Most don’t know,<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Ok, one last lap! Your best value. Your worst flaw. The best book or the one<br />

that changed your life. The best movie of all time. The IRL “painting” you<br />

like best. The last time you got drunk. If you could spend a day with an artist<br />

(even from the past), who would you choose. And where would you take it?<br />

<br />

<br />

City Lights… I dare<br />

o cry at the end of that movie…it’s impossible!<br />

<br />

Rembrandt, or Richard Estes, or Chuck Close, or…<br />

don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t do drugs… I’m th <br />

18<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong>

The interview is over U thrilled me so much James Johnson<br />

(@Official_JamesJ) thank you! One last thing. Would you make it an NFT<br />

inspired by this interview? If yes, it will be part of the first collection entitled<br />

"#openheARTist - self portrait" or whatelse .. because art is in the heart of<br />

the artist, and we love it open.<br />

To Be Continued <br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong><br />









JustJulialo<br />

I am Julia, an architect and interior designer. I decided to enter the Solana space to give me an opportunity to learn<br />

from the world of NFTS. I have only been in the space for a few months, but the community fascinates me. I thought<br />

why not try my own collection since I can express myself with my art! And give something in exchange to the community<br />

for the support.<br />

I’m expressing my passion and personal ideas through unique designs and drawings. This project is not<br />

exclusive to art collectors, but it must be stated that it is purely based on Geisha art.<br />

I want to get my art out there in the NFT marketplace with a long-term commitment to the project. The<br />

main idea is to develop a series of stories that follow the rise and fall of the geishas in a cyber-like reality<br />

and publish it as value added for the NFT holders. Tokens/staking is a possibility though nothing is set in<br />

stone. I think the NFT world is lacking a strong feminine presence and the Geishas are an incredible representation<br />

of the gracefulness and resilience of women. I hope to reach people’s minds and hearts by showing<br />

them a piece of myself represented in the art.<br />

It is an art-centred project with a great story behind. Essentially, as this is an elaborate art project, I suggest<br />

that you only join if you really like the lore and the art. Please don’t mint if this is not for you. I understand<br />

this is not for everyone.<br />

I decided to create geisha as part of my collection, I did a little research,<br />

and I did not see many projects or collections of these beautiful women!<br />

What better way to express femininity than a geisha. I also love Japanese<br />

culture, and hope to visit Japan someday and learn from it.<br />

It gets loud out there…<br />

Ecosystems are an intricate thing, and Solana isn’t free of imperfections<br />

and noise. At the early stages, an ecosystem undergoes incremental change.<br />

Change in its norms, change in its nexus, change in its environment. If it<br />

overcomes external shocks and internal competition for resources, it has<br />

the potential to stabilise and grow resilient. At the current stage of the<br />

Solana ecosystem, projects are still adhering to all sorts of standards and<br />

paradigms, intending to bring novelties onto the table. This is good, for<br />

it is imperative that a healthy ecosystem contains a heterogeneous pool of<br />

actors seeking to provide value in different manners. In fact, it is an evolutionary<br />

process that occurs both in nature and in artificially manufactured<br />

environments. Many of those projects sitting at the top of the food chain<br />

advise other projects to “do something unique and new’’, and in the search<br />

for that novel idea, many have recurred to intricate premises and complex<br />

(sometimes magical and debunked) economic strategies to provide value<br />

to holders and investors. And it gets really loud out there…<br />

Is this getting too complicated?<br />

Solana is a powerful platform to be selling NFTs. It has the quality of a well-functioning ecosystem; it has<br />

traits that promise self-sufficiency and enough potential to be worth investing in. Their communities have<br />

a long trajectory, but let’s not deny the fact that with so many new actors at play, so many interconnections<br />

and complex relations, the visions of such new projects become fuzzy and hard to grasp. Yes, projects<br />

should offer value besides the art. Yes, projects can and should be ambitious. But there is a point, right then<br />

in a regular morning when you are re-reading whitepapers after whitepapers, doing the maths in your head<br />

of future tokens meant to be deflationary, when you put your coffee mug down on the coaster you got as<br />

a gift from a friend that went once to Barcelona, and you sigh as you lean back on your gaming chair and<br />

think to yourself: “this is getting too complicated”.<br />

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It’s all about simplicity…<br />

Before you say anything, let me clarify that I’m not picking on projects that<br />

either I don’t understand or are trying to be innovative. What I’m saying<br />

is that when I pick up my coffee again, take a sip and think about my NFT<br />

portfolio, I think of the pictures in there. Beautiful miniature pictures on<br />

my computer with a concept that somehow drew my attention and almost<br />

hypnotised me into buying them. You see, I used to play MTG, and more<br />

often than not I would trade cards based on the picture and not on the<br />

rarity. Yes, rare cards used to have more intricate and detailed art, especially<br />

legendary ones, but you could see the immense amount of work put into less<br />

rarer cards (if you have the time, google Boneshard Slasher to see what I mean).<br />

Or, sometimes, the art just spoke to me (search for Kev Walker), and the<br />

short texts that appeared at the bottom. That small square was enough to<br />

drag me into another reality, a reality where strange, unfathomable creatures<br />

existed. Where heroes fought for honour and I was the architect of their<br />

fate (sometimes even siding with the obviously bad guys). That small frame<br />

would take me into floating Islands, fiery mountains, and deadly swamps,<br />

and I was the one to blame if I died.<br />

Finding silence in the noise.<br />

Sometimes we forget why we do the things we do. I know I do. I get all caught up in a video game, get tilted<br />

and forget why I was playing it in the first place: to have fun. Same with NFTs. Sometimes I go around the<br />

internet looking through business propositions and value offerings, but after careful research I understand<br />

that even if their strategies are viable, the implementation and long-term commitment is fully out of the<br />

communities’ control. So, I resort to what drew me into the NFT world in the first place. Miniature pictures.<br />

Art. Collectibles. Stories. Enthusiastic communities with amazing ideas. Fan fictions and inspiring pictures<br />

of fantastical sceneries. An escape. But an escape where you don’t run, you engage. Where there is communal<br />

value, mutual respect, support, and friendships. Where we hold value in our hands and are just ecstatic to<br />

show it off in space. Where we trade ideas and visions of the future and bet on the art that speaks to us the<br />

most. The Cyber Geisha NFT Project<br />

embodies those principles. Honest art.<br />

Honest lore. Overall, an honest project<br />

that needs to be no more than what it<br />

is: an artistic expression meant to be held<br />

and looked at. Meant to intrigue you, to<br />

amaze you, to bring you closer to the<br />

idea that true value is subjective and<br />

sometimes you must remember why<br />

you are here in the first place. The Cyber<br />

Geisha NFT project is a love-letter<br />

to everyone out there doing what they<br />

love and staying true to their visions.<br />

A little reminder that sometimes simplicity<br />

is precious.<br />

-Loremaster Bode and JLD<br />

Disintegrated Auction coming soon<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong><br />






@CredibleCrypto - 320k followers<br />

$ZIL up nearly 6x in two weeks and $LTC<br />

seems to be setting up similarly from<br />

a technical perspective...this next leg<br />

up across the board is gonna be fun<br />

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OVER 5Sol & TOP NFT<br />

SolsWatch<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong><br />


the ASTRONAUT<br />

The Astronaut @thexastronaut

the ASTRONAUT<br />


PURPLEanalysis<br />




grapeprotocol<br />


STEP N - AMA<br />

https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/695125362<br />


OPENSEA & Solana<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svzk-5ArVLE<br />

38 <strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong>


By Mark Jurgens<br />

One of the most hyped NFT projects is expanding its culture among the dead.<br />

Intro: A Cultural Web3 Symbol<br />

DeGods, built on Solana, is a deflationary NFT collection of degenerates, punks, and misfits who call<br />

themselves the gods of the metaverse and masters of their own universe.<br />

The collection of 10,000 NFTs was minted in October 2021 at 3 $SOL. Now the collection is trading<br />

across multiple DEXs, like Alpha.art and Magic Eden, sitting at a 90 $SOL floor with 5% of the total<br />

supply already burnt.<br />

Something made this project stand out from the rest, involving maybe the visually pleasing artwork,<br />

the story behind the eccentric characters, a strong community sense, and interesting cash flow opportunities<br />

for holders. Adding to this, DeadGods is launching on March 31, giving DeGods holders a<br />

dead version of their metapunks.<br />

DeGods x DeadGods<br />

Existing DeGods NFTs will be updated with new art: the NFTs will hold the same original DeGod plus<br />

a DeadGod version, making this an update with zero inflation. Each of the 153 original attributes<br />

was recreated in the 1:1 fine art DeadGods version.<br />

The @DeGodsCommunity praised artist Delilah in February via Twitter for her work in the project:<br />

“One thing has emerged as an absolute certainty. @delilahdegods is a fucking superstar & the DeadGods art has<br />

breathed new life & excitement into the DeGods community.”<br />

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DeGods will be able to drink StarDust to create a DeadGod.<br />

The DeadGod mint is on March 31 and will cost 1000 $DUST per DeGod. The team also clarifies<br />

that there won’t be enough $DUST for everyone to upgrade their DeGod for a while. The mint will<br />

take place on the DeGod staking site, and holders won’t need to unstake their NFTs to get the<br />

mutated form. Once they have both versions, holders can switch between DeadGod and DeGod<br />

anytime for an undetermined amount of $DUST per switch.<br />

Some of the newly converted attributes:<br />

The boring plank is a flamboyant knife, and the mushroom hat is a mushroom cloud.<br />

Staking and the $DUST Protocol<br />

DeGods main use cases are for $DUST staking and providing a DeDAO membership.<br />

The team launched on January 2022 $DUST, an SPL token on Solana with a starting supply of zero.<br />

The token will power the DeGods universe: it will be used to mint exclusive NFTs and in TBA play-toearn<br />

games and betting platforms.<br />

The team explained some of the upcoming $DUST utility in a January tweet:<br />

“We’re going to be launching unique, game-theory based NFTs all year and will be accepting $DUST for the mints. Because<br />

these games will be so cheap in $ terms, the game dynamics will be degenerate and brutal. There will be some<br />

insane rewards for winners though.”<br />

Every staked DeGod mines 10 $DUST per day, while every staked DeadGod mines 30 $DUST per<br />

day. Holders can also burn their DeGods to claim $DUST in relation to their rarity. There is no other<br />

way to mine $DUST.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong><br />


The supply of $DUST will be capped at 33.3M tokens with halvening events stipulated at supply<br />

milestones. The token is trading currently on Raydium and Jupiter at around 2.85 $USDC.<br />

DeDAO: A Decentralized Monarchy<br />

DeDao, a decentralized autonomous organization, is the home to the community of verified DeGods<br />

misfits.<br />

“We are building on-chain elections for a group of elite DeMonarchs. They will have shared power<br />

over the DAO funds & get compensated by a % of the DeDAO royalties. But they will have to actually<br />

do shit... because the community will be able to vote them out at any time,” describes the website.<br />

Funded by marketplace fees, the DAO is responsible for all the decisions regarding the DeGods<br />

project.<br />

According to a March 19 tweet, the DeDAO treasury has already over <strong>50</strong>00 $SOL:<br />

“We’re going to get our biggest giga-brains together to figure out what to do with it. Should be nuts. We could do defi,<br />

acquire some small companies, subsidize merch for $DUST, all kinds of shit.”<br />

Community Above All<br />

DeGods has built a strong community since the very beginning. Even though the project never offered<br />

ground-breaking utility until now, it has been one of Solana’s most robust NFT projects since it<br />

launched.<br />

The team knows how to leverage cultural references and innovative marketing strategies to create a<br />

stylish and unconcerned vibe around this small yet very ambitious corner in the metaverse.<br />

“With vulgar language and a nonchalant attitude towards everything, paired with art that matches<br />

this sentiment with its eye-catching swagger, the holders feel they can identify with something special<br />

that stands out from the crowd,” shared MaskMafiaNFT in a Medium blog.<br />

Adding to a well-defined culture and vibrant community, the new utility brought by $DUST through<br />

staking and the expansion with DeadGods justifies that the project is entering the blue-chip stage.<br />

Nevertheless, the collection’s value is assigned by the holders and the market at large. To keep<br />

investors happy, the DeGods will need to keep innovating and adapting to the ever-changing Web3<br />

ecosystem.<br />

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@VentiCapital<br />

A quick thread on the recent and historical growth trends of<br />

@CetsOnCreck @DeGodsNFT & @StonedApeCrew ... These projects have been going absolutely parabolic<br />

recently... first SAC... then DeGods... now CoC... What is history telling us and what can we expect?<br />

Why compare these 3 projects? Well, obviously they<br />

have all taken the Solana ecosystem by storm, but<br />

their similarities don’t end there... Without going<br />

too deep, each has a healthy mix of art, utility, brand<br />

ambitions, a relatively large supply, & cult-like communities...<br />

For the above reasons I’ve always thought of these 3<br />

projects as similar, but I wanted to look at how their<br />

growth trends compared to one another... The results<br />

were interesting... see below<br />

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By normalizing DeGods (green) & CoC (blue) at the point each broke above 4.5◎ I realized an eerie<br />

correlation... CoC has pretty much followed DeGods historical growth in lockstep from 4.5◎ to ~25◎<br />

today... pretty spooky<br />

Now let’s add SAC (red) into the mix... When normalized to the point at which both CoC and DeGods<br />

reached the 25◎ milestone (as far back as the SAC data went) ... You notice that DeGods & SAC have<br />

followed similar growth trends from 25◎ (where CoC is today) until now...<br />

Let me know what you think! Will CoC be able to maintain the trend set forth by its predecessors? If so,<br />

you can expect the cets to be sitting between 70-100◎ in ~1 months’ time... I look forward to seeing how<br />

this plays out.<br />

ON<br />

RARE<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong><br />








fromnowhere_1<br />









Solana Monkey Business Floor<br />

Swept as BAYC $APE Price Surges<br />

By Soumen Datta<br />

Solana Monkley Business NFT reclaims the #1<br />

collection on Solana with MokeDAO’s $MONKE<br />

token launch nearing.<br />

SMB NFT Sales Going Bananas<br />

The Solana Monkey Business or SMB NFTs<br />

recently saw a surge in sales after the $ApeCoin<br />

airdrop.<br />

Amidst all this, MonkeDao founder, Jemmy Jemm,<br />

re-announced with a tweet that Monke DAO’s<br />

native token, $MONKE, is not far from launch.<br />

The recent advent of ApeCoin ($APE), sparked<br />

interest in MonkeDAO’s<br />

$MONKE token for SMB<br />

NFTs holders.<br />

When writing this<br />

article, SMBs ranks #1<br />

on Solana according<br />

to the Hyperspace<br />

leaderboard, with<br />

a market cap of<br />

$105,124,282, with a<br />

floor price of 172 SOL<br />

and an average price of<br />

235.16 SOL. Additionally,<br />

the last 24 hours saw<br />

massive growth in<br />

volume by 58.94%.<br />

“On ETH, we have seen the rise of the Apes<br />

alongside its introduction of $APE. Major success &<br />

congratulations to all who are part of it. On SOL, in the<br />

not-so-distant future, bullish on the rise of our native<br />

equivalent. $MONKE for the rise of the Monkes,” says<br />

Jemmy Jemm in a tweet opening about the launch<br />

of the $MONKE token in the near future.<br />

Notably, on February 10, the Monke DAO<br />

published a Medium article highlighting their<br />

forward vision as Part 1. As part of this article,<br />

they also talked about launching a token that<br />

would serve as the foundation of MonkeDAO’s<br />

SMB #4071 Sold for 3555 SOL on March 13<br />

62<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong>

ecosystem. The DAO also plans to use it as a<br />

primary source of incentivization for our members.<br />

More details about the token to be unlocked in<br />

MonkeDAO Vision Part 2.<br />

The sales bot has been firing with multiple rare<br />

SMB NFTs being bought alongside the floor rising<br />

~<strong>50</strong>+ SOL.<br />

What is MonkeDao?<br />

MONKEDAO is a Decentralized Autonomous<br />

Organization that provides unparalleled value to<br />

its members and the Solana ecosystem through<br />

community-led projects, connections, and<br />

innovation. They formed a community around the<br />

Solana Monkey Business NFTs and represent<br />

the community holders. According to the Gitbook<br />

documentation, MonkeDao’s vision is to be the<br />

premier decentralized community of Web3 that<br />

expands beyond Solana. MonkeDao seeks to<br />

provide unparalleled value to its members and<br />

the Solana ecosystem through community-led<br />

projects, connections, and innovations.<br />

The Strength of MonkeDAO for SMB Holders<br />

In addition, MonkeDAO memberships and<br />

DAOPool deposits both surged recently with the<br />

sales of SMB NFTs. At the time of writing this<br />

article, more than 73800 SOL are staked in the<br />

DAO pool, worth about $6.69 million.<br />

There is no doubt that people are starting to<br />

realize the potential of communities, and with the<br />

Solana chain and MonkeDAO going forward, more<br />

people might be inspired to join.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>50</strong><br />












tools<br />

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