Abebe EQA Training document

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Project HSSE Management Monitoring and Controlling

Key Performance Indicators

The HSSE management plan includes generally accepted key performance

indicators (KPI) for monitoring and controlling, including:

• Lost time injury (LTI),

• Total recordable injury (TRI),

• Worked hours,

• Near misses (NMs),

• Unsafe acts and condition (UA/UC), and

• Serious incidents frequency (SIF).

The National Safety Council defines the following terms:

Accident. An undesired event that results in personal injury or

property damage.

Incident. An unplanned, undesired event that adversely affects

the completion of a task.

Near miss. An incident where no property was damaged and

no personal injury unstained, but where, given a slight shift in

time or position, damage and/or injury easily could have


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