Abebe EQA Training document

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Project HSSE Management Planning

1. Contract Requirements

Specifications, regulations, legislation, and standards (technical or legislative) are contractual

requirements specific to construction projects.

2. Safety and Environmental Policy

The safety and environmental management policy also includes the degree to which the

performing organization's management is committed to social responsibility and environmental

conservation issues, and can have a major impact on the effectiveness of a safety and

environmental program.

3. Safety Metrics

• Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR). Refers to an occurrence that resulted in a fatality,

permanent disability, or time lost from work of one day/shift or more. Injuries are recorded as

injuries per million hours worked.

• Total recordable injury frequency (TRIF). Refers to the number of fatalities, lost time

injuries, cases of substitute work and other injuries requiring treatment by a medical

professional per million hours worked.

• Serious incident frequency (SIF). Refers to the number of serious incidents (including near-

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