standards and guidelines for communication sites - Radio And ...

standards and guidelines for communication sites - Radio And ... standards and guidelines for communication sites - Radio And ...
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GLOSSARY CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION RFP: Request For Proposal. RF Distribution System: A system that combines RF signals so that multiple transmitters and receivers tuned to different frequencies can use a single antenna. RGB: Rack Ground Bus Bar. RH: Relative Humidity. RMS: Root-Mean-Square. R-Value: A standardized rating system of thermal insulation effectiveness. Higher values denote greater insulating effectiveness. SAD: Silicon Avalanche Diode. Safety climb: Equipment that is attached to a tower to safely enable tower climbing. Sag: A root mean square (RMS) reduction in the AC voltage, at the power frequency, for durations from a half cycle to a few seconds (IEEE STD 1100-1999). (see also Swell). It is a multi-cycle, undervoltage condition that can be caused by ground faults, undersized power systems, lightning, or a sudden start-up of a large electrical load. The IEC terminology for sag is “dip.” SBCCI: Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. Seismic rating: Any of several standardized systems of rating an area's probability and intensity of seismic activity based on geological and empirical data. This publication references the Moment Magnitude (MM) rating standard recognized by the Uniform Building Code. Ratings of “0” (least probability with the least intensity) through “4” (greatest probability with the greatest intensity) are accordingly assigned to various regions. Separately Derived System: A premises wiring system in which power is derived from a transformer or converter winding. It has no direct electrical connection, including a solidly connected grounded circuit conductor, to the supply conductors originating in another system. Service Entrance: The point at which the utility enters a facility and the utility ground rod is attached. Shelter: A Permanent structure built on a foundation that contains communications equipment and related ancillary support systems, and may contain other unrelated equipment and/or facilities. A Shelter shall be suitable for temporary human occupancy during equipment installation, maintenance, and use. Silicon Avalanche Diode: A two-terminal voltage protection device in which resistance across the device markedly decreases when the voltage across the device reaches a specified threshold. Simulcast: A system configuration using simultaneous transmissions of information on the same frequencies. This configuration extends communications over a large coverage area. Each repeater on the same frequency has identical transmit parameters to ensure the intended transmission format. SPD: Surge Protection Device Swell: An increase in RMS voltage or current at the power frequency for durations from 0.5 cycles to 1.0 minute (IEEE STD 1100-1999 and IEEE STD 1159-R2001). TETRA Terrestrial Trunked Radio Total Harmonic Distortion (THD): The ratio of the root square value of the harmonic content to the root square value of the fundamental quantity, expressed as a percent of the fundamental (IEEE STD 1100-1999). 1-20 68P81089E50-B 9/1/05

STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNICATION SITES GLOSSARY Transient: A sub-cycle disturbance in the waveform that is evidenced by a sharp, brief discontinuity of the waveform. May be either polarity and may be additive to, or subtractive from, the nominal waveform (IEEE STD 1100-1999). See IEEE STD 1159-R2001, Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality, section 4.4.1 for more details on transient definitions, types, and causes. TVSS Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio 68P81089E50-B 9/1/05 1-21


Transient: A sub-cycle disturbance in the wave<strong>for</strong>m that is evidenced by a sharp, brief discontinuity<br />

of the wave<strong>for</strong>m. May be either polarity <strong>and</strong> may be additive to, or subtractive from, the nominal<br />

wave<strong>for</strong>m (IEEE STD 1100-1999). See IEEE STD 1159-R2001, Recommended Practice <strong>for</strong><br />

Monitoring Electric Power Quality, section 4.4.1 <strong>for</strong> more details on transient definitions, types, <strong>and</strong><br />

causes.<br />

TVSS Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor<br />

VSWR Voltage St<strong>and</strong>ing Wave Ratio<br />

68P81089E50-B 9/1/05 1-21

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