SHILL Issue 47

Solana ecosystem zine.

Solana ecosystem zine.


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#<strong>SHILL</strong><br />


ISSUE #<strong>47</strong><br />

0.1 ◎<br />

MTNDAO experience<br />

MTNDAO experience<br />

kidonthephoenix takes us<br />

on a journey, literally<br />

yellow trashcan<br />

interview by alanj with a<br />

project that should be on<br />

your radar<br />

balance askew<br />

collectors and creators, is<br />

there a balance?<br />

cyborg iguanas<br />

welcome to the iguanaverse

THIS<br />

In<br />

ISSUE<br />


4<br />

FROM<br />

6<br />

26<br />

30<br />

36<br />

42<br />

68<br />


So much to write. So little<br />

space.<br />

MTNDAO excperience<br />

KidOnthePhoenix takes us on<br />

magical journey #alpha<br />

Balance ASKEW<br />

Austinvirts thread about the<br />

current imbalance in this space<br />

Probably Nothing<br />

Things you should know<br />


Regular contributors and for<br />

good reason.#alpha<br />

YELLOW trashcan<br />

Alanj with his first interview<br />

with a little known project - are<br />

you watching anon? #alpha<br />


This project is still pumping<br />

along with a strong base, find<br />

out why #alpha<br />


the<br />

from<br />

EDITOR<br />

#Shill is nearing its 50th issue. Got an idea for how #Shill should<br />

celebrate? Let’s hear it: pixeltoy.sol@gmail.com<br />

#Shill zine is grinding. So much content out there it seems that 2<br />

issues per week will never cover it all. What #Shill does offer is an<br />

opportunity for you #frens to catch up on the space.<br />

This issue has COLOSSAL pieces. A real opportunity to kick back<br />

and actually read!<br />

KidonthePhoenix has written a quasi-tome about his recent<br />

experience with the MTNDAO. A worthwhile piece with a plethora<br />

of personalities you should be adding to your FOLLOW list. Take the<br />

time to read this one.<br />

Alanj submits his first piece. An interview with Yellow Trashcan. I<br />

can’t think of another project out there doing something like this.<br />

I consider this #alpha. Especially considering some of the entry<br />

points available at the moment.<br />

Wrapping up the colossal texts this issue is a piece on Cyborg<br />

Iguanas. Iguanaverse seeks to explain what the project is about and<br />

what you can expect from the team. Make your own judgment on<br />

this one.<br />

Before I let you get into it. NO! I am not signing up for your WHITELIST!<br />

Your 5000 mint project at 2Sol has a slim chance of minting out. Your<br />

roadmap is similar to every other project out there at the moment.<br />

AND there is NO F$ING WAY you have 50000 followers on Twitter<br />

since joining in January. Go f*k yourself I have other things to do.<br />

That’s what I would like to Tweet back to so many projects out there.<br />

As always, show your love on the Twittersphere with a simple retweet<br />

before #Shill zine increases in price!<br />

Enough said. You know the drill. Let’s f go!<br />

Pixeltoy<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong>


https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/688791798<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> 5

a<br />

Mar 2022<br />

@kidonthephoenix<br />

Big shout out to everyone who put the event on. The Shop in<br />

SLC, @cypher_protocol, @marginfi, @PsyOptions, @slmehr,<br />

and all the sponsors who made this possible. For the first time in my life,<br />

I got to experience what it would be like to work in a tech office. This<br />

was no ordinary office. A communal workspace that is shared by many<br />

different people, doing many different things. To me, this is the future of<br />

workspaces. From learning about trading expiratory futures of SpaceX;<br />

to talking to a congressman about crypto; to learning about the future<br />

of on-chain art marketplaces from teams like @grapeprotocol, this was<br />

a fascinating learning experience. Thank you @TheOnlyNom and @<br />

MetaMacDMonke for the tip to go. Especially @MetaMacD_Monke,<br />

who went out of her way to find me lodging for the event. Biggest<br />

shoutout to @GroveSt_NFT and @blockchainkaine, my roommates<br />

throughout the event, and now friends for life.<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong>

I jumped in the Buick and took off from the #HackerHouseSeattle<br />

towards Salt Lake City. I stopped in Boise, Idaho to meet up with the @<br />

tat2fingers clan and go to the zoo. I hate zoos. The look in the animal’s<br />

eyes reminds me of being locked up. A look that I hate to see in animals<br />

of any kind. However, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to hang with<br />

the @tat2fingers family. Plus, we went to the arcade after the zoo, which<br />

is right up my alley.<br />

Upon arriving at @MtnDao, I was greeted by @GroveSt_NFT and<br />

welcomed up to The Shop. The Shop SLC is a workspace in downtown<br />

Salt Lake City. 30,000 square feet where tech, art, and hospitality meet.<br />

This is a shared workspace where anyone can join and set up shop and<br />

create. There is a beautiful, shared kitchen, rooftop spot, and innovative<br />

design throughout the 4 floors. There were tons of monitors set up,<br />

but without the lo-fi purple lights, you would normally find at a Hacker<br />

House. You could lounge on one of the couches and overlook the<br />

downtown SLC. From the view, you could even see the billboard right<br />

on University Blvd. plugging the @MtnDao event. @slmehr and @<br />

barret_io made me feel very welcome, and let me know I could stay<br />

at the sponsored Airbnb as long<br />

as I’d like. This was so refreshing<br />

after forking over big cash for<br />

hotels for the other events. I had<br />

my own room at the Airbnb about<br />

15 minutes from The Shop.<br />

I’d like to thank the staff of<br />

The Shop for being amazing<br />

and cleaning up after a bunch<br />

of degens for a month. One of<br />

which is @franchestnutte. You<br />

would find her cleaning up the<br />

place throughout the day, but she<br />

is an amazing artist herself, and<br />

out of all the questions asked to<br />

congressman John Curtis when he<br />

came to have a conversation with<br />

us, her’s was the best. Give her a<br />

follow.<br />

Salt Lake City is beautiful. One<br />

gets the sense of it being a city<br />

on the ascent, which sadly is rare<br />

in the U.S. at the moment. Most<br />

cities and towns I go to seem like<br />

they are on the descent. There was<br />

still a homeless population, but it<br />

was extremely minor compared to<br />

other large cities. I didn’t see any<br />

actual tent set-ups throughout the<br />

city. Not sure I would ever want<br />

to call it home, but I can tell that<br />

if I were to call it home, I would<br />

be happy with all that the city has<br />

to offer.<br />

Weird fact: More people visit<br />

Temple Square (Mormon Church)<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> 7

annually than they do the five National Parks in Utah.<br />

Awesome fact: On average, Utah has about 300 sunny days a year,<br />

making it the second-driest state in the United States.<br />

I will say this, Utah has some of the craziest and weirdest laws that I<br />

have ever heard… For better or for worse<br />

This event was made possible because the @cypher_protocol and @<br />

marginfi teams just got into the dm’s of potential sponsors and made<br />

the shit happen. It goes to show you with some can-do attitude you can<br />

make really cool things happen.<br />

I spent the first few days finishing my #HackerHouseSeattle story and<br />

putting together a digital art collection that I never ended up releasing.<br />

(yet) I submitted the art to FormFunction to apply to the platform. I<br />

got rejected. I’m ok admitting that here because for the first time in my<br />

life, I am learning to deal with rejection. I took it hard, but as an artist,<br />

overcoming rejection is a must. Not everyone will think I am a good<br />

artist. I don’t care. No matter how many times I get rejected, I will keep<br />

making art because I love doing it. I may have to get another normie<br />

job, but I will still make art as long as it is something that I enjoy doing.<br />

The second night I was there we went out to dinner, and I got to hang<br />

with @matanaDAO, @MikeFraietta, @TheOnlyNom, @MetaMacD_<br />

Monke, @GroveSt_NFT, @blockchainkaine, and @slmehr. We had a<br />

great dinner and @MonkeDao picked up the tab. I am only writing that<br />

they picked up the tab because I think it’s important to highlight this. I<br />

don’t own a Monke, but they continuously support me and include me<br />

in what they are doing and provide me the opportunity to get to know<br />

them. I’ll be real with ya’ll… I’m pretty poor by American standards. I<br />

drive an old ass car, and I have no assets other than some undervalued<br />

1/1 art I’ve been able to snipe along the way. When people take me out<br />

to dinner, it means a lot to me. When people let me stay at an Airbnb, it<br />

means a lot to me. I think the inclusivity that the @MonkeDao and @<br />

MtnDao showed me really speaks to the inclusivity that makes Web3 so<br />

great. Sure, I can’t vote in the Dao or reap the financial gains, but I’m<br />

ok with that. That stuff is great, but I’m here for the people and the<br />

art. I’m here because I want to be a pioneer in the digital Renaissance. I<br />

really enjoy hanging out with these people, and I learn a lot from them.<br />

I think they learn from me as well.<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong>

Let’s get to the Defi Protocols<br />

The three protocols I will mention here spoke on an amazing panel.<br />

After I write a bit about each protocol, I will include a couple of quotes<br />

from each team leader.<br />

@cypher_protocol- This team led by @barret_io & company is<br />

building expiratory futures on Solana. So, what the hell does that mean?<br />

Well, just like it sounds- you bet in the future that something will be<br />

either better or worse, and you put your money where your bet is. The<br />

expiratory part just means it is a set time frame. Perpetual futures mean<br />

you can just leave your bet on the table on-going. Keep in mind if I<br />

explain this stuff wrong it’s because I’m not some stock or token guru.<br />

I only know the little I’ve been privelaged to be taught by people like<br />

@barret_io. I also watched the Big Short. I love the part where Ryan<br />

Gosling explains that they use fancy terms to say things so that normies<br />

won’t understand. Anywho, @cypher_protocol has a killer catchphrase-<br />

“Trade the untradeable.” For instance, with their devnet they recently<br />

launched, you can long (bet for) and short (bet against) SpaceX. Let’s<br />

touch on the gravity of this. They are creating a place where ANYONE<br />

with some wifi and some crypto can do what has only been achievable<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> 9

y gazillionaires and “elites” until now. So we could potentially stir up<br />

a market for any asset or company we want. Sure, this could lead to<br />

uneducated and irresponsible people like myself losing money, but it<br />

could also lead to an even playing field where everyone has the same<br />

right to change their life based off their research and intuition. This<br />

means that someone from the Middle East or south-east Asia could<br />

long a private company from anywhere in the world and be rewarded in<br />

a crypto-asset that no government or opposing forces could take from<br />

them. This is powerful shit. Plus, let’s be honest… it will make some<br />

degens out there very entertained.<br />

Quotes from @barret_io<br />

“We’re getting rid of accounts receivable and providing actual<br />

ownership.”<br />

“We’re building a platform where anyone can trade the untradeable.”<br />

Find out more about @cypher_protocol and how to “Trade the<br />

Untradeable” here: https://cypher.trade<br />

This is a good time to introduce the community manager of @cypher_<br />

protocol @0xisabelle<br />

Immediately when you meet @0xisabelle you want to know more about<br />

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her. She is the self-proclaimed “problem child” at @cypher_protocol<br />

doing a lot to help this project, but I really want to talk about her art and<br />

writing. She is a wonderful painter, drawer, and designer. Soon she will<br />

share her amazing art with the Solana NFT space and is even working<br />

on a provocative project that I will let her unveil to the world when she<br />

is ready. What impressed me the most about her is her writing. She has<br />

an amazing article published by The Defiant about how little NFT sales<br />

are from female artists and how this should change. It is a must-read.<br />

Here is the link: https://thedefiant.io/web3-inclusivity-equality<br />

@marginfi- This team led by @edgarpavlovsky is building a<br />

decentralized portfolio margining protocol for trading on Solana.<br />

According to the website “the protocol gives traders a unified account<br />

to access margin, compose a portfolio, and improve capital efficiency<br />

across underlying trading protocols.” I’ll be honest, I have no idea<br />

what this means. @edgarpavlovsky tried really hard to explain it to me,<br />

but I’m an idiot. However, I think it’s a simplified way to do a ton<br />

of defi stuff in one central place, making it easier for people to gain<br />

the benefits of many protocols, and evolve the way we use financial<br />

services. I was thoroughly impressed with the vision they have for the<br />

future, and @edgarpavlovsky’s beliefs about where we are headed in<br />

the future of finance. I could be really off here, but my perception<br />

created the analogy of like Travelocity or one of those travel sites that<br />

provides you the best rates on hotels, cars, etc… all in one site… but<br />

for finance. Since I didn’t understand it all that well, I will simply quote<br />

a medium article written about margin trading. You can find the whole<br />

article here: https://medium.com/@kevinmooers/how-is-trading-onmargin-different-from-borrowing-28ae46c09f71<br />

“We discussed before that trading on margin refers to borrowing<br />

money to buy financial assets. When you open a margin account, you<br />

post margin to that account (that’s depositing your equity or getting<br />

your “skin in the game”). When you place a trade, you specify how<br />

much leverage you would like to take out to execute the trade. The asset<br />

that you buy is then used to collateralize the margin loan and helps the<br />

lender manage the risk that you might default on your loan.”<br />

In the past, we’ve had to borrow when THEY (trad. banks) told us we<br />

could and use it for what THEY told us we could use it for. These elitist<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> 11

arriers are being broken down.<br />

Please forgive me if I butchered<br />

this explanation of @marginfi.<br />

Here is the @marginfi websitehttps://marginfi.com<br />

Quotes from @edgarpavlovsky<br />

“The concept of a bank has always<br />

been evolving.”<br />

“The open-source nature of Web3<br />

is why it moves as fast as it does.”<br />

@PsyOptions- The team led<br />

by @tomjohn1028 has built an<br />

American style options protocol<br />

on Solana. Look I have no idea<br />

how this works. Even reading<br />

the website hurt my brain. I’m an<br />

artist, not an investor or financial<br />

guru. I’m just going to steal the<br />

following from their website.<br />

Writing an option<br />

To write an option, one must lock<br />

the underlying asset in the amount<br />

specified by the option market.<br />

For a SOL/USDC option with<br />

underlying asset size of 100, 100<br />

SOL would be locked in order to<br />

mint the option token. The option<br />

writer will receive two SPL Tokens.<br />

One represents the option, which<br />

the user may sell to generate<br />

yield. The other represents the<br />

written contract (the claim on<br />

the underlying asset) and can be<br />

exchanged for the underlying asset<br />

post expiration.<br />

Exercising an option<br />

Holding an option token preexpiration<br />

gives the user the<br />

ability to exercise by swapping<br />

the quote asset for the underlying<br />

asset. Whether the option is in<br />

the money or out of the money,<br />

it's completely up to the token<br />

holder whether to exercise. When<br />

exercising, the exerciser locks<br />

[strike price * underlying asset<br />

size] worth of quote asset, burns<br />

the option token, and receives the<br />

underlying asset.”<br />

This I do know: All the stock<br />

market dudes I know; have always<br />

told me the way they made their<br />

money were big conviction<br />

bets and options trading. I wish<br />

I understood it, but I don’t.<br />

According to the site, they have<br />

4.4 million in TVL so it appears<br />

they are cookin’ strong, and they<br />

are financially backed by Alameda<br />

Research, and even this moron<br />

knows that name.<br />

Here is the website for @<br />

PsyOptions- https://psyoptions.<br />

io<br />

Quotes from @tomjohn1028:<br />

“Until I get an email or a subpoena,<br />

I’m just going to keep going.”<br />

“We’ve got a couple of decades<br />

left with the banks.”<br />

Again, I wish I could explain these<br />

amazing protocols these teams<br />

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have built better, but I at least wanted to present them to the 5 people<br />

that read this. I may not understand the ins and outs, but I do understand<br />

that what teams like this are building are going to shake shit up in a<br />

much needed way, and provide ways for people all around the world to<br />

gain access to financial services they would have never had before in a<br />

way that gives them actual ownership of what they gain. It will also put<br />

these legacy financial systems on their heels and rightfully so. The banks<br />

better move fast… cause these degens and shadowy super coders move<br />

real fast.<br />

IMHO, Banks build big fancy buildings to show us all how much more<br />

important they are than us, and they use overdraft fees and their inability<br />

to pay interest rates to provide fancy Mercedes for their higher-ups<br />

while underpaying their tellers and security guards. I’d also like to add<br />

that when you deposit your hard-earned money into a bank, they don’t<br />

have to keep any amount of that on hand legally. In 2008, if the banks<br />

wouldn't have been bailed out, you wouldn’t have been able to withdraw<br />

your rent money from the ATM. Something to ponder. True ownership<br />

without the fancy brick and mortar buildings and elitist control is the<br />

future. Call me an optimist, call me a pessimist, call me a conspiracy<br />

theorist, call me an idiot, call me whatever… Just don’t call me late for<br />

dinner.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> 13

Meeting with Republican John Curtis<br />

This once Democrat turned Republican and former Mayor of Provo, has<br />

been the U.S. representative for Utah's 3rd congressional district since<br />

2017. So yes, a congressman from the “silicone slopes” came and talked<br />

to a bunch of degens about crypto. I’d like to point out here that he had<br />

some player ass blue and white socks on and killer brown dress shoes.<br />

Nice swag Congressman. He explained just how outdated the tech with<br />

congress is. When it’s time for a congressman to go and vote, a clock<br />

bell tings in an office and alerts them. In other words, it sounds like they<br />

haven’t updated their tech since Benjamin Franklin. He said, “Congress<br />

views crypto the same way we view Congress.” God, I sure hope not.<br />

Can’t say I think too highly of Congress these days. After he explained<br />

how legislation works, I came to this conclusion. Regulation will never<br />

be able to keep up. I already knew this, but he simply confirmed it.<br />

Thousands of bills die before they ever even get to a committee, and<br />

he mentioned he has seen bills with hundreds of sponsors signed that<br />

he can’t get a vote on. Although this may sound like it will keep them<br />

off our tail for a bit, really it prevents us from getting new laws passed<br />

that are crypto-friendly, and well… that make sense. It also points out<br />

the inefficiency of Congress. What is alarming about this is that when<br />

Congress can’t move, the Federal agencies step in and do what they<br />

want without answering to the people. Basically, we are applying 1933<br />

laws to current-day technology. This is crazy. We are applying laws<br />

created at a time when computers, the internet, and crypto-assets were<br />

not even around. At some point, you would think we would come up<br />

with some new laws to go with the exponential growth in technology<br />

we have seen in the last hundred years. Not to mention the U.S. dollar is<br />

not even close to what it was worth then in terms of purchasing power.<br />

Even further, you would think when they tried this little fiat experiment<br />

out they would have at least developed new laws to accommodate the<br />

Ponzi scheme they created. It’s not that I think regulations are bad, but<br />

when you look at history, regulations have only ever killed the small<br />

guys and gals, and let the big fish parade freely without competition. For<br />

instance, right now Facebook or Meta or whatever the crap it’s called is<br />

screaming for regulation because they don’t want anyone else to have a<br />

chance. They know their Libra or Diem or whatever it is sucks, and they<br />

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are trying to keep anyone else<br />

from gaining the upper hand. If<br />

FB controls the metaverse then<br />

I am moving to some island that<br />

doesn’t even have the internet.<br />

When asked if the constitution<br />

should be changed for digital<br />

rights, he simply acted like it’s<br />

impossible. On one hand, there<br />

are many freedoms that we don’t<br />

want to be changed, so if we<br />

open the floodgates of change<br />

that could end up really bad. On<br />

the other, the times have changed<br />

so we have to at least consider the<br />

possibilities that adjustments may<br />

need to take place. Some things<br />

that Congressman Curtis said that I agreed with were that the next<br />

Presidential candidate that brings up crypto will change everything in<br />

the sense that once this becomes a part of debates they won’t be able<br />

to continue to pass the buck and ignore it. He also mentioned that we<br />

cannot make this a partisan issue. I couldn’t agree more. Web3 and<br />

crypto are largely about inclusivity so we cannot make this a Republican<br />

vs. Democrat thing. IMHO, the fact we even have partisan issues is<br />

somewhat of a joke. It’s just an illusion anyway. From one party to<br />

the next, they seem to have the same agenda: The rich get richer, and<br />

the poor get poorer. Personally, I think political parties are a joke, and<br />

the fact that we have all these partisan issues really just keeps us from<br />

accomplishing anything. I don’t like writing about political stuff so the<br />

last thing I will say is this: I really appreciate that Congressman Curtis<br />

at least came and had a conversation with us. It’s more than most will<br />

do, but at the same time he just kept saying, “I don’t understand,” or<br />

“You’re not speaking my language.” How do we make them realize the<br />

importance of understanding? How do we make them stop putting<br />

band-aids on problems… wait politicians aren’t even putting band-aids<br />

on, it’s more like they are jabbing knives into open wounds. How do we<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> 15

get them to understand that what<br />

crypto is really trying to do is get to<br />

the root of problems? In fairness,<br />

we are all just people. We get<br />

busy, and it is hard to understand<br />

another person’s world. I don’t<br />

have the time to keep up with<br />

politics. Mostly because I think<br />

it’s a bunch of crap, but still, I<br />

can’t be mad at a politician for not<br />

understanding crypto. I think we<br />

as a community must do a better<br />

job of educating and encouraging<br />

people to realize the importance<br />

of taking the time to understand<br />

crypto and what this could do for<br />

people all around the world. Rant<br />

done.<br />

The Big Party<br />

A huge party that went on while<br />

I was at @MtnDao was at the<br />

Natural History Museum. There<br />

were free drinks and amazing<br />

food being passed around on<br />

trays. Craps and roulette tables<br />

throughout where you could turn<br />

your chips into raffle tickets used<br />

to enter raffles for dope prizes.<br />

You could find @GroveSt_NFT<br />

running up and down the halls<br />

from excitement. This become<br />

apparent: I must take @GroveSt_<br />

NFT to Vegas. This dude can<br />

roll some dice like no other. I<br />

got to hang with @fordudesake<br />

and @forbabesake, two of my<br />

favorite people, and stand outside<br />

overlooking an amazing skyline<br />

of Salt Lake City. Whoever<br />

coordinated this party really did a<br />

phenomenal job. Beautiful people<br />

everywhere, and plenty of degens<br />

in full activation. At the end of<br />

the party was an auction for some<br />

skis and a snowboard where @<br />

barret_io and @edgarpavlovsky<br />

got into an extreme flex match.<br />

This also became apparent: I<br />

must find a way to get these two<br />

at one of my future auctions for<br />

my art, because they show up and<br />

show out. I had a great time at<br />

this party and the after-party was<br />

awesome too. At the after-party,<br />

you walked into this cool building<br />

with multiple rooms and secret<br />

spots. There were DJs at both<br />

parties, and the after-party had a<br />

sick limbo dance-off. You would<br />

find @ChelseaKeefer8 running<br />

around casting light throughout<br />

the party. She is a gorgeous ballet<br />

dancer and artist who coordinated<br />

to have physical art on display<br />

throughout the event. This brings<br />

up an interesting point: as much<br />

as I love NFTs, they will never<br />

replace the magic of physical art.<br />

The smell, the texture, the energy.<br />

The after-party was beautifully<br />

decorated. I even tried to hook<br />

@GroveST_NFT up with this<br />

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tantric lady who was on the prowl. When I told her that my friend<br />

was interested, she jetted over there so fast you would think that she<br />

teleported. I had a great time vibing with @GroveST_NFT and @<br />

blockchainkaine. Thanks to everyone who contributed to making these<br />

parties happen.<br />

Fashionable mentions for the week<br />

@matanaDao- you would find her rockin’ these sick coats that had me<br />

wondering if Beyonce was hanging in the midst.<br />

@0xisabelle- She beautifully blended punk rock, elegance, and not<br />

giving a fuck while also giving a fuck. Yes, that makes sense in my mind.<br />

@0x_thug- showed up to Snowbird for a day on the slopes with the<br />

most fashionable snowboard outfit I’ve ever seen anyone wear. The<br />

dude has style.<br />

Hitting the slopes at Snowbird<br />

I didn’t ski because I hate cold and didn’t want to shell out the cost to<br />

rent gear, but everyone that did was having a great time. I went for the<br />

views. The mountains of Utah are beautiful, and I got some amazing<br />

photos. @GroveSt_NFT passed out from the altitude and still went<br />

back up and ripped the slope. What a G. The snow of Utah is some<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> 17

of the best in the world to ski on. I personally thought it was cool to<br />

see an outdoor activity like this at a Hacker House. Something I hadn’t<br />

seen before.<br />

Meeting @_Dean_Machine and @Whalesfriend, the legends behind @<br />

grapeprotocol<br />

Whether we were out to dinner having amazing Italian food or back<br />

at The Shop talking about the future of Grape, it was an absolute<br />

pleasure to meet these guys. They will be organizing a Hacker House<br />

in Greece soon, and I am trying to make that happen. @Whalesfriend<br />

does live streams on Twitch and used to on YouTube. When I first<br />

got into the NFT space, there was such little resources online about<br />

Solana projects, and his live streams really provided a lot of info that<br />

was much needed to me. Not only that, but the positivity and good<br />

vibes that radiate from him are contagious, and what I like to have<br />

around. @_Dean_Machine is such an intelligent innovator and good<br />

time to be around, but something that really stood out to me is how<br />

much of a good father he is. I asked him what he was doing one day,<br />

and he said he was going shopping with for his son, and the look in his<br />

eye was filled with so much love for his son that it really touched me.<br />

We see these pseudonymous people online with pixelated monke pfps,<br />

but behind them are real people full of emotion. It is really great to see<br />

that in person in people. I cannot wait to get to hang with these guys<br />

again. Hopefully in Greece.<br />

Let’s talk @grapeprotocol<br />

If you’ve been in the space for a while, you might remember when the

$Grape IDO crashed the entire Solana network. If I’m not mistaken, it<br />

topped out at like 400k transactions in a second. That is just a testament<br />

to the hype that was surrounding the IDO. They were also the first<br />

verification service on Solana that projects could use to verify their<br />

holders. Their discord is a vibrant community full of channels for devs,<br />

gamers, artists, and the overall degen. A great example of the kind of<br />

community members you will find there is @Pixeltoy who has a digital<br />

magazine called #Shill Zine which is documenting the history of Solana<br />

one issue at a time and shining a light on the many great artists of<br />

Solana. I know that I have been featured on the cover, and it’s made a<br />

great impact on me to see that. Through @grapeprotocol someone like<br />

@Pixeltoy can be voted on through the Dao to be rewarded in $Grape<br />

token for his efforts. If you go to the @grapeprotocol website, grape.<br />

network, you will find a plethora of tools. You can view your portfolio,<br />

make SPL token swaps, view the communities you are verified with, and<br />

view your NFTs in a streamlined and well-presented way. One can list<br />

collectibles and make offers. You can scroll a feed where people have<br />

pieces listed almost like a combination of Twitter and a marketplace.<br />

This is the future of social networking. All done in an open-source<br />

and decentralized manner. I was recently in a Twitter space where @_<br />

Dean_Machine said that they really want to focus on helping the 1/1<br />

artists moving forward. Here is an example of what they are building<br />

for artists. Right now, you can go to grape.art, which is an NFT DEX,<br />

that anyone can build. The most important thing I want to highlight<br />

about this is that when you list NFTs through this, they never leave<br />

your wallets. This means you retain ownership every step of the way<br />

until the sale is made. I don’t think most people realize that when you<br />

list an NFT on the current marketplaces like Magic Eden, it is in their<br />

possession and not in your wallets. As they say, possession is ninetenths<br />

of the law. Having on-chain decentralized marketplaces where<br />

the NFTs never leave the artist’s escrow means actual ownership for<br />

the artist. Plus, I think it’s really cool that you can follow others and<br />

they can follow you and we can see what each other are rockin’ for<br />

art collections. I am extremely bullish on what the @grapeprotocol<br />

team has built and is building for the future. Find out more with the<br />

following sites.

https://grape.network, https://grape.art, discord.gg/greatape<br />

Now I would like to go over a presentation that was led by Alex<br />

Golding from @Delphi_Digital, but before I do, I would like to say<br />

that I had one of the most needed conversations with Alex about life<br />

that I have ever had. This is one of the beautiful things about Hacker<br />

Houses: an artist can have a deep and meaningful conversation with an<br />

extremely successful person from a Venture Capital company like @<br />

Delphi_Digital. Alex presented how to go from an idea or small project<br />

to a VC-funded startup. Here are some highlights.<br />

·If you can’t see yourself committed for 3-5 years, then don’t do it.<br />

·Ask yourself, “Am I ready to grow this at hyperspeed?”<br />

·What would this look like with a team of 20 people?<br />

·How will this project win the hearts and minds of its target market?<br />

·Build a moat between you and your competitors<br />

·Are we leaning into the core strengths that Solana offers?<br />

·Do research on your investors<br />

·Cut the leaches<br />

He also mentioned some interesting points about Solana. One is that<br />

no single validator holds more than 3.8%. Another point is that the<br />

central limit order book of Serum was created through FTX playing<br />

the break Solana game. What I take from that point is that by attracting<br />

people in a cool and fun way to your tech or art, what comes next can<br />

be a game-changer. I really appreciated Alex’s presentation.<br />

You can sign up for the free newsletter that @Delphi_Digital puts out<br />

by going to their website: delphidigital.io. Now that’s an alpha tip. They<br />

are a research company and venture firm. Some of the projects they<br />

have been a part of you may recognize: Lido, dYdX, Cosmos, Axie<br />

Infinity, Perpetual Protocol, Mirror Finance, and of course they are<br />

neck deep in the Solana ecosystem. So, if you want access to research<br />

that spans many blockchains and projects, check em’ out.<br />

I would like to close this story by just saying what a great time I had<br />

getting to hang out in such an interesting workspace with such interesting<br />

people. I especially enjoyed hanging out with @GroveSt_NFT and @<br />

blockchainkaine. By the end of the trip, I felt like I had made friends for<br />

life. We would go out for lunch and give each other hell, joke around,<br />

20<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong>

and talk about serious stuff. I love how @blockchainkaine would call<br />

me out on shit, and I really felt like these dudes cared about me, and I<br />

care about them. We meet people online and some may think it isn’t real<br />

but it is real. We never know when it can lead to IRL experiences that<br />

forge lifetime friendships. You also never know who you will end up<br />

having a conversation with. Who knows, maybe one day I will be having<br />

burgers with @slmehr and @TheOnlyNom and Anatoly himself will<br />

plop down next to us. If you want to make these kinds of connections<br />

and friendships, you gotta get off your ass and go to a Hacker House.<br />

This was just a brief taste of my @MtnDao experience. If you want<br />

to know what happened when I disappeared for a few days with the<br />

Woman In The Black Dress, you will have to read that story. Wasn’t quite<br />

ready to tell that one yet.<br />

If you like these stories, feel free to go and right-click save my art.<br />

A @MtnDao experience<br />

A @kidonthephoenix joint<br />

@UnitedWeArtSOL With legends @TheOnlyNom @afkehaya<br />

@Crasskitty @thevonwong @CailinDoran @kidonthephoenix<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> 21



askew<br />

@austinvirts<br />

there is currently an imbalance between creators and collectors<br />

in the Solana NFT space.<br />

the rate of 'minting' is outpacing the rate of collecting by a<br />

significant amount.<br />

let's take a look to start, let's take a look at the data.<br />

(for simplicity, I am using March 2nd as the baseline)<br />

- average # of NFTs minted each day | ~50,000<br />

- # of unique Solana NFT holders | 583,804<br />

- average # of daily NFT transactions | ~12,5000<br />

- # of daily new Solana NFT holders | ~3,500<br />

* for transparency, the numbers above vary slightly between bull /bear<br />

markets. I took a median average - numbers vary plus or minus 20% in some<br />

extremes.<br />

regardless, the number of people buying NFTs is only a fraction<br />

of the number of people minting NFTs.<br />

why does this matter?to start, a standard metric of success<br />

recently has been ‘number of NFTs minted.’ while this is great<br />

and shows that folks are interested in and using the tech, it’s<br />

excluding actual market demand.<br />

on the contrary, we are seeing ~50k new NFTs minted on<br />

average.<br />

26<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong>

so what’s happening with all these new mints?the short answer<br />

is not much (afaik) - the longer answer is a bit more complicated.<br />

data between resale and fresh mints was challenging to find,<br />

so I pulled the aggregate of both, which is around ~12,500.<br />

this number includes actions both minting new projects and<br />

secondary sales.at this rate, if we bundle new mints and<br />

secondary together for ~12,500 daily actions combined with an<br />

average of ~50,000 daily new mints, that’s still a 4x imbalance<br />

between creators and collectors.to be clear, I am bullish as all<br />

can be on both solana and NFTs. but, I do think something needs<br />

to change in order to regain the momentum we saw in August<br />

and September.<br />

it seems clear that quantity over quality isn’t working as<br />

showcased by the mean and medium prices below.<br />

i.e imagine marketplace X touted 100k daily mints but sold 0. is<br />

that good?continued...<br />

looking at the data, we see on average ~3,500 people join the<br />

solana NFT space. amazing welcome all the new collectors we<br />

are glad to have you.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> 27

we still have a long way to go, but some of the most ambitious<br />

and brightest minds are working in both solana and the solana<br />

nft space.<br />

quality is coming back with 1 of 1 artists shining through<br />

platforms like Exchange and Form, but total volume here is still<br />

low.over time we will see cash grabs not get attention, low-quality<br />

projects not sell out, and real artistry priced in accurately as the<br />

market slowly corrects.<br />

all of these systems and tools are here to stay - it’s up to the<br />

market to ensure things move in the best direction.lets keep<br />

supporting artists and using this incredible tech to continue to<br />

move forward<br />

*my tweet threads are a stream of conciseness and are rarely<br />

checked for typos and grammar*<br />

*data was collected from @Hello_Moon___ and @DuneAnalytics*<br />

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@joemccann <strong>47</strong>.9K Followers<br />

30<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong>

PURPLEanalysis<br />

@Purpleanalysis<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> 31

the ASTRONAUT<br />

The Astronaut @thexastronaut<br />

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grapeprotoco<br />



https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/688791798<br />



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRYqredOoR8<br />

36<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong>

OVER 5Sol & TOP NFT<br />

SolsWatch<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> 37





interview by @alanj___<br />

Q/ We’ve been speaking on an off for a fair while now, but for those<br />

out there that don’t know you, or the projects you’re involved with, tell<br />

us a bit about yourself? Who are Jitta & Jason, what is Yellow Trash<br />

Can, aka YTC, & the Garbage Patch Kids collection, aka GPK, and how<br />

are they all connected?<br />

A/ Yellow Trash Can is an Alt Band & Production Duo made up of Jitta<br />

On The Track and me. We are completely independent as a band, but<br />

Jitt does have a co-publishing deal with Sony where he has produced<br />

for other artists and labels, as well as their own music. Jitt is down<br />

in Woodland Hills in LA and I’m up in Portland, so we mainly talk<br />

over spaces and DM each other throughout the day. YTC as a band<br />

officially started around 2 years ago with our first track recorded in<br />

the Summer of 2020. We’ve both been musicians all our lives and we<br />

just naturally came together. The early days of the Garbage Patch Kids<br />

collection, when the idea formed, was about a year ago and actually<br />

started with the Trash Cans<br />

as the body with different<br />

heads, but we switched to<br />

the Trash Can head as we<br />

felt it would be easier for<br />

collabs. Our goal is to build<br />

in streaming royalties from<br />

our music later in the game<br />

that are attached to the GPK<br />

NFT series. We want to offer<br />

a safe space for 1 of 1 artists,<br />

with 100 original GPKs done<br />

by Jitt and another 300 that<br />

are a collaboration between<br />

Jitt and other artists with the<br />

growth of the NFTs along<br />

with the band. I guess I’m very<br />

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technical minded and<br />

we produced a song for<br />

Blocboy JB called Carlton<br />

which we sampled music<br />

from a Nintendo switch<br />

game and had to get<br />

approval from Universal<br />

to use. Jitt is also an<br />

Animator and Cartoonist<br />

and helped with the cover<br />

art and animation for the<br />

YouTube clip of the song.<br />

He’s also worked with<br />

Def Jam, Warner, RCA,<br />

he’s done videos for Lil<br />

Yachty, Lil Wayne, and 2<br />

Chainz. I do a lot of the<br />

artist management and<br />

also have a full recording<br />

studio called Burn Money Music that we run. The end goal for YTC &<br />

GPK is to sell royalties with additional utilities available like discounted<br />

studio time at Burn Money Music in Portland, and we’re also talking<br />

to studios in LA to offer the same to help expand the space for other<br />

artists in LA and hopefully bring more artists into the NFT space as<br />

well by helping them setting up their own stores, setting up wallets<br />

and basically setting up other people and educate them in the same<br />

space we’re in.<br />

Q/ WOW, a bit to unpack there, that’s awesome! Ok, so onto a bit of<br />

a standard question, but what drew you to Solana for this project<br />

over any of the other ecosystems? I see much more music-based<br />

collections on ETH than SOL at the moment, did you ever consider<br />

ETH?<br />

A/ What drew us to Solana is that we are more free to learn as we go<br />

and let’s be honest, gas prices are far too high on ETH. Solana lets us get<br />

our feet wet and is easier to learn. We’ve got some close friends that<br />

we have watched succeed in this space, like iiiso (aka gh◎$tlord) who<br />

has had the ability to express himself freely and that success has been<br />

an inspiration to us. But ultimately, we chose SOL over ETH and others<br />

like TZS is because 1. Yeah, the gas fees, and 2. Easier to onboarded<br />

for artists and NFT collaborations. We want to help other artists with<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> 43

production and give them the freedom to avoid the major labels and<br />

take more ownership over their own work and future. Factoring in fees<br />

for labels, fees for management, fees for talent agencies etc, costs can<br />

get high, but as YTC we help produce, do vocals, mastering, do the art,<br />

help with social media content, as an all-encompassing team and with<br />

gas fees on SOL so much lower, it is easier to get started for any artist<br />

to set up a template and help them get their projects started ASAP.<br />

There are a lot of artists that are sitting on A LOT of music that they<br />

just don’t have the budget to release or market. But there is no barrier<br />

of entry with SOL. It<br />

is more community<br />

driven, and we can<br />

meet more people and<br />

connect more directly.<br />

We probably would’ve<br />

expected to have spent<br />

10-15k on ETH so far<br />

plus marketing, it’s<br />

very different and we<br />

would have been so<br />

limited. I mean we’ve<br />

onboarded around 10 to<br />

15 artists already which<br />

we wouldn’t have been<br />

able to do on ETH based<br />

on the gas fees alone.<br />

The art forward aspect<br />

and the community on<br />

Solana has been very<br />

supportive.<br />

Q/ Now you’ve had some amazing collaborations so far in the series,<br />

the McNatt was one I actually tried to snipe myself, but also gh◎$tlord<br />

which you’ve mentioned earlier and even Art by Micro, how do these<br />

come about?<br />

A/ We’ve done 15 to 17 already with another 20 or so in the pipeline,<br />

but they all started differently. Micro (@art_by_micro) is a member<br />

of Paragon (Paragon Art Agency - @ParagonNft), which we are also<br />

a part of. It’s been great as Sean (Paragon founder – @xVirtualSD)<br />

is a big help and he greatly helps move things and people like iiiso<br />

(@iiiso_wassup), Keez (@keezerfeld), Jason the Photographer (@<br />

wolcottphoto), and a lot of others through Paragon. I actually knew<br />

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Art by Micro through his music much earlier, so that was interesting<br />

to know of him and then meeting him in real life, which I completely<br />

blanked out, but then properly connecting again years later. We used to<br />

have these studio sessions where we would bring in people and Micro<br />

was one who came through. I love his art, especially his Ring series and<br />

the Cut-out series with the typewriter paper, he’s very talented!<br />

Q/ Totally agree, Micro, and all the other artists mentioned, are<br />

incredibly talented, I’m a big fan. So, looking at your roadmap, you’ve<br />

listed a music initiative by the end of Q4, with a hope that it’s done<br />

earlier, can you elaborate on that a bit further on this? Sounds very<br />

ambitious.<br />

A/ So the question is less about when, and more about how because<br />

at the moment there’s not really a thing such as a music NFT. Our goal<br />

is to create an interim solution, involving manual labour, which will<br />

become fully automated in the future. So, say we release a song, that<br />

(the royalties) would get paid out in fiat like USD, then that would be<br />

transferred to SOL and then split up between the owners. But we are<br />

hoping to automate it where it the royalties gets distributed before<br />

it hits the YTC account, this direct payment<br />

system is what we are working on. The hope<br />

is that we can add this utility by Q4 because it<br />

hasn’t been done before, yet. There is Distrokid,<br />

the platform, which is working on paying out<br />

to the artists which then use the platform<br />

(Distrokid) to allocate %s of royalties in real time,<br />

so that when Distro send out these payments it<br />

goes directly to the people listed by the artists.<br />

This will allow companies like Distro to pay out<br />

in cryptocurrency like SOL and not in fiat. But<br />

until then we will be doing a manual process<br />

which just takes trust from the community<br />

although with distribution platforms like Distro,<br />

it is really easy to transfer the code.<br />

Q/ Now, you’re not only doing NFTs and music,<br />

but changing the whole landscape with<br />

custom 1 of 1 merch, clothing, discounts for IRL<br />

studio spaces to rent in Portland and hopefully<br />

LA in the future, and I see you’re even talking<br />

about furniture, how big can GPK & YTC get?<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> 45

A/ Well we have a warehouse (around 1,000 square feet) in Portland, in<br />

which we have some embroidery machines so we can make patches<br />

and have sewing machines on site. The year before last we had a<br />

different spot a couple blocks away, but it was a rented space not a<br />

shared space. There were some amazing people, including 1 dude who<br />

made 1 of 1 hand crafted canoes, but there was too much disconnect<br />

and weird energy when Covid hit because all the other people/artists<br />

were so different, that’s when we found this spot. Anyway Rex (@<br />

Wrekitrex) we collab’d with on the 1st pair of YTC pants and he’s been<br />

working on the 2nd pair at the moment. He also makes rugs which<br />

get hand made on site at the warehouse in Portland. There’s a new<br />

jacket he’s working on that is a repurposed Carhartt jacket which has<br />

embroidery of YTC with some fish net textures stitched in underneath.<br />

The 2nd pair of pants, which will be released soon, are black and white,<br />

with all the embroidery, distressing, stitching, and patch work being<br />

done by hand. We’re going to do smaller rug patches which will get<br />

sewn onto the pants that’ll be all soft fuzzy too. It’s nuts, the furniture I<br />

think will blow everyone’s mind. It’s a coffee table of a yellow trash can<br />

with a dog in it. We are looking at some wall pieces of the GPK logo<br />

and potentially even some basketball backboard sets, and there’ll also<br />

be some wall pieces too. Our goal is to grow the YTC brand and expand<br />

into a lot of new artists and different people with the music being the<br />

main backing of the brand that expands. Sort of like the band is a<br />

company with everyone chillin and growing organically together.<br />

Q/ I did a little bit of digging getting ready for this, and something<br />

that piqued my interest very highly was a bit of a cheeky feud you<br />

supposedly started between The Birdman – Tony Hawk and Bam<br />

Bam – Bam Margera. As a DIEHARD skater back in the late 90s and<br />

the whole counterculture back then, how did this even come about?<br />

A/ Tony Hawk played “tambourine” in the band as a joke, but it was<br />

just a cameo, it wasn’t real. Then Jitt cut it and made an amazing edit<br />

for a video which we posted on IG, and then ran it as a joke press<br />

release, but the MSM just ran with it, and no one fact checked. So, we<br />

got Bam to send us a video response as a cameo, that we then sent to<br />

tony hawk, but he’d got a bit upset at that point, although it was just<br />

all cameos which Jitt used to make some sick edits. I mean I just made<br />

a press release, and we had a publicist at the time that was supposed<br />

to go out and secure some press for it, but he got nothing, so I went<br />

out myself and got like 5 spots, so I’m not sure what we were paying<br />

him for at that point. It was all in good fun though.<br />

46<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong>

Q/ Is there anything else you’d like to add before we wrap up? New<br />

collaborations, new tunes?<br />

A/ We just released a new EP with Myke Bogan (@mykebogan) last<br />

week, its pretty dope, we produced and did some vocals on it too. He’s<br />

based out of Portland as well. We have a bunch of new music coming<br />

out too, not sure what is next, but we have an EP coming up with<br />

Nova, an EP with Mike the True. We got the 2nd set of WrekitRex pants<br />

coming out soon and we’ll be doing a rug soon too, but a physical rug<br />

coming out with GPK logo as a floor mat. So, keep an eye out!<br />

Jason, I know the time zone difference between Queensland &<br />

Oregon is a bit funky, but Thank You very much for your time!<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> <strong>47</strong>




















Enter the Iguanaverse:<br />

By Cyborg-Iguanas<br />

Cyborg Iguanas are the galactic mercenaries of the IguanaVerse. Born in a post<br />

apocalyptic world amidst chaos and hardened in steel, the Iguanas must scour<br />

the resource scarce galaxies in search for the coveted $CORE. Found in cosmic<br />

space, CORE is the prized currency within the iguanaverse. Each Iguana is<br />

uniquely enhanced and battle tested for any conquest in the galaxy.<br />

$CORE Token Total Supply<br />

Our total supply will be 10,000,000 with 60% dedicated to staking, 20% to LP<br />

incentives, and 20% reserves.<br />

TL;DR:<br />

10000000 Total token supply<br />

60% (6,000,000) dedicated to staking<br />

68<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong>

20% (2,000,000) dedicated to LP incentives<br />

20% (2,000,000) dedicated to reserves<br />

$CORE Token Total Circulating Supply<br />

The total 10,000,000 $CORE will not be released all at once. Total circulating<br />

supply is the total amount of supply we are releasing per wave. We are planning<br />

to have 4 waves. Each wave consists of ~2,500,000 $CORE with the same<br />

distribution as our total supply.<br />

TL;DR:<br />

Fractions of the total supply will be released as waves<br />

There will be 4 waves in total<br />

Wave 1 will release with 2,500,000 $CORE tokens<br />

60% (1,500,000) dedicated to staking<br />

20% (500,000) dedicated to LP incentives<br />

20% (500,000) dedicated to reserves<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> 69

Traits<br />

Traits<br />

We would like to directly provide utility value to traits for each Iguana. With<br />

the release of our Genesis Iguanas, each Iguana will be assigned an experience<br />

level. This experience level directly impacts the amount of $CORE the Iguana is<br />

able to retrieve for the holder. We have the newbies at a base experience at 1x<br />

and scales to veterans at 4x with newbies being the most common trait and<br />

veterans being the most rare trait. Below is a visual representation of the<br />

distribution of rarity tiers and the experience for each tier.<br />

We would like to directly provide utility value to traits for each Iguana. With<br />

the release of our Genesis Iguanas, each Iguana will be assigned an experience<br />

level. This experience level directly impacts the amount of $CORE the Iguana is<br />

able to retrieve for the holder. We have the newbies at a base experience at 1x<br />

and scales to veterans at 4x with newbies being the most common trait and<br />

veterans being the most rare trait. Below is a visual representation of the<br />

distribution of rarity tiers and the experience for each tier.<br />

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TL;DR:<br />

Each Iguana is assigned an experience level as a trait<br />

Rates for experience level range from 1 to 4<br />

The rates in which the Iguana generates $CORE is Experience * Base Rate.<br />

Iguanas will be generating a different amount of $CORE based on their<br />

experience<br />

We believe that this addition<br />

to our ecosystem is vital as it<br />

applies variance to each<br />

Iguana and ensures that<br />

rarity is an important factor<br />

within secondary markets.<br />

Tokenomics Thesis<br />

The total supply of $CORE<br />

will not be released all at once. A common limitation of a capped supply is the<br />

exhaustion of total token supply. This usually comes down to the rate of<br />

rewards. Rewards should not be constant in this system as total token supply<br />

would be exhausted before a runway could be completed.<br />

One solution to this would be to implement an inverse exponential staking<br />

reward where rewards start at a fast rate but taper off towards the end. As seen<br />

below where (Y axis would represent reward rates and X axis would represent<br />

number of days).<br />

This method works but is not<br />

completely flexible as once<br />

rewards are set, it is difficult to<br />

change rates without completely<br />

altering the other mechanics of<br />

the project.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> 71

The solution that we propose is releasing a fraction of our total supply in<br />

waves. By releasing in waves, we can modularize each release, customize all the<br />

values in our system, and won’t need to worry about exhausting our total token<br />

supply. Ultimately we are able to have complete control over all $CORE<br />

emissions and burn mechanics within each wave.<br />

Missions and Radars<br />

For any token to be valuable demand must be present, as such in our system we<br />

introduce missions and radars as incentives for $CORE.<br />

In our system, holders of Genesis Iguanas will be able to embark on missions by<br />

burning $CORE for a chance to get a Baby Iguana egg. There is a base chance<br />

for successful retrieval. Users would also have the option to burn $CORE in<br />

exchange for radars. The radars can either be sold in secondary market places<br />

or burned to increase the chances of a successful mission. After every mission<br />

an Iguana will have a cooldown before they can go on another mission.<br />

With all these factors in hand, we wanted to create a $CORE token sink that is<br />

sustainable but not too difficult that people lose interest.<br />

Wave 1<br />

In wave 1, we will release 2,500,000 tokens with a runway of 90 days. 60% of<br />

which will be dedicated to staking rewards. 20% will go towards the liquidity<br />

pool incentives and the final 20% will be for reserves. The total number of<br />

tokens that will be rewarded through staking will be 1,500,000. Of which we<br />

aim to burn 90% (1,350,000) through missions. This number is how we based<br />

all of the mission costs, item costs, and staking rewards.<br />

Staking<br />

Board your Iguana and take off to cosmic space. Cosmic space is only for the<br />

strong and staking will be exclusively for the Genesis Iguanas. Recall your<br />

Iguanas back to base anytime with no minimum staking duration. The base rate<br />

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for each Iguana before calculating the experience rate is 6.05. Below is how<br />

much an Iguana will generate at each tier.<br />

TL:DR:<br />

Only Genesis Iguanas can be staked<br />

6.05 is the base $CORE rate before calculating the experience<br />

No minimum staking duration<br />

Gen 2 Missions:<br />

1111 Baby Iguana eggs are scattered across the galaxies for Genesis Iguana<br />

holders to find. They hatch into adorable but deadly baby Iguanas. However,<br />

getting them is a rather difficult task. To go on a mission in search of these eggs<br />

135 $CORE must be burned for gas. There will be a base chance of 10% for<br />

successful retrieval and could be increased with the use of items in the Iguana<br />

Armory. Upon successful retrieval of an Iguana egg it will take 30 days to hatch.<br />

Get your eggs while they’re still around. Not all genesis iguana holders will be<br />

able to secure an egg.<br />

TL:DR:<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> 73

Get your eggs while they’re still around. Not all genesis iguana holders will be<br />

able to secure an egg.<br />

TL:DR:<br />

1111 eggs are around for Iguanas to find in wave 1<br />

Embark on missions to find an egg, 135 $CORE per mission<br />

10% base chance of finding an egg<br />

Not every Genesis Holder will be able to secure an egg<br />

We decided that 135 $CORE a mission is a fair price for each mission as on<br />

We decided that 135 $CORE a mission is a fair price for each mission as on<br />

average, ~120 days per Iguana to successfully retrieve an egg not including the<br />

average, ~120 days per Iguana to successfully retrieve an egg not including the<br />

use of items. We also enabled the secondary trading of radars, to give the<br />

option to genesis holders to sell for SOL on secondary marketplaces if they do<br />

not wish to participate in the missions.<br />

use of items. We also enabled the secondary trading of radars, to give the<br />

Iguana Armory:<br />

option to genesis holders to sell for SOL on secondary marketplaces if they do<br />

not wish to participate in the missions.<br />

Visit the armory for all of your Iguana needs, here you will find exotic items<br />

from across the galaxies. Radars serve as tools to assist in egg hunting missions.<br />

Each radar can be burned before a mission to give a significant one time boost<br />

Iguana Armory:<br />

Visit the armory for all of your Iguana needs, here you will find exotic items<br />

from across the galaxies. Radars serve as tools to assist in egg hunting missions.<br />

Each radar can be burned before a mission to give a significant one time boost<br />

to the rates for a successful retrieval. Radars will have three tiers each with<br />

varying boosts. Radars will be minted using $CORE with varying $CORE costs<br />

based on tier. Radars will also be listed on secondary marketplaces for users to<br />

buy and sell. Below is an infographic of the costs and boosts of each radar tier.<br />

TL:DR:<br />

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Unlimited amount of radars for purchase<br />

Radars provide different percentage boosts<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong>

uy and sell. Below is an infographic of the costs and boosts of each radar tier.<br />

TL:DR:<br />

Unlimited amount of radars for purchase<br />

Radars provide different percentage boosts<br />

3 Tiers of radars boosts (10%, 20%, 40%)<br />

Every radar can be listed on marketplace for users to buy/sell<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>47</strong> 75<br />

The cost of items is based on a simple utility per % metric. We take the cost of a

The cost of items is based on a simple utility per % metric. We take the cost of a<br />

mission and divide that number by the base chance to come up with a $CORE<br />

cost per % increase in success rate. Using that number we multiply the<br />

percentage boost and arrive at the item costs we have now.<br />

Final Thoughts<br />

The Cyborg Iguana team would like everyone to know that we have been<br />

working our hardest for the past few months to ensure that we create and<br />

deliver a quality project that meets everyone’s expectations. We truly<br />

appreciate every single one who has been part of our journey so far. This is only<br />

the beginning and we have so much more planned for the future we cannot wait<br />

to announce. Strap in and take off to cosmic space.<br />

Project Info<br />

The mint will be happening on February 27th, 2022, at 1.5 SOL each, on our<br />

official website https://www.cyborgiguanas.com/. The release will be split into<br />

two phases, presale for OGs /WL and public sale for everyone else. More info<br />

will be announced in our Discord.<br />

Website: https://www.cyborgiguanas.com/<br />

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CyborgIguanas<br />

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/cyborgiguanas<br />

https://medium.com/@cyborgiguanas/enter-the-iguanaverse-74a35a0fb638<br />

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