Haddonfield Today 108_2022Mar11

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CASH ONLY20 | haddonfield.today #108 • MARCH 11 TO APRIL 1, 2022Citizen of the YearSaturday, March 19, 2022 at 9aIn January 1973, the Haddonfield Jaycees held a breakfast at theFirst Baptist Church in honor of Mayor Eugene V. Hinski.Also honored with a “special service award” was “an outstandingcitizen” – David J. Finn Sr.Thus began two traditions that the Jaycees carried on through1991, and that the Lions Club has continued since 1992.On Saturday, March 19, 2022 at 9a.m., the 49th * Mayor’s Breakfastwill be held at the First Presbyterian Church, in Fellowship Hall.During the Breakfast, Mayor Colleen Bianco Bezich will namethe 52nd * Haddonfield Citizen of the Year and join with her fellowCommissioners to deliver a State of the Borough report. The WilliamG. Hansen Youth of the Year Award will be presented to MaddieCush, president of the Leo Club at Memorial High School.We invite you to join us for this 50th anniversary celebration.Admission is $15 at the door. (Age 12 and under $10.)* Because of Covid-19, a Mayor’s Breakfast was not held in 2021.** There were two recipients of the award in 1993, and also in 2004.u HADDONFIELD CITIZENS of the YEAR u2021 – Joseph G. “Joe” Serico2020 – Stuart N. Harting2019 – Marie E. DiMatties2018 – Robert A. “Bob” Turner2017 – George R. Cox2016 – Thomas “Tom” Baird2015 – Eugene H. “Gene” Kain2014 – Robert L. “Bob” Parsons2013 – John C. Connell2012 – Elizabeth “Betsy” Anderson2011 – Joseph P. “Joe” McElroy2010 – Joseph E. “Joe” Murphy2009 – Joy “Jamie” Horwitz Fram2008 – Eleanor “Norie” Wisniewski2007 – Robert A. “Bob” Marshall2006 – David J. Hunter2005 – Karen Weaver *2004 – Beverly Lloyd-Aldeghi *and DeForest “Butch” Brees2003 – Neal P. Rochford2002 – Janice D. “Jan” Twitchell *2001 – John H. Reisner III2000 – Letitia G. “Tish” Colombi1999 – Blair M. Murphy *1998 – William W. “Bill” Reynolds Jr *1997 – William H. “Bill” Brown1996 – Joseph F. “Joe” Haro *1995 – Mary Louise “Mary Lou” Cullurafi *1994 – Allen S. Bolinger *1993 – Charles H. “Chissie” Evans *and Ruth S. Evans *1992 – G. Frederick “Fred” Rexon Sr *1991 – Laura Hubbard *1990 – Vivian L. Stauder *1989 – Walter “Walt” Saladik *1988 – Anna T. “Tillie” Clement *1987 – William G. “Bill” Hansen *1986 – Douglas B. Rauschenberger1985 – Eugene V. “Gene” Hinski *1984 – Robert M. “Bob” Schaeffer *1983 – Louis H. Goettelmann *1982 – Edna L. Haydock *1981 – Robert J. “Bob” Twitchell *1980 – Joan L. Aiken *1979 – John J. “Jack” Tarditi Jr1978 – Patricia W. “Pat” Lennon *1977 – Robert P. “Bob” Carpenter *1976 – Dorothy B. McGlade *1975 – Raymond Wheeler *1974 – Harry T. Kaufmann *1973 – David J. Finn Sr ** Deceased

#108 • MARCH 11 TO APRIL 1, 2022haddonfield.today | 21Award • 50 Yearsm • First Presbyterian ChurchCITIZENS OF THE YEAR • MAYOR’S BREAKFAST, JANUARY 2019Photo by Ed QuinnSTANDING: Bill Brown, David Hunter, Joe McElroy, Jack Tarditi, Bob Marshall, John Reisner, Butch Brees,Joe Haro, Bob Turner, Tom Baird, Bob Parsons, Neal Rochford, Gene Kain, Doug Rauschenberger, Bill ReynoldsSITTING: Tish Colombi, Betsy Anderson, Jamie Fram, Marie DiMatties (Citizen of the Year), Bill Hansen, Joe Murphy, George CoxWHO ARE LIONS?The International Associationof Lions Clubs was established inChicago in 1917 to address socialproblems created by World War I andrapid industrialization. By 1920, therewere clubs in 23 states and Canadawith more than 6,400 members.During the 1925 Lions InternationalConvention, Helen Keller challengedLions to become “knights of the blindin the crusade against darkness.”Thus began a global commitment toissues related to sight and blindness, afocus that members of the HaddonfieldLions Club have embraced since itsfounding in 1944.There are currently 1.4 million Lionsin 48,000 clubs in some 200 countries– men and women taking action andmaking a positive impact intheir own communitiesand around the world,inspired by the motto“We Serve.”JOIN US IN SERVICE!Typically, we meet on the first andthird Thursday of each month, at6:15p.m., at Tavistock Country Club.Those interested in learning aboutwho we are and what we do arealways welcome.For more information about ourClub and its activities, or to inquireabout membership, send an email tolions@HaddonfieldAreaLions.orgor visit HaddonfieldAreaLions.org.COMING UP• Pasta Bowl. Saturday, April 2 at4p.m. at First Presbyterian Church.• Lizzy Haddon Girls BasketballTournament. Saturday, April 30 andSunday, May 1.• Breakfast with the Skirmish Troops.Saturday, June 4 at 9a.m. at FirstPresbyterian Church.HADDONFIELDAREA LIONS CLUB

#108 • MARCH 11 TO APRIL 1, 2022

haddonfield.today | 21

Award • 50 Years

m • First Presbyterian Church


Photo by Ed Quinn

STANDING: Bill Brown, David Hunter, Joe McElroy, Jack Tarditi, Bob Marshall, John Reisner, Butch Brees,

Joe Haro, Bob Turner, Tom Baird, Bob Parsons, Neal Rochford, Gene Kain, Doug Rauschenberger, Bill Reynolds

SITTING: Tish Colombi, Betsy Anderson, Jamie Fram, Marie DiMatties (Citizen of the Year), Bill Hansen, Joe Murphy, George Cox


The International Association

of Lions Clubs was established in

Chicago in 1917 to address social

problems created by World War I and

rapid industrialization. By 1920, there

were clubs in 23 states and Canada

with more than 6,400 members.

During the 1925 Lions International

Convention, Helen Keller challenged

Lions to become “knights of the blind

in the crusade against darkness.”

Thus began a global commitment to

issues related to sight and blindness, a

focus that members of the Haddonfield

Lions Club have embraced since its

founding in 1944.

There are currently 1.4 million Lions

in 48,000 clubs in some 200 countries

– men and women taking action and

making a positive impact in

their own communities

and around the world,

inspired by the motto

“We Serve.”


Typically, we meet on the first and

third Thursday of each month, at

6:15p.m., at Tavistock Country Club.

Those interested in learning about

who we are and what we do are

always welcome.

For more information about our

Club and its activities, or to inquire

about membership, send an email to


or visit HaddonfieldAreaLions.org.


• Pasta Bowl. Saturday, April 2 at

4p.m. at First Presbyterian Church.

• Lizzy Haddon Girls Basketball

Tournament. Saturday, April 30 and

Sunday, May 1.

• Breakfast with the Skirmish Troops.

Saturday, June 4 at 9a.m. at First

Presbyterian Church.



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