The Evidence Bible - Mattheus - Evangelisatie-materiaal.nl

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165 Matthew 5


The Sermon on the Mount

This sermon not only reveals God’s divine nature,

it puts into our hands the most powerful

of evangelistic weapons. It is the greatest evangelistic

sermon ever preached by the greatest

evangelist who ever lived. The straightedge of

God’s Law reveals how crooked we are:

v. 3: The unregenerate heart isn’t poor in

spirit. It is proud, self-righteous, and boastful

(every man is pure in his own eyes—Proverbs


v. 4: The unsaved don’t mourn over their

sin; they love the darkness and hate the light

(John 3:19).

v. 5: The ungodly are not meek and lowly

of heart. Their sinful condition is described in

Romans 3:13–18.

v. 6: Sinners don’t hunger and thirst after

righteousness. Instead, they drink iniquity like

water (Job 15:16).

v. 7: The world is shallow in its ability to

show true mercy. It is by nature cruel and vindictive

(Genesis 6:5).

v. 8: The heart of the unregenerate is not

pure; it is desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9).

Those who are born again manifest the

fruit of the Spirit, live godly in Christ Jesus (vv.

3–9), and therefore suffer persecution (vv.

10–12). However, their purpose on earth is to

be salt and light: to be a moral influence, and

to bring the light to those who sit in the shadow

of death (vv. 13–16).

Look now at how the Messiah expounds

the Law and makes it “honorable” (Isaiah

42:21). He establishes that He didn’t come to

destroy the Law (v. 17); not even the smallest

part of it will pass away (v. 18). It will be the

divine standard of judgment (James 2:12;

Romans 2:12; Acts 17:31). Those who teach it

“shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven”

(v. 19). The Law should be taught to sinners

because it was made for them (1 Timothy

1:8–10), and is a “schoolmaster” that brings

the “knowledge of sin” (Romans 3:19,20; 7:7).

Its function is to destroy self-righteousness

and bring sinners to the cross (Galatians 3:24).

The righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees

was merely outward, but God requires

truth in the inward parts (Psalm 51:6). Jesus

shows this by unveiling the Law’s spiritual nature

(Romans 7:14). The Sixth Commandment

forbids murder. However, Jesus shows that it

also condemns anger “without cause,” and

even evil-speaking (vv. 21–26): “Every idle

word that men shall speak, they shall give an

account thereof in the day of judgment”

(Matthew 12:36). The Seventh Commandment

forbids adultery, but Jesus revealed that this

also includes lust, and it even condemns divorce,

except in the case of sexual sin of the

spouse (vv. 27–32).

Jesus opens up the Ninth Commandment

(vv. 33–37), and then shows that love is the

spirit of the Law—“The end of the commandment

is charity out of a pure heart...” (1 Timothy

1:5). This is summarized in what is commonly

called the Golden Rule: “All things

whatsoever you would that men should do to

you, do you even so to them: for this is the

Law and the prophets” (Matthew 7:12, emphasis

added). “Owe no man any thing, but

to love one another: for he that loves another

has fulfilled the law. For this, You shall not

commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall

not steal, You shall not bear false witness,

You shall not covet; and if there be any other

commandment, it is briefly comprehended in

this saying, namely, You shall love your neighbor

as yourself. Love works no ill to his neighbor:

therefore love is the fulfilling of the law”

(Romans 13:8–10).

When a sinner is born again he is able to

do this (vv. 38–47). He now possesses “the divine

nature” (2 Peter 1:4). In Christ he is made

perfect and thus satisfies the demands of a

“perfect” Law (Psalm 19:7; James 1:25). Without

the righteousness of Christ he cannot be

perfect as his Father in heaven is perfect (v.

48). The Law annihilated his self-righteousness

leaving him undone and condemned. His only

hope was in the cross of Jesus Christ. After his

conversion, knowledge of the Law that

brought him there keeps him at the foot of

the cross.

John Wesley said, “Therefore I cannot

spare the Law one moment, no more than I

can spare Christ, seeing I now want it as much

to keep me to Christ, as I ever wanted it to

bring me to Him. Otherwise this ‘evil heart of

unbelief’ would immediately ‘depart from the

living God.’ Indeed each is continually sending

me to the other—the Law to Christ, and Christ

to the Law.”

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