SHILL Issue 46

Solana ecosystem zine.

Solana ecosystem zine.


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#<strong>SHILL</strong><br />


NFTHrilling<br />

Interview with long-time<br />

solana artist Apesy<br />

ISSUE #<strong>46</strong><br />

0.1 ◎<br />

BU___UB<br />

celebrating womyn in<br />

solana<br />

degods explained<br />

rising from the ashes<br />

chest finance<br />

just how is it done?<br />

step-n<br />

an nft that pays you while<br />

you stay fit

THIS<br />

In<br />

ISSUE<br />


4<br />

FROM<br />

6<br />

14<br />

20<br />

26<br />

36<br />

42<br />

58<br />

66<br />

70<br />

78<br />


So much to write. So little<br />

space.<br />

NFThrilling interview<br />

NFThrilling takes on no other<br />

than APESY in his latest<br />

interview #alpha<br />

Linkkzyy March Picks<br />

What is Linkkzyy looking at?<br />

#alpha<br />

Primitive Money<br />

When you know, you know.<br />

BU___UB<br />

A tribute to womyn in Solana<br />

#alpha<br />

Barndog & Metaverse<br />

Barndog takes us through<br />

setting up STEP-N while<br />

Metaverse looks at Star Atlas<br />

MarcoPolo Mercanti<br />

You’ve been sleeping on this<br />

one haven’t you? #alpha<br />

DeGods Explained<br />

Wondering why DeGods has<br />

risen like a phoenix from the<br />

ashes? #alpha<br />

Chest Finance<br />

This is how you do it. #alpha<br />

How to STEP-N<br />

Imagine making moneywith<br />

your NFT from running around.<br />

#alpha<br />

Chest Game Features<br />

Why you should be bullish on<br />

CHEST part1 #alpha<br />


the<br />

from<br />

EDITOR<br />

#Shill is nearing its 50th issue. Got an idea for how #Shill should<br />

celebrate? Let’s hear it: pixeltoy.sol@gmail.com<br />

What a huge week! Marketcap may be down, but the Solana<br />

ecosystem is just kicking it! So much so that this issue could not<br />

contain itself -88 pages!<br />

A HUGE thanks to KidonthePhoenix, LowBrowNative and Richwater<br />

who, during Twitter Spaces, said many meaningful things about<br />

#Shill zine. It was always the intention to create a zine that would<br />

help to shine the light on NFT artists that were not minting thousands<br />

of PFPs. There is great art out there, collectible pieces and while they<br />

may not be instant ‘flips’ there is a greater chance that they will be<br />

valuable pieces in the months ahead. Just look at Archi Morley or<br />

Keezerfeld. And if you haven’t grabbed a URS Crown yet well you are<br />


This issue is JAM PACKED with #ALPHA yet again. How to invest<br />

with $CHEST. How to earn while keeping fit with STEP-N. Womyn in<br />

Solana. MarcoPolo. DeGods. And of course, NFThrilling hits it out<br />

of the park with yet another high-quality interview, this time with the<br />

Solana-weathered APESY who has been a long-time $Sol NFT artist<br />

(glad to say I own 3 early pieces!).<br />

Before I let you get into this issue. I was part of a Discord chat<br />

recently, MonkeLabDAO. Twenty-two people in the chat. I asked, ‘why<br />

not put an article in #Shill zine?’ ALL OF THEM REPLIED - ‘What’s<br />

#Shill zine?’<br />

This ecosystem is HUGE. #Shill zine has only scraped the surface<br />

and that surface is 8500 views per week. It’s not a matter of IF but<br />

WHEN.<br />

As always, show your love on the Twittersphere with a simple retweet<br />

before #Shill zine increases in price!<br />

Enough said. You know the drill. Let’s f go!<br />

Pixeltoy<br />

4<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45


Need to be seen?<br />

Over 8000 views/week<br />

Advertising space in #Shill<br />

send an email to:<br />

pixeltoy.sol@gmail.com<br />

with “Ad query” as the<br />

subject.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45 5

Ciao @ 0apsy0, è un piacere averti qui .. quando ho visto questo tuo lavoro ho avuto<br />

un'emozione .. quello<br />

che chiamo #NFThrilling<br />

feeling/vibe .. in breve ..<br />

potresti descrivere<br />

questo tuo bellissimo<br />

pezzo, prima di iniziare<br />

l’intervista..<br />

Ciao fren, è davvero un<br />

piacere far parte di<br />

#openheartist. Ebbene,<br />

"Warmonger" è più<br />

attuale che mai, la guerra<br />

è alle porte, la libertà<br />

sanguina, la minaccia<br />

nucleare è in aumento.<br />

Viviamo in un mondo folle governato da pazzi. È una visione molto oscura della realtà<br />

che conosco, ma la verità è che la guerra è inerente a una specie bellicosa, su cui<br />

abbiamo costruito la nostra civiltà e tecnologia. Preghiamo per giorni migliori.<br />

Cominciamo..<br />

Nell'universo delle crypto e dell'arte NFT (come in quello dell'arte tradizionale,<br />

Banksy docet) l'anonimato è diffuso, cosa ne pensi e come ti avvicini al pubblico?<br />

Nel caso tu abbia un nome d'arte .. prima di iniziare .. dimmi qualcosa sul tuo nome.<br />

Penso che essere anon o meno sia un riflesso della tua personalità. Alcune persone<br />

sono più estroverse e non hanno problemi con quel tipo di esposizione. Ad altri piace<br />

lavorare dietro le quinte. Rispetto entrambi gli approcci, ciò che conta davvero è l'arte<br />

e le sensazioni che hai al riguardo. Apesy, è stata la fusione della mia avventura con<br />

le criptovalute con la mia arte. L'intero spazio crittografico ha molto più senso per me<br />

ora, con l’arrivo degli NFT.<br />

Se dovessi descriverti, in Da dove veniamo? poche ma essenziali<br />

Chi siamo? Dove<br />

parole, cosa diresti?<br />

andiamo?<br />

Beh, io sono un sognatore, un po' idealista nella mia<br />

visione del mondo. Fatalismo che mi scorre nelle vene, controbilanciato da<br />

un'anima di speranza. Spesso ho bisogno di creare arte che è il posto in cui mi piace<br />

essere, creare, caricare la mia visione sull'iPad.<br />

6<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45

Nell'arte NFT, quali sono le tecniche che ami, quelle che ti caratterizzano e quelle in<br />

cui vorresti cimentarti?<br />

Al giorno d'oggi uso Procreate pro, Pixaki, PS. Ai tempi in cui ho iniziato con l’arte<br />

digitale, in realtà stavo creando col mio smartphone su PicsArt e pixelstudio. Se hai la<br />

volontà di creare qualcosa probabilmente hai già gli strumenti, basta disegnarlo.<br />

Quanto tempo dedichi all'arte. Sei stato “sempre” un artista o ti sei reinventato.<br />

Quando hai deciso di dedicarti all'arte e perché?<br />

In realtà quasi tutto il giorno, anche quando non creo ci penso, penso sia una cosa da<br />

artista. Ci sono settimane in cui ho più di 12 ore al giorno di disegno sull'iPad. Anche<br />

se devo lavorare IRL (in real life, nella vita reale, n.d.r.) ho un lavoro che mi permette<br />

di portare l'iPad con me.<br />

Vorresti raccontare brevemente da dove viene il tuo lavoro artistico. Com'è il tuo<br />

ambiente di lavoro. Lo cambieresti e come?<br />

Fin da bambino creavo sempre una sorta di arte, ma il momento è stato l’arrivo<br />

dell'arte digitale, amo davvero poter creare nel mio giardino, accanto ai miei cani, al<br />

lavoro, ovunque sia, il potere dell'Ipad, funziona davvero come un pezzo di carta dove<br />

puoi disegnare quando vuoi.<br />

Come crei le tue opere. Qual è l'ispirazione per te. Cosa provi mentre crei. Qual è<br />

(se presente) il messaggio implicito nelle tue opere/collezioni. Vuoi trasmettere<br />

qualcosa?<br />

Normalmente evolvo sempre un'idea e i<br />

miei lavori provano a migliorarla<br />

costantemente.<br />

Ad esempio con Fallen (@fallensolana), ho<br />

iniziato con una pixel art molto semplice e<br />

ora 20 fallen dopo, molti sono<br />

completamente animati e credo di aver<br />

davvero migliorato la mia pixel art. Non mi<br />

piace restare fermo su uno stile. La gamma<br />

artistica è sottovalutata.<br />

Come vedi gli NFT in 3/5/10 anni. E tu?<br />

Proprio come il normale mercato dell'arte o<br />

delle collezioni, ma con gli steroidi. Questo è noto, il potenziale è attivo. E tra 10 anni<br />

voglio solo essere vivo, questo è il mio desiderio.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45 7

C'è qualcosa che desideri davvero e che speri di poter realizzare nei prossimi anni<br />

anche grazie alla tua arte? Qual è il tuo sogno o aspirazione più grande. E nel<br />

presente, cosa ti gasa. C'è qualcosa che vorresti e che ancora non hai, a parte una<br />

lambo ovviamente?<br />

Beh, forse liberarmi dalla schiavitù dell'IRL, concentrarmi totalmente sulla mia arte e<br />

sulla mia famiglia, questi sono obiettivi di vita. Lambo non mi piace sono un tipo molto<br />

timido, come potrei guidare con tutti che mi guardano? ☺<br />

Cosa ne pensi delle varie blockchain e delle relative NFT. Ethereum, Solana e poi.. è<br />

una competizione sportiva, una guerra fino all'ultimo colpo o un matrimonio non<br />

ancora annunciato? Cosa determina la tua preferenza tra una chain o l'altra? Cosa<br />

consiglieresti a un artista che desidera mintare il suo primo NFT?<br />

Ethereum è dove tutto è iniziato, gli NFT su Solana sono costruiti in modo diverso. Gli<br />

NFT di Ethereum sono costruiti con smart contract, su Solana sono token spl, questo<br />

porta problemi ai creatori con liste di zecca ma questo è il prezzo di una zecca<br />

economica. Adoro davvero la comunità e l'ecosistema di Solana.<br />

Quali artisti NFT (se presenti) hanno influenzato il tuo stile. Chi è il più talentuoso.<br />

Il più intelligente. Il più creativo. Uno ancora sottovalutato. Consiglieresti il<br />

prossimo artista 1: 1 da intervistare. Hai una domanda che vorresti fargli?<br />

Sono stato influenzato un po’ da tutti. Amo @FubbyFourTeen, @Glitchstroke,<br />

@0xBanana, @sikedelic, @notjohnlestudio e un sacco di disegnatori indonesiani ..<br />

l’arte è fortissima in quella parte di mondo. A @beeple – perché non Solana?<br />

WOW, sarà fatto! LFG @beeple<br />

Che consiglio daresti a qualcuno che vuole andare per la tua strada. E ai collezionisti<br />

che vogliono avvicinarsi al mondo NFT?<br />

Fai solo quella cosa che ti piace e insisti con essa prima o poi prospererai. Buona<br />

fortuna fren.<br />

Le "10 domande" sarebbero finite, so che non puoi più trattenerti .. tutto questo per<br />

me è molto #NFThrilling .. dai un ultimo giro!<br />

Il tuo miglior valore. Il tuo peggior difetto Il miglior libro o quello che ti ha cambiato<br />

la vita. Il miglior film di tutti i tempi. La "pittura" IRL che ti piace di più. L'ultima<br />

volta che ti sei ubriacato. Se potessi trascorrere una giornata con un artista (anche<br />

del passato), chi sceglieresti. E dove lo porteresti?<br />

Miglior valore, umanità e amicizia. Peggiore difetto, l'ingenuità legata principalmente<br />

al miglior valore. Miglior libro, Dune di Frank Herbert. Miglior film, Interstellar. Miglior<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45

serie, The Expanse. Il miglior dipinto IRL, Metamorfosi di Narciso di Dalì. L'ultima volta<br />

che mi sono ubriacato, ieri. Una giornata con un artista, Dalì, a casa mia, a fare una<br />

Collab.<br />

L'intervista è finita. Mi sono emozionato. Grazie Apesy (@ 0apsy0)! Un'ultima cosa. Lo<br />

faresti un NFT ispirato da questa intervista?<br />

Se sì, farà parte della prima collezione intitolata "#openheARTist - self portrait" o what<br />

else.. perché l'arte è nel cuore dell'artista, e noi la amiamo aperta a tutti.<br />

To Be Continued<br />

#openheartist<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45 9

Hi @0apesy0, it's a pleasure to have you here .. when I saw this piece of work of<br />

yours I got an emotion .. what I call #NFThrilling feeling/vibe .. in short .. could you<br />

describe this<br />

beautiful piece of<br />

your work to me,<br />

before starting the<br />

interview..<br />

Hello fren, it’s really a<br />

pleasure to be on<br />

openartist. Well<br />

“Warmonger” it’s<br />

more actual than<br />

ever, the war is upon<br />

us, liberty is bleeding,<br />

nuclear threat is<br />

rising. We live in a<br />

mad world ruled by<br />

mad people. It’s a<br />

very dark vision of the reality I know but the true is that war is inherent to a warlike<br />

species, we built our civilization and technology on top of it. Let’s pray for better days.<br />

In the universe of crypto and NFT art (as in that of traditional art, Banksy docet)<br />

anonymity is widespread, what do you think abt it and how do you approach the<br />

public? In case you have a stage name .. before starting .. tell me something abt your<br />

name.<br />

I think anon or not it’s a reflex of your personality. Some people are more extrovert<br />

and don’t have problems with that kind of exposure. Others like to work behind the<br />

curtains. I respect both approaches, what really matters is the art and the feelings you<br />

have about it.<br />

Apesy, was the merge of my crypto adventure with my art. The whole crypto space<br />

makes much more sense to me now, since NFTs<br />

If you had to describe yourself, in a few but essential<br />

words, what would you say?<br />

Where did we come<br />

from? Who we are?<br />

Where do we go?<br />

Well I’m a dreamer, a bit idealistic in my vision of the world.<br />

Fatalism<br />

pumping through my veins, counterbalanced in a soul of hope. I often need to create<br />

art that’s the place where I like to be, creating, loading my vision on the iPad.<br />

10<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45

In NFT art, what are the techniques you love, the ones that characterize you, and<br />

the ones you would like to try your hand at?<br />

Nowdays I use Procreate pro, Pixaki, PS. Back on the days when I started playing with<br />

digital, I was actually creating on my smartphone on PicsArt and pixelstudio. If you<br />

have the will to create something probably you already have the tools, just draw it.<br />

How much time do you dedicate to art. Have you “always” been an artist or have<br />

reinvented yourself. When did you decide to devote yourself to art and why. What<br />

were your first steps in the world of art. When did you begin to perceive yourself as<br />

an Artist?<br />

Actually almost all day, even when I’m not creating I’m thinking about it, that’s an<br />

artist thing I think. There are weeks I have more than 12 hours a day drawing on the<br />

iPad. Although I have to work irl, I have a work that allow me to take the iPad with<br />

me.<br />

Would u like to briefly tell where your artistic work comes from. What is your work<br />

environment like. Would u change it and how?<br />

Since a kid I always create some kind of art, but the moment was the digital art, really<br />

love how I can create in my garden, next to my dogs, in the irl work, everywhere that's<br />

the power of ipad, works really like a piece of paper where you can draw whenever<br />

you want.<br />

How you create your works. What is inspiration for you. What do you feel while you<br />

create. What is (if any) the implicit<br />

message in your works / collections. Do<br />

you want to convey something. If so,<br />

what?<br />

Normally I always evolve an idea and my<br />

works are constantly improving. For<br />

example with Fallen, started with very<br />

simple pixel art and now 20 fallen<br />

(@fallensolana) after they are fully<br />

animated and I really improved in pixel<br />

art. I don't like to stuck just with one<br />

style.<br />

Art range is undervalued.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45 11

How you see the NFTs in 3/5/10 years. And yourself?<br />

Just like regular art or collections market, but on steroids. This is known, the potential<br />

is on. And in 10 years I just want to be alive in 10 years, thats my wish.<br />

Is there something that you really want and that you hope to be able to achieve in<br />

the next years also thanks to your art? What is your biggest dream or aspiration.<br />

And in the present, what excites you. Is there something you would like and still<br />

don't have, apart from lambo of course?<br />

Well maybe liberating myself from irl slavery, focused totally on my art and my family,<br />

this are life goals. Lambo I don't like I'm very shy, how could I drive with everyone<br />

looking at me? ☺️<br />

What do you think of the various blockchains and related NFTs. Ethereum, Solana,<br />

and then .. is it a sports competition, a war to the last blow, or a marriage not yet<br />

announced? What determines your preference between one chain or the other?<br />

What would you recommend to an artist wishing to mint their first NFT?<br />

Ethereum is where all started, NFTs on Solana are built differently. Ethereum NFTs<br />

are built with smart contracts, on Solana they are spl tokens, this brings problems to<br />

creators with mint lists but that's the price of a cheap mint. Really love the Solana<br />

community and ecosystem.<br />

Which NFT artists (if any) have influenced your style. Who is the most talented. The<br />

most intelligent. The most creative. One still underestimated. Would you<br />

recommend the next 1: 1 artist to interview. Do you have a question you would like<br />

to ask him/her?<br />

I get influenced by all of them. Love @FubbyFourTeen, @Glitchstroke, @0xBanana,<br />

@sikedelic, @notjohnlestudio and a lot of Indonesians illustrator’s .. the art is strong<br />

in that part of the world. To @beeple - why not Solana? WOW, I’ll do it!<br />

What advice would you give to someone who wants to go your own way. And to<br />

collectors who want to approach the NFT world?<br />

Just do your thing and stuck with it sooner or later you will thrive. Good luck fren<br />

The "10 questions" is over .. bt you can no longer hold back .. all this is very #NFThrilling<br />

to me .. ok last lap!<br />

Your best value. Your worst flaw. The best book or the one that changed your life.<br />

The best movie of all time. The IRL “painting” you like best. The last time you got<br />

drunk. If you could spend a day with an artist (even from the past), who would you<br />

choose. And where would you take it?<br />

12<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45

Best value, humanity/friendship. Worst flaw, naiveness primally related with best<br />

value. Best book, Dune- Frank Herbert. Best movie, Interstellar. Best série, The<br />

Expanse. The best irl painting, Metamorphosis of Narcissus, Dali. Last time I got drunk,<br />

yesterday. A day with an artist, Dali, in my house, doing a Collab.<br />

The interview is over. I got thrilled. Thank you Apesy (@0apesy0)! One last thing.<br />

Would you make it an NFT inspired by this interview? If yes, it will be part of the first<br />

collection entitled "#openheARTist - self portrait" or wehatelse .. because art is in the<br />

heart of the artist, and we love it open.<br />

To Be Continued<br />

#openheartist<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45 13

@Linkkzyy<br />

Solana Project’s in March<br />

An Introduction<br />

If you aren’t acquainted with me already, my name is Linkkzyy’s<br />

or ‘The Solana Plug.’ Throughout this document I will list, describe,<br />

and measure project’s I believe are worth buying into<br />

throughout the month of March both pre-existing and minting.<br />

I will center my focus on the projects which will be minting in-order<br />

to offer a cost effective, low barrier of entry method.<br />

Mini Rant;<br />

After my initial document in October I saw success and was also<br />

suspended by twitter for ‘impersonation’. What did I do you may<br />

ask? I put Hasbullah in-front of an AMG as my profile picture.<br />

In saying this, ANY Support on both my personal social media<br />

and the project I’m building are GREATLY appreciated because I<br />

don’t charge anything more than a potential follow for access to<br />

my knowledge.<br />

Also, please retweet and share the document. It's the best way<br />

to support me if you’re uninterested in my project and shares the<br />

mints!<br />

The Standard disclaimer.<br />

NFT’s are extremely speculative assets as of right now. There is a<br />

chance at least one project on this list may potentially rug.<br />

In saying this; I will be investing in all of these NFT’s myself.<br />

I encourage you to please, DYOR and contact the projects directly<br />

yourself with any pressing questions.<br />

Please also do not fucking blow up my DM’s if you own a project,<br />

I will not slot you on the doc because you asked.<br />

Please, Use burner wallets with limited funds and be safe frens.<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45

Sugar Realm | 5,555 Supply, Mint Soon.<br />

Summary<br />

This is one of those projects that truly speaks for itself<br />

on the work being put into it, how far it’s currently<br />

progressed and just all round super dope. Just watch<br />

this. Obviously some bug fixes and more work to be done<br />

but an incredibly impressive demo for this current day<br />

and age on Solana; But quality is drastically rising.<br />

Pros;<br />

-Demo done pre mint which can be played.<br />

-Nice graphics.<br />

-Nice art.<br />

-Dedicated team.<br />

-Very rapid social growth and hype around the project.<br />

Cons<br />

-Honestly if you’re a gamer and really just want to get<br />

yourself into an NFT game. There’s no cons here because<br />

they’re definitely ready to deliver and definitely within the<br />

foreseeable future.<br />

-For those less interested in gaming NFTs, there’s a bunch<br />

of currently building RPG based games in development<br />

on Solana which serve as competitors.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45 15

Project Hive | TBA<br />

Summary<br />

I’m not 100% certain this will launch within March but<br />

it’s another project with alot of hype and alot of promise<br />

behind it in the gaming world.<br />

Lots of very large partners and investors backing the<br />

project.<br />

Goal is to build a P2E/WIN2E Game, large scale PVP +<br />

a PVE storyline. The graphics are quite reminiscent of<br />

cyberpunk.<br />

There’s alot of details to encapsulate and it’s a very<br />

ambitious project but the studio and team behind it<br />

seem large enough to pull it off.<br />

Pros;<br />

-Amazing art quality and VFX trailers/ website look<br />

flawless.<br />

-Very deep into its development.<br />

-Good partners.<br />

-Interesting and unique concepts in the game.<br />

-Also seems like an actual fun game, lots of customizations,<br />

gear, grinding and so on.<br />

Cons<br />

-One P2E game in a SEA of P2E games as you can tell by<br />

this document so far.<br />

-The largest part of content, PVP, banks entirely on<br />

whether there will be a<br />

large active player base.<br />

-Have a feeling the<br />

performance of a pc<br />

required to play this will be<br />

incredibly high. But I could<br />

be easily proven wrong.<br />

16<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45

Nekoverse | 7,000 Supply, 6th.<br />

Summary<br />

Another hyped up gaming project on Solana. An<br />

impressive team with a lot of info on it and some big<br />

partnerships.<br />

Extensive whitepaper is available here.<br />

The road map is not entirely unique but it’s clearly<br />

providing something of value.<br />

Item crafting, pvp, harvesting resources, nice.<br />

Professions, breeding and so on.<br />

Pros;<br />

-Big team, lots of info on the team.<br />

-Big partners.<br />

-Roadmap is nice.<br />

-Cool art feels unique.<br />

-Multiple game modes.<br />

-Ingame UI teaser looks nice.<br />

Cons<br />

-Standard con, there’s so many gaming projects right<br />

now and obviously not all of them will win out in the long<br />

run.<br />

-2 SOL mint price might be steep for some.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45 17



when you know, you know...<br />

@PrimitiveMoney<br />

quickly in the history of cycles.<br />

Ray Dalio talks about principles of<br />

a changing world order. He sees the<br />

current rise of China and decline of the<br />

US.<br />

What if it is in fact a rise of a new<br />

sovereign state being built and migrated<br />

to right before our eyes. A global order<br />

run by a decentralized universal ledger.<br />

An intercontinental shift and focus<br />

to change education, innovation,<br />

competitiveness, output, trade, financial<br />

centers, and reserve status. All elements<br />

of a new empire.<br />

If you think about global world orders<br />

and shifts of empires, reserve currency,<br />

revolutions, and renaissance eras they<br />

take time. Generational turnings take<br />

20-30 years which is one of the faster<br />

cycles in the scheme of things.<br />

How far Crypto had come in just 10-<br />

15 years? How much further and how<br />

much more exponential that will be in<br />

the next half of that cycle? It is following<br />

adoption on an exponential curve in a<br />

way we haven’t seen since the early<br />

internet.<br />

People think too short term.<br />

This time being built by all of us on<br />

immutable chains. Having real property<br />

rights on web3.<br />

I know that is why I’m here. In times<br />

like this, with so much geopolitical<br />

uncertainty, it is good to remind yourself<br />

of what can be done and the power of<br />

what we can collectively create.<br />

Come with me friends to valhalla as we<br />

re-shape a global order.<br />

I have people ask me a lot “why is crypto<br />

taking so long for mass adoption?”<br />

Simple answer is, IT’S NOT! Zoom out<br />

and put it in perspective. It is happening<br />

20<br />

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@BU___UB<br />

It’s international women’s day.<br />

And despite what many people<br />

believe, I am a woman. I wanted<br />

to share my deepest gratitude to<br />

the women who have shared their<br />

lives, their work, and their time<br />

with me... Em and ArteOVNI<br />

To @NFTsetmefree<br />

We growing up together. Em’s<br />

risen from the ashes. She’s putting<br />

the “e” in the art(e) ovni. She’s<br />

moving to Mexico and casting a<br />

spell on the whole damn city.<br />

To @celstialbody. The creator<br />

of a new visual language. A<br />

prophet. A brilliant, insightful<br />

soul. A typography gandalf. A<br />

fashion queen. A stoner.<br />

To @virkkk_<br />

The modern comic artist. The<br />

architect of worlds that remind me<br />

of my own history. My daughter.<br />

An ally of kpop fandom. Jefaza.<br />

26<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45

To @dato_art Unsummarizable.<br />

An artist. A poet. A Filipina<br />

powerhouse. A mind and spirit to<br />

contend with. A fan of deez nuts.<br />

To @nastia_n_n If Russia had a<br />

queen Bibi would be it. Sensitive,<br />

divergent and unabashedly loving<br />

and honest. Most importantly,<br />

lover of dogs.<br />

To @tornado_ilus A gracious,<br />

perceptive presence. Queen of<br />

weed. Ruler of bud. Lover of<br />

women. A source of light. A<br />

capsule of the best vibes.<br />

To @barbisa12 See her art and<br />

see us: Real women. Triumphant,<br />

celebratory, loving, hungry,<br />

curious and irreverent.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45 27

To @shadyladyNFT What I want<br />

to be when I grow up. An author<br />

of history and fashion through<br />

contemporary art. Would wear<br />

every outfit they have illustrated<br />

with confidence and never get a<br />

stain.<br />

To @itskay_k A merger of<br />

communities. A representative of<br />

women in this space. A potential<br />

yogurt commercial model because<br />

the glow is real.<br />

To @pinkskullqueen An elicitor<br />

of change. A pioneer. A creator<br />

of beauty and darkness. A<br />

natural, striking voice of clarity<br />

and sincerity.<br />

To @petrichorate A boss ass<br />

bi***. The creator of a new<br />

platform that will empower the<br />

next generation of creators. A<br />

woman I aspire to follow. A fellow<br />

powerful asian girl<br />

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@joemccann 47.9K Followers<br />

Bessemer is the oldest venture capital<br />

firm in history.<br />

And they now have a crypto fund.<br />

grapeprotocol<br />

30<br />

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PURPLEanalysis<br />

@Purpleanalysis<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45 31

the ASTRONAUT<br />

The Astronaut @thexastronaut<br />

32<br />

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grapeprotoco<br />


STEP-N<br />

https://vimeo.com/687389106<br />



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgnqEKw4F2g<br />

36<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45

OVER 5Sol & TOP NFT<br />

SolsWatch/ @easymoneyding<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45 37




MarcoPolo<br />

mercanti<br />

What started in the summer of 2021, has ballooned exponentially<br />

with a weekly rolling average of just under 100,000,000 USD in<br />

trading volume. Within these 6 months, we have seen drastic<br />

changes in the space as it hopped from meta to meta. We started<br />

building Marco Polo back in October, since escrow & P2P scams<br />

were a huge issue back then. But since, we have seen the space<br />

grow into more infrastructure plays like SSC, a new CMv2 & metas<br />

including staking, revenue sharing & utility taking front stage. As<br />

a result, this has shifted our roadmap and focus drastically as well,<br />

as the goal is always to chase the puck to where it’s going on the<br />

ice rather than where it is. A big shift was seeing the interest in<br />

tokens from projects, especially ones in the top-10 market cap.<br />

Back when Marco Polo was first conceptualized, $BOKU was<br />

the only token even being considered. Today, out of the top 10<br />

projects ranked by market cap alone, there are 6 tokens ($WOOD,<br />

$BOKU, $SHDW, $SCRAP, $AURY & $PUFF) already released, with<br />

$DUST (DeGods), $RAD (ZILLAZ), $BREAD (Thugbirdz) on the cusp<br />

of being launched and a second $SCRAP token & nudges from<br />

MonkeDAO & DAAO.<br />

We believe this trend will actually *grow*. The reason is because<br />

projects are approaching tokenomics & design very differently<br />

compared to DeFi token issuers. There seems to be a much<br />

stronger focus on usage for your NFT, with lower total supplies<br />

& faster circulation since most tokens are either earned through<br />

staking, or given for time-related tasks. Other projects like DeGods,<br />

are also exploring innovative token designs, such as starting with<br />

an initial supply of 0, rather than the other way around. Our mission<br />

is to be the central infrastructure to provide liquidity, rewards &<br />

general support for these projects while being fully decentralized<br />

& governed by our Guild.<br />

### *NFT native users vs. DeFi native users*<br />

Another factor we noticed while building our escrow was how<br />

few native NFT users have actually used DeFi tools, even if it’s<br />

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something as simple as an AMM or liquidity pool. Our hypothesis<br />

is that back in August, 2021, most of the liquidity on Solana was<br />

rooted in wallets from Whales and other investors with deep<br />

pockets. With the launch of DAA, some of the liquidity flowed over<br />

but the users were still native in DeFi, first.<br />

We could see this constantly in Discord & TG chats where DeFi<br />

users just didn’t “get” NFTs, and why people were paying hundreds<br />

of SOL for a jpeg. Turns out, it goes the other way too as many NFT<br />

users since then don’t understand why they should lock up their<br />

SOL & USDC for 30% annually.<br />

For a brief moment, let’s define what we call “*native*” users.<br />

- **DeFi Native User:** Someone who starts on-chain by accessing<br />

a DEX, seeking a token to speculate on before moving the LP token<br />

into a farm, a lending protocol or perps while focusing on chasing<br />

high APR.<br />

- **NFT Native User:** Someone who starts on-chain by going to<br />

MagicEden or Solanart because they heard about an NFT that<br />

was pumped on Twitter, and only uses a DEX to swap into SOL<br />

to buy the NFT. From here, the user might focus on flipping — or<br />

diamond fisting.<br />

The key differentiation are (1) the average starting size of funds, and<br />

(2) the way they frame return on investment. DeFi tends to have<br />

larger starting wallets, which make sense since they’re constantly<br />

slushing funds to chase APR’s. On the contrary, NFT users tend to<br />

have smaller bags to start, and are focused on returns as multipliers,<br />

as opposed to APR *(ie: 3x instead of 117% APR).* We think of this<br />

problem as NFT users being like an average Joe walking into a<br />

Casino with a paycheck, vs. fancy Joe walking into Morgan Stanley<br />

seeking a balanced portfolio with upside.<br />

What is important to understand is that if we are right, then DeFi<br />

isn’t designed for this type of behavior model. For example, trade<br />

sizes through swaps tend to be much lower in NFT considering<br />

that liquidity, and specifically concentrated liquidity amongst<br />

individuals, is usually much lower. This allows us to balance some<br />

of the impermanent loss with higher emission rates per block<br />

height. Other inefficiencies we are blending would be the concept<br />

of AMM fees, which usually sit at 3% with 2.5% going to liquidity<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45 43

providers. In our model, the fee is higher but we’ve also added a<br />

burning mechanism into the swap fee for our $MARCO token, in<br />

addition to a DAO revenue model for projects that operate as a<br />

community. These are merely some of the ***tinkering*** we are<br />

doing with Marco Polo.<br />

Mercanti NFTs**<br />

The word *Mercanti* means “merchant” in Italian, so we figured it’d<br />

be a nice ring to call our NFT collection since we are attempting<br />

to convert every NFT fanatic on Solana into a merchant during the<br />

days of Marco Polo. The Mercanti NFTs act as an access card for the<br />

majority of our products we listed above, in addition to receiving a<br />

series of rewards, fees waived, and governance opportunities. The<br />

Genesis collection has a total supply of 1,000. The secondary market<br />

is live on MagicEden. A follow-up generation will be announced<br />

shortly after the AMM, with a much larger supply.<br />

What do users get for holding a Mercanti?<br />

**Escrow Rewards:** All users who trade an NFT will have to pay 0.1<br />

SOL per NFT traded in addition to a % of SOL. **The 0.1 SOL will be<br />

paid out only to Genesis holders**. The payout will be in $SOL upon<br />

the launch of the escrow tool on MainNet.<br />

**Airdrop Rewards:** All users who stake their Mercanti will be<br />

airdropped $MARCO tokens, with the Genesis **holders being<br />

retroactively awarded from Feb 15th, 2022.** All other Generations<br />

will receive airdrop rewards from when the $MARCO token goes<br />

live.<br />

**Trading Rewards:** All users who trade NFTs on Marco Polo<br />

will accrue “trading rewards,” to be paid out in $MARCO tokens<br />

**post**. Details will be announced during the escrow launch.<br />

**AMM Rewards:** All users who hold a Mercanti will receive 0.5% of<br />

all trading fees in the AMM. This will be paid out in $MARCO tokens<br />

after the AMM goes live. Details will be announced closer to the<br />

AMM date. The split will be evenly divided amongst all generation<br />

holders.<br />

**Early Access To AMM Farms:** Mercanti holders will receive a<br />

5-day early access on the farms we launch. Pools will be decided<br />

on by the Guild, with us giving extra $MARCO tokens as emissions<br />

in addition to native project tokens for farming in the dual yielding<br />

farms. A<br />

**Access To Our Guild:** Our guild forms as a melting pot of loyal<br />

NFT users from verified communities, each holding a Mercanti and<br />

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granted 1 vote. The Guild will decide on proposals, eligible projects<br />

to integrate, treasury funds, as well as protocol adjustments for<br />

emissions, fees, and content we produce!<br />

**Access To Silent Auction:** Treasury funds will be used to buy new<br />

mints, and HOLD until their floor price rises. **20% of the initial IDO<br />

will kickstart the treasury funds, in addition to the % of secondary<br />

sales from the Genesis collection as listed on MagicEden**. All<br />

$MARCO tokens used in the auction will be burned.<br />

**Access To Blue-Chip Lottery:** Treasury funds will be used to buy<br />

blue-chip projects. Guild members can mint lottery tickets using<br />

$MARCO to win. All $MARCO tokens used in the lottery will be<br />

burned.<br />

**No Flat Trading Fee:** Both genesis holders will have their 0.1<br />

SOL flat fee per NFT waived as long as a Genesis or Mercanti is in<br />

the Phantom at the time of the trade, or is staked with the wallet<br />

holding them.<br />

**No Trading Block Fee:** Non-Mercanti holders will have to pay a<br />

fee in $MARCO to use the trading block, ie: listing an NFT on our<br />

“trading marketplace.”<br />

**Free Lottery Ticket:** Genesis Mercanti holders will also have one<br />

free lottery ticket per lottery.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45 45











explained<br />

The $DUST Ecosystem<br />

We are building an ecosystem for buying, selling & minting blue-chip<br />

NFTs with $DUST.<br />

We are working on integrating $DUST as an accepted currency with<br />

top-tier marketplaces (Magic Eden & SolanArt), popular P2E/P2P<br />

games & metaverse projects.<br />

Stake your DeGod, earn $DUST.<br />

DeadGods<br />

The goal for DeadGods is for the art to sell at auction<br />

houses.<br />

DeadGods are not a new collection.<br />

DeadGods are an upgrade for your DeGod. No cash<br />

grab. No inflation.<br />

The image on your DeGod will switch to the DeadGods<br />

art. Same attributes, new aesthetic.<br />

It will cost 1000 $DUST per DeGod.<br />

DeadGods will earn 30 $DUST/day.<br />

Decentralized Monarchy<br />

True decentralization makes an NFT project indestructible... but<br />

running every decision by a vote is dumb & inefficient.<br />

Fuck that. We are building on-chain elections for a group of elite<br />

DeMonarchs.<br />

They will have shared power over the DAO funds & get compensated<br />

by a % of the DeDAO royalties.<br />

But they will have to actually do shit... because the community will be<br />

able to vote them out at any time.<br />

Oh yeah, we have an app.<br />

Our app DYOR (on iOS, Android & Web) will make it easy for DeGod<br />

holders to track their NFT data.<br />

With an app its frictionless for people to submit predictions, comments<br />

& alpha. This gives DYOR a lot more user generated signals than most<br />

58<br />

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web tracking tools.<br />

We will track everyone’s performance<br />

& create leaderboards for top-traders.<br />

The iOS & Android beta is already<br />

live (for DeGod holders). We’ll open it<br />

up to everyone for a monthly $DUST<br />

subscription.<br />

Building The Brand<br />

DeGods = household name. That’s the<br />

goal.<br />

But we’re going to do it our way.<br />

Expect some engineered viral stunts,<br />

big name celebrities joining and unique<br />

IRL events at major NFT conferences.<br />

Sounds nuts right now, I know. But let’s<br />

see.<br />

At some point, we will also launch<br />

new, larger collection(s) to expand our<br />

community and holder base.<br />

DeLabs<br />

An accelerator + launchpad for NFT<br />

projects.<br />

This isn’t the typical launchpad. The<br />

acceptance rate will be really fucking low.<br />

Once accepted, the teams begin a 5-8 week sprint to the mint. We’ll<br />

provide resources (marketing, advisors, artists, developers, etc.) &<br />

we’ll coach them 1:1. At the end of the program, we’ll have a massive<br />

Demo Day.<br />

We’re onboarding the top leaders of the top Solana projects. They’ll<br />

choose teams they want to become an official advisor to.<br />

DeLabs will collect a % of the mint. Advisors will get % of royalties.<br />

Oh yeah, and every project will have a % of the supply mint-able with<br />

$DUST.<br />

So yes. You will be able to mint high-quality NFTs with fucking $DUST.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45 59






What is<br />


Chest Finance is a Solana defi protocol that provides Yield Booster<br />

Chests. Each Yield Booster Chest allows stakers to earn passive APY<br />

by simply staking. It’s that easy. Underneath the yield boosting hood<br />

lies various financial strategies including but not limited to covered<br />

calls and put selling options. It currently allows staking of more than 7<br />

different assets (SOL, ETH, BTC, USDC, etc)<br />

What are Defi Option Vaults (DOVs)?<br />

DOVs are one of the most powerful and used financial tools on the<br />

current market, allowing users to on average earn (20-60% APY)<br />

Chest.fi allows investors to deposit their funds into vaults. For each<br />

structured product, the chest engine strategically selects the strike<br />

prices, premiums, and dates to position sell covered calls & put-selling<br />

options, thus, carrying out all the calculations on behalf of investors.<br />

Just like options, DOVs carry out long or short options with a very high/<br />

low strike price which give users almost guaranteed returns on their<br />

investments. Using similar mechanisms as used in traditional finance,<br />

automated yield options strategies allow users to hedge their positions<br />

66<br />

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while earning premiums on their deposits and compounding the yields<br />

over time.<br />

Chest currently runs two options strategies to generate yields: Covered<br />

call - Vault writes out of the money-covered calls. Put selling - Vault<br />

writes out of the money puts.<br />

All the options are cash-settled at the end of each week and the<br />

generated yield is given back to investors in its native asset.<br />

TVL and History<br />

Chest Finance is the original structured products provider on Solana<br />

that first launched both put-selling and stable coin staking in the<br />

ecosystem. Since November 2021, the team has managed over 100M<br />

$ in cumulative assets and has previously reached over $12 M in<br />

active assets under management. Since then, Chest has continued<br />

to introduce new vaults and strategies while partnering up with both<br />

protocols and DAOs to bring boosted yield to token protocols, group<br />

treasuries & more!<br />

How to Stake?<br />

To start earning boosted yield, you can navigate to chest.fi whereby<br />

connecting your wallet you can access the available Chests. The weekly<br />

staking period begins every Friday during which funds are locked in the<br />

chest while earning yield. The deposits can be made all throughout the<br />

week and will be included in the next vault.<br />

Stake here: https://chest.fi/<br />

Read our docs for more info: https://docs.chest.fi/<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45 67


sayoor<br />

@sayoor45<br />

introducing<br />

STEP-N<br />

Binance announced the launch of GMT on first March, 2022. To know<br />

the origin of GMT, we must first have information about STEPN.<br />

STEPN is a web3 lifestyle<br />

application where<br />

users move-to- earn.<br />

players are equipped<br />

with a special NFT<br />

inform of Sneakers. It<br />

aims to inspire millions<br />

to engage in healthier<br />

lifestyles by bringing<br />

them into the Web 3.0<br />

world while contributing<br />

positively to carbon<br />

neutrality.<br />

70<br />

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GST is earned when a player runs, walks or jogs outside. GMT is<br />

earned from a particular sneaker level. The team launched its public<br />

beta in late December 2021.<br />

GST Earnings are not static as<br />

certain conditions can cause it to<br />

fluctuate<br />

Sneaker Efficiency (Low Durability<br />

affects Efficiency).<br />

1. GPS signal - users will earn<br />

less if GPS signal is poor.<br />

2. Mobile Data signal strength<br />

and stability –<br />

3. Randomization.<br />

The app is available for download<br />

in play store.<br />

It has built-in wallet and built-in<br />

marketplace where players can which to sell or lease their NFT sneaker.<br />

And swap their GST to usdc or sol.<br />


1.Download STEPN from playstore<br />

2. Sign up for STEPN(requires email)<br />

3. Create new wallet<br />

4. Transfer solana to your in-app wallet<br />

5. Purchase a sneaker :Ensure you have enough SOL for the purchase.<br />


Users start the game with 2/2 Energy. Max Energy Caps at 20/20. Users<br />

can increase their Energy by getting more or higher quality Sneakers.<br />

Users start the game with a 5/5 Daily GST Cap. The Daily Token<br />

Cap maxes out at 300 GST and 15 GMT.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45 71


No two Sneakers can have the same attribute.<br />

In fact the factors that affect GST Earnings include:<br />

Total energy, movement speed, sneaker(Type, Attributes, Quality, level)<br />

Gem(Type, Level, and inserted Socket Quality, NFT badages<br />

Level of sneaker can be improved by burning GST Earnings. At maximum<br />

level, users need to choose between earning GST or GMT<br />

GMT earning is obtainable at sneaker level 30.<br />


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$CHEST Token & Basic Game<br />

Features Overview (1/4)<br />

By Treasure Island (prev. Chest)<br />

$CHEST Whitepaper — Part One<br />

Chest Finance was the first ever structured products vault to launch on Solana<br />

on November 18th, 2021. Since then, Chest v1 has processed over 6 different<br />

chests, consistently earning over 10–50% yield for stakers, and processing over<br />

$150M+ in volume, without selling any tokens to VCs.<br />

On January 18th, Treasure Island (Chest v2) was born, alongside our first<br />

generation of DeFi Pirate NFTs. Treasure Island is the natural evolution from<br />

Chest v1, from pure DeFi yield protocol, to GameFi ecosystem, where utility<br />

NFTs meet DeFi in the Treasure Island metaverse. Powering the entire<br />

ecosystem would be the $CHEST token, the DeFi Sea Council DAO, and<br />

gameplay/utility-driven NFT characters and loot. Players will be able to make<br />

the Islands their home, go on quests, farm loot, discover hidden treasures, sail

the DeFi seas for new land, and engage in PvP battles, all while staking their<br />

yield in real DeFi protocols, earning lending APY, and trading across DEXs.<br />

So is it a game or a DeFi protocol?<br />

It’s neither, and both at the same time. It’s a new experience and merger<br />

between traditional games and pure DeFi yields. It’s Treasure Island.<br />

Gaming brought us into crypto, and DeFi brought us into finance, and now it’s<br />

time for them to work together in harmony. We envision a world where the<br />

metaverse, games, NFTs, work hand-in-hand with DeFi. Traditional finance<br />

locks users from their own liquidity, while traditional gaming isolates value<br />

away from the players. Treasure Island is here to change that. It’s an all<br />

encompassing universe for users to earn from real DeFi yield, while<br />

experiencing a brand new gaming experience, one powered by NFTs and direct<br />

yield generation.<br />

$CHEST Whitepaper<br />

The $CHEST whitepaper will be published into multiple parts, and released in<br />

its full length once the last section is published.<br />

1. $CHEST Token and Basic Game features: The first part is being released<br />

under this article and will talk about $CHEST token utility, distribution,<br />

and basic gameplay features.<br />

2. In-Depth Gameplay and Characters: This section will dive into every<br />

section of gameplay (from DeFi, to PvP), and detail character traits, and<br />

character generation.<br />

3. DAO governance: This section will elaborate on how the DeFi Sea Council<br />

will rule over the Treasure Island metaverse, and how players can<br />

participate in reform and policy enacting.<br />

4. Development and metaverse roadmap: The final section will provide a<br />

clear development and metaverse roadmap, with expected feature and

gameplay release estimates.<br />

An in-depth guide and wiki will also be released, first to our Discord users,<br />

alongside support channels.<br />

$CHEST Token<br />

The $CHEST Token will power the future of Treasure Island. $CHEST is the<br />

voting and access token to the DeFi Sea Council, where Pirates and Players can<br />

cast their votes, enact change, and reform policies. Owning $CHEST will enable<br />

exclusive features in-game, and be a valued commodity in the Treasure Island<br />

world.<br />

$CHEST was designed with a community first model. For that reason, no<br />

$CHEST has been allocated to VCs in any private round. Instead, they go<br />

directly to early supporters, NFT holders, and the wider community.<br />

$CHEST Tokenomics<br />

Total supply: 100bn<br />

48% is reserved for the community, where 12% is reserved for NFT holders<br />

who own a gen. 0 DeFi Pirate, vested linearly over a year, and 12% reserved<br />

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for early staker retroactive airdrops, which is also vested linearly over a<br />

year.<br />

24% is reserved for an upcoming community IDO, which is directly<br />

unlocked.<br />

24% is reserved for the core team, which is also vested linearly over a year.<br />

0% is reserved for VCs, as is Treasure Island’s commitment to be a<br />

metaverse for the people.<br />

The treasury is used for Chest emissions to stakers, makers, and ecosystem<br />

expansion plans, as voted by the DAO. 0.5% is currently earmarked for<br />

maker emissions up until the IDO, at which point the DAO will vote on<br />

future maker emissions.<br />

You will notice the “subject to DAO vote” options. One of the first action items<br />

after the IDO will be to hold a vote on what the DAO thinks the Treasury<br />

allocation should be, which would affect the rest of the token distribution. The<br />

DAO can choose to keep the starting nomics, or one of the 3 other options. If<br />

the vote results in a change of nomics distribution, more tokens will be minted<br />

to rebalance to the desired distribution.<br />

Details of the upcoming IDO sale will be announced soon in a separate<br />

announcement.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #45 81

Basic Game Features<br />

This section will go over the foundational basic gameplay blocks. This is in no<br />

way an exhaustive list, but is what players can expect to see in the first releases.<br />

Tavern<br />

The Tavern is ran by ol’ George. It’s where players can go to find Quest<br />

Masters, and or cooldown with a cold beer.<br />

Quest Masters are seasoned sailors and pirates who are well connected in the<br />

Treasure Island universe, and have a list of bounties and quests to offer to<br />

players. Upon completion, players may be rewarded handsomely. Quest<br />

Masters come in and out, some might offer better terms than others.<br />

Ol’ George also offers a Treasure Island home-brewed selection of beers, that<br />

may or may not provide players with certain experiences…

Town Hall<br />

The Town Hall is where the DeFi Sea Council meets to vote on proposals, enact changes,<br />

and reform policies. Established since the early days of Treasure Island, the Town Hall is a<br />

sacred place where the highest level of discourse and decision making can be expected.<br />

Players may attend town hall meetings to receive updates on the latest from the Treasure<br />

Island verse.<br />

Moneylender Hut<br />

The Moneylender Hut, ran by Jack the Stack, is where players can go to either lend their<br />

assets and earn passive yield, borrow new tokens, and or stake into riskier structured<br />

products offered by different DeFi protocols. While Jack the Stack appears as a single<br />

person, it is often rumored that the name actually represent an organization of shadow<br />

bankers, and that the person acting as Jack the Stack is but a paid face. If only one day the<br />

secret is revealed…<br />

Market<br />

The Market is where players can go to trade, buy and sell their loot. Loot is sold on an<br />

open market between players. Loot can include anything from rare gems, to farming tools,<br />

to weapons, upgrade crystals, and more. Supply and demand rules!<br />

Shipyard<br />

The Shipyard is where players can go to trade, buy, sell, and or upgrade ships. With a ship,<br />

players will be able to sail the DeFi Seas to discover new lands or treasure. Players can<br />

also purchase building materials from the Market to construct a ship from scratch.<br />

Exchange House (Coin Master)<br />

The Exchange House, ran by the Coin Master (who’s name is still yet to be known today),<br />

is where players can go to swap their tokens on a DEX, and or trade derivatives and other<br />

financial instruments.

Greenhouse<br />

The Greenhouse is where players can farm their tokens for increased yield.<br />

And more…<br />

Cave, Portal, Dock, Shooting range, Volcano, and so much more coming soon…<br />

What’s next?<br />

In the next whitepaper sections, we will cover in-depth gameplay mechanics<br />

(movement, characters, rarity, maps, and more).<br />

Stay up to date here:<br />

Discord: discord.gg/chest<br />

Twitter: https://twitter.com/chestfinance








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