Three Exhibitions at Godinymayin

To celebrate 2022 International Women's Day, Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre is presenting three unique exhibitions from 1`0 March to 23 April 2022. We are proud to partner with Merrepen Arts to present We are Strong Women - Ngagurr awa falmi, lurrity napa ngannim in the Lambert Gallery, and with the Strong Women for Healthy Country Network to present the photographic exhibition Healing Country and Community in the Laneway Gallery. And to round out the trio, thanks to the creative work of 30 local women, our K Space gallery is featuring the Women of Kath-ryn exhibition.

To celebrate 2022 International Women's Day, Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre is presenting three unique exhibitions from 1`0 March to 23 April 2022. We are proud to partner with Merrepen Arts to present We are Strong Women - Ngagurr awa falmi, lurrity napa ngannim in the Lambert Gallery, and with the Strong Women for Healthy Country Network to present the photographic exhibition Healing Country and Community in the Laneway Gallery. And to round out the trio, thanks to the creative work of 30 local women, our K Space gallery is featuring the Women of Kath-ryn exhibition.


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Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre is all about

expressing who we are, celebrating culture, connecting artists

and audiences, and making our community more creative. We’re

always looking for ways to do that. This project has been

developed as a visual festival of the many female faces, stories, and

leaders in our region—as our contribution to International Women's

Day 2022. Each participating artist is expressing who we are.

Developed by Godinymayin and our community partners, the Women

of Kath-ryne project was led by board members and coordinators

Toni Tapp Coutts and Siobhan Mackay. The commuinty art project

began a few months ago when they invited over 30 local women to

make new works of art inspired by women important to them.

Thanks to a generous grant from the Northern Territory Government,

our organisation provided a blank canvas and art supplies to each

participant and asked them to create something special to present at

the Centre. Three dozen women form across our region accepted the

challege and began making new art.

In this exhibition, viewers will find stories, paintings, photographs,

collage, and even textiles—a collective visual celebration for 2022

International Women's Day. Each participant was asked to think about

a heroic woman in her life—somebody who has made an impact on

their view of the world.

With canvas and paint supplies, they added mixed-media,

photography, collage, textiles, and anything else that would reveal an

inspiration, a mentor, an important person. We welcome you in to

meet the Women of Kath-ryne—and in each canvas, discover the

stories that fill the canvas.

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